Drawing data from cairo surface to a pixbuf

2008-06-17 Thread Luka Napotnik

I have a problem with loading data that I got from an cairo image
surface with cairo_image_surface_get_data(). I got the data with:
long width, height, len;
char *data, *data_tmp;

data_tmp = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);
width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface);
stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width);
height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface);
data = g_malloc(stride * height);
memcpy(data, data_tmp, stride * height);
len = stride * height;

Then I try to load that data with PixbufLoader:
loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new();
gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(loader, data, len, error);

But loading from data failed with error unknown image file format.

Is there another way to load that data? Please help.

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Re: [Usability] UI design question

2008-06-17 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Hi Dave

Dave Foster wrote on 16/06/08 19:49:
 I've come up with 5 distinct actions this dialog should have.  The
 actions are as follows:
 - Create a new theme
 - Create a new theme based on an existing theme
 - Open an existing theme
 - Edit current theme
 - Open last edited theme
 (the last two items will have text inserted at run time to explain what
 those theme names are)

My first thought is: That list of actions doesn't seem to include
anything that requires it to be a dialog. Could it be an ordinary window

 I thought the best way to do this was a radio button group, as it would
 show all the available actions neatly on one screen. The problem is,
 there is additional information that needs to be taken in depending on
 what is selected.  For the top two items (both creates), a theme name
 must be given in a text box.  For the create new based on existing and
 open existing, a theme needs to be selected from a list of themes.

So you're thinking of something like this?
|: Do Something Involving Themes |
| (*) Create a new theme from scratch|
| Named: []  |
| ( ) Create a new theme based on: [Midnight Madness :^] |
| Named: []  |
| ( ) Open the last edited theme (Twilight of the Dogs)  |
| ( ) Open a different theme:  [Midnight Madness :^] |
| ( ) Edit the current theme (Fruity Blues)  |
|  ( Cancel ) ((  OK  )) |

 Because of these additional controls, I don't know how to lay this
 dialog out so that the user can see that the listbox and textbox are
 dependant on selections in the radio group.

The mockup above is a minimal example of how to lay it out, but it's
obviously not great, because it's quite repetitive.

You could reduce the repetition a bit by grouping the two creation
options together:

| (*) Create a new theme |
| Named: []  |
| (*) Start it from scratch  |
| ( ) Base it on: [Midnight Madness :^]  |

And you could get rid of Open the last edited theme by just making the
last-edited theme the default value for the Open a theme command:

| ( ) Open a theme: [Twilight of the Dogs :^]|

But that you were using radio buttons for highly disparate immediate
actions would still be pretty awkward. (Like the Shut Down dialog in
Windows 95/98.)

 Another idea is to use a drop down, which could be put above the
 textbox/listbox, and have those go sensitive/insensitive as appropriate,
 but i feel that masks the user from seeing the possibilities of
 opening/creating themes.

Right. (Like the Shut Down dialog in Windows 2000.)

 Yet one more idea is to use a multiple screen approach, with simple
 buttons that have nice icons that indiciate which action to take, and
 have a second dialog then ask for the required information such as a
 name or existing theme, but i feel multiple screens is a bit wizardy and
 not needed.
 Any thoughts?  thanks all.

I think your basic difficulty is that you're thinking verb - object:
presenting a list of actions, and then asking for a choice of theme

Instead, try thinking object - verb: present the list of themes first,
with the actions afterwards. Like this:
|(x): Themes :(-)|
| [] Fruity Blues  |A|
|:[]:Midnight Madness::|:|
| [] Twilight of the Dogs  |:|
|  |:|
|  |:|
|  |:|
|(New...) (Duplicate...) (Edit...) ( Open )  |

This is much calmer, even while it lets you see the complete list of
themes at a glance (which the radio-button-based design wouldn't).

Here's what would happen to the previous options:
*   Create a new theme -  New..., then type its name into the
newly-created table row.

Re: GTK 3.0: an app developer's view

2008-06-17 Thread Martyn Russell
Allin Cottrell wrote:
 Sorry for cross-posting, but I think this does cross gtk-devel and 
 gtk-app-devel: it's the thoughts of a common-or-garden app 
 developer following the dicussions on gtk-devel about what's 
 coming with GTK 3.0.
 As a starting point, on June 5, in the thread Steps to get to 
 GTK+ 3.0, Martyn Russell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Many applications didn't make the change [from GTK 1.2 to GTK 2] 
 because it meant rewriting a lot of code. Unless my applications 
 are using some evil voodoo they shouldn't be using, I don't expect 
 the transition from GTK+ 2.x to 3.x to take much time at all.
 As an app developer who did take the trouble to re-write a lot of 
 code in the transition 1.2 - 2.0, I wonder about this statement. 

I did too, I had several applications which had to make the transition
and it wasn't a quick job.

 (Note: In my understanding, one key difference between GTK 2.0 and 
 3.0 is that all the APIs deprecated in 2.0 will be removed in 3.0; 
 If I'm wrong about that, please tell me!)
 What's the status of the portion of the GTK API that was not 
 deprecated from the get-go with GTK 2.0, but joined the deprecated 
 list later, after 2.4?  I'm thinking in particular of 
 GtkItemFactory: if I'm remembering right, that was still kosher 
 when GTK 2.0 appeared.

I just put together quickly a few lists of ALL things marked as
deprecated right now. GtkItemFactory is in that list. It will be removed
(as I understand it) in 3.0 as will everything else that is marked as

These lists give you an idea of how much dead code is left in GTK+ right
now and why it is so hard to maintain with it lying around.

This list is in no way conclusive, it is literally those I looked up in
all .h files in the gtk/ directory. There may be others.

 Moreover, the new 
 code would be less efficient than the old (lots of strcmp as 
 opposed to just looking at integer values from an enumeration).

If you find the loading speed so bad that it is affecting performance of
your application, please file a bug. If this is not the case, I think
the benefits of a *readable* XML format outweigh the inefficiency you
talk about.

 In addition, I'm not 100% convinced of the virtues of defining a 
 UI in XML as opposed to via an array of C structs (having both 
 options would be nice).  

Glade has been doing this for years. It is much quicker for an
application developer to use Glade to define menus, windows, dialogs,
etc than it is to code then *statically*. I say statically because you
don't need to recompile your program to change some slight detail of the
menu layout or labelling. This bears a huge advantage as far as I am

 Gtk-demo has an example where the UI is 
 defined via a chunk of XML inlined as a C string.  This really 
 sucks, and would be a maintenence nightmare in any real app.  

What kind of real application are you talking about?

I have written many in my time and I use glade for most of them (which
uses an XML format for not only the menus but all window layouts). I
don't find it a maintenance nightmare at all, in fact it is quite the

 OK, I don't want to be too negative about GtkUIManager; it surely 
 has its advantages.  But I am concerned about the possibility that 
 GtkItemFactory will disappear: 

It is a certainty from what I can see.

 this API is not evil voodoo, IMO, 
 and I don't suppose that mine is the only GTK 2 app that uses it 
 rather extensively.

I too have had to move from GtkItemFactory to the new GtkUIManager. It
wasn't great, but it is needed. I am not saying GtkItemFactory is evil
voodoo either, I am just saying there are some things in GTK+ that just
need to be removed and there are some things application developers are
*able* to do as a result of not sealing structures with proper APIs.

I should add at this point too, that the GtkItemFactory has been marked
as deprecated for some time (since GTK+ 2.4) and the documentation has
explicitly said so too. So you have had plenty of time to update your
application and/or bring your concerns forward about this.

Please do not feel like we don't care about application developers here,
many of us are application developers and know we too will have
transitions to make for our software where we switch from deprecated APIs.


Re: GTK 3.0: an app developer's view

2008-06-17 Thread Paul LeoNerd Evans
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:05:28 +0100
Martyn Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Glade has been doing this for years. It is much quicker for an
 application developer to use Glade to define menus, windows, dialogs,
 etc than it is to code then *statically*. I say statically because you
 don't need to recompile your program to change some slight detail of the
 menu layout or labelling. This bears a huge advantage as far as I am

It's a trend everyone has been making for years, and I very much support
it. 20 years ago, everyone was hand-coding assembly routines. 10 years
ago, C was king. Today, more and more behaviour is moving into higher
level constructs, softcode, bytecode interpreters, etc..

This is a good thing. CPUs get faster all the time. Memory and hard
disks get bigger and cheaper all the time. Programmers only ever get more
expensive. Engineering is always about tradeoffs between resources. The
resources we have are both computer, and programmer. Because the former
keeps getting faster and cheaper, it makes sense every so often to have a
shift of ideas, a great move where we decide the computer is good
enough to take on what we now decide is the boring menial tasks we
as programmers can't be bothered to do.

30 years ago, everyone hand-picked their registers for individual
assembly statements. Nowadays, I bet most programmers couldn't even
identify the register-colouring algorithm in their compiler; it's
something that's just done for them. Who's to say what, in 20 or 30 years
time, compilers and other programmer tools will be doing for us. I
suspect very strongly that building UIs automatically around some
description of the task to be solved, will fall under their remit.

Paul LeoNerd Evans

ICQ# 4135350   |  Registered Linux# 179460
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

location of gdk-pixbuf.loaders

2008-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am trying to pack a minimal set of files in one directory
right enough to execute my app using gtk/win32.

So, I tried to avoid the use of any of gtk's config files in
etc/, lib/, share/, ... which can not be put into
subdirectories though AFAIK. So, I simply deleted them which
seems o.k. for gtk+ and works fine. Similar I replaced gtkrc
by using gtk_rc_parse_string() directly from the code.

However, I fail to do the same for the image loaders
(libpixbufloader-xpm.dll in my case).

First, I haven't found any other way to tell gtk+ which
loaders to load but by using the in-file solution
'gdk-pixbuf.loaders'. With gtk_rc_parse_string() I can set
pixmap_path=., however this does of course not tell what
loaders to load.

Second, I haven't found any way to tell gtk+ to search
the file 'gdk-pixbuf.loaders' in my current directory.
Instead, gtk+ wants it in ../etc/gtk-2.0/.

Here some options that would solve the problem but which I
can't use here:

* Since my app shall run without an installer I can't
  set any env vars first like GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE.
  And I would not like to create a shell script/batch file
  to set the env var since that can be changed and has other
  unwanted effects.

* Writing a small executable to set env vars and then
  launch the real app is possible but makes it e.g. hard
  to run the app using a debugger and such.

Is there an easier solution to load the pixbuf image

Thank You


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Slow treemodel loading

2008-06-17 Thread Jeffrey Barish
The solution was to perform the sort myself.  The update is now nearly 20x
Jeffrey Barish

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