Re: GTK+ 2.0/3.0 Windows runtimes

2018-10-23 Thread Dov Grobgeld via gtk-app-devel-list

I am maintaining several gtk2 applications for windows that I'm cross
compiling from Linux. I'm using Fedora for the cross compilation and the
way I'm working is as follows:

   - Install the necessary mingw64 packages through dnf
   - Install mingw32-nsis for the generation of a windows Installer for
   your application on Linux.

Compile with the cross compilation environment of your choice. E.g. you can
use automake through the script mingw64-configure . Personally I'm using
scons where I manually set up all the compilation and linkage environments,

For an example see my image viewer giv at .

Regarding gtk3 and gtk2, nobody is removing gtk2 for the foreseeable
future, and you can continue using it as long as you see fit. One of the
"big" cross platform gtk applications, inkscape, is still using gtk2. On
the other hand if you want the new functionality of gtk3, go ahead and
port, and you can cross compile for Windows in the same method.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:26 AM John Mills  wrote:

> Hello list
> If this question should be raised on another list, please let me know.
> I have been developing a C-language GTK+ 2.0 application for MS Windows 10
> using mingw
> cross-compilation on Linux, and deploying it by installing the Windows
> GTK+ 2.0 runtime
> bundle on the Windows machine.
> The procedure was: on Linux development machine, unzip the gtk Windows
> bundle in a directory
> with the C source, set up a Makefile with the appropriate CFLAGS and
> LDFLAGS, 'make mingw'
> and deploy the EXE. This procedure suited my development style.
> Do I now need to port to GTK+ 3?
> Is MSYS2 now the best/only way to deploy the dependencies to Windows?
> Using the binaries available through MSYS2/pacman, can I still develop on
> Linux and deploy
> mingw executables to Windows?
> Can anyone point me to a guide for doing that?
> Thank you
> John Mills
> ___
> gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
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Re: IDE to develop app with GTK3 on windows using MSYS2

2018-05-07 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Why don't you cross compile from Linux to Windows?

I have for years maintained several gtk based applications, including the
building of installers for windows through make-nsis, and done everything
from Linux.


On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 10:30 AM, arkkimede  wrote:

> Hi!
> I need an advice:
> I written apps on Linux with GTK3 using essentially vi and Makefile to
> build the project splitten in multiple C files with the corresponding H
> file.
> Now I would migrate on WIndows 10 by means of MSYS2.
> There is an IDE (better if open source) that I can use instean to follow to
> use vi?
> I tried Code Blocks but the wizard to build project with GTK support only
> GTK2.
> I asked support and I received suggestions but at the moment I'm not able
> to using C::B to build an app with GTK3 on WIndows 10.
> Thank you for any advice and suggestion.
> ___
> gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
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Re: Re-drawing GtkDrawingArea surface on motion-notify-event

2017-03-20 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The key is to not draw directly, but to invalidate one or more rectangles
needed to for changing the image from the old to the new one.

I worked on this problem some years ago and I think my solution is very
relevant to your question.

See the gtk3 branch at: .


On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:25 PM, Marcin Kolny 

> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to write very simple application for drawing lines.
>  1) User press button - app saves x and y coordinates
>  2) User moves the mouse - app dynamically draws potential line on each
> mouse move event
>  3) User releases button - app "saves" the line on the canvas.
> I've tried to modify slightly the GTK example drawing application [1].
>  1) On button press event I paint the current state to the "base_surface"
> surface.
>  2) On each mouse move I paint to the "tmp_surface" surface "base_surface"
> and after that the actual line, so I avoid multiple lines on mouse move.
>  3) On mouse release event I paint "tmp_surface" surface to "base_surface".
> This works, and full code can be found on my gist [2]. However, I don't
> think it's the right approach, since I have to re-paint a whole image for
> each mouse-move, and latter on, on "draw" event application is doing almost
> the same, so I'm doing the re-paint twice per each mouse move. I'm afraid
> that for huge surfaces it might be very inefficient.
> Do you know what would be the right approach to solve this sort of
> problems?
> Thank you for help,
> Marcin
> [1]
> [2]
> ___
> gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
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Re: Re[4]: Compiling for Windows [Was: argv revisited]

2016-05-05 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Note that if you are using fedora (and possibly other Linux distributions)
it comes with lots of win32 packages precompiled. E.g. all you need to do
to get gtk2 and its dependencies is to do:

   dnf install mingw32-gtk2

You can then compile your gtk programs for windows through cross
compilation and generate a windows install file for your application
through nsis. All your grandma then needs to do on windows is to run the

I have been doing this for several applications for several years, and the
process is so smooth and reliable that I only do the testing on Linux
before compiling and distributing for Windows.


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 8:30 PM, Andrew Robinson  wrote:

> On 5/5/2016 at 10:23 AM, Lucas Levrel  wrote:
> >Le 5 mai 2016, Andrew Robinson a écrit :
> >
> >> So if I don't want to make my on copy of the GTK+ libraries,
> >
> >Why wouldn't you want to build your static libs for future inclusion in
> >your software? Where "build" is for "let the Makefile of MXE do all the
> >work needed to build".
> 1) Because there are between 40 to 120Mb worth of libraries or their
> dependencies I would have to post on my website.
> 2) You could get under 40Mb, if you are only going to use one function from
> one or two libraries, and you don't want the user to have any features like
> skinning.
> (I am going to reference Allegro here, only just for comparison sake)
> 3) If I do compile GTK myself, I will have to maintain all that huge
> amount of
> source code on my website, per the licensing agreement. If I use Allegro,
> I do
> nothing else unless I customize the source code, only then will I have to
> post
> source code.
> 4) Furthermore, I would have to answer questions on why users couldn't
> compile
> the source code for making GTK+ for Win32 on Windows7 (or 8 or 10 or XP),
> something the GTK community has been unwilling to do itself. With Allegro,
> I
> literally simply download DevC++ for Windows7, select DevPak to download
> Allegro, compile, and you are done! Compare that to GTK: Downgrade your
> Visual
> Studio to version 2013, install GIT if you don't already have it, clone the
> GTK repository, install a minimalistic Linux environment like MSYS2,
> install
> MinGW, spend a few days trying to get to know these things, try compiling a
> Win32 version of GTK+ using half-arse written instructions, if that doesn't
> work try installing and using MXE, if that doesn't work follow the terse
> instructions posted on an almost hidden website at Nachos blog, if you are
> still having problems, go to the GTK developer forum where they won't give
> you
> any help, ... etc
> The setting up the development environment for GTK relies on lots and lots
> of
> esoteric command line parameters, and it seems like no two computers use
> the
> same exact parameters. Developing on Windows for Windows is super easy and
> user friendly, whereas developing on Windows for GTK is not. Windows forums
> are not really friendly either, but they are much more friendly than the
> Linux
> forums are, and anyways I can avoid the forums because there is so much
> code
> and advice posted on the Internet for Windows, that it is hard not to find
> what you are looking for, no matter how esoteric your needs are.
> >> I must tell grandma and grandpa to get their own copy of MSYS2 and MXE,
> >(not Msys2, MXE will do all the needed download)
> >> and provide make their own copy of GTK+ for Win32. Wouldn't that be easy
> >> and fun?
> >
> >All the more as they would have to install Linux beforehand!
> That attitude is one of the reasons I chose to abandon Windows ... you
> sound
> just like Satya Nadella trying to pawn Windows 10 off to the world. If
> Linux
> was so great, people would already be using it in droves, instead of barely
> mustering 3% of the entire market.
> ___
> gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
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Re: Compiling for Windows [Was: argv revisited]

2016-05-03 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Another equivalent scons-based way of compiling for windows with gcc is
shown in my program giv.


SCons uses the Sconstruct files to do the cross-compilation and also calls
out to nsis to create a windows installer.

The complete gtk run time is only about 20MB in size (at least for gtk2)
which with todays hard disk sizes really is negligable, so I agree that
there is no reason to try to create a common gtk runtime.

I still remember the frustration back in the days when there was a common
run environment and installing glade would make inkscape or gimp fail, or
vice verse. Individual run time environments is really the way to go!

For a peak into the bad old days, see e.g. the following thread:


On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 7:44 PM, Allin Cottrell  wrote:

> On Tue, 3 May 2016, Dave Howorth wrote:
> On 2016-05-03 16:57, Florian Pelz wrote:
>>> I'd like to have one standard GTK+ installer for the GTK+ DLLs etc. that
>>> can be downloaded and installed from other installers, so there is just
>>> one GTK+ installed on Windows instead of one copy of perhaps different
>>> versions of GTK+ for each application.
>> That's been a longstanding desire of many people. The other side of the
>> argument of course is that all the applications have to be compatible with
>> that particular version of the libraries, which has sometimes proven to be
>> problematic even when the libraries ship with Windows. Expecting every
>> application to be updated every time there is a library update is not
>> realistic. It's not like a linux distro where the distro can update and
>> recompile all the dependencies itself.
> Yep, Florian's desire is a "natural" one from the point of view of anyone
> used to Linux but unfortunately it's totally impractical on MS Windows.
> It's a real No-No for any third-party package to install DLLs into system
> directories on Windows; this would likely break all sorts of things.
> It may seem like a terrible waste of disk space to install multiple
> per-application copies of GTK, but you just have to get over it. Basically
> the same on Mac OS X.
> (I might note: even on Linux, GTK updates are not necessarily harmless.
> For example, updating from GTK 3.18 to 3.20 breaks emacs and gnumeric; they
> still run, but they're damaged.)
> Allin Cottrell
> ___
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Re: Output Widgets

2013-10-07 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Please define what you mean with an output widget. All widgets are output
widgets in a sense, but e.g. GtkLabel is an output label for text messages
(and images).

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 12:44 PM, Mahesh Chaudhari wrote:

 Are there any output widgets available with GTK+-2.0
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Re: Mouse events on a Cairo Context

2013-07-01 Thread Dov Grobgeld
There is another solution that I have used extensively, which is to draw
the cairo commands twice. Once for the actual drawing, and once again in an
offline image (called label image), with the following differences:

   1. Use solid colors corresponding to labels of the different graphical
   2. Turn off anti-aliasing.

When the user clicks on the image, the x,y of the event is referenced in
the label image. The label is then used as a lookup to the component which
can be modified.

You can see an example of how to do this at . Note that there is a special gtk3



On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

 On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 17:42 +0200, Borja Mon Serrano wrote:

  The problem with (4) is dragdrop. I think it could be very difficult to
  deal with it, so I'm going to try the third solution, with goocanvasmm.
  you know any example of use of goocanvasmm?

 Yes, dragdrop may be not very easy.
 And zooming and panning/scrolling for a plain (cairo) drawing area may
 be not really trivial, when you need to grab objects with the mouse.
 I did try it two years ago from Ruby -- not really difficult, but it
 takes some time to get the math right. Have not found time to clean it
 up yet. (

 Of course, if you do C++ and have not much experience in GTK already you
 may try

 I have never find time and motivation to test that.

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Re: Fulscreen mode

2013-06-16 Thread Dov Grobgeld
You just need to use gtk_widget_hide() on the widget and it and its child
widgets will not be shown.

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 4:28 AM, John Coppens wrote:


 I created a program with three elements in an HBox (gtk2): two
 treeviews and a GtkGlExt drawing area. I'd like to toggle the drawing
 area fullscreen/normal. Ie., not show the treeviews (or any other
 element - such as menus) while in fullscreen mode. Is that possible

 Thanks for any suggestion...

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Copy full path when hovering over a file?

2012-07-02 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Is there any keybinding that allows copying into the clip-board the full
path of a filename that you hover over in the file chooser dialog? E.g.
when looking at the Recent file menu, there is a tooltip popup of the
full path of a file. Is it possible to copy the contents of this tooltip so
that you can later paste it as text?

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: pango or any other way to format text

2012-05-14 Thread Dov Grobgeld
See for the
syntax for subscripts and superscripts.


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 3:38 PM, David Nečas wrote:

 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 08:20:26PM +0800, Rudra Banerjee wrote:
  Can anybody please take some time to show me simple way of
  implementing pango formatting to get greek letters, subscripts and
  superscripts in gtk2+?

 What do you mean by ‘implementing Pango formatting'?  I suppose you are
 not writing a Pango backend, i.e. you are not *implementing* any text
 rendering yourself.

 If you just want to use Pango to render Greek text, subscripts,
 superscripts, Cyrillic, math symbols or whatever, use UTF-8:

 GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new(ἀπὸ τοῦ ἡλίου μετάστηθι);


 GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new(a² + b² = c²);

 That's it.

 Function gtk_label_set_markup() with Pango markup

 can be used for more complex indexes and exponents and other stuff in


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Re: GtkButton bg color

2012-04-30 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The following, though a bit old and referring to perl, might still help:


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 20:41, Steve wrote:

 I'm using linux. I've tried dozens of different methods and a few
 examples which seem to suggest that they will change the background but
 noting works.

 I scrapped all that code and started over from scratch. I can change
 the fg color with no problems but i can't seem to get anything to work
 with the bg color

 Any chance you can provide an example of a button with a background

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Re: GtkTextView and bidi text

2012-04-24 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Sorry for not being clear. I actually meant that it should be controllable
by the programmer.

Looking at the documentation for GtkTextTag I realized that there is a
property direction, that by default has the value GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE .
What happens if you change it to GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR? Will it not override the
automatic calculation of the base direction? If not, it is a bug that can
easily be fixed. I can think of no other use for this property that makes

And you are never helpless as long as you have the source. Of course you
have a complexity barrier and learning curve. But it is much better than
the being blindfolded. ;-)


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 23:36, Ferdinand Ramirez wrote:

 --- On Mon, 4/23/12, Dov Grobgeld wrote:

  Lots of years ago we spoke about having a direction override as a
  attribute, but we never got around to implementing it.

 I think it is a good idea to give control to the programmer rather than
 make it automatic.

 Making everything automatic and making the programmer feel helpless is the
 Microsoft way. There, now that I've insulted you, I am sure you will
 consider adding this feature. :-)

 Seriously, this should not even be at the paragraph level, but in the
 complete control of the programmer. The programmer should be able to set
 the direction and this should hold until it is set again. Even if the
 automatic direction detection exists, there should be the ability to
 override it.


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkTextView and bidi text

2012-04-23 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Indeed there is no higher level override determine the text direction. You
have to change the buffer contents to get what you want. The easiest way of
doing this is by inserting the character zero-width character LRM (U+200E)
before your first RTL character.

Lots of years ago we spoke about having a direction override as a paragraph
attribute, but we never got around to implementing it.


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 01:33, Ferdinand Ramirez wrote:

 How can I force GtkTextView object to use left to right rendering when I
 type in a character which has the default behavior of being from a RTL
 language? I need this behavior when I mix some RTL characters with LTR
 characters and the first character on a line is of RTL type.

 The following lines seem to have no impact.

 GtkTextView *view;

 gtk_widget_set_direction(view, GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR);

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Re: porting Xlib/Motif apps to GTK+

2012-02-29 Thread Dov Grobgeld
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 01:17, Roger Davis wrote:

  [stuff deleted]

Does Cairo have a way
 of mimicking an X11 XOR-op GC for doing low-overhead ephemeral drawing ops
 of rubberband-lines, etc.?

 I have over the years been intrigued of how to do flicker free rubberband
selection with gtk/cairo. My current solution may be seen here:

Feel free to poke me if you need more explanations and more documentation
of how it works.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Simple Html-View widget

2011-09-11 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Just use gtk_label_set_markup().


On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 20:35, Craig wrote:


 I am not expert on this issue, but isn't Pango the way to go.  I think
 you should look up the Pango functions or how gtk deals with the Pango

 Craig Bakalian

  in my application I store some Text data in xml files.
  Some nodes are displayed via a gtk-label or an gtk-entry, others are
 displayed via a gtk text-view.
  Now I want to extend the text-view (and storage) with the capability to
 handle some formated text.
  I just need things like bold text, linefeed, maybe headers and colors.
  Since I don't want to create a own text storage format and I am using
 already xml for text storing
  html would be nearby.
  Is there some Gtk-Widget like the textview/buffer which can render simple
 HTML Tags?
  If not, what is your recommendation for my problem.

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2011-05-01 Thread Dov Grobgeld
One way of doing this is as follows:

   - Cross compile for windows from Linux. E.g. on Fedora, this may be done
   by installing the mingw32* packages.
   - Install the cross compiled makensis package to create an installer for
   Windows under Linux.
   - Run the installer under Windows installing your application and all the
   gtk packages.

You can refer to the SConstruct file and the nsis file of my program giv at:

Too see how I do it.


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 00:39, AKSHAT MALTARE akshat.malt...@gmail.comwrote:

  I am using gtk+ in my c,c++
 code to develop a cross platform application and have created my gui
 using gtk+ in linux and now i just want to test those codes for
 windows.I had been trying to install gtk on windows from last two days
 but due to lack of details abt installation process i am unable to
 install it as I do not have much experience of using commands of
  so it would be very helpfull
 if you could tell us the step by step procedure of installing packages
 or reffer us some website where we could find it.

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Re: Program Files folder

2011-04-21 Thread Dov Grobgeld
There is no such thing as default folder under Linux/Unix. The user might
want to install an application in her home directory, or in /opt, or in
/usr/bin depending on permissions or the visibility of the application.
Perhaps you meant to ask if it is possible to know where the application was
run from? In that case just check argv[0].


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 11:00, John Emmas wrote:

 I know that glib offers a function called g_get_home_dir() which returns
 the user's home folder on the relevant platform.  Is there any similar
 function that will give me the default folder for installing applications?
  For example, on Windows this would return C:\Program Files.  On Linux it
 might be /bin or /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin etc.  And on OS-X it would
 be /Applications.

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Re: Loading postscript file

2010-12-26 Thread Dov Grobgeld
As far as I know (but perhaps someone else knows better) the only freely
available postscript interpreter is ghostscript (which is used by gv).
Ghostscript is distributed under the GPL license which prevents Gtk, which
is distributed under the LGPL, to depend on it. The easiest way round this
is simply to run system() ghostscript as a subprocess and have it output a
raster file, e.g. in the pnm format, and then load this file into your gtk

Here is the command line I've been using for this in the past:

gs -q -dNOPAUSE -g100x200 -r75x75 -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=foo.pgm

where encodes of the shift and rotation of the file

Hope this helps.


On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 05:10, tengfei wrote:

 Hello all.

 I want to render a postscript file (as gv does) in a Gtk+ program. I
 tried the image widget by the function gtk_image_new_from_file, but it
 didn't work. Can anyone help regarding this?



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Re: GTK Error handling..

2010-11-24 Thread Dov Grobgeld
If all you want is a popup, then you might as well create a new process
instead of a new thread. There is no advantage of using a thread as it does
not seem like you want to pass any info between the window and the
monitoring loop. Further, the way you described it, if more than one event
occurs, then you will be spawning two threads that does calls into GUI. This
is a big no-no as gtk is not multi-threaded, and only a single thread may do
graphics related calls.


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 15:01, Jaroslav Šmíd wrote:

 GTK is not smart toolkit and is unable to work without X display and is not
 even able to reconnect to different display (or to the same later) when the
 connection get lost. This is with all X based toolkits I know of - it just
 seems easier for developers to just call exit() then to install like timer
 to event loop which would try to reconnect. This way it works on Windows -
 GUI applications are able to work without GUI subsystem being active (e.g.
 when it crashes because of driver failure). When the GUI subsystem is
 restarted (either with the same driver or geeric vesa driver), GUI
 applications still works, because WindowsAPI takes care of this. GTK on
 X-based systems does not, even if that is not too much work (just catch X
 server error, discard all X id's for every top level windows, pixmaps, ...,
 and then when it gets reconnected, create them again and in the meanwhile
 use stubs).

 On 11/24/2010 03:41 AM, Champ Clark III [Softwink] wrote:

Hello all!

I have a multi-threaded application written in C that I'm a
 bit stumped on.  It's not the 'multithreaded' portion of the code I'm
 having issues with.  That seems to be functional.  It's the GTK error
 and warning handling.

The application is constantly processing data (syslog).  When a
 rule is 'satisfied',  a thread is spawned which builds a simple GTK
 window (popup) with the information about the 'event.'   So far,  so
 good.  However,  I'm not sure how to handle certain error events.  For
 example,   let's say I'm sending 'popups' to a workstation across a
 network.   The remote workstation goes off line (the user leaves,
 powers it down, whatever).  My application,  of course,  won't be able
 to send the GTK 'popup'.  I'll likely get the error:

 Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

Here's my problem.   This error/warning causes termination of
 the over all application.  Even though the 'error/warning' gets generated
 from within my 'GTK thread',  it terminates the whole application.  That's
 not good.   Is there any way I could intercept or use a callback with
 the warnings/errors?  That is,  I'd like to log the warnings/errors,  but
 I don't want termination of my software due to a GTK/X11 problem.
 Basically,  some method to let me deal with the GTK/X11 errors the way I
 see fit.

I hope this makes sense.  Let me know if you have any questions.

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Re: large performance difference between gtktextview and gtksourceview

2010-11-05 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Last time I checked (which was a long time ago) gtksourceview did not
support BiDi and possibly other i18n issues. But this per se is no
explanation for it being slower. And yes, performance can always be


On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 18:12, Olivier Sessink oliviersess...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi all,

 loading 1Mb of UTF-8 encoded text into a gtk text view seems to take
 much more time than loading the same buffer into gtksourceview. Since
 gtksourceview has all of the functionality of gtktextview and more,
 where is this difference coming from? And does this mean that we can
 improve the performance of gtktextview?

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Re: gtk 2 or 3

2010-11-04 Thread Dov Grobgeld
For an example of how to do it without having a secondary thread do any gtk
commands, see my example program in:

Basically the work thread, that is taking a long time doing its thing,
requests the gui thread to update the GUI by sending it requests through
g_idle_add(). The GUI thread will then, when idle, attend to the routine and
update the gui. Syncronization is handled by mutexes, etc. In my example I
wanted a reply from the GUI thread (should I abort?) therefore the worker
threads blocks until released by the main thread.


On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 12:18, Michael T. wrote:

So GIMP is a single threaded software?
  No, but...
   There's never GTK+ multithreaded activity?

 If I may ask, what is the main technical problem (deeper explanation) with
 using GTK+ from multiple threads?

 It is probably very application specific. For instance, in my measurement
 application  an extra thread is started that takes care of data acquisition.
 I need to update a GTK progress bar while measuring, but since data are
 acquired extremely fast I do it from the measuring thread. The main thread,
 where GTK is running is of course blocked until the measurement is finished.
 This is obviously using GTK from multiple threads, but so far works
 perfectly. (Although, sometimes I get an occasional warning during
 execution) But this is probably due to the fact, that the main thread is
 blocked so the only thing that can be done is the progress bar update that
 is being taken care of from the measurement thread.

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Re: Creating own stock image library

2010-10-10 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I use gdk-pixbuf-csource in my build system to generate c-files from my
icons that I then insert into the source list of programs.

Let me know if you need more examples.


On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 17:46, Arne Pagel wrote:


 I created some special icons for my application.

 Now I want to reduce the files needed by the application,
 and therefore I want to compile the needed images in the binary output.

 What would be the best way to do that?
 How is this done with the gtk-stock-images?


 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: Linking the buttons to gtk app

2010-08-29 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I might be missing something but it seems like this is a Linux kernel
question and doesn't have much to do with Gtk. Unless I'm missing something
you need to write a device driver for your kernel than makes your hardware
buttons appear as keyboard key-presses, e.g. F1-F10, and then use standard
Gtk keypressevent to catch these.


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 07:59, Guruprasad Bhat guruprasad...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yes it has got linux kernnel, on the user space application will run.
 Inorder to operate user will press buttons GTK has got button click/press
 event handler.
 Pressing should reach GTK from hardware. How it can be linked.
 *  Guruprasad Bhat.*

 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 3:59 PM, dhk wrote:

  On 08/27/2010 01:27 AM, Guruprasad Bhat wrote:
   Hello, I have developed a GUI application for ARM based product. It has
   buttons, so I want to link button press to GTK. How can I start to do
   In which level/layer I have work to get it done?
   *  Guruprasad Bhat.*
   gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
  This is a little off the subject, but how do you get you application on
  the ARM device especially when it's got an OS like Windows CE or
  something like that?
  gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
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Re: porting gdk - cairo

2010-08-20 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I took the bait and coded my solution that I (in lack of anything better
called) dovtk-lasso . I'm including it below including a test program.

I think this solution is even simpler than your old xor solution. All you
need to do is to create the draw_callback fuction that uses whatever cairo
painting you want to draw your overlay. Note that this function is called
twice, once to extract where you are drawing, and once to do the drawing.
During the first time the do_mask variable is on. In this case you should
choose a thicker pen and draw in black, to make sure that everything is

Note that there is one constraint that I have not been able to solve. The
expose-event callback that is doing the actual drawing of your graphics have
to return FALSE. I would be happy to receive a solution for it.

I promise to put this code into git-hub as soon as possible.


//  test-gtk-lasso.c - This example is in the public domain


//  Dov Grobgeld

//  Mon Aug 16 09:09:56 2010


 #include stdlib.h

#include gtk/gtk.h

#include math.h

#include dovtk-lasso.h

 DovtkLasso *lasso = NULL;

int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;

 int cb_expose(GtkWidget  *widget,

  GdkEventExpose *event,



cairo_t *cr;

cr = gdk_cairo_create(widget-window);

cairo_rectangle(cr, event-area.x, event-area.y,

event-area.width, event-area.height);


 // Just draw anything in the widget

double x, y;

x = widget-allocation.x + widget-allocation.width / 2;

y = widget-allocation.y + widget-allocation.height / 2;

double radius;

radius = MIN (widget-allocation.width / 2,

  widget-allocation.height / 2) - 5;

 cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0,0,0);

cairo_arc (cr, x, y, radius, 0, 2 * M_PI);



 return FALSE;



 * Draw  whatever overlay you want on the image. If the do_mask

 * is on, then you should paint in black and with a pen that

 * is thicker than the drawing.


void my_lasso_draw(cairo_t *cr,

   gboolean do_mask,

   // output

   DovtkLassoRectangleList **rect_list)


int min_x = MIN(start_x, end_x);

int min_y = MIN(start_y, end_y);

 if (!do_mask) {

cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1,0,0);




cairo_set_line_width(cr, 5);

 cairo_set_line_cap(cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);

 // Draw a rectangle

cairo_rectangle(cr, min_x, min_y, abs(end_x-start_x), abs(end_y-start_y));



 int cb_button_press(GtkWidget  *widget,

GdkEventButton *event,



lasso = dovtk_lasso_create(widget,



start_x = event-x;

start_y = event-y;

 return FALSE;


 int cb_button_release(GtkWidget  *widget,

  GdkEventButton *event,




lasso = NULL;

return FALSE;


 int cb_motion_notify(GtkWidget  *widget,

 GdkEventMotion *event,



//printf(button motion\n);

end_x = event-x;

end_y = event-y;


 return FALSE;


 int main(int argc, char *argv[])


gtk_init(argc, argv);

GtkWidget *w_top = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_top), delete-event,

 G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);

 GtkWidget *w_draw = gtk_drawing_area_new();



gtk_widget_set_size_request(w_draw, 500,500);

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_draw), expose-event,

 G_CALLBACK(cb_expose), NULL);

 // TBD - set up events for lasso





g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_draw), button-press-event,

 G_CALLBACK(cb_button_press), NULL);

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_draw), button-release-event,

 G_CALLBACK(cb_button_release), NULL);

g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_draw), motion-notify-event,

 G_CALLBACK(cb_motion_notify), NULL);



 return 0;



 * dovtk-lasso.h


 * A solution for drawing overlays on a gtk widget.


 * This code is relased under the LGPL

Re: porting gdk - cairo

2010-08-17 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I don't know if you noticed it in another thread, but I created a working
example of the approach that I described in my earlier email. See:

See the program test-dovtk-lasso.c for an example of  how to use it.

Please let me know if you need more explanations. The source code isn't very
well documented yet.

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 20:12, Allin Cottrell wrote:

 On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 wrote:

  On 11 August 2010 02:14, Allin Cottrell wrote:
   rid of GdkGC.  I'd imagine that the effect I'm after is something
   that many GTP apps have need of, and it's trivial to achieve with
   the GDK API.
  I've found that XOR rubber banding is quite hard to do reliably in
  gdk.  The problem I think is that you are using the screen pixels to
  store part of the state, and that gets hard to coordinate between the
  various things that can affect the display.
  I had mouse movements triggering rect moves, mouse moves with a button
  held down causing background scrolling of the canvas, and mouse moves
  over other screen objects triggering highlight effects. With all these
  things going on at once it became very difficult to get XOR rubber
  bands to not leave annoying trails as they moved.
  I switched to an update-model / invalidate-widget / redraw-on-idle
  scheme as Dov suggests and I got prettier updates with less
  complication. Since input and output are decoupled, it'll scale more
  gracefully between slower and faster machines as well, which is nice.

 My drawing case may be simpler than yours -- there's nothing
 scrollable in the vicinity -- but I've found that rubber-banding
 using GDK_INVERT to undraw the last box works flawlessly at
 low programming cost.

 But can you suggest a good example to look at for the alternative
 approach? Thanks.

 Allin Cottrell
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: porting gdk - cairo

2010-08-10 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The following solution does the job though it causes flickering.

   - If there is a previous backing store (see below) then restore it to the
   underlying image.
   - Define the rectangle to draw by the button-press and the
   - Copy the four edges of below the rectangle to four GdkPixmaps, that I
   call backing store.
   - Draw the rectangle.

The following more complex solution should take care of flickering:


   - Create an expose handle that is called after the default expose handle
   which uses cairo to draw a rectangle in coordinates determined by structure
   R (see below). Note that this expose handle will be called up to eight times
   every time a motion notify event occurs.
   - Create a fifo buffer containing up to eight CairoRectangles to be

During motion:

   - Define the new rectangle to draw by button-press and motion-notify
   events and store it in the structure R available by the expose handle.
   - Push four areas corresponding to the four edges of the rectangles to
   the fifo buffer.
   - Expose the eight areas in the fifo buffer.
   - Pop off the first four areas of the fifo buffer.

This solution relies on the underlying expose handle. If that expose handle
is slow (e.g. complex vector graphics), the solution may be made faster by
initiating the process (e.g. at button-press) by copying the entire widget
window to an off screen pixmap, and then block the underlying expose handle.

I'd be interested if there is a more compact solution.


On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 17:16, Allin Cottrell wrote:

 I gather from recent discussion on the gtk-devel list that a good
 deal of the old GDK drawing API may be removed for GTK 3 in favor
 of use of cairo: in particular GdkGC seems likely to disappear.
 There appear to be good arguments for this, but it means some
 extra work for people trying to get their apps GTK3-ready.

 Benjamin Otte has some notes on porting at but
 there's one piece of GDK code I've been using for which I can't
 figure out the cairo equivalent and I wonder if anyone can help.

 The context is zooming to a selected portion of a graphic
 displayed in a GTK window. If the user selects a Zoom menu item
 she can then drag out a rectangular outline on the current image,
 and when the mouse button is released the view snaps to the chosen

 The tricky part is avoiding a horrible mess as the user drags the
 rectangle. This is achieved via a cycle of draw-display-erase as
 the mouse pointer moves. In GDK, the erase part is done by
 redrawing the last-shown rectangle using an inverted GdkGC:

 gdk_gc_set_function(gc, GDK_INVERT);

 How would you do this in cairo? Thanks.

 Allin Cottrell
 Department of Economics
 Wake Forest University

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Re: text on a curved baseline?

2010-07-15 Thread Dov Grobgeld
What do you mean with drawing text? Through the text property of the label
widget? Then the answer is indeed no.

But you can always create a drawing area and draw whatever you want with
cairo in the expose event. You will then have no problem drawing in a circle
as you can loop over each character and draw it separately. I believe that
Behdad wrote an example for this in the pango example directory.


On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 12:55, N James Bridge


 this is a beginner's question... can you make text follow a curved
 baseline? Looks like no.

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Re: Grid Based Canvas

2010-05-25 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Why don't you just draw a grid with lines on the canvas, and then whenever
you select a square you create a canvas rectangle item and put it in the
grid between the grid lines? When you unselect, you just destroy the canvas
item. You will still need 2 items, which might still be too much...

Another approach which uses a lot less memory but requires more work on your
part is to use my GtkImageViewer widget which is a hybrid between an image
viewer and a canvas. (In spite of its name it does not necessarily display
images). The widget handles zooming, but you have to redraw the contents
yourself on exposure events. See:


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 22:02, Asad Jibran Ahmed surfer...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 23:21 -0400, Liam R E Quin wrote:
  On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 05:04 +0500, Asad Jibran Ahmed wrote:
   The canvas will have grids, much like a graph paper. Whenever
   the user clicks on one of the grid squares, that square will become
   selected and the selection will be shown by highlighting the square.
  It sounds like you really have a grid of squares, even if the user
  doesn't think of it that way.
  I think all of the canvas APIs support scrolling and zooming.
  Or take a peek at e.g. the minesweeper game?

  Thanks for the info. I checked out the crcanvas widget and I think that
 it may just be what I need. I do however have one issue with the square
 approach that you have suggested.

 The grid I am trying to make needs to be quite large (1x1), and
 the memory requirements of keeping track of this large a number of
 rectangles is very problematic.

 Any advice on how to proceed from here? Again, thanks for your earlier

 JB ::

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Re: GtkPlot

2010-04-05 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Attached below is a simple example. Something that you should keep in mind
is that gtkplot expects you to keep the data around as long as the plot is
displayed, i.e. it accepts a pointer to the data, but it does not copy it.
Presumably for perfomance reasons.


#include gtk/gtk.h

#include gtkextra/gtkextra.h

#include math.h

 GtkWidget *w_top;

GtkPlotData *dataset;


build_example1(GtkWidget *plot)


GdkColor color;

 static gdouble px1[]={0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0};

static gdouble py1[]={.2, .4, .5, .35, .10, .40};

 dataset = GTK_PLOT_DATA(gtk_plot_data_new());

gtk_plot_data_set_points(dataset, px1, py1, NULL, NULL, 6);

 gdk_color_parse(red, color);




 10, 2, color, color);





  2, color);

 gtk_plot_data_set_connector(dataset, GTK_PLOT_CONNECT_STRAIGHT);


gtk_plot_add_data(GTK_PLOT(plot), dataset);



 // This signal handler resizes the graph if its allocation was changed

int plot_expose_event(GtkWidget *canvas,

  GdkEventConfigure *event,

  gpointer user_data)


int width = canvas-allocation.width;

int height = canvas-allocation.height;

 if (width != GTK_PLOT_CANVAS(canvas)-width

|| height != GTK_PLOT_CANVAS(canvas)-height) {


 width, height);



 return 0;


 GtkWidget *create_plot()


GtkWidget *w_plot_canvas, *w_plot;

GtkPlotCanvasChild *child;

GtkPlotAxis *x_axis, *y_axis;

 w_plot_canvas = gtk_plot_canvas_new(500,300,1.0);

 // Do this in order to have auto resize of plot with window.





 w_plot = gtk_plot_new(NULL);

 gtk_plot_set_range(GTK_PLOT(w_plot), 0, 1., -1., 1.4);




child = gtk_plot_canvas_plot_new(GTK_PLOT(w_plot));

gtk_plot_canvas_put_child(GTK_PLOT_CANVAS(w_plot_canvas), child,

  .10, .1, .9, .85);

 // Setup the axis

gtk_plot_set_legends_border(GTK_PLOT(w_plot), (GtkPlotBorderStyle)0, 0);



x_axis = gtk_plot_get_axis(GTK_PLOT(w_plot), GTK_PLOT_AXIS_BOTTOM);

y_axis = gtk_plot_get_axis(GTK_PLOT(w_plot), GTK_PLOT_AXIS_LEFT);

 gtk_plot_axis_set_title(x_axis, Time [t]);


gtk_plot_x0_set_visible(GTK_PLOT(w_plot), TRUE);

gtk_plot_y0_set_visible(GTK_PLOT(w_plot), TRUE);



   12, 0,






  .10, .1, .20, .20);

 // Build data and put it in plot



 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_plot_canvas), expose-event,

 G_CALLBACK(plot_expose_event), NULL);

 return w_plot_canvas;


 // This is an example of how to update the data displayed in the

// widget. For more examples, see testrealtime.c.

void cb_change_dataset(GtkWidget *button,

   gpointer user_data



GtkWidget *canvas = GTK_WIDGET(user_data);

static gdouble px1[]={0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0};

static gdouble py1[]={.35, .30, .40, .2, .4, .5 };

 gtk_plot_data_set_points(dataset, px1, py1, NULL, NULL, 6);




 void create_widgets()


Re: Widget for drawing plot

2010-03-18 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I've been using GtkPlot for real time plots for a number of years. It
basically does the job, though its feature set is quite limited.

In case you will be using PyGtk then there is no doubt that you should be
using MatPlotLib which has vastly more options. I have often wished that
there was a C port of it. There is of course also the option of embedding a
python interpreter and matplotlib and then grab its output and display it as
an image. But that is a bit more complex.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 18:25, Salvatore De Paolis iw...@claws-mail.orgwrote:

 I was searching a good way to draw plots in Gtk+.
 Surfing a little bit a found Gtkdatabox and GtkPlot.

 Which is worth to use or there's anything else?

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: Image manipulation and Scaling

2010-02-02 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The following code does it:

// your original data assumed to be in a continous structure of gray.
// Preferably in a structure.
float *src_buf;
int img_width = 256;
int img_height = 256;

// You destination
GdkPixbuf *dst = gdk_pixbuf_new(...);
guint8 *dst_buf = gdk_pixbuf_get_data();
guint src_stride = gdk_pixbuf_get_row_stride(dst);

// Find min and max unless you have user min and user max
float min = HUGE;
float max = -HUGE;
for (int i=0; iimg_width*img_height; i++) {
float gl = src_buf[i];
if (gl  min)
min = gl;
else if (gl  max)
max = gl;

// Rescale
for (int row_idx=0; row_idximg_height; row_idx++) {
guint *dst_row = src_buf + row_stride;
for (int col_idx=0; col_idximg_height; col_idx++) {
float src_gl = src_buf[row_idx*img_width + col_idx];
float dst_gl = (src_gl - min) / (max-min) * 255;
// clip
if (dst_gl  0)
dst_gl = 0;
else if (dst_gl  255)
dst_gl = 255;
// Assign to rgb
for (int i=0; i3; i++) {
dst_row[col_idx*3+i] = dst_gl;

Changing to support user min and max and source RGB image is left as an
exercise to the reader.

And regarding whether you can support zoom without GtkImageView or
GtkImageViewer, obviously yes since these are written based on lower level
gtk structures. The trivial (and memory wasteful way) is to rescale the
image based on zoom level and show it in a view port.


Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 08:41, Gorav wrote:
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 08:41, Gorav wrote:

Thanks for reply.

 Can you please elaborate more on Converting More than 8bit image to 8 bit

 And, apart from GtkImageView, is there no other way of image scaling?


 On 02/03/2010 12:02 PM, Dov Grobgeld wrote:

 Even if your image has more than eight bits you can always convert it to
 8-bit according to a user setting defining the grey level max and min to
 used for the convertion (known as window and level in the medical image
 community). That's exactly how I do it in my image viewer giv. The image
 held in a GivImage that is overloaded for various bit integer or floating
 widths and is then converted according to the user level setting before
 being displayed.

 Btw, if you would like to have interactive zooming of the image being
 displayed you may want to consider using my GtkImageViewer instead of
 GtkImage. (There is also the GtkImageView by Björn Lindquist with similar
 and different functionality.)



 On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 04:19, Lars  wrote:

 On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 17:25 +0530, Gorav wrote:


 I need to do some image manipulation using GTK, and I want to view some
 proprietary image formats. So, I can prepare RGB data. But, which widget
 and API to be use to draw pixels on screen.

 I used GtkImage using Pixbuf, but it supports only 8 bits per sample.

 Have you looked at GdkPixbuf for holding the image data? You may need to
 write converter plugins to load and store images from files for your
 proprietary formats, but after that, all the in-memory stuff should work

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Re: about main event loop

2010-01-12 Thread Dov Grobgeld
No, you don't create threads to handle events. Instead you connect to
callbacks through g_signal_connect().

But in order to get an intelligent reply from this list, you should provide
a complete compilable program that exhibit the problem that you experience.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:02, Zhang Wei wrote:

 I don't know how to deal with the signal
 when I clicked the icon on taskbar with
 right button of the mouse

 the program runs ok,
 but it gives the warnings in the console:
 GLib-WARNING **: g_main_context_prepare() called recursively from within a
 source's check() or prepare() member.
 GLib-WARNING **: g_main_context_check() called recursively from within a
 source's check() or prepare() member.

 should i use a callback function to deal
 with the signal button_press_eventor
 create a thread to run in the idle time?
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: how to set language for non-unicode text

2009-12-28 Thread Dov Grobgeld
No, don't use gtk-i18n-list and don't cross post. gtk-app-devel-list is just

Gtk works only with unicode in utf8 encoding internally, so if you want a
different format on the disk you will have to convert your text on input and


On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 19:59, Han wrote:


 I wrote my first linux GUI app using GTK+, which seems to be a very
 nice tool.  One question I had is: how can I set the language for
 non-unicode text in my application?  I tried to use iconv(), but did
 not work out. The iconv_open call returned error ENOENT (2).  Not sure
 if i am in the correct direction.

 thanks for any help.
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Howto make a gtkbutton send a changed signal?

2009-12-01 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I don't really understand what you mean with emiting a changed event. You
mean that someone is doing something like:

   new text)

or something simar (e.g. changing the image shown on the image)?

One way of doing it would be to do  the following:

   - Derive a new widget inheriting from GtkButton.
   - Add a new signal changed to it.
   - Add a new accessor function to the widget that changes the contents and
   emits the new signal.
   - Change the calls for changing button contents so that it uses the new
   - Connect to the new signal.


You can get the effect that you want by deriving a new widget
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:59, Till Harbaum wrote:


 i am changing the UI of an existing app for mobile usage in a way that i
 some gtkentry's with some gtkbuttons which the use some alternate input

 I want to keep as much of the application as it is and one of the things
 the app expects
 is that this particular widget emits a changed event whenever its
 contents changes.

 So i'd like to enable my gtkbutton to emit a changed event, but i don't
 find any examples
 on how to achieve that. How do i attach a new signal to an existing
 widget type?

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Capture console app output into texview?

2009-11-20 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Here's my solution to the problem. It runs the external command in an
external thread. This is probably an overkill for the problem at hand, on
the other hand it is a good demo for how to create a worker thread and
capture its output in the GUI. This currently does not work with windows at
it is using popen() and g_io_channel_unix_new() but it should be trivial to
fix and is left as an exercise for the reader.

Compile with:

gcc -o stdout-to-textview `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0`

//  stdout-to-textview.c
//  An example how to place stdout from a an external process
//  into a text view buffer by running the process in a separate
//  thread.
//  This program is released under the LGPL v3.0.
//  Dov Grobgeld
//  Fri Nov 20 09:22:39 2009

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include gtk/gtk.h

// This structure contains all the thread info for the job.
typedef struct {
GMutex *update_mutex;
GCond *update_cond;
GMutex *mutex_to_run;

gchar *cmd;
gchar *info;
}  JobData;

// Sorry, out of laziness I made the widgets global.
GtkWidget *w_text_view = NULL;
GtkWidget *w_entry_cmd = NULL;
GMutex *mutex_one_job_at_a_time = NULL;

// Create the data for a job
JobData *job_data_new(const char *cmd,
  GMutex *mutex_to_run)
JobData *job_data = g_new0(JobData, 1);

job_data-cmd = g_strdup(cmd);
job_data-update_mutex = g_mutex_new();
job_data-update_cond = g_cond_new();
job_data-mutex_to_run = mutex_to_run;

return job_data;

// free the data from a job
void job_data_free(JobData *job_data)

// This function receives a requst from a worker thread asking to
// update the gui with the required info.
gboolean cb_update_job(JobData *job_data)
if (job_data-info) {
GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer =
GtkTextIter end_iter;
gtk_text_view_scroll_to_iter (GTK_TEXT_VIEW(w_text_view),
  end_iter, 0.0, TRUE, 0.0, 0.5);
job_data-info = NULL;

// Indicate that the update is done

return FALSE;

// A helper function run in the job thread receiving the string that
// should be displayed in the textview.
void job_add_to_text_viewer(JobData *job_data,
const char *info)
job_data-info = g_strdup(info);

// Lock mutex to make sure that we will receive the condition signal
g_idle_add((GSourceFunc)cb_update_job, job_data);

// Wait for cb_update_job to tell me that the update is done

// The thread entry point. It will do the job, send the data to the
// GUI and self destruct when it is done.
static gpointer thread_worker(JobData *job_data)
FILE *fh = popen(job_data-cmd,r);
printf(thread_worker running %s\n, job_data-cmd);
GIOChannel *gh = g_io_channel_unix_new(fileno(fh));
GIOStatus status;
GError *error = NULL;
gsize length;
gsize terminator_pos;
gchar *str_return;

while( (status = g_io_channel_read_line(gh,
error)) == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL)

   Job done!);

if (job_data)

return NULL;

// Callback for the run button
void cb_clicked_run(GtkWidget *widget,
gpointer  user_data)
const gchar *cmd = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(w_entry_cmd));
GError *error = NULL;
printf(Run %s\n, cmd);

// create a thread that will run the external command
// tbd...
JobData *job_data = job_data_new(cmd, mutex_one_job_at_a_time);

Re: GDK + GLib main loop

2009-07-22 Thread Dov Grobgeld
You don't manually loop for events, but instead set up your drawing in the
expose handle of the drawing widget. You then connect to this handle

g_signal_connect(drawing_area, expose-event,

See the simple.c example in the gtkglarea source archive.


2009/7/23 Mihai Draghicioiu

 Hi all! I'm making an OpenGL application based on GDK + GtkGLArea. My code
 so far works, but it has two issues:

 1. It does not handle events in a blocking fashion.
 2. Somehow the window does not receive an Expose event.

 I was told that for blocking until an event arrives, I'd have to use GLib
 main loop. I have looked at the GLib main loop reference page, but I have
 idea how to make the this work. So I need some hints here.

 And for the GDK_EXPOSE event thing, I even set the all events mask, and
 there was still no expose event. I went around this by drawing outside the
 event switch, after each event is processed. This is not so important, but
 I'm curious why it happens. With Xlib programs, an Expose event is received
 when the window pops up, and every time it is 'made dirty' by other windows
 or dragging on-screen from off-screen or whatever.

 Here is my code:

 // g++ *gdkgl.cpp* `pkg-config gdk-2.0 gtkglext-1.0 --libs --cflags`

 #include stdlib.h
 #include gdk/gdk.h
 #include gdk/gdkgl.h
 #include GL/gl.h

 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
gdk_init(argc, argv);
gdk_gl_init(argc, argv);

int config_attributes[] = {
GdkGLConfig *glc = gdk_gl_config_new(config_attributes);

GdkWindowAttr attr;
attr.title = argv[0];
attr.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL;
attr.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
attr.width = 800;
attr.height = 600;
GdkWindow *win = gdk_window_new(NULL, attr, 0);


GdkGLWindow *glwin = NULL;
GdkGLContext *glcontext = NULL;
glwin = gdk_window_set_gl_capability(win, glc, NULL);
glcontext = gdk_gl_context_new(GDK_GL_DRAWABLE(glwin), NULL, true,

bool done = false;
while(!done) {
GdkEvent *ev = gdk_event_get();
if(ev) {
switch(ev-type) {
case GDK_MAP:
done = true;
printf(key pressed\n);
printf(got expose\n);

 if(gdk_gl_drawable_gl_begin(gdk_window_get_gl_drawable(win), glcontext)) {
glViewport(0, 0,
 ev-configure.width, ev-configure.height);

 if(gdk_gl_drawable_is_double_buffered(gdk_window_get_gl_drawable(win))) {

} else


 if(gdk_gl_drawable_gl_begin(gdk_window_get_gl_drawable(win), glcontext)) {
glClearColor(1.0, .5, .2,

glOrtho(0, 800, 600, 0, -1,
glVertex2i(100, 100);
glVertex2i(400, 100);
glVertex2i(400, 500);
glVertex2i(100, 500);


Re: flow control question

2009-07-20 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Here are two programs that implement through the text viewer widget what you
are asking for:

   - The Python console in gimp
   - GemTcl - a tcl interpreter

The way I set up the interaction is to listen to both the key-press-event
and the insert-text events of the text-viewer. The key-press-event signals
to the insert-event handler that it is supposed to enter eval mode:

if (!(event-state  GDK_SHIFT_MASK)) {
switch(event-keyval) {
case GDK_Return:
do_eval = true;

and the insert-event catches this before the newline is inserted into the
buffer, runs the eval and inserts the result into the buffer:

if (do_eval) {
 // Extract the text between the prompt and the end of the line
 output = eval(command);
 gtk_text_buffer_insert(text_buffer, output);

Have a look in cb_insert_text() and cb_key_press_command()
for details.

Hope this helps,


2009/7/21 Allin Cottrell

 In the context of my gtk app I have an optional console -- not
 a real shell, but a means of sending commands to the app besides
 point-and-click.  It's working OK, but for various reasons I'd
 like to reformulate it so that I have a loop like this:

 while (command != quit) {

 I'm having trouble with get_a_command().  The criterion for a
 command being entered is that Return is pressed in a certain
 GtkTextView, to which I have a pointer.  But how does the
 get_a_command() function know that this has happened?

 I've implemented this via a static int, command_entered (a
 file-scope global), which is set to 1 by Return and is monitored
 by the function in question:

 void get_a_command () {
while (!command_entered) {
if (gtk_events_pending()) {
command_entered = 0;

 This works, but not surprisingly it uses a lot of CPU running
 around its tight loop waiting for Return. I then tried adding
 g_usleep(1) into the loop on while (!command_entered).
 That brought CPU usage down to a sane level, but of course it made
 the whole GUI quite gummy.

 It seems there must be a smarter way of doing this, probably using
 some of the g_main* apparatus or g_threads, which I'm not really
 familiar with, and at my current level of ignorance looking at the
 API docs leaves me guessing. Any pointers to get me started would
 be very helpful.

 Allin Cottrell
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Re: Best practice for bundling GTK with an windows application?

2009-07-12 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Oops. Make that:


2009/7/11 Dov Grobgeld

 I've been doing cross platform development and windows installer during the
 last few years of lots of C/C++ programs. Here is an outline of my

- Build done through scons.
- Special scons rules for doing cross compilation for Windows from
- Use NSIS for Windows installer deployment. (cross compiled mingw32
version of nsis used).
- The Windows installer is self contained, i.e. it is not dependent on
the installation of a separate gtk installation.
- The windows binaries are the standard compiled binaries from
- Testing done through a WinXP installation under VirtualBox.

 See the SConstruct and NSIS files of my two programs giv and gemtcl for
 examples of how to do the above.


 2009/7/11 Hartmut Goebel


 I'm currently working to make setting up a Python application
 ( easier for Windows users. Meanwhile I'm totally
 confused about which package of bundle to use and what to put into the
 installer package.

 Now GTK for Windows comes in quite a lot of flavours. Since Tryton uses
 pygtk  Co., we only need the runtime environment, no developer files.
 But there are still some options left:
 - zipped runtime bundle including 3rd-party dependencies.
 - zipped archives for individual packages (glib, gtk+, pango, ...)
 - installer from glade-win32 somewhat outdated, but including librsvg
 - installer from much more up to date
  but missing librsvg and libbz2

 Which one should I use? Is there some agreed best practice?

 I'm currently tending to this solution:
 * use the installer from gtk-win for the development environment
 * put additional .dlls (e.g. librsvg) into the development directory
 * include the whole gtk-win installer into the Tryton installer.

 Any comments or suggestions anyone?

 Schönen Gruß - Regards
 Hartmut Goebel
 Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

 Goebel Consult
 Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: Best practice for bundling GTK with an windows application?

2009-07-11 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I've been doing cross platform development and windows installer during the
last few years of lots of C/C++ programs. Here is an outline of my

   - Build done through scons.
   - Special scons rules for doing cross compilation for Windows from Linux.
   - Use NSIS for Windows installer deployment. (cross compiled mingw32
   version of nsis used).
   - The Windows installer is self contained, i.e. it is not dependent on
   the installation of a separate gtk installation.
   - The windows binaries are the standard compiled binaries from
   - Testing done through a WinXP installation under VirtualBox.

See the SConstruct and NSIS files of my two programs giv and gemtcl for
examples of how to do the above.


2009/7/11 Hartmut Goebel


 I'm currently working to make setting up a Python application
 ( easier for Windows users. Meanwhile I'm totally
 confused about which package of bundle to use and what to put into the
 installer package.

 Now GTK for Windows comes in quite a lot of flavours. Since Tryton uses
 pygtk  Co., we only need the runtime environment, no developer files.
 But there are still some options left:
 - zipped runtime bundle including 3rd-party dependencies.
 - zipped archives for individual packages (glib, gtk+, pango, ...)
 - installer from glade-win32 somewhat outdated, but including librsvg
 - installer from much more up to date
  but missing librsvg and libbz2

 Which one should I use? Is there some agreed best practice?

 I'm currently tending to this solution:
 * use the installer from gtk-win for the development environment
 * put additional .dlls (e.g. librsvg) into the development directory
 * include the whole gtk-win installer into the Tryton installer.

 Any comments or suggestions anyone?

 Schönen Gruß - Regards
 Hartmut Goebel
 Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

 Goebel Consult
 Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: Pass more widgets as gpointer.

2009-04-22 Thread Dov Grobgeld
As I've said in he past, I believe the best thing is to sub-class GtkWindow
and then make all the pointers you want to pass around members of your new
class. Conceptually this looks like:

class MyWindow : GtkWindow {
GtkWidget *w_label;
GtkWidget *w_button;
GtkWidget *w_tooltip;

MyWindow *w_window = my_window_new();
g_signal_connect(w_button, clicked, G_CALLBACK(cb_button), w_window);
int cb_button(GtkWidget *widget,
  GtkButtonEvent *event,
  gpointer userdata)
MyWindow *self = (MyWindow*)self;

   gtk_tool_tip...(self-w_tooltip, ...);
   gtk_label_set_text(self-w_label, foo);

I hope you get the idea. The problem with this approach though is that it is
a bit of an effort quite to subclass Gtk in C, (in contrast to gtkmm, perl,
python, javascript in which it has been nicely mapped to the native objects,
not to talk about vala where a GObject is native). That's why I'm using gob2
whenever I'm writing C. It makes this technique as natural as in any other
language that I mentioned.


2009/4/22 Vlad Volodin

 Hi, Jens

 Yes, your way is good (thank you for a small code, maybe I will use it
 in my projects). But, are you sure your way is safe?
 You don't know the size of array (at the first),
 where do you free the array of pointers itself (try g_malloc and
 g_free, because it is GLIB :) ) (at the second).
 And I think, your way isn't type-safe (at the third), because you
 won't be sure that your element's type is needed.
 Well, of course I have many questions and now answers :) I think, in
 small projects your way is good (but you can also easily forget the
 order of the elements). Maybe HashTables, or STL sets will be more

 What do you think about all of this?

 Good luck in GTK programming :),
 Vlad Volodin

 2009/4/22 Jens Hansen
  Hi All.
  Thanks for all ideas, to this problem. I figured out how to pass more
  widgets in an array, which is IMHO the best way to do it. Just for
  reference, the following snippet.
  Packing the widgets pointers in the array
   GtkWidget * *data;
   data = malloc(sizeof(GtkWidget *)*3);
  And unpacking them
  GtkWidget * *array=(GtkWidget **)data;
  Then you just need to type cast the elements of the array:
  for instance
   gtk_combo_box_get_active((GtkComboBox *)array[1])
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Re: method to erase a drawing area

2009-04-17 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Hello Frederico,

What you are doing is basically hit detection. What I wonder is why you are
doing it the hard way. Why don't you use one of the canvas widgets, e.g.
goocanvas? It allows you to tie events to specific geometric objects.

If you want to do it on your own I first of all suggest that you use cairo,
using gdk_draw_* is considered obsolete. Second you can use the idea of
keeping a second non-visible image as a label image. I've described this
multiple times on the net:


Regarding your approach you can still salvage it by instead of checking for

 if((GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1]) == x) 
(GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1+1]) == y))

you check for

  int xp = GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1]);
  int yp = GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1+1]);
  int posH = GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1+2]);
  int posV = GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1+3]);

if (abs(xp-x)posH  abs(yp-y)posV) ...


2009/4/17 frederico schardong


 I have a drawing area, and a window with 2 gtk_range, and them
 variable form 1 to 10, and this values go to posH and posV. I'm doing
 this to can draw a rectangular with my specification.. max width: 10,
 min: 1, max henght:10, min: 1.

 This event is called when drawing area is clicked:

 static gboolean button_pressed (GtkWidget *a, GdkEventButton *event)
gint x = event-x, y = event-y, x1, y1;

for(x1 = (0-posH); x1  posH; x1++)
for(y1 = (0-posV); y1  posV; y1++)
 x+x1, y+y1);

g_print(\ndrawing x: %d y: %d tamH: %d tamV: %d, x, y, posH,

g_ptr_array_add(desenho-parray, GINT_TO_POINTER(x));
g_ptr_array_add(desenho-parray, GINT_TO_POINTER(y));
g_ptr_array_add(desenho-parray, GINT_TO_POINTER(posH));
g_ptr_array_add(desenho-parray, GINT_TO_POINTER(posV));

 But now I must do a eraser function... I do a simple for:
 gint x1, x = event-x, y = event-y;

 for (x1 = 0; x1  desenho-parray-len; x1 = x1 + 4)
if((GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1]) == x) 
 (GPOINTER_TO_INT(desenho-parray-pdata[x1+1]) == y))
{   g_print(\nta no lugar certo mano!);
g_ptr_array_remove_index(desenho-parray, x1);
g_ptr_array_remove_index(desenho-parray, x1);
g_ptr_array_remove_index(desenho-parray, x1);
g_ptr_array_remove_index(desenho-parray, x1);

  it's work, but not fine... it's only work when i click exactly where
 I clicked before to draw this point... but I need to delete from
 GPtrArray when I click on somewhere of this rectangle area... not only
 center... Can help me list?
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Re: Rendering lines

2009-04-13 Thread Dov Grobgeld
gdk_draw_line() is deprecated. Use cairo instead.


2009/4/13 Paolo

 I'm drawing lines into GtkDrawingArea through gdk_draw_line function. The
 results is good, but not enough. How can I increase the rendering?
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Re: Rendering lines

2009-04-13 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Slow or fast is obviously application dependent. The original poster didn't
complain about speed... The most important thing is never to send to the
rendering pipeline data that will not be shown. E.g. in a GIS system if you
are zoomed out you don't want to draw small features. And you don't want to
send features to be rendered that you know will be clipped. So you may want
to use some kind of quadtree to save the relevant features at each zoom

That said, I also found cairo too slow for my liking in my image and vector
viewer giv, and found that agg was faster.See my tutorial at:

for an example of how to use agg with gtk.


2009/4/13 Jose Hevia

 2009/4/13 Dov Grobgeld
  gdk_draw_line() is deprecated. Use cairo instead.

 And the problem with cairo is that is going to be far slower than gdk,
 although it provides better output, and could be hardware accelerated.
 Read Clipping should only make things faster, right?

 That's my main problem with cairo. I use my own raster because cairo
 is slw, and only want to update the region I change.

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Re: Drawingarea in a scrolled window

2009-04-12 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I know this is not answering your question, but you can get the same effect
of the drawing area by using my GtkImageViewer widget, without an image. See
the tutorial at:

for an example.


2009/4/12 Paolo

 hi! I've put a drawing area into the scrolled window. My drawing are is
 bigger than the scrolled window and there're problems about the refresh.
 can I fix that?
 Please help me!!
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Re: slowness in getting events

2009-04-06 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Since hex characters only has an alphabet of 16 characters, you can draw
these once into separate pixbufs, and then use gdk_pixbuf_copy_area() to
draw the prerendered characters to the screen. If you have the memory you
can e.g. create 256 two-nibble precomposed glyphs. I'm not sure how much
more efficient this is compared to the gtk/pango/freetype caching of text,
but it is worth a try.

An additional option is to only update your screen at some reasonable
interval, e.g. 5-10 times a second. Higher than that is hardly going to be
seen by the user anyhow. And if you are looking for exceptional behaviour
you may want to use other approaches like coloring the cells to indicate


2009/4/6 Efraim Yawitz

 On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:

You might want to implement this hex dump display as a GtkTreeView
widget, which does lend itself better to displaying tabular data.  The
MVC mechanism by which the TreeView works means that the view
automatically updates itself as the model (your hex data) changes and
emits signals.  You an even have multiple views of the same data if you
need it.

There are also a number of custom widgets that implement
spreadsheet-style grids you can search for.

 Some more testing has made it clear to me that the problem I am having is
 not that I am not getting the events, but that gdk_draw_layout(), which I
 calling many times per update, is too slow.  I found some posts from a few
 years ago that this was hundreds of times slower than XDrawString(), and I
 have verified that it is much slower.  Of course, XDrawString is much
 to use.  Does anyone have any ways of dealing with this?
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Re: goocanvas vs crcanvas,which better?

2009-03-26 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Hi Chen,

For the application that you described, using a canvas doesn't give you much
and you can just as well create a cairo context and draw on the image
directly. But there are a few things that you should be aware of:

   - Drawing overlays on av full realtime speed is going to take a lot of
   CPU no matter how fast you do it.
   - You should make sure to prepare all the data offline before you ship it
   off to the screen. Thus don't put the data from the frame grabber on the
   screen until after you have annotated it.
   - If the annotation is static, it certainly faster to prepare a
   transparent pixbuf and draw the annotation on the pixbuf and then simply
   merge the data from the frame grabber with the overlay mostly transparent
   pixbuf, and then ship the result of to display.
   - If you want the user to be able to interactively zoom the resulting
   pixbuf, you may want to have a look at my GtkImageViewer that creates such a
   zoomable interface for you. See the tutorial at:


2009/3/26 chen zhixin

 Program need to draw realtime lines on per frame,first time i use
 cairo_surface_create_similar  and draw surface on the frame.
 (frame draw on GtkDrawingArea),this make fast on my pc and the
 Machine(use slitaz system),but when i use ubuntu on the machine,the
 Xorg process take 100% cpu,this make me craze,i still don't kown why.

 I want to use canvas to change this,there are some cairo
 canvas,goocanvas can be found in,it will be a part of
 goocanvas vs crcanvas ,which should i use? or somebody have a good
 method to do these.

 software do these:
 1. capture frame from TV card by V4L2,and then change fmt from yuyv to
 2. draw gray frame to GtkDrawingarea by gdk_draw_gray to a GdkPixmap.
 3. do some other things on the GdkPixmap,such as draw pixbuf and
 text,and then gdk_draw_drawable.
 4. measure on the drawingarea.such as
 line,circle,ellipse,polygon,arrow,draw results on the frame.
 5. do other things ,such as zoom,save as image,video.

 there are some problems:
 1. can create cairo surface on GRAY picture,then i can draw something on it
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Re: goocanvas vs crcanvas,which better?

2009-03-26 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The following does it:

  int img_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf);
  int img_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf);
  cairo_surface_t *surface
= cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf),

You will have to swap R and B in calls to:

  cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0,0,1.0,0.5);

when drawing though, as cairo and gdk_pixbuf have different ideas about
their order.

(These examples are copied from the GtkImageViewer tutorial.)


2009/3/26 Alexander

 Hi, Dov.

 On Thursday 26 March 2009, Dov Grobgeld wrote:

 - If the annotation is static, it certainly faster to prepare a
 transparent pixbuf and draw the annotation on the pixbuf and then
 merge the data from the frame grabber with the overlay mostly
 pixbuf, and then ship the result of to display.

 Is there standard facility for creating cairo context for pixbuf? Like
 gdk_cairo_create() for drawables.
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Re: How to get GtkImage resize of widget container?

2009-03-15 Thread Dov Grobgeld
No, doing it for the GtkImage is enough. Manually resizing or maximizing is
one and the same.


2009/3/15 Luis Gonzalez


 I have do this in size-request event of the GtkViewport?, Does it works if
 the user maximize the window?


  No, GtkImage doesn't resize the pixbuf automatically for you. You will
 have to do it manually whenever you get a resize event. Thus you will need
 to store your original image in an off screen GdkPixbuf, and on an resize
 event create a resized copy through gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple() that you then
 provide to the GtkImage. Don't forget to unref the rescaled pixbuf after you
 pass it to GtkImage so you won't get a memory leak.
  Hope this helps.
  I have a GtkImage inside GtkViewport.
  I want that GTKImage resize with the width/height of the widget
  I try to use gtk_widget_size_request method of the widget but it hasn't
  actually width.
  Anyway to get GtkImage automatically fit width/heigth to adjust to widget

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Re: How to get GtkImage resize of widget container?

2009-03-14 Thread Dov Grobgeld
No, GtkImage doesn't resize the pixbuf automatically for you. You will have
to do it manually whenever you get a resize event. Thus you will need to
store your original image in an off screen GdkPixbuf, and on an resize event
create a resized copy through gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple() that you then
provide to the GtkImage. Don't forget to unref the rescaled pixbuf after you
pass it to GtkImage so you won't get a memory leak.

Hope this helps.


2009/3/14 Luis Gonzalez


 I have a GtkImage inside GtkViewport.

 I want that GTKImage resize with the width/height of the widget container.
 I try to use gtk_widget_size_request method of the widget but it hasn't the
 actually width.

 Anyway to get GtkImage automatically fit width/heigth to adjust to widget

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Re: newbie question

2009-03-11 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Hi Frederico,

(Copied from my own post from Mar 23, 2006 12:31:00 pm)

Here are four additional possibilities:

1. Use global variables for your widgets.

2. Create a struct containing pointers to all your widgets and use the
userdata field to pass this struct around in all callbacks.

3. Use the g_object_set_data() method to attach miscellaneous pointers to
your widgets. I.e. in the widget construction do:

GtkWidget *w_tree_view, *w_button; w_tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new(...); :
w_button = gtk_button_new(); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(w_button),
tree_view, w_tree_view); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(w_button), clicked,
G_CALLBACK(cb_button_clicked), NULL);

and in the callback cb_button_clicked() do:

GtkWidget *w_tree_view = GTK_WIDGET(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(widget),

This method is similar to what glade is doing.

4. Create your own container widget, e.g. by gob2 or vala and put all your
widgets in it. This is a fancy way of doing the struct callback I mentioned

Hope this helps.



2009/3/11 Tadej Borovšak

 2009/3/11 frederico schardong
 void my_callback_function (GtkButton *widget, gpointer user_ptr);
 g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( widget), clicked,
G_CALLBACK( my_callback_function), user_ptr );
 void my_callback_function (GtkButton *widget, gpointer user_ptr) {
  but how I can pass to my_callback_function the gtk_drawing_area? I
  know about the g_signal_connect.. but I not know how pass another
  widget, without the widget being passed the first parameter of
  gtk-app-devel-list mailing list


 Just pass your drawing area as a last parameter to g_signal_connect

 Simple code would look like:

 -- CODE ---
 main( int argc, char **argv )
GtkWidget *button = gtk_button_new();
GtkWidget *draw = gtk_drawing_area_new();

g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), clicked,
  G_CALLBACK( cb_clicked ), draw );

/* More code here */

 /* Callback function */
 static void
 cb_clicked( GtkButton *button,
GtkWidget *draw )
/* Code here to save your work */

 --- /CODE --

 Tadej Borovšak
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Re: 2. Re: General tips about GTK+ programming

2009-03-05 Thread Dov Grobgeld
First of all, since C++ is basically a superset of C, you can add as much or
little C++ as you want to your C-program. In another word, you can program
in C++, but use the C-api for widget creation, etc. That is what I have been
doing e.g. in my projects GemTCL and giv. In contrast to what was said in
this thread, I am subclassing GtkWindow and adding private members to it,
and am doing it in C. But, as I also find the C-syntax very tough and
verbose for object inheritance, I have been using gob2 for this. gob2 is a
preprocessor written for extending and dealing with GObjects.

It may be claimed that gob2 has become deprecated with the emergance of
Vala, which is a new language that compiles to C/H-code for GObjects. But
then you are no longer writing in C or C++ at all, for good and for bad.
It's pluses is that its syntax is much nicer for GObjects. Its minuses is
that you need to create extra glue interfaces in order to refer to other C
and C++ classes.

Hope this helps.


2009/3/5 dhk

 Ali Abdallah wrote:
  Message: 1
  Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 09:39:51 -0300
  From: Tomaz Canabrava
  Subject: Re: General tips about GTK+ programming
  To: Vlad Volodin
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
  from what I'v been into, it's better to write object oriented software
  using object oriented programming languages. I know some in this list
  dislikes c++ , but it's more sane than use pointers and simulations of
  you will not learn how to program better by converting your gtkmm code
  to gtk, your code will be larger and will do the same thing.
  I think what he was saying about learning more when converting his
  program to GTK is valid,
  since in C you deal with lower level programming than C++ , also you
  know Gtk+ is written in C,
  so when he gets used of C/Gtk/GObject programming he could easily
  understand the way Gtk+ is done.
  My 2 cents.
  gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

 Is there a way to start adding C++ code to an existing C GTK program?
 How would you start to convert a GTK program written in C to a GTK
 program in C++?

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Re: RE : RE : drawing and erasing text

2009-02-24 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Hi Dominique,

Do yourself a favour and take the time to get rid of the use of XOR for
drawing and erasing. You'll have to keep a backing store of your data and
restore it when erasing. I've done the same thing for creating a rubber band
distance measuring tool in my image viewer giv. (Look at
and giv-backstore.h(*)). Even better use of existing canvas frameworks, e.g.
goocanvas, that does all the job for you. The only reason I can think of for
not using the canvas is if you have huge data sets and you can't afford the
time and space overhead of the canvas frameworks.

Regarding XOR, besides being ugly, you'll suffer because you can't use cairo
and pango for a modern anti-aliasing, as well as easy exporting and

(*) The backstore class is still suffering from flickering because it erases
the old rubber band line by restoring the background, and only after the
background has been restored, does it paint the new rubberband line. I've
been planning to take care of this, but never got around to it.



 Hello Tor,

 I know that the gdk_font family functions and gdk_draw_string are
 deprecated, I use them because it was  easier for me when I translate my
 XWindows plotting part on my sotfware to Gdk (in order to port the entire
 software from Linux to Windows). Using Pango layout and gtk_draw_layout
 leads to same problem : the text is not drawn in Xor mode (we can see also
 that the colour is not the same for the lines and text).

 The Xor mode is a smart and easy way to erase some drawing (more than
 saving and restoring the original plot under each text notes, each axe's
 tics... we must calculate the involved region, and what to do when a note to
 erase is near a another one we want to keep). I will be sorry if I dont find
 a solution !

 The CbExpose callback was called repeated over and over by the use in the
 sample program of gtk_widget_modify_bg. I replace it by
  gdk_window_set_background that doesn't change the background ! and at last
 I use gtk_draw_rectangle to paint the entire drawing area in the background
 colour I want.

 In the XWindows, I use a XChangeWindowAttributes to set the backing store
 which prevents to have to redraw the plot when another window comes over a
 part of the drawing. With the backing store, no expose event is send in
 these cases. Is there a way to obtain the same beahivior with Gdk ?  If not,
 I will use a pixmap to save and restore quickly the plot rather than
 redrawing billion of points on each expose event.

 The use of setlocale is for trying to have the buttons from stock in
 French. In fact, the problem is when I distribute my software on Windows,
 Gtk seems to not find the .../share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ and the
 button are in English. Is there a path to set ?

 The last problem is about the tree view with multiple selection. On
 Windows, when I use Ctrl or Shift keys and left click to select multiple
 items, it works fine until I select three or four items : suddenly the tree
 is collapsed. It seems to be the same with demo program of GTK.

 Thank you for your answer.

 -Message d'origine-
 De : [] De la part de Tor
 Envoyé : lundi 23 février 2009 15:59
 Cc :
 Objet : Re: RE : drawing and erasing text

 Hmm, do you know that the gdk_font_* and gdk_draw_string() APIs are
 deprecated and de facto unmaintained? Whether some aspect of it works
 fully or not on Windows is hardly interesting at this point.

 When I run your program both in Linux and Windows, the CbExpose
 callback is called repeatedly over and over. Does that happen for you,
 too? I wonder why that happens.

 By the way, the XLFD you pass to gdk_font_load_for_display,
 -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1 is way
 too specific and probably works only on the distro and combination of
 package versions you happen to be using. No matching font was found on
 openSUSE 11.1, for instance. (Instead, I just used
 -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1)  (But as I said,
 using the XLFD-based font API is deprecated anyway.)

 You call  setlocale(LC_ALL, fr). Note that the setlocale() function
 in the Microsoft C library used on Windows in general does not accept
 locale names in the form commonly used on Unixes, using ISO639
 language codes and ISO3166 country codes. But just out of luck, for
 fr it happens to work apparently, but not in general for locale
 codes like fr_CA, sv or de for instance.


 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: GTK warning

2009-02-21 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The message means exactly what it sais, that you try to reduce the ref count
of an object that doesn't exist. If it is a C-program the way to trace this
is to rerun the program with the flag g-fatal-warnings in which case the
program will exit such that if you run the program in a debugger, the error
will be caught and you can examine the stack and the reason for the error.

But since the example you give is in Python this probably means that there
is an error in the python binding. You should try to create a minimum
example that triggers the problem and try to create a bug report.


2009/2/21 Jeffrey Barish

 I hate the warning messages that GTK provides because they rarely help me
 find the problem.  What does this one mean?

 / Warning: g_object_unref: assertion `object-ref_count 
 0' failed

 What object is producing the warning?  I suppose it must be myimage.  What
 am I supposed to do?  If I exit the program and run it again, 9 times out
 of 10 I don't get the warning.
 Jeffrey Barish

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Re: GUI quickly?

2009-02-10 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Here are a couple of options:

   - Parse your variable list through regular expressions and dynamically
   build your interface.
   - Offline generate a glade (or GtkBuilder file) based on the same
   parsing. The syntax of glade and GtkBuilder is very straight forward.

Regarding the callback, the question is if you really want to get a callback
for each of the four characters 3,.,1 and 4. After all you are not
likely to use them until you press some [Go] button, or at least leave the
widget. In any case it will help you in this case to use the
g_object_set_data() function to attach the name of the data to the entry or
ComboBox widgets.

If you instead use the [Go] button approach, then you can save all your
widgets in a list and in the [Go] clicked signal handle, query them all for
their current values. This latter approach is how I do it now, after having
used the callback on each keypress in the beginning of my Gtk days. (Which
is closer to how Perl/Tk works).


2009/2/10 Juhana Sadeharju

 This is related to open source free project, please help.

 I have described variables this way:
 NPC / Weight, float
 NPC / AI Data / Mood, list of choices here

 What are possibilities for creating GUI with minimal work?
 I may group variables to groups, one per window.
 I may group variables to subgroups, one per tab.
 I may add widget type IDs if that is not clear.
 But, using Glade to built the windows is too time-consuming.

 Of course, when a value has been edited in GUI, I should
 receive message: NPC / Weight changed to 3.14, etc.

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: GtkImage

2009-01-29 Thread Dov Grobgeld
In glade, try erasing the size. There is almost never any need to set the
size of a widget in glade. Instead the size of a widget should be the size
of its contained widgets.


2009/1/29 frederico schardong

 2009/1/29 Dov Grobgeld
  The GtkImage will change its size automatically according to the size of
  image that you load. If you want to change the image size, then you
  load it into a GdkPixbuf, resize it, and then set it with
  Btw, please keep CC:ing the mailing list, as there might be others with
  similar questions.
  2009/1/29 frederico schardong
  But I must resize the image to the size of space of GtkImagem on
  how I do it?

 But GtkImage don't change its size.. On glade I defined the size of
 that is not preventing it to resize?


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Re: GtkImage

2009-01-27 Thread Dov Grobgeld
If you use glade, then after loading the interface, the widget has already
been created for you. There is therefore no need to generate another image
widget through a call to gtk_image_new_from_file() and you should use
gtk_image_set_from_file instead:

GtkWidget *image = ...*get widget pointer from libglade* ...();
gtk_image_set_from_file(image, image.bmp)

How to get the widget pointer from libglade is left as an exercise for the
reader. (A bad excuse for saying that I am too lazy to look it up. :-)


2009/1/27 frederico schardong


 I was created a space for image on glade-3, and I'm trying to link
 some imagem to this space.

 GtkWidget space;

 space = gtk_image_new_from_file(image.bmp);

 only this?

 the image will rezise itself to the space dimensions?
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Re: Using GdkPixbuf buffers with GraphicsMagick

2009-01-06 Thread Dov Grobgeld
The data of a GdkPixbuf is layed out as a continous allocated chunk of
memory in one of the following format RGBRGBRGB for 24-bit images, or
RGBARGBARGBA, for 32-bit images, where R,G,B,A stands for the red, green,
blue, and alpha components respectively. Lines may be also padded to
row_stride bytes. Since you don't describe what GraphicsMagic() expects and
how you extracts the relevent info from the pixbuf, it is impossible to say
what went wrong.

In any case you can use any library, e.g. cairo, agg, OpenCV, or access the
pixels straight in the GdkPixbuf.


2009/1/6 Luka Napotnik


 I'm trying to use GraphicsMagic (the successor of ImageMagick) to
 manipulate a GdkPixbuf image buffer. The problem is that the program
 segfaults, probably due to the raw nature of the buffer which the Magick
 API doesn't handle very good.
 I'm opening the image buffer with MagickReadImageBlob() and then apply
 some filters.

 Does anyone have experiences using GdkPixbuf together with
 GraphicsMagick or can anyone suggest alternatives to GraphicsMagick
 which works well with GdkPixbuf?


 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: Accessing PixBuf pixels

2008-12-18 Thread Dov Grobgeld
It is almost correct except the fact that the rows of a pixbuf may be
padded. You are therefore supposed to use gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf)
to get the distance between the rows.

Here is e.g. an example of vertically flip an image:

   guint8 *buf = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(img);
   gint w = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(img);
   gint h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(img);
   gint rs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(img);
   gint row_idx, col_idx;

   for (row_idx=0; row_idxh/2; row_idx++)
   guint8 *ptr1 = buf+rs * row_idx;
   guint8 *ptr2 = buf+rs * (h-row_idx-1);

   for (col_idx=0; col_idxw; col_idx++)
   guint8 tmp_r = *ptr1;
   guint8 tmp_g = *(ptr1+1);
   guint8 tmp_b = *(ptr1+2);
   guint8 tmp_alpha = *(ptr1+3);
   *ptr1++ = *ptr2;
   *ptr1++ = *(ptr2+1);
   *ptr1++ = *(ptr2+2);
   *ptr1++ = *(ptr2+3);
   *ptr2++ = tmp_r;
   *ptr2++ = tmp_g;
   *ptr2++ = tmp_b;
   *ptr2++ = tmp_alpha;

Hope this helps.


2008/12/18 Luka Napotnik

 Hello. I have some difficulties with manipulation of pixels in the
 GdkPixbuf data buffer. I use the following loop to iterate thought
 each pixel:

 n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf);
 guchar *pixel;
 guchar *data = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf);

 for (i = 0; i  width*height; i++) {
pixel = buffer + i * n_channels;

pixel[0] = 100; /* Red channel */
pixel[1] = 100; /* Green channel */
pixel[2] = 100; /* Blue channel */
pixel[3] = 100; /* Alpha channel */

 Is this the right way to handle a RGBA buffer?

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Re: gdk-pixbuf

2008-12-18 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Just loop over the pixels and calculate a gray level through a linear
combination of R, G, and B. For example ppmtopgm uses:

grey = .299 r + .587 g + .114 b

Then assign the resulting gray to the red, green, and blue components, and
voila! You've got yourself a gray scale image.

See my previous post for an example of how to loop over a GdkPixbuf.


2008/12/18 frederico schardong

  I need some API, which has the power to transform any RGB image to
 grayscale (8-bit) and I can map the image, creating a vast array[height in
 pixels][width in pixels] in which each cell has a value from 0 to 255,
 corresponding to the values of the pixels.

 With gdk-pixbuf can I do that?
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: Problems when (cross)compiling a gtk app on linux for windows

2008-10-26 Thread Dov Grobgeld
I just tested your compilation line and except from the fact that I needed
to add:


to the include flags, I had no problem compiling with it. So either the
download at gtk is broken or you made some mistake when downloading it.

Btw, you might be interested in checking out the cross compilation
environment that I have set up in the SConstruct file of the project giv at . I do all my development including the construction
of a install package from from Linux.


2008/10/26 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi everyone,

 I am trying to compile my application for windows on a Linux system using
 i486-mingw-gcc without having to run Windows itself. I obtained the cross
 compiler, including the winapi headers etc., through the packaging system of
 the distribution I use which is Archlinux. I already succeeded in compiling
 some other applications of mine, including SDL applications, so the
 crosscompiler itself, including the winapi references etc., works
 fine/should be properly configured.
 Before I started compiling my gtk app, I downloaded all the devel and bin
 packages from which that site
 told me I need and extracted them all into the sub folder ./gtk/ (relative
 to my source code files). Then I did pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 to
 obtain the package names and linker flags I need, and changed all the paths
 from it so it points all to ./gtk/ which resulted in the following command:

 i486-mingw32-gcc -o LPHirc.exe ./lphirc_main.c -mwindows -lws2_32
 -I./gtk/include/gtk-2.0 -I./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk
 -I./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gdk -I./gtk/include/atk-1.0 -I./gtk/include/cairo
 -I./gtk/include/pango-1.0 -I./gtk/include/glib-2.0
 -I./gtk/lib/glib-2.0/include -I./gtk/include/freetype2
 -I./gtk/include/libpng12 -I./gtk/include/pixman-1 -L./gtk/bin -latk-1.0
 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lcairo -lgobject-2.0
 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0

 When attempting to compile, I get the following errors:

 In file included from ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkwindow.h:35,
 from ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkdialog.h:36,
 from ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkaboutdialog.h:32,
 from ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h:33,
 from lphirc_gtk.h:17,
 from lphirc.h:78,
 from lphirc_main.c:17:
 ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkaccelgroup.h:77: warning: parameter names
 (without types) in function declaration
 ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkaccelgroup.h:77: error: field 'GSEAL' declared
 as a function
 ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkaccelgroup.h:78: warning: parameter names
 (without types) in function declaration
 ./gtk/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkaccelgroup.h:78: error: field 'GSEAL' declared
 as a function

 I have no idea what's going wrong, maybe some includes or linker flags


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Re: How to center vbox inside full screen window

2008-09-01 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Both GtkImage and GtkLabel are subclasses of GtkMisc, which means that you
can set their alignments through the GtkMisc methods. Thus after after
packing them together, set the yalignment of the image to 1.0 and the
yalignment of the label to 0.0 (default for both are 0.5) and you should be

Search for GtkMisc in the GtkLabel and GtkImage documentations.

Another option is to create another non-filled GtkVBox into which you place
the image and the label, and then place this vbox in your outer filled vbox.

Hope this helps,

2008/8/30 Christian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi All,

 I have a very simple GTK program (in C) that creates a full screen window.
  Inside the full screen window I am placing a vbox with two elements inside:
 and image and a label.

 For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the contents of the vbox
 to be packed together.  I.e. I want the image + label touching each other
 and centered on the screen.  Currently the height of the vbox seems to fill
 the height of the screen with the image and label distributed inside (and
 not touching).

 Any help is appreciated!

 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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Re: How to set the font's size of the GtkLabel?

2008-08-28 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Hi Lazy (great name),

The way to do it is to set the name of the label through:

gtk_widget_set_name(label, foo);

and then define a style for the name foo, that includes a font

gtk_rc_parse_string(style \foo\ {\n
  font = \Serif 32\\n

Hope this helps,

2008/8/28 Lazy Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I wrote the following statememts to set a GtkLabel's font size.
 But it seems don't work?
 I'm not good at Pango, can anybody help me?

 | PangoAttrList *pg_attr_list = pango_attr_list_new();
 | PangoAttribute *pg_attr = pango_attr_size_new(10);
 | label = gtk_label_new(This is a label);
 | pango_attr_list_change(pg_attr_list, pg_attr);
 | gtk_label_set_attributes(GTK_LABEL(label), pg_attr_list);


 gtk-list mailing list

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Re: How to set the font's size of the GtkLabel?

2008-08-28 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Hi Tomas,

You are certainly right The style method is more suited when you want to
change additional properties like background color, etc. I stand corrected.


2008/8/28 Tomas Carnecky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dov Grobgeld wrote:
  Hi Lazy (great name),
  The way to do it is to set the name of the label through:
  gtk_widget_set_name(label, foo);
  and then define a style for the name foo, that includes a font
  gtk_rc_parse_string(style \foo\ {\n
font = \Serif 32\\n

 Ugh, that's complicated. An easier way is:

 GtkLabel *label = gtk_label_new();
 gtk_label_set_markup(label, span font_desc=\10.0\This is a

 how to use the pango markup language.

  2008/8/28 Lazy Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I wrote the following statememts to set a GtkLabel's font size.
  But it seems don't work?
  I'm not good at Pango, can anybody help me?
  | PangoAttrList *pg_attr_list = pango_attr_list_new();
  | PangoAttribute *pg_attr = pango_attr_size_new(10);
  | label = gtk_label_new(This is a label);
  | pango_attr_list_change(pg_attr_list, pg_attr);
  | gtk_label_set_attributes(GTK_LABEL(label), pg_attr_list);
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Re: When packing widgets, what is the difference between box and table

2006-07-04 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Box is one dimensional, either horizontal (hbox) or vertical (vbox)
and the widgets are packed in the beginning or the end of them.

Table is two dimensional and widgets are packed by specifying the
coordinates of the four sides to which the widget is to be attached.

You can also get two dimensions by recursively packing several boxes
inside one another, but it is not the same as a table, as the
constraints of a table is that all cells belonging to a column have
the same width AND all the cells belonging to  a row have the same


On 7/4/06, chao yeaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello, everyone
First ,i am sorry for my terrible  English.

When packing widgets ,we can use the box widget or the table
 widget,but what is the difference ?
when many widgets packed to the box or table,how to  modify the
 tab order of those packed widgets ?

 Any hint would be much appreciated ,thank you in advance
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Re: gtk themes

2005-05-11 Thread Dov Grobgeld
Just do:

gtk_rc_parse_string(include \/usr/share/themes/Bumblebee\\n)

and you will use the Bumblebee theme.


On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 07:41:52AM +0100, abhi rocks wrote:
 Well i couldnt change my gtk theme using the .gtkrc
 file in my home directory. Is there anyway i can
 change the theme using code. I know my gtk themes are
 in /usr/share/themes. Is there any function which
 could implement a theme on runtime.
 Thank You
 Abhishek Samuel
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