Re: New version of TrashPlugin - now honours dontDelete tag

2012-02-19 Thread David Szego
One other way to do this:

In your !ViewTemplateToolbar slice from your theme, use:

span macro=hideWhenTagged dontDeletespan class='toolbar'
macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'/span/span
span macro=showWhenTagged dontDeletespan class='toolbar'
macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::NoDelViewToolbar]]'/span/span

and in your ToolbarCommands Tiddler, have a table row like:

|~NoDelViewToolbar|closeTiddler closeOthers attachFile +editTiddler
easyEdit jump  bookmarks +cloneTiddler fields syncing permalink
references newHere|

...where there's no delete command.

This also gets around Eric's well-founded objection of no user
feedback when clicking delete in the previous suggestion
(TrashPlugin update).

David Szego

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New version of TrashPlugin - now honours dontDelete tag

2012-02-12 Thread David Szego
Oddly, exactly 6 years after the last version, I've added a feature to
Ido Magal's TrashPlugin. Now the Delete button won't do anything on
Tiddlers tagged with dontDelete.

This is a great way to prevent critical Tiddlers (system, themes, css,
etc.) from getting accidentally wiped!

David Szego

|''Version:''|1.1.1 (Feb 12, 2012) |
|''Author:''|Ido Magal (idoXatXidomagalXdotXcom)|
|''Licence:''|[[BSD open source license]]|

This plugin provides trash bin functionality.  Instead of being
permanently removed, deleted tiddlers are tagged with Trash.  Empty
the trash by clicking on the emptyTrash button in the [[Trash]]
tiddler. Holding down CTRL while clicking on delete will bypass the

!Installation instructions
Create a new tiddler in your wiki and copy the contents of this
tiddler into it.  Name it the same and tag it with [[systemConfig]].
Save and reload your wiki.

!Uninstallation instructions
1. Empty the [[Trash]] ( emptyTrash )
2. Delete this tiddler.

!Revision history
* V1.1.1 (Feb. 12, 2012)
** Added dontDelete as an exception tag to prevent things from being
* V1.1.0 (Dec 12, 2006)
** added movedMsg (feedback when tiddler is tagged as Trash)
** make sure tiddler actually exists before tagging it with Trash
** fetch correct tiddler before checking for systemConfig tag
* V1.0.3TT.1 (TiddlyTools variant) (Dec 11, 2006)
** don't create Trash tiddler until needed
** remove Trash tiddler when no trash remains
** don't tag Trash tiddler with TrashPlugin
** moved all user-visible strings to variables so they can be
translated by 'lingo' plugins
** use displayMessage() instead of alert()
* v1.0.3 (Dec 11, 2006)
** Fixed broken reference to core deleteTiddler.
** Now storing reference to core deleteTiddler in emptyTrash macro.
** Reduced deleteTiddler hijacking to only the handler.
* v1.0.2 (Dec 11, 2006)
** EmptyTrash now uses removeTiddler instead of deleteTiddler.
** Supports trashing systemConfig tiddlers (adds systemConfigDisable
* v1.0.1 (Dec 10, 2006)
** Replaced TW version with proper Core reference.
** Now properly hijacking deleteTiddler command.
* v1.0.0 (Dec 10, 2006)
** First draft.

!To Do
* Make trash keep only n days worth of garbage.
* Add undo.
* rename deleted tiddlers?


config.macros.emptyTrash =
tag: Trash,
preventionTag: dontDelete,
movedMsg: '%0' has been tagged as '%1',
label: empty trash,
tooltip: Delete items tagged as %0 that are older than %1 days old,
emptyMsg: The trash is empty.,
noneToDeleteMsg: There are no items in the trash older than %0
confirmMsg: The following tiddlers will be deleted:\n\n'%0'\n\nIs it
OK to proceed?,
deletedMsg: Deleted '%0',

handler: function
( place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler )
var namedParams = (paramString.parseParams(daysOld))[0];
var daysOld = namedParams['daysOld'] ? 
namedParams['daysOld'][0] :
0; // default
var buttonTitle = namedParams['title'] ? 
namedParams['title'][0] :
createTiddlyButton ( place, buttonTitle,
this.tooltip.format([ config.macros.emptyTrash.tag,daysOld ]),
this.emptyTrash( daysOld ));

emptyTrash: function( daysOld )
return function()
var collected = [];
var compareDate = new Date();
compareDate.setDate( compareDate.getDate() - daysOld );
store.forEachTiddler(function ( title,tiddler )
if ( tiddler.tags.contains( 
config.macros.emptyTrash.tag ) 
tiddler.modified  compareDate )
collected.push( title );

if ( collected.length == 0 )
if ( daysOld == 0 )
config.macros.emptyTrash.emptyMsg );

displayMessage( config.macros.emptyTrash.emptyMsg.format( [daysOld] ) );
else {
if (
confirm( config.macros.emptyTrash.confirmMsg.format( [collected.join( ',
' )] ) ) )
for ( var i=0;icollected.length;i++ )
collected[i] );

displayMessage( config.macros.emptyTrash.deletedMsg.format( [collected[i]] ) );