Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 08:59:29 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

> So, for stat, we have to do a double conversion: first from the input UTF-8 
> to UTF-16, and then from UTF-16 to MBCS so that we can call stat instead of 
> wstat so that users don't get any nasty surprises when using g_stat() on a 
> symlink in Vista. *le sigh*

Won't that fail on filenames that have characters outside of the active
codepage instead?

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

Won't that fail on filenames that have characters outside of the active
codepage instead?
Sure but that will actually fail rather than silently succeeding with an 
incorrect value.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Krzysztof Kosiński
2011/9/26 Jernej Simončič :
> Won't that fail on filenames that have characters outside of the active
> codepage instead?

You can use g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8() to obtain a short
filename (8.3) that will refer to the filename with unrepresentable
characters. You can then use it with "narrow" functions of the Windows
API. This will not work if short filename generation is turned off in
the registry. I don't know whether it's still turned on by default.

Regards, Krzysztof
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Krzysztof Kosiński
2011/9/26 Kean Johnston :
> Despire the
> coolness of Windows supporting time fields 64-bits wide for the least amount
> of pain it would probably be best if the time fields were left at 32-bits
> (although it would be really cool and forward thinking if we used 64-bits),

FWIW I'm in favor of 64 bit time fields, as the event horizon for
32-bit fields is only 27 years away. Even if you think that it's very
unlikely that any present day programs will still be used in 27 years,
you can think of this as enabling Unix timestamp calculations with
dates much further into the future than possible now.

Regards, Krzysztof
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 14:59:43 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

>> Won't that fail on filenames that have characters outside of the active
>> codepage instead?
> Sure but that will actually fail rather than silently succeeding with an 
> incorrect value.

But which is more likely to happen - user having a filename with foreign
characters, or user having a symlink (which on Windows can only be created
by administrators)...

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Krzysztof Kosiński
2011/9/26 Jernej Simončič :
> But which is more likely to happen - user having a filename with foreign
> characters, or user having a symlink (which on Windows can only be created
> by administrators)...

Based on the bugs reported against Inkscape that were caused by this
kind of filename, I would say the former (foreign characters) is much
more common. A lot of users have English Windows but have a local
keyboard layout and name their documents in their local language (e.g.
Russian, Polish) which is not representable in latin1.

Regards, Krzysztof
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

> But which is more likely to happen - user having a filename with foreign
> characters, or user having a symlink (which on Windows can only be created
> by administrators)...
You asked the question slightly incorrectly: which is more likely to 
happen: a user have a file on their filesystem that their system codepage 
cannot support or having a symlink. I'd say the latter is more frequent 
because every single home directory of every user has a bunch of them, 
whereas if a filesystem has funny characters in its file names there's a 
much greater chance the system generated them and can therefore read them. 
Plus I am fairly sure (but not 100%) that MBCS can represent all of the 
characters UTF-16 can (which is what the _wstat function uses).

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:25:06 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

> You asked the question slightly incorrectly: which is more likely to 
> happen: a user have a file on their filesystem that their system codepage 
> cannot support or having a symlink. I'd say the latter is more frequent 
> because every single home directory of every user has a bunch of them, 

Actually, I only seem to have them in 32bit installs of Windows 7 - 64bit
installs don't have them in the user profile (they are there in the root of
the drive).

> whereas if a filesystem has funny characters in its file names there's a 
> much greater chance the system generated them and can therefore read them. 
> Plus I am fairly sure (but not 100%) that MBCS can represent all of the 
> characters UTF-16 can (which is what the _wstat function uses).

MBCS isn't able to represent all the characters (though depending on the
codepage, it does cover a fair amount), but that's not really relevant -
how do you represent тест in CP-1250?

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

MBCS isn't able to represent all the characters (though depending on the
codepage, it does cover a fair amount), but that's not really relevant -
how do you represent тест in CP-1250?

Give that to me as a sequence of wchar_t's and I'll figure it out :)
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:45:20 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

> Give that to me as a sequence of wchar_t's and I'll figure it out :)

It's \u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

But which is more likely to happen - user having a filename with foreign
characters, or user having a symlink (which on Windows can only be created
by administrators)...
Are you sure about that (I havent had the time to create a quick 
application that tests this) but 
makes no mention of elevated priveliges. Are you sure you are not confusing 
junction points with symbolic links?

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Krzysztof Kosiński
2011/9/26 Kean Johnston :
> Plus I am
> fairly sure (but not 100%) that MBCS can represent all of the characters
> UTF-16 can (which is what the _wstat function uses).

MBCS is misleadingly named in Microsoft documentation. It is not
always a multibyte encoding. It is a locale-specific encoding that
depends on your localization of Windows and AFAIK is guaranteed to be
ASCII compatible, and in many cases it is actually a single-byte
encoding. On English Windows, this is cp1252 which is almost identical
to iso8859-1. On Polish Windows, this is cp1250. On Chinese Windows
it's probably gb18030. And so on. In many versions, MBCS can only
represent a little more than plain ASCII.

"Funny characters" (e.g. Unicode characters not representable in the
MBCS / locale encoding) are in fact rather common and cause tangible
bugs when using "narrow" Windows APIs (e.g. Inkscape opens all
drawings normally but this one won't open!), while it's rather hard to
pin down a case where the symlink problem you mention would affect the
user. The ordinary user is unlikely to create any symlinks, and I'm
not even sure that _wstat would be called when selecting the linked
file for opening in the file chooser.

Regards, Krzysztof
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:55:20 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

> Are you sure about that (I havent had the time to create a quick 
> application that tests this) but 
> makes no mention of elevated priveliges. Are you sure you are not confusing 
> junction points with symbolic links?

I'm sure. Open an unelevated command prompt and use the mklink command.
You'll be able to create junctions (/j) and hardlinks (/h), but not

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

user. The ordinary user is unlikely to create any symlinks, and I'm
not even sure that _wstat would be called when selecting the linked
file for opening in the file chooser.
Forget about a file chooser. I want to write a utility. I want to be able 
to stat files and get their sizes to display how many bytes the files in a 
directory uses. How do I do that with a broken _wstat? Or, I want to 
*write* a file chooser. I want to be able to display how many bytes a file 
is. A file happens to be a symlink. How do I do that with a broken _wstat?

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

I'm sure. Open an unelevated command prompt and use the mklink command.
That could be weirdness with the mklink command. I'll write a test using 
the actual API's.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 16:11:11 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

> Forget about a file chooser. I want to write a utility. I want to be able 
> to stat files and get their sizes to display how many bytes the files in a 
> directory uses. How do I do that with a broken _wstat? Or, I want to 
> *write* a file chooser. I want to be able to display how many bytes a file 
> is. A file happens to be a symlink. How do I do that with a broken _wstat?

Switching _wstat to _stat will only make the problem worse.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

Switching _wstat to _stat will only make the problem worse.
How can returning an error (which the application can trap, and possibly 
take remedial action of its own - for example trying _wstat itself), *EVER* 
be worse than a function silently succeeding with a bogus return value?

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jürg Billeter
On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 13:55 +0200, Jernej Simončič wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 08:59:29 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> > So, for stat, we have to do a double conversion: first from the input UTF-8 
> > to UTF-16, and then from UTF-16 to MBCS so that we can call stat instead of 
> > wstat so that users don't get any nasty surprises when using g_stat() on a 
> > symlink in Vista. *le sigh*
> Won't that fail on filenames that have characters outside of the active
> codepage instead?

Couldn't GLib directly use GetFileAttributesExW instead, or does this
have similar issues? It would require a few extra lines of code to fill
in the stat structure, but if it can properly handle arbitrary filenames
and symbolic links, it's probably worth it.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

Couldn't GLib directly use GetFileAttributesExW instead, or does this
Sadly the file attributes constants dont have anything like 
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK etc, so we wouldn't be able to determine if the file 
is a symbolic link or not. Which I guess would be OK because this is 
g_stat() not g_lstat(). I guess what we could do (if GetFileAttributesExW 
works correctly on symbolic links) is fill in the basic stat structure with 
_wstat() and then just change the size field with whatever 
GetFileAttributesExW reports).

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 16:12:25 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:

> That could be weirdness with the mklink command. I'll write a test using 
> the actual API's.

It's not - symlinks are intentionally restricted to administrators to
prevent the security issues they would introduce in applications predating
symlink support.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< >

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

It's not - symlinks are intentionally restricted to administrators to
prevent the security issues they would introduce in applications predating
symlink support.

Ah ok cool, useful information, thank you!

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Jürg Billeter
On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 19:11 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> > Couldn't GLib directly use GetFileAttributesExW instead, or does this
> Sadly the file attributes constants dont have anything like 
> FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYMLINK etc, so we wouldn't be able to determine if the file 
> is a symbolic link or not. Which I guess would be OK because this is 
> g_stat() not g_lstat(). I guess what we could do (if GetFileAttributesExW 
> works correctly on symbolic links) is fill in the basic stat structure with 
> _wstat() and then just change the size field with whatever 
> GetFileAttributesExW reports).

It should be possible to get that information from FindFirstFileEx, as
far as I can tell. However, this should only be done for g_lstat and not
g_stat, right?


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-26 Thread Kean Johnston

FWIW I'm in favor of 64 bit time fields, as the event horizon for
32-bit fields is only 27 years away. Even if you think that it's very
unlikely that any present day programs will still be used in 27 years,
you can think of this as enabling Unix timestamp calculations with
dates much further into the future than possible now.
Any of the other heavy-hitters in glib want to chime in on the OTHER stat 
stuff other than the Windows portion? The bit on generalizing it and making 
it no longer be sensitive to _FILE_OFFSET_BITS? Matthias? Emmanuele? Ryan? 

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-27 Thread Steve Frécinaux

On 09/26/2011 08:59 AM, Kean Johnston wrote:

Here's how I would define
the GStatBuf data type:

Won't you break ABI if you're changing the layout of the struct on 
linux/unixes? As I understand this is not an issue on Windows since 
everyone ships the libraries with the binary, but it is on Linux.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-27 Thread Kean Johnston

On 9/27/2011 9:08 AM, Steve Frécinaux wrote:

On 09/26/2011 08:59 AM, Kean Johnston wrote:

Here's how I would define
the GStatBuf data type:

Won't you break ABI if you're changing the layout of the struct on
linux/unixes? As I understand this is not an issue on Windows since
everyone ships the libraries with the binary, but it is on Linux.
Nope. On linux there IS no ABI to break - everything is #define'd to its 
libc name - so there is no real g_stat(). Any existing code out there will 
just be calling stat(). If we make this change however we will be 
introducing an ABI that will need to be maintained which is why its 
important everyone agrees the data types are wide enough.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-27 Thread Ryan Lortie
On Tue, 2011-09-27 at 11:36 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> On 9/27/2011 9:08 AM, Steve Frécinaux wrote:
> > Won't you break ABI if you're changing the layout of the struct on
> > linux/unixes? As I understand this is not an issue on Windows since
> > everyone ships the libraries with the binary, but it is on Linux.

I was just about to write a reply mentioning this -- glad someone else
brought it up. :)

I disagree that we don't have an ABI to maintain on Windows.  I think
people on Windows are somewhat likely to download precompiled binary
versions of our DLLs for use with developing their software (since the
build process is so complicated).  We can easily introduce extremely
difficult-to-debug situations for people who assumed that the DLL was
binary-compatible with the old one.

> Nope. On linux there IS no ABI to break - everything is #define'd to its 
> libc name - so there is no real g_stat(). Any existing code out there will 
> just be calling stat(). If we make this change however we will be 
> introducing an ABI that will need to be maintained which is why its 
> important everyone agrees the data types are wide enough.

While I mostly agree with this, it's only true in the case that both the
code calling g_stat() and the code inspecting its result are always in
the same codebase.

If there is any API that takes a 'GStatBuf *' then that ABI will change
as a result of recompiling against the new GLib (ie: recompiling a
library with no code changes will change the ABI of the library).  I'm
not sure there are any cases of this, but it's something to be aware of.

A more practical concern, however, is the fact that GStatBuf was only
introduced somewhat recently:

This means that there is an awful lot of valid existing code (including
within GLib itself) that looks like this:

  struct stat buf;

  g_stat (filename, &buf);

which (if I understand your proposal correctly) would be badly broken.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Kean Johnston

I disagree that we don't have an ABI to maintain on Windows.  I think
people on Windows are somewhat likely to download precompiled binary
versions of our DLLs for use with developing their software (since the
build process is so complicated).  We can easily introduce extremely
difficult-to-debug situations for people who assumed that the DLL was
binary-compatible with the old one.
This is true. On Windows the code is actually fairly well insulated from 
random size changes based on macros. The only problem is Tor chose the 
"wrong" stat structure IMHO. These days, files > 4GB are common. Since GLib 
is a platform tool and you would rightfully expect to be able to write, 
say, an archival tool that could compress big files, and this currently 
isn't possible. Or you may want to write a backup tool and preserve 
timestamps. Also not currently possible. Of course said applications could 
just use other API's or specify their own stat structures and not use 
g_stat() at all but in that case what is the purpose of having g_stat() at 
all? Or any of the other gstdio.h wrappers. The purpose (I believe) is to 
ensure that if you use those wrappers they will behave the same way on all 
platforms GLib has been ported to. This is largely the case but it does 
break down on the fringes.

While I mostly agree with this, it's only true in the case that both the
code calling g_stat() and the code inspecting its result are always in
the same codebase.
And therein lies the EXACT reason why having a well defined stat structure 
with data types wide enough to cover all cases is such a requirement.

library with no code changes will change the ABI of the library).  I'm
not sure there are any cases of this, but it's something to be aware of.
Certainly, and we could do some rather trivial things to insulate against 
that. Call the structure something else (although as you mentioned GStatBuf 
is sufficiently new that I don't think we'd have a problem). Or announce 
the breakage prominently. We can work around the ABI change.

This means that there is an awful lot of valid existing code (including
within GLib itself) that looks like this:

   struct stat buf;

   g_stat (filename,&buf);

which (if I understand your proposal correctly) would be badly broken.

That code would of course change to
  GStatBuf buf;

  g_stat (filename, &buf);

The code wouldn't be broken at all. In fact it would be less broken. If, 
for example, GLib wasn't compiled with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 then 
internally, all of its usage of g_stat() can only deal with 31-bit file 
sizes. User code using GLib compiled WITH that set will support file sizes 
with 63 bits.

Almost all of the functions currently "wrapped" in gstdio.h are problematic 
with LFS. On Linux they are currently just macros. Changing those to 
functions won't break any existing code on Linux because those symbols 
aren't even in But in order to provide a consistent, 
doesn't-change-with-macros interface that can *become* the GLib ABI is 
useful. That code can be constructed inside GLib such that it is always 
compiled with LFS in mind. For example, we can ensure that g_open() always 
calls open64 or whatever it's called on the system in question. By rigidly 
defining GStatBuf to use identically sized on all platforms fields, we make 
g_stat() more useful. Heck, it even becomes possible to share binary dumps 
of the thing on like-endian machines should you want to do that.

In a nutshell, if gstdio.[ch] were slightly tweaked to be actual functions 
and not veneer macro wrappers, and they all took suitably sized arguments 
then the code becomes that much more portable and easier to debug and less 
surprising. I'd also add the various seek functions as they too are 
problematic because they take a file offset but that also doesn't break any 
ABI it just adds a new one. I think the *only* platform affected by the 
changes I am proposing is Windows (or any UNIX system that defines 
G_STDIO_NO_WRAP_ON_UNIX) and that only for g_stat() and that can be easily 
worked around. But at the end of it we will have a completely consistent 
API across all platforms. The *only* thorny question really, is what width 
do we make the st_?time fields? 32-bit or 64-bit (or, as on MacOS, both). 
And if we make them 64-bit what exactly does that represent? Nanoseconds 
since the Epoch? I think the easiest way by far is to have those fields 
defined thus in the structure:

  gint32  st_atime, st_mtime, st_ctime;
  gint64  st_atime64, st_mtime64, st_ctime64;

That supports the vast majority of the code out there that is UNIX-centric 
and supports the notion of a 31-bit time field measured as seconds since 
the epoch of Jan 1 1970. But code that wants higher precision can use the 
64-bit variants on systems that provide it and simply multiply out the 
32-bit ones to give usable values on those that don't.

Note that on Windows the 64-bit time fields are just more seconds since the 

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Alexander Larsson
On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 08:59 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> There is also a broader issue with stat. The size of struct stat can vary 
> according to what macros are defined when you include . If you 
> have _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 defined your size fields are 64-bit, otherwise 
> they *can* be 64-bit but are most often 32-bit. Thus, if glib was compiled 
> without _FILE_OFFSET_BITS defined, and an application uses g_stat() but 
> DOES have it defined, you're in for trouble (and the inverse is true - if 
> glib was compiled with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 and the app wasn't, the same 
> hilarity ensues).

I don't see how this would be any problem. Both the app and the library
will get the struct stat that matches what they were compiled with. The
only problem would be if you passed the struct stat between glib and the
app, but that doesn't happen as g_stat is a macro.

> On almost all UNIX systems time_t is a signed 32-bit int thus capable of 
> representing time from the epoch through some time in 2038. Windows has 
> support for 64-bit time fields which is surprisingly forward thinking of them.

time_t is typically a signed long, which is 64bit on all 64bit linux

> Since GLib is a "platform library" it would be extremely useful if 
> gstsdio.h defined a GLib version of the stat structures instead of just 
> doing "typedef struct stat GStatBuf". That structure can be consistently 
> defined, with sufficiently large data types that it will work on all 
> systems. Despire the coolness of Windows supporting time fields 64-bits 
> wide for the least amount of pain it would probably be best if the time 
> fields were left at 32-bits (although it would be really cool and forward 
> thinking if we used 64-bits), but to use 64-bit fields for all size fields, 
> and 32-bit fields for all others. That way gstdio.[ch] can be compiled in a 
> very specific way to get the information needed and then smush it into that 
> portable structure. Here's how I would define the GStatBuf data type:
> typedef struct GStatBuf {
>guint32  st_dev;
>guint64  st_ino;
>guint16  st_mode;
>guint16  st_nlink;
>guint32  st_uid;
>guint32  st_gid;
>guint32  st_rdev;
>gint64   st_size;
>gint32   st_atime;
>gint32   st_mtime;
>gint32   st_ctime;
> } GStatBuf;

I don't see what advantages this gives you. It will break all existing
code that uses g_stat and struct stat, you can't share GStatBuf with
other struct stat using code, you can't access extensions like
nanosecond mtimes, it doesn't have things like blocksize and st_blocks
which means you can't calculate actual space used.

Also, we *do* have an abstraction that lets you write portable code. Its
called GFileInfo. g_stat is by its nature a lowlevel unix-like call, it
was added mainly as a quick way to port unix code to windows. So,
introducing our own copy of struct stat on windows might make sense
(with its c runtime library issues), but we don't want to change it on

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Alexander Larsson
On Wed, 2011-09-28 at 10:00 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> > This means that there is an awful lot of valid existing code (including
> > within GLib itself) that looks like this:
> >
> > {
> >struct stat buf;
> >
> >g_stat (filename,&buf);
> > }
> >
> > which (if I understand your proposal correctly) would be badly broken.
> That code would of course change to
> {
>GStatBuf buf;
>g_stat (filename, &buf);
> }

It would be a break in source-compat, which we can't just do. Glib is an
API stable library used by thousands of other libraries and apps. 

> The code wouldn't be broken at all. In fact it would be less broken. If, 
> for example, GLib wasn't compiled with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 then 
> internally, all of its usage of g_stat() can only deal with 31-bit file 
> sizes. User code using GLib compiled WITH that set will support file sizes 
> with 63 bits.

I don't understand why you keep bringing this up. glib has
AC_SYS_LARGEFILE in, so it will never be built with
anything but 64bits internally.

> Almost all of the functions currently "wrapped" in gstdio.h are problematic 
> with LFS. On Linux they are currently just macros. 

They are problematic due to LFS being problematic, but that is just how
unix works. If you want to work with other libraries etc on the lower
level you have to be aware of this. If you don't want that, use the
proper glib i/o abstractions in GIO that are not using anything like
struct stat.

> That supports the vast majority of the code out there that is UNIX-centric 
> and supports the notion of a 31-bit time field measured as seconds since 
> the epoch of Jan 1 1970. But code that wants higher precision can use the 
> 64-bit variants on systems that provide it and simply multiply out the 
> 32-bit ones to give usable values on those that don't.

All 64bit linux arches uses 64bit signed time_t, and its in seconds.
Higher precision timestamps are done in linux by introducing separate
nanosecond fields in struct stat. This is all transparently handled by
GIO if you just use GFileInfo.

> Note that on Windows the 64-bit time fields are just more seconds since the 
> Epoch, with an upper limit of Dec 31 23:59:59 3000. If we decide that the 
> 64-bit time field is really nanoseconds since the Epoch (a much more usable 
> value IMHO) then it can represent dates up to some time in the year 2262. I 
> don't think it matters what it represents as long as we define it. If GLib 
> only breaks in the year 2262 I'm quite Ok with that :-)

Of course we can't just make time_t be nanoseconds, that would break a
lot of other functions that expect it to be in seconds.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Kean Johnston

time_t is typically a signed long, which is 64bit on all 64bit linux

Even more good reason to standardize then.

I don't see what advantages this gives you. It will break all existing
code that uses g_stat and struct stat, you can't share GStatBuf with
other struct stat using code, you can't access extensions like
nanosecond mtimes, it doesn't have things like blocksize and st_blocks
which means you can't calculate actual space used.
So easily solved. Call the damned thing g_statfile() and have the structure 
be GFileStat. Something else. The Windows stat structure doesn't have block 
size and st_blocks anyway so again your code needs to become poluted with 
ifdefs. We can add the block size and number of blocks, and on Windows we 
can either find another API that gives us the same information of set the 
block size == file size and the number of blocks to 1 so that the code 
presents a uniform interface. It is *EXACTLY* because of all of these 
differences that having a wrapper is useful.

Also, we *do* have an abstraction that lets you write portable code. Its
called GFileInfo. g_stat is by its nature a lowlevel unix-like call, it
was added mainly as a quick way to port unix code to windows. So,
introducing our own copy of struct stat on windows might make sense
(with its c runtime library issues), but we don't want to change it on
Only if you define "UNIX" as "Linux". OSX has other fields Linux doesn't. 
Some UNIX variants have 16-bit uid_t's others have 32. Some have as low as 
16-bit ino_t's others have 64. There are all KINDS of ways in which it 
differs. Offering a portable, no-ifdefs-required, 
suitably-large-sized-to-accomodate-everyone structure ... yes *STRUCTURE* 
that all code can use completely portably without having to worry about 
anything ... SURELY you can see the value in that? GFileInfo from GIO? You 
have GOT to be kidding me? As a replacement for stat()? When I want to look 
up a file attribute I have to go through hash table lookups for attributes 
and a completely open-ended size (GArray *attributes) and all that parent 
class and instance overhead - versus having a single structure I can 
sizeof() and write to a file? In what universe is that a better approach?

GLib does plenty of abstractions of things that you could just use the 
native API for. Like g_malloc(). You could just use malloc(). But there are 
variances on how malloc() behaves so you wrap it to get consistent 
behaviour so that everywhere you use g_malloc(0) you know exactly what you 
are getting. You wrap printf because not all printf's are alike. stat() is 
just the same. It needs wrapping because not all stats are the same. It can 
be trivially done. It can be done in such a way that it doesn't break any 
ABIs or even API's. What's the problem?

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Le mercredi 28 septembre 2011 à 11:03 +0200, Kean Johnston a écrit :
> Only if you define "UNIX" as "Linux". OSX has other fields Linux doesn't. 
> Some UNIX variants have 16-bit uid_t's others have 32. Some have as low as 
> 16-bit ino_t's others have 64. There are all KINDS of ways in which it 
> differs. Offering a portable, no-ifdefs-required, 
> suitably-large-sized-to-accomodate-everyone structure ... yes *STRUCTURE* 
> that all code can use completely portably without having to worry about 
> anything ... SURELY you can see the value in that? GFileInfo from GIO? You 
> have GOT to be kidding me? As a replacement for stat()? When I want to look 
> up a file attribute I have to go through hash table lookups for attributes 
> and a completely open-ended size (GArray *attributes) and all that parent 
> class and instance overhead - versus having a single structure I can 
> sizeof() and write to a file? In what universe is that a better approach?
Do you have a use case where hash-table lookups would be a bottleneck?
With dual-core CPUs we have nowadays, disk access is likely to be much
slower than the hash-table work that GIO produces. And few programs
would need to stat that many files anyway.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Kean Johnston

Do you have a use case where hash-table lookups would be a bottleneck?
Small mobile devices. Devices with only 64MB of RAM to play with. Embedded 
devices. Just because GLib is used mainly in GNOME don't make the 
assumption its the ONLY place. Not every deployment of GLib applications is 
on a multi-core CPU system with multi-gigs of memory, or even with 
traditional hard disks. Or even hard disks at all. Places where you are 
using GLib becuase its relatively small, not using the massive overhead 
that is GIO and which serves a different purpose entirely. Just becuase 
GLib and GIO come in the same tar does NOT mean they are always deployed 
side by side.

With dual-core CPUs we have nowadays, disk access is likely to be much
slower than the hash-table work that GIO produces. And few programs
would need to stat that many files anyway.
Really? On what do you base that information? There are three applications 
I want to write that even brought me to the GLib / Gtk+ world and ALL of 
them use stat because they are dealing with files. The bottom line is, 
although stat may be a low level system call, applications deal with files. 
A LOT. A HELL of a lot. stat is a basic file operation. It can be made to 
be more portable. That's all I am trying to do. It can abstract 95% of all 
of the problem areas. If you have an application that needs very specific, 
tied-to-one-OS stat structures then by all means use stat. But when a 
*Platform* library isn't abstracting a basic *platform* call, that's a 
problem and I don't understand all the resistance to it.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Sam Thursfield
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Kean Johnston  wrote:
>> Do you have a use case where hash-table lookups would be a bottleneck?
> Small mobile devices. Devices with only 64MB of RAM to play with. Embedded
> devices. Just because GLib is used mainly in GNOME don't make the assumption
> its the ONLY place. Not every deployment of GLib applications is on a
> multi-core CPU system with multi-gigs of memory, or even with traditional
> hard disks. Or even hard disks at all. Places where you are using GLib
> becuase its relatively small, not using the massive overhead that is GIO and
> which serves a different purpose entirely. Just becuase GLib and GIO come in
> the same tar does NOT mean they are always deployed side by side.

Writing embedded code and writing code that is portable between three
major desktop OSes are essentially orthogonal concerns. Scripting
languages such as Python use hash tables for all their namespace
lookups and as a common data structure - it's not a huge performance

>> With dual-core CPUs we have nowadays, disk access is likely to be much
>> slower than the hash-table work that GIO produces. And few programs
>> would need to stat that many files anyway.
> Really? On what do you base that information? There are three applications I
> want to write that even brought me to the GLib / Gtk+ world and ALL of them
> use stat because they are dealing with files. The bottom line is, although
> stat may be a low level system call, applications deal with files. A LOT. A
> HELL of a lot. stat is a basic file operation. It can be made to be more
> portable. That's all I am trying to do. It can abstract 95% of all of the
> problem areas. If you have an application that needs very specific,
> tied-to-one-OS stat structures then by all means use stat. But when a
> *Platform* library isn't abstracting a basic *platform* call, that's a
> problem and I don't understand all the resistance to it.

The problem is that stat is API from the 1970's. None of us really
want to prolong the life of code with such readable names as S_IFMT,
S_IFREG, st_blksize and EBADF. One of GIO's design goals was to come
up with a fully portable, modern abstraction on top of all this. I for
one would much rather be working with

GLib is a 21st century platform library, not a pile of portability
hacks. I admit that for convenience it's managed to acquire a bunch of
portability hacks, but this isn't a design goal. If you would like to
use GIO but find measurable performance problems or missing
functionality, bug reports are welcome.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Kean Johnston

The problem is that stat is API from the 1970's. None of us really

So is malloc. So is chmod. They are wrapped.

want to prolong the life of code with such readable names as S_IFMT,
S_IFREG, st_blksize and EBADF. One of GIO's design goals was to come
up with a fully portable, modern abstraction on top of all this. I for
And if your application can benefit from that, please, by all means go 
ahead and USE it! But why should that be used as a precluder for someone 
who wants to USE the smaller, more efficient, working since the 1970's API? 
A USEFUL tool provides choices. That's what I want to do - provide a 
choice. I don't want to use GIO thank you very much. Pull in a library with 
173762 lines of code (aside from GObject which it depends on)) so I can use 
G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_ACCESS instead of buf.st_atime? No thanks.

GLib is a 21st century platform library, not a pile of portability
hacks. I admit that for convenience it's managed to acquire a bunch of
portability hacks, but this isn't a design goal. If you would like to
I want to add one more portability hack. It serves a need and doesn't 
impact anyone who isn't interested in using it. I am trying to improve 
Glib. Not GIO, but Glib. I want to use GLib. Not GObject and libFFI, not 
Gthread, not GIO. GLib. It has its own headers and its own library. There 
is one function I want to make more portable, and 2 I want to add because 
they are missing (seek and tell). If the way you develop software allows 
you to bring in hundreds of thousands of lines of code rather than using a 
single structure, then please, be my guest and do so. But please for the 
love of all that's holy stop trying to tell me that's how *I* should be 
doing things.

use GIO but find measurable performance problems or missing

1,155,072 jx10-gio2.dll - 'nuff said.

I hear people complaining about lack of maintainers all the time. I am 
trying very hard to participate in the community and add value. As all 
newcomers to a project do I pick something small that can benefit others as 
well as scratch a personal itch. That's how a development community grows. 
Whether you realize it or not you guys are being down-right contributor 
hostile. I have absolutely *NO* problem making my own changes to glib and 
maintaining them for my own purposes. I can use my time writing software 
instead of debating things with you. But if you want help, and you want 
fresh blood and you want a developer who is trying desperately to maintain 
the software on the worlds most common platform and offer precious cycles 
to your team, then please consider that not every single change has to 
appeal to one audience, that there are multiple uses of GLib far divorced 
from the GNOME community or UNIX and that not everyone thinks as you do or 
uses the software the way you do.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Simon McVittie
On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 at 11:03:00 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> Offering a portable, no-ifdefs-required,
> suitably-large-sized-to-accomodate-everyone structure ... yes
> *STRUCTURE* that all code can use completely portably without having
> to worry about anything ...

... until GLib is ported to platform-of-the-week (Hurd? Plan 9? Windows 8?)
which has interesting fields that weren't in the traditional "struct stat";
at which point it either becomes non-comprehensive on the new platforms
(missing information that the new platform provides), or variable-size
(#ifdefs), or an ABI break on existing platforms (GLib 4). Comprehensive,
same layout on all platforms, fixed layout over time: pick any two.

GFileInfo is opaque/extensible/indeterminate-size precisely so that the fact
that its layout changes over time is not an ABI break.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-28 Thread Ryan Lortie
On Wed, 2011-09-28 at 11:03 +0200, Kean Johnston wrote:
> So easily solved. Call the damned thing g_statfile() and have the structure 
> be GFileStat.

So then we would have 'struct stat' and 'GStatBuf' which would work with
g_stat(), g_lstat() and fstat().  Additionally we would add a
'GFileStat' that only works with new calls 'g_statfile()',
'g_lstatfile()' and (presumably) 'g_fstatfile()' (for fstat()
functionality applied to the new structure type).

My head is spinning...

> Only if you define "UNIX" as "Linux". OSX has other fields Linux doesn't. 
> Some UNIX variants have 16-bit uid_t's others have 32. Some have as low as 
> 16-bit ino_t's others have 64. There are all KINDS of ways in which it 
> differs. Offering a portable, no-ifdefs-required, 
> suitably-large-sized-to-accomodate-everyone structure ... yes *STRUCTURE* 
> that all code can use completely portably without having to worry about 
> anything ... SURELY you can see the value in that? GFileInfo from GIO? You 
> have GOT to be kidding me? As a replacement for stat()? When I want to look 
> up a file attribute I have to go through hash table lookups for attributes 
> and a completely open-ended size (GArray *attributes) and all that parent 
> class and instance overhead - versus having a single structure I can 
> sizeof() and write to a file? In what universe is that a better approach?

I don't find the ability to write 'struct stat' to a file to be a
particularly compelling usecase...

You propose to avoid indirection by moving people away from GFileInfo to
GFileStat.  At the same time, you'd be adding more indirection to the
g_stat() users though -- a copy of all of the various fields of the
system native structure to our shadow structure.

Unless you actually propose that we keep both APIs around and
undeprecated -- and my head is spinning again

I don't really appreciate the problems that are caused by different
sized inode, uid, etc. fields...  It might be unsightly or aesthetically
displeasing on some level, but the something like:

  if (buf.st_uid == getuid()) ...

will obviously always work properly.  I think, if anything, we cause
ourselves more trouble by breaking with the system definition.

The only benefit to your proposal (from a UNIX standpoint, at least) is
that it helps avoid accidental portability problems where a non-portable
field is used.  I'm not sure that it's worth all the drawbacks.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> "_wstat does not work with Windows Vista symbolic links. In these cases, 
> _wstat will always report a file size of 0. _stat does work correctly with 
> symbolic links."

Ugh, how weird and unexpected. (My expectation would have been that
neither supports symbolic links.) For which C runtime is this, btw,
the system msvcrt.dll, or some of the MSVC-version-specific ones?

Anyway, I think the only sensible thing to do is then to not use
either _wstat() or _stat(). We don't want to miss the full Unicode
support, and I guess this symbolic link stuff is useful, too.

Instead, we should just use the Win32 API to fill in the meaningful
fields of a struct stat. Yeah, following symbolic links manually might
be painful; I have no idea how to do that.

(Of course, when I say "we", I actually mean "you", as I don't really
take much part in GLib/GTK+ development currently... sorry. Just
noticed this thread when browsing the gtk-devel-list archove, and
*had* to follow-up...)

Anyway, isn't g_stat() kinda deprecated? Should it be? Partly exactly
because of this horrible potential for confusion with the several
"struct stat" variants on Windows (and also on some Unixes, I guess,
although there at least there is typically only one C
library). Doesn't GIO's APIs to get file
properties/attributes/whatever they are called supersede g_stat()?

> Here's how I would define the GStatBuf data type:
> typedef struct GStatBuf {
>guint32  st_dev;
>guint64  st_ino;
>guint16  st_mode;
>guint16  st_nlink;
>guint32  st_uid;
>guint32  st_gid;
>guint32  st_rdev;
>gint64   st_size;
>gint32   st_atime;
>gint32   st_mtime;
>gint32   st_ctime;
> } GStatBuf;

Er, no. NO.

This definitely is pointless, GIO supersedes g_stat() etc in much
cleaner fashion.

Why on earth would we want to use 32-bit timestamps in a new API? Or
just 16-bit st_nlink?

Why would we want the extremely Unix-specific st_mode to show up in a
portability layer at all? st_mode is on Windows always just a
best-effort (or not even that good an effort) fabrication. Many
POSIXes support ACLs in file systens and such might be common for some
file systems on some POSIX platforms.  Any software supposed to be
generic and good should take that into consideration anyway when
figuring out the protection of some file. A single st_mode field is
basically useless in modern portable APIs.

st_uid and st_gid are also totally Unix-specifc, of course.

> While in gstdio I'd also add the glaring-by-their-omission g_lseek, 
> g_fseek, and g_ftell all of which could take a gint32 as their argument or 
> return value.

That is a glaring omission only if you misunderstand the purpose of
gstdio.h. It is not supposed to be a wrapper for any file I/O related
functions. Its sole purpose (at least when it was created) is to take
care of the *file name* problems. It even says this in a comment:

/* Wrappers for C library functions that take pathname arguments. On
 * Unix, the pathname is a file name as it literally is in the file
 * system. On well-maintained systems with consistent users who know
 * what they are doing and no exchange of files with others this would
 * be a well-defined encoding, preferably UTF-8. On Windows, the
 * pathname is always in UTF-8, even if that is not the on-disk
 * encoding, and not the encoding accepted by the C library or Win32
 * API.

Beafing up gstdio.h now is too late. All newer file system portability
related stuff in GLib is in GIO, surely.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Kean Johnston

Ugh, how weird and unexpected. (My expectation would have been that
neither supports symbolic links.) For which C runtime is this, btw,
the system msvcrt.dll, or some of the MSVC-version-specific ones?

The MSDN documentation doesn't specify. I suspect its all of them TBH.

Instead, we should just use the Win32 API to fill in the meaningful
fields of a struct stat. Yeah, following symbolic links manually might
be painful; I have no idea how to do that.
Well I speak under correction but its my belief that The other API's follow 
them for you. I'm fairly certain GetFileAttributesEx() does.

(Of course, when I say "we", I actually mean "you", as I don't really
take much part in GLib/GTK+ development currently... sorry. Just
noticed this thread when browsing the gtk-devel-list archove, and
*had* to follow-up...)

Glad you did :)

That is a glaring omission only if you misunderstand the purpose of
gstdio.h. It is not supposed to be a wrapper for any file I/O related
functions. Its sole purpose (at least when it was created) is to take
care of the *file name* problems. It even says this in a comment:

Ah I had missed that bit.

Beafing up gstdio.h now is too late. All newer file system portability
related stuff in GLib is in GIO, surely.
Sure but if all I want to know how big a file is, do I *really* want to 
link in all of that extra crud? GIO is huge. There are times when the low 
level functions are just plain appropriate.

I've given up on the idea of a universal stat structure, but the g_stat() 
wrapper is still useful on Windows exactly because of the file name issue. 
People really do want to use stat rather than GIO. I do, and I've had 
private emails from others who do too. Right now though the biggest 
deficiency with it (aside from the symlinks and _wstat thing which needs to 
be addressed differently) is the actual stat structure you chose. It only 
supports 32-bit (well 31) file sizes and that's a real problem on Windows 
these days where ISO images are frequent and much larger than 2GB. I would 
dearly *love* to change that but that will mean breaking the ABI. Of course 
since everyone is off using GIO that shouldn't break too many people should 
it :) But that structure can be changed in a non-ABI breaking way and I 
hope to at least get that much past the powers that be.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Tor Lillqvist
>> Ugh, how weird and unexpected. (My expectation would have been that
>> neither supports symbolic links.) For which C runtime is this, btw,
>> the system msvcrt.dll, or some of the MSVC-version-specific ones?
> The MSDN documentation doesn't specify. I suspect its all of them TBH.

Actually, looking in the C library sources that come with MSVC2008, I
see no sign of such a difference in _stat() vs. _wstat().

Both in stat.c and stat64.c (these are the files that contain the
actual implementation of both the "ANSI" and wide-char versions of the
stat family of functions) I see code that checks
(findbuf.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) &&
(findbuf.dwReserved0 == IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK) . But on the other
hand, as far as I can see, this code is used to make stat() (etc) work
as lstat(), not to actually follow the symlink! (But just if the
symlink is the last component of the path; I assume symlinks in the
middle of the pathname are followed transparently by the

So I wonder which is correct, the documentation, or what the code
seems to imply. Experimentation would be useful...

Of course, it might be that it is actually FindFirstFileA() vs.
FindFirstFileW() that exhibits some difference.

> Sure but if all I want to know how big a file is, do I *really* want to link
> in all of that extra crud? GIO is huge. There are times when the low level
> functions are just plain appropriate.

I would say, bah. Any actively maintained (or recently written)
GLib-using code that doesn't use GIO by now is just being maintained
or written in a misguided fashion.

> People really do want to use stat rather than GIO. I do, and I've had
> private emails from others who do too.

Well, then you just will have to live with the various breakages;) I
don't think you will be able to convince people it would be a good
idea to add more bells and whistles in the form of stat() -style APIs
when GLib already has a much cleaner and ABI/API
stability/extendability safe (and other nice words) way to get
information about files.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Andrew W. Nosenko
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:35, Tor Lillqvist  wrote:
>> Sure but if all I want to know how big a file is, do I *really* want to link
>> in all of that extra crud? GIO is huge. There are times when the low level
>> functions are just plain appropriate.
> I would say, bah. Any actively maintained (or recently written)
> GLib-using code that doesn't use GIO by now is just being maintained
> or written in a misguided fashion.

Tor, did I understand your position right that any program written in
the speed in minds and uses Glib is written in a misguided fashion?

Andrew W. Nosenko 
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

On 29 September 2011 09:57, Andrew W. Nosenko
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:35, Tor Lillqvist  wrote:
>> I would say, bah. Any actively maintained (or recently written)
>> GLib-using code that doesn't use GIO by now is just being maintained
>> or written in a misguided fashion.
> Tor, did I understand your position right that any program written in
> the speed in minds and uses Glib is written in a misguided fashion?

that's a fairly creative way of misinterpreting that sentence.

if GIO is measurably slower at doing I/O than a stat(), please: file
bugs along with profiling data.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread David Nečas
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:05:57AM +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> On 29 September 2011 09:57, Andrew W. Nosenko
>  wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:35, Tor Lillqvist  wrote:
> >> I would say, bah. Any actively maintained (or recently written)
> >> GLib-using code that doesn't use GIO by now is just being maintained
> >> or written in a misguided fashion.
> >
> > Tor, did I understand your position right that any program written in
> > the speed in minds and uses Glib is written in a misguided fashion?
> that's a fairly creative way of misinterpreting that sentence.
> if GIO is measurably slower at doing I/O than a stat(), please: file
> bugs along with profiling data.

I wish GLib was the nice utility library it used to be.  A utility
library provides functionality people find useful; there is no agenda
and consequently no need to tell people they are misguided if they just
want to use the functionality they find useful and do not want use
specific complex frameworks because they find them cumbersome.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Andrew W. Nosenko
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:05, Emmanuele Bassi  wrote:
> hi;
> On 29 September 2011 09:57, Andrew W. Nosenko
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 11:35, Tor Lillqvist  wrote:
>>> I would say, bah. Any actively maintained (or recently written)
>>> GLib-using code that doesn't use GIO by now is just being maintained
>>> or written in a misguided fashion.
>> Tor, did I understand your position right that any program written in
>> the speed in minds and uses Glib is written in a misguided fashion?
> that's a fairly creative way of misinterpreting that sentence.

No, that is creative way to point author to avoid improper
generalizations and be more precise in phrases.

> if GIO is measurably slower at doing I/O than a stat(), please: file
> bugs along with profiling data.

GIO as layer is so comparable to stat() as apples comparable to
grapes, and we both know it :-)

But, unfortunatelly, all GMainLoop based stuffs (including GIO) are
indeed slow when we come to high workload if compared to kqueue based
(and I think epoll-based also) main loop implementations.

Therefore, either you use GIO, and limited to the current GMainLoop
speeds, or use something kqueue-based and have no way to GIO.

Fill Bugzilla?  No needs, it's already done both years ago and quite recently: ("epoll support
in gmain.c", 2004 year) ("modernise
GMainLoop", 2011 year)

Andrew W. Nosenko 
gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Jürg Billeter
On Thu, 2011-09-29 at 12:44 +0300, Andrew W. Nosenko wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:05, Emmanuele Bassi  wrote:
> > if GIO is measurably slower at doing I/O than a stat(), please: file
> > bugs along with profiling data.
> GIO as layer is so comparable to stat() as apples comparable to
> grapes, and we both know it :-)
> But, unfortunatelly, all GMainLoop based stuffs (including GIO) are
> indeed slow when we come to high workload if compared to kqueue based
> (and I think epoll-based also) main loop implementations.
> Therefore, either you use GIO, and limited to the current GMainLoop
> speeds, or use something kqueue-based and have no way to GIO.

The closest GIO function is g_file_query_info, and it doesn't use
GMainLoop at all, as far as I can tell. Async functions use GMainLoop,
but given that stat() is not async, there is no point in comparing the
performance of stat() to async GIO functions.


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Kean Johnston

if GIO is measurably slower at doing I/O than a stat(), please: file
bugs along with profiling data.
This is WAY off topic but still ... how can you possibly believe it is NOT 
slower? One system call versus:

1. Allocate arrays
2. Allocate hash tables
3. Do strdups
4. Calculate hashes
5. Involve at least 14 functions that I counted
6. Heap fragmentation

How can you *POSSIBLY* expect that to be faster? The fact that you may not 
visually notice the speed difference because we all have the luxury of 
modern systems that are fast does NOT mean it is a superior solution. GIO 
adds 176000-odd lines of source code to an app. How is it even POSSIBLE you 
can question it is slower than 1 system call? If you really, honestly 
believe that, my faith in you (until now quite high) and in GLib and its 
future (until now also quite high) just plummeted through the floor.

I really don't need accurate GPS measuring to know that a Bugati Veyron is 
faster than a Fiat Uno, any more than I need to provide you with profiling 
data to prove that GIO is slower than g_stat().

This over-engineering and relying on silicon to cover bad designs is what 
kills software in the long run. System calls in UNIX have survived 40 years 
for a reason.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Ross Burton
On 29 September 2011 10:53, Kean Johnston  wrote:
> I really don't need accurate GPS measuring to know that a Bugati Veyron is
> faster than a Fiat Uno, any more than I need to provide you with profiling
> data to prove that GIO is slower than g_stat().

I can also tell you that for driving from my house to the supermarket,
the Veyron won't be any faster because of other far larger sources of
delays, such as the speed limit (or HDD latency).

Of course GIO is slower when you look at the LoC count, the question
is for the typical case is performance acceptable.  If your
application is opening a million files then maybe it's not typical.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Kean Johnston

Of course GIO is slower when you look at the LoC count, the question
is for the typical case is performance acceptable.  If your
application is opening a million files then maybe it's not typical.
Maybe my application runs on a router and not on an 64-core Core i5000 with 
16 petabytes of RAM. Just as Im not sure I'd drive a Bugati Veyron to the 
supermarket for a pint of milk, I'm not sure I'd use a Core i7 for a router 
than costs $150. If the "general utility" part of GLib extends to requiring 
massively more complex resources than alternatives, that pretty much seals 
GLib's fate as a "general purpose" anything and becomes instead a "very 
specific to the GNOME desktop" purpose library. No way you can convince me 
otherwise I'm afraid, and that's not because I'm being stubborn, it's 
because I (and I think you) know I'm right. GIO is appropriate for some 
applications, of that I have no doubt, but trying to convince me that it's 
a viable alternative to stat() when all I want it the damned file size? 
Never gonna happen.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Ross Burton
On 29 September 2011 11:13, Kean Johnston  wrote:
> No way you can convince me
> otherwise I'm afraid, and that's not because I'm being stubborn, it's
> because I (and I think you) know I'm right. GIO is appropriate for some
> applications, of that I have no doubt, but trying to convince me that it's a
> viable alternative to stat() when all I want it the damned file size? Never
> gonna happen.

If you are happy limiting yourself to a single platform and don't need
some the magic that comes with GIO, feel free to use stat().  It's not
like GIO is going to break that for you.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Kean Johnston

If you are happy limiting yourself to a single platform and don't need
some the magic that comes with GIO, feel free to use stat().  It's not

UNIXWARE, SCO OpenServer, AIX, Solaris, MacOS X, Windows, Linux,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Minix, HP-UX ... did I miss any platforms? I'll 
consider myself limited.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Christian Dywan

Am 29.09.2011 12:24, schrieb Kean Johnston:

If you are happy limiting yourself to a single platform and don't need
some the magic that comes with GIO, feel free to use stat(). It's not

UNIXWARE, SCO OpenServer, AIX, Solaris, MacOS X, Windows, Linux,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Minix, HP-UX ... did I miss any platforms?
I'll consider myself limited.

How about a test case that first times stat recursively over a large 
folder and then the same with g_file_query_info. If you could run that 
on some typical hardware you're working with, I think that should be 
quite interesting.

Personally I regularly talk to people who use my code on "obscure" 
systems I don't have, maybe never heard of. And I really need practical 
examples of what they are doing and how it's performing. It doesn't help 
to emphasize your point if there is no way for the other person to 
understand it.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: _wstat on Windows (actually stat stuff in general)

2011-09-29 Thread Damon Register

On 9/29/2011 6:24 AM, Kean Johnston wrote:

If you are happy limiting yourself to a single platform and don't need
some the magic that comes with GIO, feel free to use stat().  It's not

UNIXWARE, SCO OpenServer, AIX, Solaris, MacOS X, Windows, Linux,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Minix, HP-UX ... did I miss any platforms? I'll
consider myself limited.

What about VAX/VMS  :-)

Damon Register
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