Hello, List!

I want to test RFT and now I'm trying to run 'crft' command line tool. I run
globus-gridftp-server and Globus container. But when I try to run crft,
I get the following:

./globus-crft -c -s -m -vb -f $GLOBUS_LOCATION/testTransfer.txt -e

Communicating with delegation service.
Creating the RFT service.
Starting the RFT service.
Waiting for the RFT transfers to complete.
Authentication with credential only failed on server test2.iGroup [Caused
by: Server refused performing the request. Custom message: Bad password.
(error code 1) [Nested exception message: Custom message: Unexpected reply:
530-Login incorrect. : globus_gss_assist: Gridmap lookup failure: Could not
map /O=Grid/OU/OU=igroup/CN=test2.igroup
530 End.]]

Transfered 0 of 1 | Status: Failed

It looks like I have an incorrect grid-mapfile. Here is the
/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile content:

"/O=Grid/OU/OU=igroup/CN=test2.igroup" ssedai

All the components I ran by "ssedai" user. Also I have initiated GRIDMAP
system variable. Google and GT mailing lists says nothing for my problem
(i.e. similar problems are connected with REALLY incorrect grid-mapfile,
where some symbols are missed).
May be 'crft' tool uses an another gridmap file, but I have no idea how to
establish it.
All the information wiil be appreciated)
Thanks in advance!

Sergey Smolov

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