Note, to point 1 (removing "Make Tickler"): If you do want to set a
due-date for a project (which is more logical than making it a
tickler), edit "TitleButtons", section "!Project", and add a span as
the last line of the following div (as shown):

<div macro="hideWhenTagged Complete" style="padding-top:0.25em;padding-
  <span macro="multiToggleTag ProjectStatus longVersion:on"></span>
  <span macro="multiSelectTag Priority allowNone:on"></span>
  <span macro="toggleTag Recurring . ."></span>
  <!-- Give projects a due-date -->
  <span style="float: right; clear: none;"><span class="label">Due
date:</span><br/><span macro="dateChooser"></span></span>

On Jan 30, 11:43 am, David Szego <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've made some changes in "TitleButtons", to give a more "businessy",
> Project-centric view of things.
> 1. I removed "Make tickler" from Project views - a project (being a
> list of tasks, contacts, and references, etc.) shouldn't likely be
> made into a tickler. A particular *task* could, but that's been
> addressed better by adding a due-date to a task and creating an
> "Overdue" list view in the Dashboards.
> In "TitleButtons", section "!Project":
>   <!-- div class="floatright" macro="convertToFromTickler"><br/></div
> -->
> 2. I changed the Contacts list to show "Primary" (i.e. the Project
> Manager) using the drop-down, and "Associated" using [C] instead of
> >> :
> In "TitleButtons", section "!Project":
>   <div class="floatleft"><span class="label">Subproject of</
> span>:<br><span macro="multiSelectTag Project allowNone:on"></
> span><span macro="linkToParent Project"></span></div>
>   <!-- Contacts -->
>   <div class="floatleft" style="clear: left;">
>     <span class="label">Primary contact:</span><br>
>     <span macro="multiSelectTag Contact allowNone:on"></span>
>   </div>
>   <div class="floatleft" style="clear: none;">
>     <span class="label">Associated Contacts:</span><br>
>     <span macro="linkToParent Contact '[C]' [[%0]]"></span>
>   </div>
>   <div class="clearboth"></div>
> 3. I've replaced generic >> arrows as a general clean-up to
> "TitleButtons", wherever I found "linkToParent". To do this, I've
> added:
>         '[C]' for Contact
>         '[A]' for Area
>         '[P]' for Project
>         '[!]' for Priority
>         '[@]' for Context
> For instance:
>    <span macro="linkToParent Contact"></span>
> becomes:
>    <span macro="linkToParent Contact '[C]'"></span>
> Hope this helps,
> David Szego

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