bitmap in button doesn't appear in 64bit 9.10

2010-01-19 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey, All,

The following code works great in 32 bit and 64bit = 9.04, but no bitmap
appears when I run in 64bit 9.10.

Gtk::Image* img = NULL;
if (btnImageName.length()  0)
cppstring path = GUtils::OSGetIconFolder() + btnImageName + L.png;
img = new

Gtk::Button* btn = new Gtk::Button;
if (img != NULL)
btn-set_alignment(0.0, 0.5);
LXLiveReadoutManager::ToggleSourceWindow), sourceID));
m_ButtonMap[sourceID] = btn;


It is finding the image and making the btn-set_image call.

Thanks in advance.

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: bitmap in button doesn't appear in 64bit 9.10

2010-01-19 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Thanks.  After some digging, I managed to find out how to set the settings:

// Set button/menu images on by default -- 9.10 turned them off
GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default ();
gtk_settings_set_long_property (settings, gtk-button-images, 1,
.gtkrc:0); // I don't understand the significance of the origin param.  I
just saw this on some thread and tried it -- it works...
gtk_settings_set_long_property (settings, gtk-menu-images, 1,

Thanks, again!


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Tadej Borovšak wrote:


  The following code works great in 32 bit and 64bit = 9.04, but no bitmap
  appears when I run in 64bit 9.10.
 Gtk::Image* img = NULL;
 if (btnImageName.length()  0)
 cppstring path = GUtils::OSGetIconFolder() + btnImageName +
 img = new
 Gtk::Button* btn = new Gtk::Button;
 if (img != NULL)
 btn-set_alignment(0.0, 0.5);
  LXLiveReadoutManager::ToggleSourceWindow), sourceID));
 m_ButtonMap[sourceID] = btn;

 I think this is Ubuntu's fault. They decided to reduce visual
 clutter and trim images from menu items, buttons, etc. by default.
 User can change this by setting gtk-button-images and
 gtk-menu-images GtkSettings to TRUE, but I cannot help you with GUI
 tools, since I don't use Ubuntu or GNOME.


 Tadej Borovšak

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: bitmap in button doesn't appear in 64bit 9.10

2010-01-19 Thread Garth's KidStuff
okay. I want to do things the right way. It's hard sometimes because  
the documentation is a little light. *grin*

I guess I'll look into how to construct the button manually.

Garth Upshaw

On Jan 19, 2010, at 4:20 PM, David Nečas wrote:

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:14:28AM -0800, Garth's KidStuff wrote:
Thanks.  After some digging, I managed to find out how to set the  

   // Set button/menu images on by default -- 9.10 turned them off
   GtkSettings *settings = gtk_settings_get_default ();
   gtk_settings_set_long_property (settings, gtk-button-images, 1,
.gtkrc:0); // I don't understand the significance of the origin  
param.  I

just saw this on some thread and tried it -- it works...
   gtk_settings_set_long_property (settings, gtk-menu-images, 1,

You can set images on menu items where they are really, really  

by setting the always-show-image property.

If you have buttons that make no sense without the image, you have
always the option of constructing their content manually instead of
using the image property.

I did both in a few cases in my programs, namely in special menus and
where the image carried the primary information and the text only

By changing the settings in *code* you behave a thousand times worse
than Ubuntu did.  The GtkSettings distro defaults can be probably
changed in some user preferences; and in the worst case by gconf- 


gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /desktop/gnome/interface/ 
menus_have_icons true

or similar means.

How will anyone using your app disable the icons in menus?


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

menu bitmaps on 64-bit build

2010-01-14 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I build the same source on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines running various
versions of ubuntu (64-bit is only 9.04 and 9.10) and on the 32-bit builds I
see the menu item bitmaps, but on 64-bit, I don't.

I'm using the gtk_icon_factory methods.

Anyone have any ideas about what's going on?



Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

inter process communication

2009-07-10 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,
What's the best way to communicate between 2 applications?  And can you
point me to some nice C/C++ sample code?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: best way to communicate between 2 applications

2009-07-10 Thread Garth's KidStuff
More details:
I'm running a large application written in gtkmm on an Ubuntu (8.1 or 9.04)
machine.  I'd like to know when a usb device has been attached or detached.
 Some other kind people on this list pointed me to udev for the usb event
handling, and told me how I could run a little program when udev detected an
event, so the missing piece is how does this little udev app tell the first
application that something has happened?

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

usb plug/unplug notifications

2009-07-09 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,
I'd like to know how to intercept usb events.  Right now, I'm polling for
changes, but that isn't the right way to handle device discovery.  Is
there a way to get a notification when something happens in the usb world?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: enumerating available fonts

2009-03-18 Thread Garth's KidStuff
 How do I enumerate the fonts available on a system?

Here's a little function using Gtkmm that I use...

vectorstring* LXUtils::GetAllFontNames()
{ // RETURN a pointer to a static string vector that contains the font names
static vectorstring vsFonts;

if (vsFonts.empty())
{ // Only bother to do this the first time through
LXMainWindow* pWind = LXMainWindow::GetAppMainWindow(); // Get
Glib::RefPtrPango::Context rPC = pWind-get_pango_context();
Glib::ArrayHandle Glib::RefPtrPango::FontFamily  fonts =

  iFont = fonts.begin();
for (; iFont != fonts.end(); iFont++)

return vsFonts;

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: re: tuning widgets base size

2009-03-03 Thread Garth's KidStuff
 A pointer to the context's default font description. This value must not
be modified or freed

Well, yes.  I interpreted this as meaning that I shouldn't modify the
pointer itself.

And yes -- the solution I gave was gtkmm.  Glad you found the gtk solution.
I should point out that one thing that tripped me up for a bit was figuring
out where the Gtk::Label object was for arbitrary controls -- i.e. you have
to dig into the control to get to the label.

Happy programming!

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: tuning widgets base size

2009-03-02 Thread Garth's KidStuff
 But this doesn't work. What is the right solution of my problem? Finaly I
want make widgets smaller than default widgets, like
 toolbox widgets in The GIMP.

void LXDialog::ShrinkWidgetFont(
Gtk::Widget* pCtrl, // [in] Control to shrink the text of
real scale) // [in] scale factor (should be  1.0 to shrink control)
// Different kinds of controls need different sub-objects' font resized
Gtk::Frame* pFrame = dynamic_castGtk::Frame*(pCtrl);
if (NULL != pFrame) // e.g. Frames have label widgets they use to
display their text
pCtrl = pFrame-get_label_widget();
{ // ...and radio buttons and check buttons are simply containers with a
single label child
Gtk::Bin* pBin = dynamic_castGtk::Bin*(pCtrl);
if (NULL != pBin)
pCtrl = pBin-get_child();

Gtk::Label* pLabel = dynamic_castGtk::Label*(pCtrl);
if (NULL != pLabel)
{ // Other controls might not have a label whose font we need to set
Glib::RefPtrPango::Context pPangoContext =
Pango::FontDescription fontD =
fontD.set_size((int)(scale * fontD.get_size()));

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How to make a simple beep?

2009-03-01 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I'm running under Ubuntu 8.10 and want to make a simple beep -- like the
Windows Beep function which takes a frequency (in Hz) and a duration (in
milliseconds).  Does anyone have a place to point me?



Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: problems updating statusbar

2009-02-17 Thread Garth's KidStuff

while (gtk_events_pending())

to your code where you want to make sure a UI change appears.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Full Screen mode behaves differently on two identical systems

2009-01-27 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I have 2 computers, both running Ubuntu 8.10 (kernel2.6.27-9-generic).  When
my gtkmm application goes to full screen mode, and the user brings up any
modal dialog (which is a child of the application main window), on one
system everything looks fine.  On the other, I get the System menu
(Applications Places System) appearing instead of the application menu.
When the dialog closes, the Application menu comes back.  This is somewhat
disconcerting to my users *grin*.

Clearly, the systems are different somehow, but I'm at a loss as to exactly
where and why it would make a difference.  I have multiple examples of each
behavior.  So far, it seems that older PCs and newer netbooks have the bad
behavior, while my development laptops and some newer desktop PCs work

The same bad/good behavior happened when all my machines were running Ubuntu
8.04 with multiple kernels.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: gtk_main_iteration() exits app first time through

2009-01-07 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

It was my app bug.  We'd added a new polling loop activated by a timer but
during the gtk_main_iteration the program state wasn't correct for the new
code.  No worries!

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Toolbar text makes toolbar very, very wide

2009-01-07 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

When I turn on toolbar button labels Text Below Items (System  Preference 
Appearance  Interface), the toolbar gets much, much wider than it seems it
should.  There's lots of wasted space and it makes the toolbar for the app
I'm working on almost useless on smaller screens.

Does anyone have ideas for how to make the text use space more efficiently?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

gtk_main_iteration() exits app first time through

2009-01-06 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

Some months ago, I asked how to make a modeless dialog (a progress dialog)
appear while continuing to execute in the main thread.  Someone (thanks!)
suggested using

while (gtk_events_pending())

to make sure the new dialog gets shown.  I implemented that and it worked
great for the last 6 months or so.  Just today, I noticed that the program
exits the first time it calls gtk_main_iteration();

Does anyone know what happened?


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

programmatic screenshots?

2008-12-01 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I'm runnign a Gtk++ app under ubuntu 8.04 and I'd liek to take a screenshot
from inside the app.  Any hints?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Tips on translating to other languages

2008-11-17 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

I'm working on a very large Application that has already shipped in multiple
languages on Mac and Windows.  There's a whole scheme in place which already
works to extract strings from a special text file so I don't need to use any
of the gettext stuff as described in the gtkmm documentation here:

My question is, how do I tell gtk to load the Spanish version of system
dialogs (e.g. the File Open dialog).



Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: Ok button key binding

2008-11-14 Thread Garth's KidStuff
 Also how do i make the Ok button to react on the return key.

Hey there.  This is in gtkmm:

Gtk::Button m_IDOK;

The one subtle point for me was that any Gtk::Entry controls in the dialog
ate the return unless I did the following:

m_IDC_ADD_PAGE_TITLE.set_activates_default(true); // Enter while editing
should activate default OK

Happy coding.

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Ok button key binding

2008-11-14 Thread Garth's KidStuff
shoot.  Nope, I don't have an off-the-top-of-my-head idea for you.  Except
to maybe get notified on every keypress and filter the return by hand.  Not
sure how to do that, though.  Let me know if you get a good answer to this

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Till Harbaum / Lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


 Am Freitag 14 November 2008 schrieb Garth's KidStuff:
  The one subtle point for me was that any Gtk::Entry controls in the
  ate the return unless I did the following:
  Gtk::Entry m_IDC_ADD_PAGE_TITLE;
  m_IDC_ADD_PAGE_TITLE.set_activates_default(true); // Enter while
  should activate default OK
 Thanks, that was my problem! This works in those dialogs that have entries.
 Now i am still facing a similar issue with dialogs containing a gtktreeview
 list. Pressing return selects an item in that list, but not the default
 dialog button.
 Any hint how to cope with the treeview? Unfortunately it doesn't have a
 set_activates_default() function ...

 Thanks again,

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

on_expose_event not being called when expected

2008-11-04 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I have a large application whose drawing logic is based on the clock example
( in the

* When objects need to be redrawn they set a rectangle
* A timer fires every so often (100ms in my case), and I call
invalidate_rect  with the above rectangle
* My Gtk::DrawingArea-derived class overrides on_expose_event and draws the

This logic works impeccably (*grin*) until the CPU is under heavy load.  In
that case, I can see the invalidate_rect calls happening but on_expose_event
doesn't get called until the cpu load is back to normal.  I've been banging
my head against this for a few days now and would love some new ideas about
how to attack the problem.

Thanks in advance.

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Print dialog is too big on some systems (Ubuntu 8.04 on an Asus Eee)

2008-10-24 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey all,

I'm using the standard print method from Gtk (not Gtkmm because of a bug in
the mm implementation), and the print dialog is way too big for the
(admittedly very small) screen on the Asus Eee PC (800x480).  Am I stuck
with this behavior?  The QA folks noted that Open Office has a dialog that's
the right size -- did they roll their own?

Thanks in advance for your ideas.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How do I set up the system to launch my app when the user double-clicks a file?

2008-10-17 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I'd like to have a user install my application (LoggerLite) and then be able
to double-click on a LoggerLite file and have LoggerLite automatically
launch.  I see how one can use the Open With tab in a File's properties
dialog to change what app launches when double-clicking that file, but I
want to do this programatically -- without having to ask the user to set
this.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Stop text view to scroll on pageup/down (Gabriele Greco)

2008-10-07 Thread Garth's KidStuff
I've assigned a global meaning to the PageUp/Down keys in a application and
I catch them with a key snooper. The keys are catched and the action
performed, but if the window contains a textview also the textview contents
are scrolled, so I tried to catch the keys in the textview, and then in
the scrolledwindow but without results:

   g_signal_connect(sw, key-press-event, (GCallback)eat_pageupdown,

I just asked a very similar question a few days ago on the list and Murray
was kind enough to point out that I needed to connect my signal *before* the
regular signal handler (as opposed to after, which is the default).  In
gtkmm, this was easy as the connect function has a parameter for that very
purpose.  I don't see how to so so here.  Sorry :(

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How do I intercept keys in a Gtk::Entry widget?

2008-09-25 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

I'd like to process the right arrow key in a Gtk::Entry widget (so, for
instance, if the cursor is at the rightmost insert position, I'd like to do
something special) but if I connect to the signal keypress event as so:

// LXWidgetEntry inherits from Gtk::Entry

bool LXWidgetEntry::OnKeypress(
GdkEventKey* event) // [in] event from the system (with key, state,
if (event-keyval == GDK_Right)
{  // Do my thing here

return false;

I never get the right arrow key (I can get other keys, such as Tab, but not
keys the entry control uses).

Once I get the key, how do I either let the widget continue to handle the
key in some of the cases?

Thanks in advance!

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

When in Full screen mode, dialogs make system menu appear (replacing app menu)

2008-09-02 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

In my app, I go into full screen mode and then bring up a dialog.  The
application menu goes away and is replaced by the system menu (Applications
Places System, etc.).  I don't want this behavior, and I don't see any
reference in the documentation.  Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: How to set the font's size of the Gtklabel

2008-08-28 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey there,

Using Gtkmm

void ChangeLabelFontSize(

Glib::RefPtrPango::Context pPangoContext =
Pango::FontDescription fontD =
fontD.set_size((int)(scale * fontD.get_size()));

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: How to set the font's size of the Gtklabel

2008-08-28 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Whops, hit the send button before I was finished..

the method should be:

void ChangeLabelFontSize(
Gtk::Label *pLabel,   // [in] Pointer to label to change font on
float scale)  // [in] amount to scale font size by.  1.0 leaves label
Glib::RefPtrPango::Context pPangoContext =
Pango::FontDescription fontD =
fontD.set_size((int)(scale * fontD.get_size()));

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Full Screen mode and odd menu behavior

2008-08-25 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey All,

When I put my application into full screen mode (by calling fullscreen), the
Linux System menu (Applications, Places, etc.) nicely goes away.  However,
doing some things in my app (e.g. bringing up a modal dialog) can cause the
system menu to appear unexpectedly.  Am I missing something on how this is
supposed to work?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Hitting return in Gtk::Entry control doesn't do default action in dialog with Gtk::Notebook

2008-08-20 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

I have a dialogs with a Gtk::Entry control in a Gtk::Notebook and -- unlike
other Gtk::Entry controls in dialogs without notebooks -- if I set:

m_ENTRY.set_activates_default(true); // Enter while editing should
activate default OK

Hitting Entry still doesn't activate the OK button.

Thanks in Advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Can't install gtkmm (package manager won't install libgtkmm-2.4-dev)

2008-08-07 Thread Garth's KidStuff
 This is unusual on a stable Ubuntu release. Anyway, Ubuntu's launchpad
 is the best place to get help about it, I guess.

Thanks Murry,

I re-installed Ubuntu 8.04 from the CD, and then installed gtkmm BEFORE
allowing the Ubuntu updates to install.  I've submitted a bug in the proper
Ubuntu place.

On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 16:12 -0700, Garth's KidStuff wrote:
 Hi All,

 Help!  I'm trying to install a build environment on a machine I just
 installed Ubuntu 8.04.1 on and the package manager won't install
 libgtkmm-2.4-dev.  It gives the following message:

  Depends: libatk1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
  Depends: libcairomm-1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
  Depends: libglibmm-2.4-dev but it is not going to be installed
  Depends: libgtk2.0-dev but it is not going to be installed

 If I try to install some of the dependencies, I get this message:
   Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.16.3-1ubuntu2) but 2.16.4-0ubuntu2 is to be

 This used to work -- I installed this build environment on a machine just
 couple of months ago and know I'm, not doing anything different.  Anyone
 have any ideas?

 Thanks tons in advance -- this is seriously killing my productivity!


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Can't install gtkmm (package manager won't install libgtkmm-2.4-dev)

2008-08-04 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

Help!  I'm trying to install a build environment on a machine I just
installed Ubuntu 8.04.1 on and the package manager won't install
libgtkmm-2.4-dev.  It gives the following message:

 Depends: libatk1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: libcairomm-1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: libglibmm-2.4-dev but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: libgtk2.0-dev but it is not going to be installed

If I try to install some of the dependencies, I get this message:
  Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.16.3-1ubuntu2) but 2.16.4-0ubuntu2 is to be

This used to work -- I installed this build environment on a machine just a
couple of months ago and know I'm, not doing anything different.  Anyone
have any ideas?

Thanks tons in advance -- this is seriously killing my productivity!

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How do I get the enter key to press OK when in a GTk::Entry widget?

2008-07-14 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

I've got a dialog with a Gtk:Entry widget and some other widgets.  I've set
the OK button the be the default and that works fine as long as the user
isn't editing text in the Entry widget.   How do I make the Entry widget
ignore the return key?

Thanks in advance.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: font size gtk_*_new_with_label

2008-07-13 Thread Garth's KidStuff
 I'm using

 gtk_widget_modify_font()  and

 style = gtk_rc_style_new();
 pango_font_description_free( style-font_desc );
 style-font_desc = pfont;
 gtk_widget_modify_style( widget, style );

 to change the font size of my labels, but I can't do it on created
 buttons with gtk_*_new_with_label() and neither in my statusbar.

I couldn't find any example on the net. I understand that I dont have the
reference to the labels... , but when gtk refresh  the screen needs the
reference to the labels...

So how to get the reference pointer or directly how to change the font size
on these objects ?

I have custom labels with my widgets...
Now, I'd rather change as less as possible the Glade code (Glade use
_with_label in generation code).
I think that would be better using with_label than a custom button (I'm not
completetly sure about it on gtk).

Could any body give me some help about this problem? I need to solve it

Thanks in advance, Regards

I wrote a short gtkmm method to scale the fontsize of various controls.
It's not complete (e.g. it doesn't do comboboxes, or entry widgets), but it
may answer your question.

Gtk::Widget* pCtrl, // [in] Control to shrink the text of
real scale) // [in] scale factor (should be  1.0 to shrink control)
// Different kinds of controls need different sub-objects' font resized
Gtk::Frame* pFrame = dynamic_castGtk::Frame*(pCtrl);
if (NULL != pFrame) // e.g. Frames have label widgets they use to
display their text
pCtrl = pFrame-get_label_widget();
{ // ...and radio buttons and check buttons are simply containers with a
single label child
Gtk::Bin* pBin = dynamic_castGtk::Bin*(pCtrl);
if (NULL != pBin)
pCtrl = pBin-get_child();

Gtk::Label* pLabel = dynamic_castGtk::Label*(pCtrl);
if (NULL != pLabel)
{ // If we have a label we can set its font
Glib::RefPtrPango::Context pPangoContext =
Pango::FontDescription fontD =
fontD.set_size((int)(scale * fontD.get_size()));

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

how to get signal_changed on a TextView widget

2008-06-11 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

   I'm replacing some Gtk::Entry widgets with Gtk::TextView widgets and the
   signal_changed method is not available -- how can I tell when the user
   changes the text in the TextView?

   Thanks in advance.

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How do I use the fullscreen in a gtkmm app?

2008-06-11 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

   I notice that quite a few apps (firefox, gimp, terminal, etc. -- but not
   gedit, huh?) have the option to toggle fullscreen mode in their view menu
   using the F11 key.  How would I implement this in my Gtkmm app?

Thanks in advance

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How do I tell when my app gets de-focused

2008-05-05 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey all,

Thanks in advance.

I'm creating a Gtk::Entry widget that needs to sit on top of everything else
in my app and so I call set_keep_above(true).  This works great as long as
my app is the focused app, but it stays on top of *everything* -- even other
apps when they get the focus.  Is there a better way to do this?  Or is
there a way to tell when my app loses focus?

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: setting the font of a dialog widget

2008-04-26 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hey there,

I just now got back to this problem.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding something,
but it seems that the solution you recommend is solely a solution for
Gtk::Labels -- not for general widgets.  I can change the font size for
labels -- but not for other widgets (e.g. CheckButton, RadioButton.).
That's my issue.

To recap:  How do I change the font size of a general widget?

Thanks in advance.

2008/4/18 Garth's KidStuff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  that's not relevant).  If the widget I'm trying to set happens to be a
  Gtk::Label, then it works.  But other widgets (e.g. Gtk::Frame or
  Gtk::Checkbutton) don't and just seem to use their default font no matter
  what.  For example:

I do this with gtk_label_set_markup(). For example:

 gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), span font_desc=\Sans\

 // Add the fixed widget to the dialog and size it properly
 m_Fixed.set_size_request( 566, 500 );

Fixed size widgets should be avoided if you possibly can, I'm sure you
know this. gtk has a lot of layout widgets you can use to make
resizeable dialogs.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

re: gtk_text_buffer_insert function does not insert...

2008-04-25 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Have you tried forcing the main run loop to execute?  i.e.:

while (gtk_events_pending())

 I am writing a simple application with GTK+, I updated the text view
area with the text using gtk_text_buffer_insert function.
I am wondering why the new text was not displayed immediately on the
text view right after the line: gtk_text_buffer_insert (..., new
text); ?

The new text was displayed after the application has finished other
statements like: copying a big file...?

Could anyone point me out how can I display the new text value
immediately when the gtk_text_buffer_insert() function is called?

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Gtkmm Printing in Ubuntu 7.10

2008-04-09 Thread Garth's KidStuff

As covered in some earlier posts, Murry helped point me to the bug report on
Ubuntu 7.10 that showed that gtk+ printing just didn't work there.  I've
upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 (beta), and Printing now works great for me (yay!).
BUT I'd like to distribute this app to users who are still on Ubuntu 7.10.
Is there a recommended way to solve this?  (Other than, of course, having
the Ubuntu folks upgrade gtk+ so that it's just fixed).

BTW Using the Gtkmm::PrintOperation was an absolute pleasure once I upgraded
to 8.04.  It's a nicely designed bunch of code *grin* .
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Gtk::ProgressBar doesn't work synchronously

2008-04-09 Thread Garth's KidStuff
Hi All,

I'm converting a large Windows/Mac project to run on Ubuntu, and I'm a
little stuck when trying to use a ProgressBar.  We have a cross-platform
class that assumes I can create a Progress Monitor dialog during
time-intensive tasks, and then periodically update the progress as the task

The problem that I'm having with using Gtk::ProgressBar seems to be a
fundemental one about when dialogs can actually appear in the main window.
For example, what I'd like to do is something along the lines of:

[in my main thread]
Start a complex task
Create a Progress Monitor dialog and show it
Update the dialog as the task progresses
Destroy the dialog

When I try this, nothing shows up *grin*.  As far as I can tell, I need to
let the run loop process so that the dialog can be shown. (i.e. if I omit
the destroy step in the above, I see the dialog as soon as I drop out of
my code in the main thread, but that's too late -- the task is already

One way to solve this is, of course, to rewrite all the places that use the
Progress Monitor so that the work is done in a thread and the main thread
can just be showing the progress bar.  I'd hesitate to try that with this
code base because of the number of places in cross-platform code that would
have to be rewritten.

Do any of you have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

I'd like (working) printing sample code

2008-03-31 Thread Garth's KidStuff

Thanks in advance.  The sample code at:

doesn't work for me.  I get the on_begin_print callback as expected, but
never receive the on_draw_page callback.  Instead I get an endless series of
error/warning messages as follows:

(Opus:7115): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_type_compatible: assertion
`G_TYPE_IS_VALUE (src_type)' failed

(Opus:7115): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
invalid object type `g-key-file-error-quark' for value type

repeat ad infinitum

I'm writing a gtkmm app in C++ and have had great luck with the other
examples in the tutorials I refer to above.


Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list