Signal of a button dynamically created

2013-10-28 Thread Borja Mon Serrano

I'm building a popup window that has a Gtk::Grid inside it. The first row
has a form with three Gtk::Entry and a button to add the information to the
program. The rest of the rows has the items created before in that way
(just with Gtk::Label) and a button to remove the information. Like this:

| Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Button (add)  |
|--- rows dynamically added --|
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |
| Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Label | Gtk::Button (remove) |

The point here is: how can I know what button was pressed in order to
remove a row?

Thanks! :)

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Signal of a button dynamically created

2013-10-28 Thread Borja Mon Serrano
Thank you all guys, you're incredible! :)

I've finally implemented the Jon Zabala's answer, I think it's the easiest.

Thank you again!!
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Loading glade in a weird way

2013-09-16 Thread Borja Mon Serrano
Hi all!

I'm developing an application using gtkmm with glade. The problem that I
have is that when the main window is loaded, another window appears and it
is the practical main window, that is to say, if you close that window you
close the program. I attach an image of what is happening at [1].

I followed the steps at [2] to create my application and, then, I created a
class that implements a Window loads all the widgets as in [3]. I don't
want to have a main program that loads all the widgets because I don't want
to have shared memory with the widgets (buttons, dialogs, etc.), so I
thought that was the best way to implement a window loaded with glade.

The code of my application is at [4]. The main.cpp file is like the
HelloWorld example and visualhfsm.cpp is the class that implements a
Gtk::Window and loads the glade file. I don't know what I'm doing wrong,
could you please give me a pointer in order to solve my problem? :)

Thank you very much,


[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Items on canvas disappear after saving file with filechooser dialog

2013-09-06 Thread Borja Mon Serrano
Hi all,

I'm developing an app to create hierarchical finite state machines for a
robot platform. For this app I need to save the automata designed in a xml
file, so I launch a filechooser dialog when the user picks in the save
button. Then, for saving the file, I iterate into the data structure to
save every property of each node and transition and it saves the file
correctly, but when the filechooser dialog closes, the canvas hides all
the items and I cannot see them (although I know they are already stored in
the data structure).

I tried to show all the items again (using its properties) and repaint the
canvas using update(), but nothing happened. Do you know what am I doing


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mouse events on a Cairo Context

2013-07-03 Thread Borja Mon Serrano

Thank you for your help, guys. Finally I tried with goocanvasmm and
everything works fine, as I wanted. There are some simple examples in the
libgoocanvasmm-2.0-doc package for Ubuntu, so I could deal with the problem
:) The most similar example there is moving_shapes.

Thank you!
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mouse events on a Cairo Context

2013-07-01 Thread Borja Mon Serrano
Hi Colomban

 This is probably the simplest solution, it's meant for this kind of things.

 4 - Handle the events yourself:  listen to the
 button-press-event/button-release-event of your DrawingArea and do the
 math to know whether the click is on your circle or not.  Maybe Cairo
 has this kind of thing, like is that point in that shape, not sure.

The problem with (4) is dragdrop. I think it could be very difficult to
deal with it, so I'm going to try the third solution, with goocanvasmm. Do
you know any example of use of goocanvasmm?

Thank you! :)
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Mouse events on a Cairo Context

2013-06-30 Thread Borja Mon Serrano
Hi all,

I'm developing an application with C++ and GTK3 but I'm stucked. I've
created a visual application with glade which has three columns and one of
them, the middle one, is a DrawingArea. In that DrawingArea I want to draw
some circles at the point I want to after pressing a button and have
different mouse events on that circles (like drag and drop, double click,
right click...). I've made the first thing (draw a circle after pressing a
button) following the official
but the problem is that I don't know how to do the mouse events, but I
thought about it and I have some different solutions (I don't know if they
are the bests solutions or maybe there are better):

1 - I think the best way is to create a signal to the cairomm context, but
I didn't see anything to do that. Maybe the way would be to create a cairo
surface or something like that.

2 - Every time I click to create a circle, I would have to create a gtk
widget in which I can handle mouse events. The problem here is that I think
it is impossible to put a widget on a DrawingArea, is it possible?

3 - Use goocanvasmm. The problem here is that goocanvasmm has a little
documentation and I think
this is not the best solution, I prefer to use cairomm.

This application was written in C using GTK2, and the circles were drawn
using gnomecanvas, adding signals in an easy way to each circle; and now
I'm moving this application to C++ and GTK3 to renew it.

I'm very new to GTK (and graphical interfaces in general), but I looked for
solutions for hours and I don't know what is the best way in order to
continue my work. I also looked for similar messages in this list, but I
didn't find it.

Although I think the best way is the first option, I tried to make the
second because I think it is the regular way. Anyway, if you know how to
deal with this problem, could you give me an example of how to do that?

Thank you for your help :)
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