I only discovered TiddlyWiki - and then d3 - yesterday, but they look
perfect for a couple of things.

I am trying to set d3 up with some projects and activities, but things
aren't happening quite how I would have expected.  I presume I am
misunderstanding something.

When I initially create an action inside a project, it is created with
the 'unfiled' tag.  If I then open up the action and hit the context
button and assign a context, it seems to leave the unfiled tag in
place, so the action is both in a context and unfiled at the same
time.  Is this to be expected?

I have some projects which after I have created an action in them, I
realised that action needed to be a project, so I 'projectify' it.
This leaves the original project without any actions.  I would
therefore have expected it to appear in the summary review as a
project without actions, but it doesn't appear in any review.  Is that
to be expected?

Lastly, not an issue, but just a comment - I am using this on Linux.
When I open the file in epiphany when some automatic saving occurs (I
think) it closes all the open tiddlers, and I am just left with the
tiddlers in DefaultTiddlers.  If I switch to Iceweasel (I am on Debian
which has renamed Firefox), this problem goes away.

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