Fixing size of window containing 2 buttons

2007-03-07 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I am just starting with GTK, so no doubt I am missing something basic.  I
have a window with a buttonbox with 2 buttons.  I use size_allocate on the
buttons to position them.  One of the buttons starts hidden.  I would like
to size the window so that it will accommodate both buttons, but I keep
getting a window wide enough only for the one visible button.  I have tried
set_size_request on the window.  I tried catching size-request on the
window to confirm that the requisition is correct.  It is.  I also have
set_size_request on the buttonbox, which I believe should not be necessary
(and seems to do nothing).  What am I missing?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fixing size of window containing 2 buttons

2007-03-07 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Allin Cottrell wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
>> I am just starting with GTK, so no doubt I am missing something
>> basic.  I have a window with a buttonbox with 2 buttons.  I use
>> size_allocate on the buttons to position them.  One of the
>> buttons starts hidden...
> It may be possible to get that to work right, but why do you want
> to do it?  It's surely making life more difficult.  Why not make
> the "not yet" button disabled (gtk_widget_set_sensitive()) until
> it becomes relevant?
> Allin Cottrell

There are actually 2 buttons that can occupy the blank space -- I simplified
the description of the problem -- so it isn't clear which one to display
disabled.  It's less confusing to display nothing until the state dictates
which button is appropriate.

Since posting my original message, I tried catching configure-event.  The
width specified in the event is also correct.  So where is the width
actually being set if not in size-request or configure-event?

The documentation for set_size_request says that the method sets the minimum
size of a widget to the values specified by width and height.  That's what
I want.  Why isn't it doing that?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fixing size of window containing 2 buttons

2007-03-08 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Jeffrey Barish wrote:

> The documentation for set_size_request says that the method sets the
> minimum size of a widget to the values specified by width and height. 
> That's what I want.  Why isn't it doing that?

The trick is that by the time the buttons get sized, the window has already
been sized.  I capture the size_allocate event for the buttons, call
set_size_request on the window (with dimensions based on the size of the
buttons), and then call queue_resize on the window.  Simple, once you know
what you're doing.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list


2007-03-19 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I asked this question on the pygtk mailing list, but got no response.  As
the scope is not limited to PyGTK, I am hoping that someone here knows the

I understand that I can add composite children to a widget by creating them
between widget_push_composite_child and widget_pop_composite_child calls.

widget1 = gtk.Widget1()
widget2 = gtk.Widget2()

Aside from the difference between foreach and forall, is this code otherwise
equivalent to

widget1 = gtk.Widget1()
widget2 = gtk.Widget2()

I ask this question because I am trying to understand exactly what is meant
by "composite children".

The documentation also uses the term "internal children".  Are they the same
as composite children?

Also, the Container class has a method get_children() which returns a list
of all non-internal children.  What is the method for obtaining a list of
internal children?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Treeview column width changed signal

2007-09-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Is there a way to be notified when the width of a column in a treeview
changes?  I would like to record the new column widths so that I can set
them to the same values the next time the window opens.  The only signal in
TreeViewColumn is clicked, which doesn't seem to do what I need.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Spontaneous background colors in treeview

2007-09-30 Thread Jeffrey Barish
After making some changes to my program (not directly related to the GUI), I
find that one treeview has a background of alternating light and dark
bands, but only for certain data sets.  I never set the background in my
code, so I expect it to be white for every data set.  The program has this
behavior only under Ubuntu.  On another platform, I do get a white
background for all data sets (with the same code).  Does anyone have a clue
what might be causing this bizarre behavior?  If I wanted to set the
background of the treeview to alternating light and dark bands, how would I
do that?  I find that modify_bg on the treeview does nothing (although
modify_text works).
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Spontaneous background colors in treeview

2007-10-01 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Kristian Rietveld wrote:

> To get the alternating colors you would set the "rules-hint" property on
> GtkTreeView to TRUE (the default is FALSE).  If you do not set this
> property to TRUE, the background should always be a solid color.  Also
> note that "rules-hint" is only a hint to the theme engine; if the theme
> engine sets the "allow-rules" style property to FALSE (the default is
> TRUE) the colors will not be alternating.
> The application always has the final call about showing alternating
> colors, if the application sets rules-hint to FALSE and the theme still
> shows alternating colors, the theme is broken and needs to be fixed.

The rules-hint property is always False in the TreeView regardless of which
data set I display.  If I set rules-hint to True, I do indeed get
alternating colors in the background with all data sets.  However, the
colors are darker for the data sets that had alternating colors already. 
>From your last statement, I conclude that the Ubuntu theme is broken.  I
gather that the reason I do not get alternating colors in the background of
the treeview on the other platform with exactly the same code is that the
theme on that platform is not broken.

Because the background comes and goes depending on the data I display, it
must be that something in the data is provoking the defect in the theme. 
If I can find out what that is, perhaps I will have a clue how to fix the

Stop presses.  It's the number of columns.  All data sets that require 3
columns have a background.  All data sets that require 2 columns do not.

Here it is.  If I comment out the line that sets the sort indicator, I do
not get the colored background for any data set.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Spontaneous background colors in treeview

2007-10-03 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Kristian Rietveld wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 11:30:58AM -0600, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
>> Stop presses.  It's the number of columns.  All data sets that require 3
>> columns have a background.  All data sets that require 2 columns do not.
>> Here it is.  If I comment out the line that sets the sort indicator, I do
>> not get the colored background for any data set.
> I thought you meant the rows had alternating background colors in your
> previous mails.  When you sort a column in a tree view with >= 3
> columns, the sorted column is drawn with a background that is slightly
> darker than the default background (in the default theme it is a shade
> of grey).  This is the default and correct behavior.

I did mean the rows.  With 3 columns (or more, perhaps -- my data sets never
require more than 3 so I don't know) and with set sort indicator set to
true, I get alternating *rows* of color.  With 2 columns and with set sort
indicator set to true, the background is white.  With set sort indicator
set to false, the background is white for any number of columns.

Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2007-10-10 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Kristian Rietveld wrote:

> If just saving the column widths of the tree view when the tree view is
> destroyed is not enough, the easiest way to do this is probably to
> connect to the "notify::width" signal on each column.  Remember to keep
> the callback fast (do not write to files, etc) as your callback will be
> called a lot, especially when the user is resizing columns with the
> mouse.

The problem with your first suggestion is that I have to hook every
situation in which the tree view can be destroyed.  The obvious one is when
I change data sets.  Exiting the program is another.  There will be others
when I implement more of the program.  It certainly is possible to record
the column widths at each of these points, but it sure is clumsy.

The problem with the second suggestion is that writing a file is exactly
what I need to do.  The point of this exercise is to record in a file the
width of each column as established by the user with the mouse so that the
columns will have the same width the next time the program runs.

A signal seems the ideal solution and it's the one I used previously (in
wxWidgets), but any other suggestions are welcome.  In the meantime, I'll
work on capturing the column widths at every point where the tree view can
be destroyed.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Spontaneous background colors in treeview

2007-10-10 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Mikael Hallendal wrote:

> Would it be possible to provide a screenshot that shows the problem
> you are seeing?

It now appears that I fell victim to misleading documentation.  The
reference manual says that setting the sort indicator to true causes an
arrow to appear in the header button indicating the column is sorted.  On
my system I see no arrow.  Instead, the column is shaded.  I believe that
the manual is wrong when it says that an arrow appears.  The second problem
is an ambiguity in the manual.  The statement describing the effect of
setting the sort indicator to true seems to imply that the arrow will not
appear if the column is not sorted.  This interpretation prompted me to set
the sort indicator on all columns with the expectation that the arrow would
appear only on the one that was sorted.  What actually happens when one
sets the sort indicator is that the column is shaded, so setting the sort
indicator on all columns results in what looks like a colored background. 
I suspect that I am supposed to set the sort indicator manually on the
appropriate column (and only that column) whenever I switch sort column.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Spontaneous background colors in treeview

2007-10-11 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Andrew Cowie wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 19:45 -0600, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
>> I believe that
>> the manual is wrong when it says that an arrow appears.
> One most certainly does appear when you click on the header to sort. Do
> you have gtk_tree_view_column_set_headers_visible() set to true? That's
> where the arrow shows up.
> *(assuming you have a proper Linux distro that maintains GNOME properly
> and that you are using a sane and maintained theme)
> AfC
> San Francisco

Sure (it is set in Glade) -- and the headers are visible.  But no arrows. 
This is on Ubuntu 7.04 with the default theme.  On another platform, I see
arrows but no shading -- exactly the reverse of what I get on Ubuntu.  I am
satisfied with just the shading on Ubuntu, although I am curious about the
discrepancy with your observations.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Spontaneous background colors in treeview

2007-10-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Kristian Rietveld wrote:

> When you sort a column in a tree view with >= 3
> columns, the sorted column is drawn with a background that is slightly
> darker than the default background (in the default theme it is a shade
> of grey).  This is the default and correct behavior.

What is the rationale for ignoring set_sort_indicator when the number of
columns is less than 3?  If I go to the trouble of setting the sort
indicator, it seems to me that gtk should respect my desires and show it. 
If I don't want the sort indicator to appear when ncols < 3, I could detect
that condition myself.  I am annoyed that the sort indicator disappears
from my GUI when I present data that requires only 2 columns.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Selecting words in textbuffer

2007-11-13 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Because I'm just learning how to use textbuffer, I may be missing the
correct solution to my problem.  I want to be able to sweep a selection of
several words without having to hit the beginning and end of the words
exactly.  I found textiter.backward_word_start() and
textiter.forward_word_end() for adjusting the textiters that bound the
selection and select_range() for selecting the entire selection once the
textiters have been adjusted.  My problem is that I need a trigger that
invokes the code for making the adjustment.  My current solution hooks
button release.  It works, but it catches too much.  The next thing I do
after making the selection is to drag it to an entry.  When I release the
button at the end of the drag, the code for widening the selection is
invoked again.  I can suppress the second invocation by setting a flag when
I start dragging, but the correct solution would hook "text-selected"
rather than button-release, a signal that does not seem to exist.  Did I
miss it?  Is there a different better solution?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Contents of VBox don't draw after putting it in Viewport

2007-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Barish
It's a long shot, but I am hoping that someone might recognize my problem
from this general description.  I tried to reduce my code to a test case,
but it works there.  After spending an entire day on this problem, I am

I have a bunch of labels and entries in a vbox.  I added the vbox to page 1
of a notebook (the second page).  Everything worked fine.  I encountered a
situation in which some of the labels and entries did not fit on the page,
so I put the vbox in a viewport, the viewport in a scrolledwindow, and I
added the scrolledwindow to the notebook instead of the vbox.  Now when I
go to the mode in which the notebook is visible I find that page 0 appears,
but when I select page 1 I see nothing.  If *after exposing (the blank)
page 1* I leave the mode in which this notebook is active and then return,
the contents do appear.  The contents appear promptly when I add the vbox
to the page directly, but when the same vbox is inside a scrolledwindow
with viewport they appear only after trying once to view them, switching to
a mode in which the notebook is not visible, then returning.

My first thought was show_all.  However, if that were the problem then it
would not work to leave and return.  In any case, I do a show_all on the

I modified the code so that page 1 appears initially when I enter the mode
in which the notebook is visible.  In that case, the contents of page 1
appear immediately, but when I switch to page 0 I now see none of the
widgets that reside inside the scrolledwindow with viewport on that page (a
combobox that is not inside the scrolledwindow with viewport is visible).
(And incidentally, I cannot make them appear by leaving the mode in which
the notebook is visible and returning, although that procedure does make
the contents of page 1 appear in the unmodified code.  However, when I
activate the combobox, the contents of page 0 appear instantly.)  If I
further modify the code so that the vbox on page 0 is added directly to
page 0 without the scrolledwindow with viewport, then all the contents of
page 0 appear as soon as I select page 0.  The problem seems to be related
to a scrolledwindow with viewport on a hidden page of a notebook.  However,
in my test program I put a bunch of labels in a vbox in a viewport in a
scrolledwindow on two pages of a notebook and both pages appear without

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Contents of VBox don't draw after putting it in Viewport

2007-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

> If for instance, your toplevel widget is already realized then adding
> pages to the notebook (and thier contents recursively) will result in
> all pages being realized at the start, on the other hand if your toplevel
> is invisible, or your notebook is not anchored at creation time (anchored
> means "inside a toplevel somewhere"), then the subhierarchies will
> only be realized when those pages are gtk_widget_show()n AND in an
> active notebook page.
> You might try making sure that all of your pages are realized at the
> startup, this would typically mean after glade_xml_new() with a visible
> toplevel, you would call gtk_notebook_set_page() for each page provoking
> a realize before ever entering gtk_main().

The contents do appear when I add the vbox to the page directly.  It is only
when I add the vbox to a scrolledwindow with viewport and then add the
scrolledwindow to the page that nothing appears when I select the page.  I
think that this behavior exonerates the notebook.  Nevertheless, I tried
catching the realize signal on the vbox, the viewport, the scrolledwindow,
and a widget in the vbox.  I do get all the signals when I switch to the
page.  Finally, note that with the modified code (in which page 1 appears
first), I do see a combobox when I switch to page 0 (it is not in the
scrolledwindow with viewport).  I believe that its appearance confirms
again that the page is being realized.  It is only the contents of the
scrolledwindow/viewport/vbox on the same page that do not appear.

Thank you for your suggestions.  By suggesting new directions, they provide
exactly the sort of help I need.  I can think of only a few reasons for
widgets not to appear.  Failure to realize is one.  Perhaps it is still a
possibility if my analysis above is flawed.  Visibility is another, but I
am already calling show_all on the scrolledwindow.  Could they be
positioned incorrectly?  Is there something I may need to do to the
scrolledwindow to get it positioned correctly?  I tried catching the
realize and size-allocate signals.  When the widgets are realized, their
allocation is (-1, -1, 1, 1).  They never get a size-allocate signal.  When
I add the vbox to the notebook directly, their allocation is the same when
they are realized but then they are immediately allocated.  It seems that
the widgets are invisible not because they are not being realized, but
because they are not being sized.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Contents of VBox don't draw after putting it in Viewport

2007-12-02 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Jeffrey Barish wrote:

> I tried catching the
> realize and size-allocate signals.  When the widgets are realized, their
> allocation is (-1, -1, 1, 1).  They never get a size-allocate signal. 
> When I add the vbox to the notebook directly, their allocation is the same
> when they are realized but then they are immediately allocated.  It seems
> that the widgets are invisible not because they are not being realized,
> but because they are not being sized.

So I call queue_resize() on the vbox in the handler for its realize signal. 
That change eliminates the problem.  It does seem as if there is a bug in
GTK, though.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Scrolling in ComboBox popup

2007-12-06 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Is there a way to control scrolling in the popup for a ComboBox?  I have a
ComboBox with only 10 items.  The ComboBox pops up a window with the active
item positioned near the top.  If the active item is not one of the first
two items, then scrollbars appear and there is a vast empty space below the
last item.  I can scroll to the top, at which point the scrollbars
disappear and the items neatly fill the space that was originally
available.  I don't understand why the ComboBox is resorting to scrollbars
when the popup has enough room for all items.  Is there a way to tell the
ComboBox not to use scrollbars?  Can I force the first item to appear so
that the scrollbars disappear?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

ComboBox and set_cell_data_func

2007-12-06 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I am using set_cell_data_func with a ComboBox.  I noticed that when I call
the append method of the TreeStore, set_cell_data_func is called twice. 
The first time, the row has not yet been written into the TreeStore, so the
set_cell_data_func can't perform its function.  Is there a reason that GTK
calls set_cell_data_func twice?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2008-02-08 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Kristian Rietveld wrote:

> If just saving the column widths of the tree view when the tree view is
> destroyed is not enough, the easiest way to do this is probably to
> connect to the "notify::width" signal on each column.  Remember to keep
> the callback fast (do not write to files, etc) as your callback will be
> called a lot, especially when the user is resizing columns with the
> mouse.

The problem with your first suggestion is that I have to hook every
situation in which the tree view can be destroyed.  The obvious one is when
I change data sets.  Exiting the program is another.  There will be others
when I implement more of the program.  It certainly is possible to record
the column widths at each of these points, but it sure is clumsy.

The problem with the second suggestion is that writing a file is exactly
what I need to do.  The point of this exercise is to record in a file the
width of each column as established by the user with the mouse so that the
columns will have the same width the next time the program runs.

A signal seems the ideal solution and it's the one I used previously (in
wxWidgets), but any other suggestions are welcome.  In the meantime, I'll
work on capturing the column widths at every point where the tree view can
be destroyed.

Designing around the lack of a signal keeps getting harder.  It is not
sufficient to save the column widths everytime the treeview is destroyed. 
Sometimes the column widths need to be saved when the treeview becomes
invisible (e.g., because it is on a different page of a notebook).  There
are many ways this can happen in my program.  I'm running out of fingers to
stick in the dike.

I wonder about two things.  wxWidgets provides this signal and wxWidgets
runs on GTK on some platforms.  So how can wxWidgets provide the signal if
we GTK programmers can't get it?

wxWidgets has this signal; Qt has it too.  Is there an argument for
excluding it from GTK?

When I used wxWidgets, I frequently encountered situations where I had to
design around deficiencies in the toolkit.  I believe that this is the
first time I have had to design around a deficiency in GTK.  That's pretty
good.  I'm still impressed with this toolkit even as I plead for a small
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2008-02-09 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Gorshkov wrote:

> I do this exact thing in an application I'm developing now. But I only
> do it in one place - a callback routine that is called for both the
> delete and destroy events.

Thank you for your suggestions.

I don't get a delete, destroy, or even a hide signal when the treeview
disappears because I switched to a different page of a notebook.  I could,
of course, detect when I change pages of the notebook, but then I am off
plugging holes in the dike.  The problem is that there are ways to get to
portions of my code that read the column-width file in which the treeview
has not been destroyed, so the column-width file has not been updated.  I
suppose that this code will have to extract column widths from the treeview
rather than read them from the file, but then remote portions of the code
will need to be coupled to this treeview.  The file was a neat way to
decouple the code because I need to store the widths anyway.  There is
always a way to get around a limitation of a library, but I still wonder
why the GTK developers are comfortable with this limitation when other GUI
toolkits provide the appropriate signal.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2008-02-09 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Gorshkov wrote:

> You don't have to set the widths again every time you show them. When
> the TreeView becomes hidden/not hidden or visible/not visible, it will
> have the same properties and values it had the last time it was visible.
> The ONLY time you have set those values is when you display/realize the
> TreeView for the first time - I do it in my initialization code when I
> first create the widget.

I know this.  I am not sure what I wrote that gave you the impression that
this is what I am trying to do.  I will try again.  A portion of my code
that is not directly related to the treeview in question nevertheless has
to know what the column widths are in the treeview.  Currently, it tries to
obtain this information by reading a file that is written by the treeview
whenever it is destroyed.  Unfortunately, the treeview generally has not
been destroyed when I get to this portion of code, so the file has not been
updated.  Therefore, the column widths that this portion of code reads may
be obsolete.  I think you may have assumed that the portions of my code
that need to know the column widths use that information to set the column
widths.  In fact, these portions are performing functions unrelated to the
treeview.  The only time the treeview uses the information in the file is
on program start when the treeview is first realized.

To preserve the decoupling afforded by the file, I have to write the file
whenever I leave the mode in which the treeview is visible.  However, there
are several ways in which it is possible to leave this mode.  Whenever
modifications to the program create additional ways, I need to remember to
add code to write the file.  This expanding requirement is what I meant by
sticking fingers in holes in the dike.

If I jettison the decoupling afforded by the file, then I could have the
code that needs to know the column widths either cause the file to be
written before it reads the file or simply extract the column widths from
the treeview.   Either way, I have coupled disparate sections of code that
should not be coupled.

I also need to store the column widths in a file so that the treeview will
have the same column widths the next time I run the program.  Capturing the
column widths when I destroy the treeview works fine for this requirement,
although it would be more elegant to write the file only when the column
widths actually change.

Sorry that I am not communicating better.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2008-02-11 Thread Jeffrey Barish
As I observed previously, there are usually ways to design around
limitations of toolkits, but sometimes they are awkward.  In my case, the
TreeView in question is instantiated in class A.  Class A is instantiated
in class B.  The code that needs to know the column widths is in class D
which is instantiated in class C which is instantiated in class B.  There
are ways to pass a "column width getter" from class A to class D, but they
are awkward.  Although class D needs to know the column widths, it does not
currently know about the treeview in class A (and shouldn't, to minimize
coupling).  Another solution would be to make the column-width-getter
global, which is probably what I will do even though it is also poor
programming practice.  I must have a file of column widths anyway so that
the treeview can restore its column widths the next time the program
starts.  The only problem with having class D simply read the file is that
it is difficult to assure that the contents of the file are updated when
the column widths change.  I wondered two things in my original posting:
(1) How can wxWidgets provide a column-width-changed signal if GTK does not
when wxWidgets runs on top of GTK?  I realized that the obvious answer to
this question is that wxWidgets does not use TreeViews to create lists of
things.  Whatever it uses must make it possible for wxWidgets to provide
the column-width-changed signal.  (2) Is there an argument for excluding
the signal from GTK, especially considering that wxWidgets and Qt both
provide it?  Catching destroy/delete may serve the purpose in many cases,
but it is not equivalent to a column-width-changed signal.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2008-02-12 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Gorshkov wrote:

> Lack of patience, and the feeling that I was talking to a brick wall, to
> be perfectly honest. I even posted all the code he  needed to  implement
> the solution - and given that it was only about 20 or 30 lines total, I
> wouldn't exactly call it overly complicated. The only code I did not
> give him was the code to actually save the data to a file - everything
> else - the signal handlers, callbacks, etc, is there.

I had already implemented the solution you gave me before I resurrected the
old thread.  It works for restoring the column widths after exiting and
restarting the program.  My lengthy comments were not criticism of your
suggestion but an attempt to explain why its application does not meet all
of my needs in a straightforward manner.  The remaining problem is that a
remote section of code needs to know the column widths while the program is
running.  It would have been trivial to obtain the information from the
file, but the file does not get updated when the column widths change, only
when the treeview is destroyed.  The solution which you, Dave Howorth, and
even I have suggested in this thread is to read the column widths from the
treeview.  Usually, implementing that solution is also trivial.  It is not
trivial in my situation because the remote section of code does not know
about the treeview.  Nevertheless, the solution is practicable.  Note that
in my original posting I did not ask for a solution, I asked why GTK has
this small limitation.  I understand that there is a way to implement a
solution, but I long for the solution that would have been trivial.  The
implication that writing the file when the treeview is destroyed is
equivalent to writing it when the column widths change is wrong.  Although
there are cases where the two approaches are equivalent, they are not
equivalent in situations that Scott and I have encountered.  Moreover, the
designers of Qt and wxWidgets evidently don't consider the two approaches
to be equivalent because they chose to support both.  My objective in
posting my message was simply to encourage the designers of GTK also to
support both.  With that resolution, you would be free to continue to use
the destroy signal and I would be free to use the column-width-changed
signal, even if we were both doing so out of stubborn adherence to the
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Treeview column width changed signal

2008-02-13 Thread Jeffrey Barish
With some trepidation about extending this wearisome thread, I thought that
I would post for the benefit of the record some information about a
solution that I found.  It is based on a suggestion made by Kristian
Rietveld in the previous incarnation of this thread (which I quoted when I
resurrected the thread).  He suggested connecting to the "notify::width"
signal on each column.  He warned that I needed to keep the callback fast
and specifically directed that I not write a file in the callback.  As
writing a file was the purpose for detecting that column width had changed,
it did not seem as if his suggestion would work.  However, what does work
is to use notify::width to set a flag indicating that the file needs to be
written.  Then catch the button-release event for the treeview that
contains the columns.  If the flag is set when I get button release, then I
write the file (and clear the flag).  This solution works almost perfectly,
but I do get a spurious write when I first select a row.  I hope that
someone will be able to glean something useful from this thread so that it
can now rest in peace.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Order of children in Box

2008-02-22 Thread Jeffrey Barish
If I do foreach on a Box, will the order in which the children are retrieved
correspond to the order in which they were packed?  How about get_children?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Order of children in Box

2008-02-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish

> Generally the most recently added child of any
> gtkcontainer is at the head of the list.
> However ...
> you can't really rely on it 100%.

Yes, I too have observed this behavior when I use foreach or get_children. 
I was wondering whether I could count on it.  You say that I cannot.  If I
cannot count on these functions to preserve order, I am wondering what
function I can count on.  Would there not have to be a function for getting
the child in position i?  I could label the children, I suppose, and put
them in order myself, but Box must know the order because it has a function
for reordering a child to position i.  If foreach and get_children do not
preserve the order on retrieval, what does?  
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

TreeView indent-expanders style property

2008-03-24 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Does anyone know what the indent-expanders style property does?

I currently see

| Line 1
| Line 2
| >   Line 3
| Line 4

What I would like is

| Line 1
| Line 2
| >  Line 3
| Line 4

Can I use indent-expanders to achieve this effect?  Is there a way to
achieve it?  The point is to avoid wasting space on lines that don't
require an expander arrow.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Ellipsize text in Entry

2008-03-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Am I missing something, or is it not possible to specify that text in an
Entry should be ellipsized?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Image with shadow

2008-03-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I would like to put a shadow behind an Image.  I suppose that the way to do
this is to superimpose the desired image on an image of a shadow.  Does
anyone know where I can find an image of a shadow?  Any sample code?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Image with shadow

2008-03-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Claudio Saavedra wrote:
> El mar, 25-03-2008 a las 16:46 -0600, Jeffrey Barish escribió:
>> I would like to put a shadow behind an Image.  I suppose that the way
>> to do this is to superimpose the desired image on an image of a
>> shadow.  Does anyone know where I can find an image of a shadow?  Any
>> sample code?
> ?In gnome-utils/gnome-screenshot there is code for that.

I will look at this code.  Thanks.

In the meantime, I found an image of a shadow surrounding a black region.  I
am attempting to use Pixbuf composite to superimpose my image on the black
region.  My attempt almost works, but the source image gets smeared to the
edge of the shadow (the destination) by extending the last pixels on every
edge of the source to the corresponding edge of the destination.  Can
anyone guess from this description what I'm doing wrong?  I have tried
every type of interpolation.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Image with shadow

2008-03-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Jeffrey Barish wrote:

> In the meantime, I found an image of a shadow surrounding a black region. 
> I am attempting to use Pixbuf composite to superimpose my image on the
> black region.  My attempt almost works, but the source image gets smeared
> to the edge of the shadow (the destination) by extending the last pixels
> on every edge of the source to the corresponding edge of the destination. 
> Can anyone guess from this description what I'm doing wrong?  I have tried
> every type of interpolation.

I had the width and height slightly wrong.  Best to get them from the
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Highlighting text with color

2008-03-30 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I need to highlight some text in a TreeView.  I know how to change the
color, but I am wondering what color to use.  I am thinking that I should
choose a color that is used elsewhere so that the highlighted text does not
clash with the theme, even if the user were to change the theme.  Perhaps
themes define a color to use for highlighting text.  Where would I find
information about the colors that are defined by themes?  How would I get
one of these colors from within my code?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Highlighting text with color

2008-03-31 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Jeffrey Barish wrote:

> I need to highlight some text in a TreeView.  I know how to change the
> color, but I am wondering what color to use.  I am thinking that I should
> choose a color that is used elsewhere so that the highlighted text does
> not
> clash with the theme, even if the user were to change the theme.  Perhaps
> themes define a color to use for highlighting text.  Where would I find
> information about the colors that are defined by themes?  How would I get
> one of these colors from within my code?

I figured out that I can get the Style for the TreeView and then get the
color for text in whatever state (e.g., STATE_INSENSITIVE) I desire.  Then
I set the foreground-gdk property of the cell to that value and activate it
when desired by setting foreground-set to True.  This way I am using colors
from the palette of the theme.  Works great, except...

When I select the row, the text reverts to the default color.  Is there a
way to get the text to keep the color I assigned it before selecting the
row?  Or, to put it another way, how can I use set_cell_data_func of
TreeViewColumn to control the color of text in selected rows?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

JPEG error

2008-05-09 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I am porting my application from Ubuntu to Windows XP.  The application
mostly works, but I get the error message:

Error interpreting JPEG image file (Improper call to JPEG library in state

whenever I try to load an image using PixbufLoader.  I have no problem
viewing the images using Windows picture viewer, nor do I have a problem
viewing them with my application when I run on Ubuntu.  Does anyone have an
idea what is going on?  I believe that I am using gtk v2.12.9.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: JPEG error

2008-05-09 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Jeffrey Barish wrote:

> I am porting my application from Ubuntu to Windows XP.  The application
> mostly works, but I get the error message:
> Error interpreting JPEG image file (Improper call to JPEG library in state
> 201)
> whenever I try to load an image using PixbufLoader.  I have no problem
> viewing the images using Windows picture viewer, nor do I have a problem
> viewing them with my application when I run on Ubuntu.  Does anyone have
> an
> idea what is going on?  I believe that I am using gtk v2.12.9.

I didn't open the file in binary mode.  Interesting that it worked on Linux
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Slow treemodel loading

2008-06-07 Thread Jeffrey Barish
The first time I load the liststore (during program start), it loads
quickly.  Then I set sort column ID so that I can sort by column.  When I
clear the liststore and load the next data set, the treeview updates slowly
even when it's actually the same dataset.  If I substitute a simple sort
function during loading, performance improves a bit.  If I never set the
sort column ID, performance improves even more.  I conclude that it's the
sort function that is retarding the update.  If there were a way to turn
off the sort, I would not have a problem.  As it says in the documentation
for TreeSortable:

Once a sort column ID has been set on a cannot set the
gtk.TreeModel to have no sort function.

The inability to clear the sort function seems very unfortunate to me right

I considered starting over with a new liststore, but doing so is
inconvenient.  Now I am considering loading the liststore with only some of
the data initially and the rest on idle.  But first I am hoping that
someone will tell me that there actually is a way to turn off sort.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Slow treemodel loading

2008-06-11 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Damien Caliste wrote:

> Hello,
> If I'm not wrong, you may be interested with
> gtk-list-store-insert-with-values() function:

Thank you for your suggestion.  The documentation is characteristically
ambiguous, so I can't tell whether this function would solve the problem. 
The documentation says that the function does not emit the rows_reordered
signal, but it does not say that the list store is not resorted.  Perhaps
suppressing the rows_reordered signal also suppresses sorting, but I don't
find that crucial detail documented anywhere.  In any case,
insert_with_values does not appear to be available in PyGTK, which is what
I am actually using.

This problem with list stores seems serious to me, so I am surprised that
Gtk suffers from it.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Slow treemodel loading

2008-06-17 Thread Jeffrey Barish
The solution was to perform the sort myself.  The update is now nearly 20x
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Installing gtk on Windows XP

2008-07-03 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Is there an installer that actually works on XP?  I have tried about half a
dozen and all are missing some component.  For example, the gtk 2.12
package available at SourceForge
( produces the
following error when I try to use glade:

The application has failed to start because libglade-2.0-0.dll was not

In fact, libglade-2.0-0.dll is not on my system.  

So then I install glade/gtk from Sourceforge
which would seem to offer a complete package including glade.  Now I get

unable to load libpixbufloader-png.dll: /target/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders

Something is looking in the wrong place (/target should be /gtk).  Looks
like a mistake in the installer.

And so on.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Installing gtk on Windows XP

2008-07-04 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Thanks, all.

Paul: You're a step ahead of me.  I wrote an app on Ubuntu that *I* want to
be able to run on Windows with as little effort as possible.

Luis: I always uninstalled before installing a different package.  The devel
package that you pointed me to works!

tml: You couldn't possible be as grumpy as I am, especially when I am forced
to work on Windows.  I found various directories in the Path variable in
the registry, including lib.  I got rid of everything but bin.  I also got
rid of everything that I had stuck in autoexec.bat.  Works fine.  Probably
there is an easier way to change the path than editing the registry, but I
don't know it.  Next time I am going to use your method for installing gtk
rather than a package.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Sort indicator disappeared

2008-08-13 Thread Jeffrey Barish
When did the sort indicator disappear?  The sort-indicator property is True,
but I don't see anything.  I used to.  Was it lost in some upgrade?  I am
on Ubuntu 8.04.  My libgtk is 2.12.9-3ubuntu4.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

CellRendererToggle with custom pixbuf?

2008-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I am using a CellRendererToggle.  I would like to be able to specify pixbufs
to use to draw the toggle in its two states.  Basically, I want to toggle
between two images in a TreeView.  When I click on one image, it changes to
the other.  Is there an easy way to do this?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Sort indicator disappeared

2008-08-19 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Chris Vine wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:48:36 -0600
> Jeffrey Barish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When did the sort indicator disappear?  The sort-indicator property
>> is True, but I don't see anything.  I used to.  Was it lost in some
>> upgrade?  I am on Ubuntu 8.04.  My libgtk is 2.12.9-3ubuntu4.
> There have been different bugs affecting the sort indicator in both
> GTK+-2.10 and GTK+-2.12. It was fixed in GTK+-2.10.7, was broken again
> in GTK+-2.12.1, and was eventually fixed again in GTK+-2.12.11.
> See
> Chris

Thanks.  I will upgrade as soon as Ubuntu has a new package available.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Default icon in treeview DnD

2008-08-26 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Until this morning, whenever I dragged a row to a new location in the same
treeview, the drag icon would look like the original row.  I still get that
icon when I drag from another treeview to the one in question.  Is that
icon considered to be the default?  Now the icon that I get looks like a
page of text with the top right corner dog-eared.  I'm not aware of making
any changes to the code that would account for the change in appearance. 
Any suggestion how to get back the original behavior?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Default icon in treeview DnD

2008-08-27 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Kristian Rietveld wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Jeffrey Barish
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Until this morning, whenever I dragged a row to a new location in the
>> same
>> treeview, the drag icon would look like the original row.  I still get
>> that
>> icon when I drag from another treeview to the one in question.  Is that
>> icon considered to be the default?  Now the icon that I get looks like a
>> page of text with the top right corner dog-eared.  I'm not aware of
>> making any changes to the code that would account for the change in
>> appearance. Any suggestion how to get back the original behavior?
> Did you override the drag-begin signal or stop using
> gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source()?  These are both possible
> causes for not getting an image of the row as drag icon.

I call gtk_drag_begin for a drag from tv2 to itself.  However, I do not
handle the signal.  I call gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source for a
drag from tv1 to tv2 (the drag that works correctly).  I tried changing the
code for the drag from tv1 to tv2 so that it also uses
gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source (which defeats some of the
functionality I need) instead of gtk_drag_begin.  I still get the wrong
icon for that drag.

In examining my code, I noticed that I am specifying targets like this:

('tv1_row', GTK_TARGET_SAME_APP, 1)

I have the identical specification for source and destination.  However,
every example I see has targets that look like this:

('tv1_row', 0, 1)

Sometimes the source target looks the same and sometimes it looks like my
first example (in which case the source and destination targets do not
match).  Moreover, 0 isn't even a valid value for the second parameter.  It
seems as if the second parameter doesn't matter.  Is that conclusion
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Drag'n'drop problems

2008-09-08 Thread Jeffrey Barish
John Coppens wrote:

> On Sat, 6 Sep 2008 11:58:00 -0300
> John Coppens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I couldn't find a list of valid format
>> descriptions. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Adding some more info: I found an (incomplete) chunk of code on the net
> that defines the row data in the GtkTargetEntry array as:
> I put this in my program, and behold, it worked. I searched for
> GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW as a target type, but couldn't find any reference to
> that... So can anyone tell me what the possible values are?
> And I'm still interested in an example on how to process row data
> received from a drop, into a gtk_tree_store. I promise to write a
> tutorial if I can get to understand this.
> John

The first argument only has to match the first argument of the source.

There is some information in this tutorial:

There is also some good information in:

but you have to be able to read Python.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Drag'n'drop problems

2008-09-08 Thread Jeffrey Barish
John Coppens wrote:

> Thanks, Jeffrey, but:
> On Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:19:42 -0600
> Jeffrey Barish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The first argument only has to match the first argument of the source.
> This does not seem to be true. If I replace
>   {"GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW", GTK_TARGET_SAME_APP, 0} // This works
> by, eg.:
>   {"STRING", GTK_TARGET_SAME_APP, 0}  // Doesn't work
> So the string _is_ interpreted somewhere (outside of my program, that is).
> To be specific, the drag seems to work, but drop doesn't - no event is
> generated in the second case. BTW, it's not just "STRING". I tried with
> several other things, like "xml_node_pointer" (which described what I was
> doing), but that didn't work either.

I was going to tell you that you are crazy, but when I tried putting
GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW in my program in place of the arbitrary string that I
was using, I found that the behavior of my program changed to something
bizarre (I get too many signals).  So I am forced to agree that
GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW is interpreted somewhere.  It's news to me.  I have
always used an arbitrary string that matches in the source and destination
>> There is some information in this tutorial:
> I had found this tutorial, but was somewhat concerned about the '***needs
> revision***' statement, and also, it uses the lowest level of interface,
> using x and y coordinates. I tried some versions of this, but couldn't
> get it to work. Thinking back now, the problem might have been with the
> Target string.
>> There is also some good information in:
> There's a C version of this Python tutorial somewhere (I've downloaded
> the C code, but lost the URL). It works well, but only drops are shown,
> and then only simple strings. I do commend the python guys though - I'm
> tempted to switch to Python just for the better docs.
> The problem I'm now stuck with is what to do with the path I receive in
> data_received (the destination path). I made a simple (destination) tree,
> and get 'drop possibles' like this:
> -> Ok
> "Main item"--> Ok
> -> No
>   ---> Ok
>   "Subitem 1"> No
>   ---> Ok
>   "Subitem 2"> No
> BUT, if I convert those paths into iters, and set some data, I'm
> destroying the next existing item. Do I have to insert an item before the
> path/iter? I'll try that next. It wouldn't explain why I get a 'possible'
> on "Main item" though.

The PyGTK FAQ has some hints:
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Getting GtkCellRenderer's

2008-09-09 Thread Jeffrey Barish
dhk wrote:

> How do you get a GtkCellRenderer from a treeview or a GtkTreeViewColumn?
> Thanks,
> Dave

gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers ()?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Composite children

2008-09-29 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I surround the creation of a particular widget with
widget_push_composite_child and widget_pop_composite_child.  Afterward, I
see that property composite-child is True for the new widget.  However,
when I run get_children on the parent, the widget appears in the list even
though documentation says that get_children "returns the container's
non-internal children".  Is this a bug, or is there something else I'm
supposed to do to prevent a child from showing up as a child?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Focus chain ineffectual

2008-10-15 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I'm trying to set the focus chain.  I have 3 widgets that I want to chain,
so I specified them as the arguments of the set_focus_chain method on the
top-level window.  I expect focus to move from one to the next as I hit
tab.  Instead, focus moves to many widgets not in the chain in addition to
some that are in it.  It seems as if the set_focus_chain call is not doing
anything.  can_focus is set on all three widgets.  Am I not allowed to call
it on the top-level window?  Are the widgets required to be immediate
descendants (the manual says only that the widgets should be "descendants",
which these are)?  Is there a different explanation?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Handler disconnect vs. block

2008-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Is there a reason to block/unblock a handler rather than disconnect/connect
it? Is the overhead for block/unblock significantly lower?

One thing I don't like about block/unblock is that GTK issues a warning when
you try to unblock a handler that is not blocked, but there is no way to
ask first whether the handler is currently blocked.  disconnect/connect
offers the handler_is_connected query.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

FileSelection widget and DnD

2008-12-11 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Does the FileSelection widget support DnD?  I would like to use the
FileSelection widget to select a folder and then drag filenames to the icon
for that folder to cause the files to be written to the selected folder.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Column separator line in Ubuntu 8.10

2009-01-25 Thread Jeffrey Barish
After upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10, treeviews have a dashed vertical line
between columns.  Anyone know how to turn it off?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Tooltips blown away by ProgressBar

2009-02-17 Thread Jeffrey Barish
When I hover over any of a number of widgets in my application, a tooltip
appears.  However, as soon as a progressbar updates, the tooltip
disappears.  Is there a way to get the tooltips to stick around the way
they do when there is no progressbar update?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

GTK warning

2009-02-21 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I hate the warning messages that GTK provides because they rarely help me
find the problem.  What does this one mean?

/ Warning: g_object_unref: assertion `object->ref_count >
0' failed

What object is producing the warning?  I suppose it must be myimage.  What
am I supposed to do?  If I exit the program and run it again, 9 times out
of 10 I don't get the warning.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK warning

2009-02-21 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Dov Grobgeld wrote:
> 2009/2/21 Jeffrey Barish 
>> I hate the warning messages that GTK provides because they rarely help me
>> find the problem.  What does this one mean?
>> / Warning: g_object_unref: assertion `object->ref_count
>> > 0' failed
>>  self['myimage'].set_from_pixbuf(mypb)
>> What object is producing the warning?  I suppose it must be myimage. 
>> What am I supposed to do?  If I exit the program and run it again, 9
>> times out of 10 I don't get the warning.
> The message means exactly what it sais, that you try to reduce the ref
> count of an object that doesn't exist.

Of course.  My complaint is that the message doesn't tell me which object. 
It refers me to a specific line in which it isn't obvious that any object
is being unreferenced.  That line sets the pixbuf, which, if anything,
would increase the ref count of something.  If the dereference occurs
somewhere else, then the warning shouldn't refer me to this line of code.

> But since the example you give is in Python this probably means that there
> is an error in the python binding. You should try to create a minimum
> example that triggers the problem and try to create a bug report.

If there were an error in the Python binding, then I would expect the
warning to be consistent.  For that matter, it should be consistent if the
error were in my code or in GTK.

I'm running my program with --g-fatal-warnings at the end of the command
line.  I don't know whether that flag does anything in PyGTK, though.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GTK warning

2009-02-22 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Stefan Kost wrote:

> How should gobject know the name of your variable? In GStreamer we have a
> GstObejct which has a name property, that makes it easier.

How do you know it's one of my variables that is being unreferenced?  The
warning message refers me to line 118 where I don't see that any of my
variables is being unreferenced.  If there's a problem in the
set_from_pixbuf call, I don't see why GTK can't provide more information
about the nature of the problem.  If there's a problem somewhere else, I
don't see why GTK is directing me to line 118.

I have now established that running the program with --g-fatal-warnings on
the command line does do something: It causes the program to exit, just as
it does in C.  However, in Python, I need to catch the exception before
exiting so that I can run the debugger and view the traceback, but it is
not possible to catch SystemExit.  I'm still clinging to the hope that a
traceback will be helpful despite your advice that it usually isn't when
the problem is a refcount issue.  Nevertheless, I clearly have fallen out
of the purview of this group, so I'll try to figure out a better place to
post.  Thanks anyway for all the suggestions.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Popup window for alert

2009-03-18 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I would like a popup window with a black line on its border in which I can
put a label to alert the user to a failure condition.  A Dialog doesn't
work because the appearance and disappearance of the window is entirely
under program control.  A WINDOW_POPUP doesn't work because it lacks the
black line on its border (even when I set decorate).  A WINDOW_TOPLEVEL is
almost right, but I would prefer that the destroy button and the window
menu button not appear -- not to mention the title bar at the top.  Is
there a way to make any of these things disappear?
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Popup window for alert

2009-03-18 Thread Jeffrey Barish
John Coppens wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:55:35 -0600
> Jeffrey Barish  wrote:
>> I would like a popup window with a black line on its border in which I
>> can put a label to alert the user to a failure condition.  A Dialog
>> doesn't work because the appearance and disappearance of the window is
>> entirely under program control.  A WINDOW_POPUP doesn't work because it
>> lacks the black line on its border (even when I set decorate).  A
>> WINDOW_TOPLEVEL is almost right, but I would prefer that the destroy
>> button and the window menu button not appear -- not to mention the
>> title bar at the top.  Is there a way to make any of these things
>> disappear?
> You can do everything with a normal window, Jeffrey. Look up the right
> functions, but you can:
> 1) Make de decorations disappear, leaving a clean rectangle.
> 2) Put an image on the background, with the black border you want,
>making it fill the window entirely,
> 3) Put a label in the center of that window, and enter the text you
>wish to show.
> You might want to search for the many examples of 'splash screens' with
> GTK available on the 'net.

Thanks to you and Ardhan for the suggestions.  They led me to the following
solution: Get the Gdk_Window.  It has a set_decorations method.  One of the
options is DECOR_BORDER, which draws only a black line around the window --
no title bar.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Drag from TreeView to non-TreeView

2009-04-26 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Is it possible to drag from a TreeView to a widget that is not a TreeView? 
In my case, I am trying to drag to an EventBox.
Jeffrey Barish

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Getting X error on reordering columns in TreeView

2013-10-21 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Try running this simple program (

# The purpose of this program is to test reorderable columns in a TreeView.

import gtk

class ReorderableColumns(object):
def __init__(self):
self.window = gtk.Window()
self.window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
self.window.set_size_request(240, -1)

liststore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str)
for i in range(10):
liststore.append(["%d" % i] * 3)

treeview = gtk.TreeView(liststore)
for i in range(3):
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn('%s' % i, cell, text=i)


def run(self):

app = ReorderableColumns()

As soon as I try to drag a column, the program crashes with:

The program '' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'.
  (Details: serial 1289 error_code 8 request_code 56 minor_code 0)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

Any idea what's wrong?  GTK version 2.24.10 on Ubuntu 12.04.
Jeffrey Barish
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