Re: cairo surface from GdkPixmap

2009-06-20 Thread Michiel de Hoon

Dear Andrew, Dov,

Thank you for your replies. Maybe my original question was not so clear; I've 
tried to clear things up below.

[Andrew wrote]
 As is compulsory on this list :) I note in passing that it turns out
 that this [poorly-named] list is the one for discussion about _hacking_
 on GTK. Questions about _developing_ with the library are best directed
 to gtk-list.

Yeah I know, I wrote to this mailing list because as far as I can tell, the 
functionality I am looking for is available in GTK but only as a private 
function, and I was trying to show that software building on GTK (such as 
pygtk) may want access to this functionality. So the issue is more about the 
design of the GTK api.

[Michiel wrote]
  I am looking for a way to obtain a Cairo surface from a GdkPixmap.

[Andrew wrote]
 You're probably looking for gdk_cairo_create() ...

Unfortunately this won't work for me. gdk_cairo_create() creates a Cairo 
surface, then it creates a Cairo context from this surface, and then it 
destroys the Cairo surface.  What I am looking for is a function that creates a 
Cairo surface and returns it directly. Then I can use pycairo to create a Cairo 
context from the Cairo surface, which allows me to subclass the Cairo context. 
The gtk function _gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface does exactly what I want, 
however this is a private function.

[Andrew wrote]
 or gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap(), depending on what exactly you're up to.

Sorry for that, I should have been more clear in my original post. I am looking 
at a third-party piece of software that uses pygtk and pycairo. As drawing can 
be expensive in this application, to avoid unnecessary redrawing all drawing is 
done to a pixmap, and on an expose event the pixmap is drawn to the window. In 
my understanding, gdk_cairo_create is appropriate in this case (rather than 
gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap), except that in the current design of gtk I won't 
be able to subclass the Cairo context.

[Dov wrote]
 Basically all you need to do is:
  cairo_surface_t *surface
   = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf),

This is very close to what I need, except that this is for a pixbuf rather than 
for a pixmap. Can the same functionality be made available for pixmap? In other 
words, can _gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface become public?

Thanks again for your replies,


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: cairo surface from GdkPixmap

2009-06-20 Thread Dominic Lachowicz
 Unfortunately this won't work for me. gdk_cairo_create() creates a Cairo 
 surface, then it creates a Cairo context from this surface, and then it 
 destroys the Cairo surface.  What I am looking for is a function that creates 
 a Cairo surface and returns it directly. Then I can use pycairo to create a 
 Cairo context from the Cairo surface, which allows me to subclass the Cairo 
 context. The gtk function _gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface does exactly what I 
 want, however this is a private function.

The surface isn't destroyed, it's un-reffed. You can still get the
surface from the context using cairo's get_target() method, and then
do with the surface as you please.
gtk-devel-list mailing list

cairo surface from GdkPixmap

2009-06-13 Thread Michiel de Hoon

Hi everybody,

I am looking for a way to obtain a Cairo surface from a GdkPixmap.
Just for reference, a few years ago one user was looking for the same 

The function _gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface does exactly what I want, however 
this is a private function. So right now I am using

surface = GDK_DRAWABLE_GET_CLASS (pixmap)-ref_cairo_surface (pixmap);

instead, but I doubt that this is recommended practice.

Basically what I am trying to accomplish is to create a class derived from 
cairo.Context from a pixmap in pygtk. To do so, I need to go through the 
cairo.Context constructor directly rather than using pixmap.cairo_create. But 
the cairo.Context constructor takes a Cairo surface rather than a pixmap, so I 
need to obtain a Cairo surface from the pixmap first. While this can be done 
with _gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface, this function is not available through 
PyGTK since it's a private function in gtk.

Or is there an alternative way to accomplish this?

Many thanks in advance,


gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: cairo surface from GdkPixmap

2009-06-13 Thread Andrew Cowie
On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 19:50 -0700, Michiel de Hoon wrote:
 I am looking for a way to obtain a Cairo surface from a GdkPixmap.

You're probably looking for gdk_cairo_create() or
gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap(), depending on what exactly you're up to.

As is compulsory on this list :) I note in passing that it turns out
that this [poorly-named] list is the one for discussion about _hacking_
on GTK. Questions about _developing_ with the library are best directed
to gtk-list.


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gtk-devel-list mailing list

Re: cairo surface from GdkPixmap

2005-09-25 Thread Owen Taylor
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 14:21 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
 I'm trying to draw a GdkPixmap to a window with a transformation. I can
 do this using:
 surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create (gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay 
gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (pixmap),
 (gdk_drawable_get_visual (widget-window)),
width, height);
 cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0);
 I see that we have:
 void gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cairo_t  *cr,
 But no gdk_cairo_set_source_drawable(). In fact,
 _gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface() which does exactly what I want is a
 private function. What is the reason for this?

The lack of gdk_cairo_set_source_drawable() is basically I didn't
need it, so I didn't get around to adding it.. It makes sense and
there aren't any issues with it.

gdk_drawable_ref_cairo_surface() is a little more sticky. There
are two things about it that are tricky:

 - It's ref_cairo_surface() not get_cairo_surface().

   We don't have a lot of precedent for referencing accessors, but
   you really want to keep this one referencing. Surfaces are
   not necessarily lightweight ... they can cache pixel data,
   and we don't want to keep them around when not needed.

   From C, we have the established naming convention of ref()
   for this, but what we haven't established yet is that language
   bindings should rename such functions back to _get() [or should

 - The behavior in begin_paint()/end_paint() is unexpected ...
   if you _ref_cairo_surface() with that pair, you get a 
   surface pointing to the backing pixmap. If you draw to
   it after the end_paint(), then it will be safe (the cairo
   surface is finished) but nothing will appear.

   Now that there is cairo_xlib_surface_set_drawable() this
   could be fixed for X, but not for Win32. So it's probably
   better to just document the current behavior.

Anyways, neither thing is a real stop-objection, but they made
me want to leave things private rather than rushing ref_cairo_surface()
out to the world when I was first adding the stuff.


and the hypothetical


have considerably less gotcha to them.


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