Re: Need to restore a window to last size/position on restart

2007-01-15 Thread Yeti
On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 09:29:56AM -0800, Russell Markus wrote:
 I need to be able to restore the size and position of a dialog whenever the
 application starts.  I am using the function calls:
   gtk_window_get_size(GTK_WINDOW(dialog1), w, h) and
 gtk_window_get_position(GTK_WINDOW), x, y)
 However, no matter what I do to the window, resize or move, these two
 functions always return the same values.  I get 0, 0 for the x and y
 position and 448, 196 for the width and height.  Can someone point me to the
 correct functions to be using?

These are the correct functions.  I have no idea why they do
not work for you.  Post some code...

 Also, which functions to use to set the
 location and size.

See gtk_window_get_position() docs on why this sometimes
does not work as expected.

Use gtk_window_set_default_size() to set the default size.

Use gtk_window_move() to move the window.  Call it twice:
once when it's not shown yet, second time immediately after
showing it (this works reasonably across window managers).

Ensure the values you are saving are not bogus (e.g. when
the window is minimized) and you are not restoring it
bigger than the screen, offscreen...


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

How does one set background color for entire line in textview?

2007-01-15 Thread Tony Freeman

I have a function that takes the output of a spawned process and
displays that in a text buffer (part of a notebook widget).  When the
spawned process is finished, I'd like to put some colorized text at the
bottom of the text buffer/view that alerts the user that the process is

What I want is the entire line to have a background color of blue.  The
code that I have so far just displays the blue background under the

How do I make the entire line blue?

switch (status) {
return TRUE;
/* Use a tag to make the DONE notification noticeable */
tag = gtk_text_buffer_create_tag (
buffer, done_notification, 
foreground, white, 
background, blue, 
justification, GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER,
background-full-height, TRUE,
start_byte = gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count(buffer);
gtk_text_buffer_insert(buffer, iter, 
\n--\nDONE\n--\n, -1);
end_byte = gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count(buffer);
gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, 
start, start_byte);
gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset (buffer, 
end, end_byte);
gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag (buffer, tag, start, end);
end_mark = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark(
buffer, end_mark, end, FALSE);
gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark(textview, end_mark, 
0.0, FALSE, 0.0, 0.0);
return FALSE;

-- Tony

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

thread stack size

2007-01-15 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak
Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out why gthumb uses so much memory, even when it is 
displaying an empty folder. I've figured out that it is launching 6-8 
threads, which each consume 10 MB each of writeable/private memory. 
pmap -d shows:

mapped: 141352Kwriteable/private: 76352Kshared: 516K

If I patch the code to use 64k stack size for new threads, like this:

- priv-thread = g_thread_create (load_image_thread, il, TRUE, NULL);
+ priv-thread = g_thread_create_full (load_image_thread, il, 65536, 

memory consumption drops dramatically (and the program still works):

mapped: 91284Kwriteable/private: 25872Kshared: 516K

(There are still 2-3 10MB stacks that I don't understand fully yet).

The gnome api says Only use g_thread_create_full() if you really can't 
use g_thread_create() instead. Why not? Are there any real downsides here?

- Mike
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: cannot set tooltips over a picker widget?

2007-01-15 Thread Francesco Montorsi
Jim George ha scritto:
 If you know how to make it work automatically for
 GTK_NO_WINDOW widgets...
 I read that GtkLabel widgets don't have backing windows, for
 performance reasons. I haven't read any such comment about, say,
 GtkComboBoxEntry widgets. Maybe the documentation needs to be updated?
 I, for one, would like to see something like a table for all standard
 widgets with a column for GTK_NO_WINDOW that says 'yes' or 'no',
 rather than having to find out for myself by trial and error.
I agree - such list would be very useful.

BTW thanks to everyone for the help - I somehow missed that note on 
the docs page about windowless widgets.


PS: sorry george, I first sent the mail only to you because of that 
unhappy reply-to choice for this list :(


Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!* 
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

how to increase refresh rate in Wireshark IO Graph

2007-01-15 Thread cskiraly-munka

I was looking for a real-time network traffic graph generator, and the
best I've found was of course in Wireshark. Still, it has a refresh rate
of 3 seconds on my computer, even if my processor is 95% idle.

The reason seems to be a lazy refresh from Gtk, and I don't know how to 
give it some priority. Or should I explicitly trigger the refresh somehow?

I was trying to do a quick fix, but I've never been dealing with Gtk 
before. Anyone have an idea how to make it faster?

What I've done as a quick and ugly fix was adding a  g_timeout_add_full
() to the end of gtk_iostat_init() to schedule some periodic redraw events.
The one linr of code I've added was something like the following (sorry, 
no diff, I do not have the source here with me):

g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 100, io_stat_redraw, io, NULL);

(of course some other code is needed to clean up when the window is closed)

This one line reduced the refresh rate to 1 sec, already much better,
but I wasn't able to go below, even if I set the priority higher or the
event rate to some milliseconds. I'm sure someone knowing Gtk can
achieve much better with the right one line of code. Anyone knows the


gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Dynamically Changing Icons for the Applications.

2007-01-15 Thread Madhusudan E
Hi All,

My Requirement:

Change the icons for an icon view dynamically Same as we change Themes. 

My knowledge:

Using gtkrc files sets the property at the widget level ( as in Notebook
tabs, slider, widgets etc)

GtkIcontheme can be used for this purpose, but not sure whether we can
dynamically change the icons as its done with Themes.


Pls clarify.



Madhusudan E,

HTIPL, Bangalore-08

- 9980527224



gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: move cursor with keyboard in a window

2007-01-15 Thread ferri_marllo

when in started, i thought about gtkdatabox, but i didn't find nothing about
gtkdatabox for windows system.
Do you know something about gtkdatabox under windows??
thanks a lot again...

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Problems with GtkFrame

2007-01-15 Thread Michael Ott

I write a small application which show a small window. And this a
GtkFrame. And this does not work correct. Here is my source code

gtk_init(argc, argv);

window = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_WINDOW,
  resizable, FALSE,

frame = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_FRAME,
label, ,
border-width, 10,
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), frame);

vbox = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_VBOX,
homogeneous, FALSE,
spacing, 5,
border-width, 5,
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), vbox);

label = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_LABEL,
label,  Searching for 
devices ,
gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);


while (gtk_events_pending()) {

frame = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_FRAME, label, ,

I need the empty label to get this frame to work. Why that?

OS: Debian Etch (testing)
Gtk+ 2.8.20

In Debian SID it works

,''`.   Michael Ott, e-mail: michael at zolnott dot de
   : :' :   Debian SID on Thinkpad T43: 
   `. `' 
Jeden Mittwoch von 21 - 24 Uhr. Zosh! auf Radio Z. 
Das Härteste, was der Musikmarkt zu bieten hat.
Online hören: 
gtk-list mailing list

Re: Emulating MDI

2007-01-15 Thread cole-anstey
I've been playing around with a pet GPL project in my spare time which 
implements a basic MDI interface.
Its on gnomefiles at or you can 
see screenshots at

I'd get the latest code from CVS as I've done quite a few fixes in the last few 
Some hci purists might not like it and no doubt its contains a few hacks, but 
I've had fun implementing it.

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gtk-list mailing list

Re: how to set gtk global font with code?

2007-01-15 Thread Chris Vine
On Wednesday 10 January 2007 03:27, lonelycat wrote:
   Hi all:

  Can anyone tell me how to set gtk global font with code instead of editing
 gtkrc file?

GtkSettings has a gtk-font-name property representing the default font used 
by the application.  You can extract the settings object with 
gtk_settings_get_default() and then set the property on it.


gtk-list mailing list

How to get alignment in treeview

2007-01-15 Thread Hariyanto
I using gtktreeview with 3 column to display some data. 
I set alignment Center in header column with 
And I set alignment data with g_object_set (renderer, xalign, 1.0, NULL); 

How I get alignment from data ?
I try using gtk_tree_view_column_get_alignment(), but i can only alignment from 

gtk-list mailing list

Re: how to set gtk global font with code?

2007-01-15 Thread zentara
On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:42:59 +
Chris Vine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 10 January 2007 03:27, lonelycat wrote:
   Hi all:

  Can anyone tell me how to set gtk global font with code instead of editing
 gtkrc file?

GtkSettings has a gtk-font-name property representing the default font used 
by the application.  You can extract the settings object with 
gtk_settings_get_default() and then set the property on it.


This also works:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Gtk2 '-init';


style default 
font_name = adobe courier bold 30 
widget * style default

my $window = Gtk2::Window-new;
$window-set_title(Hello world);
$window-signal_connect( destroy = sub { Gtk2-main_quit; } );

my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox-new();
$vbox-set( border_width = 10 );

my $label = Gtk2::Label-new('Big Font');
$vbox-pack_start( $label, 0, 0, 5 );# expand?, fill?, padding

my $entry = Gtk2::Entry-new();
$vbox-pack_start( $entry, 0, 0, 5 );

my $button = Gtk2::Widget-new( Gtk2::Button, label = Quit );
$button-signal_connect( clicked = \my_quit );
$vbox-pack_start( $button, 0, 0, 5 );


sub my_quit { print Yee Haw!\n;


I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
gtk-list mailing list

Re: How to get alignment in treeview

2007-01-15 Thread Andrea Zagli
Il giorno lun, 15/01/2007 alle 20.06 +0700, Hariyanto ha scritto:
 I using gtktreeview with 3 column to display some data. 
 I set alignment Center in header column with 
 And I set alignment data with g_object_set (renderer, xalign, 1.0, NULL); 
 How I get alignment from data ?
 I try using gtk_tree_view_column_get_alignment(), but i can only alignment 
 from header.


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gtk-list mailing list

Simple question.

2007-01-15 Thread LWATCDR

Anyone have an example of a make file for a GTK application?
Just a simple one for a helloworld would do.
I am having to move from to a more standard build system and I
havn't dealt with makefiles for years.
gtk-list mailing list

Re: Simple question.

2007-01-15 Thread John Cupitt
On 1/15/07, LWATCDR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone have an example of a make file for a GTK application?
 Just a simple one for a helloworld would do.

If it's a single file, you can just do:

  gcc hello.c -o hello `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags --libs`

Put that in a comment on the first line and you can just copy/paste to build.

The last time I had to write a makefile by hand I did:

OUT = myprogram
prefix = /usr/local

SRCS = \
a_lot_of.c \
source.c \

HDRS = \
some.h \
headers_as.h \

OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

LIBS = `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs`
CFLAGS = -g -Wall `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags`

all: $(OUT)

$(OUT): $(OBJS)
$(LINK.c) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o $(OUT)

$(OBJS): $(HDRS)

tags: $(SRCS)
ctags $(SRCS) $(HDRS)

-rm -f $(OBJS)
-rm -f $(OUT)
-rm -f tags

install: $(OUT)
-mkdir ${prefix}
-mkdir ${prefix}/bin
-mkdir ${prefix}/share
-mkdir ${prefix}/share/$(OUT)

cp $(OUT) ${prefix}/bin
cp -r data ${prefix}/share/$(OUT)

it's very crude :-( You can autotool your project pretty easily these
days, you could consider that too. Autotool is very handy if you can
stomach the steep learning curve and the bizarre collection of things
it's made out of.

The autobook has a simple example:

there's a section on how to autotool an existing project:

gtk-list mailing list

Delay in Displaying Dialog

2007-01-15 Thread Marshall Lake

I'm encountering a problem in an application I'm working on which I don't 
understand.  It may be due to a misconception I have with GTK+ 

The application has a main window which comes up with program execution. 
Further processing is driven by events initiated by the user selecting 
drop-down menu items from this main window.

In one menu item a dialog is displayed where the user selects certain 
criteria with which to proceed.  Upon completion of establishing the 
criteria the dialog is destroyed and a new dialog is created.  Within this 
new dialog are a couple of boxes and a couple of tables.  Within one of 
the tables is a non-editable text widget with a vertical scrollbar.

A gtk_widget_show_all() is issued for this new dialog once it's created, 
however the dialog is not displayed at this point.  Additionally, the 
first dialog has not yet disappeared from the display.

Immediately after creation of this new dialog, text begins to be sent on a 
somewhat streaming basis to the text widget.  After a few seconds the 
first dialog disappears and the secondary dialog appears.  However, the 
only widget within the secondary dialog which appears is the text widget. 
No other widgets appear.  The appropriate text begins appearing and 
scrolling within the text widget.  But missing are the first four or five 
lines of text which were (probably) sent to the text widget during the 
time it was not displayed.

After the text being sent to the text widget ends and process flow falls 
back into gtk_main() then all the other widgets within the secondary 
dialog appear including the first few lines of text which had been 

Can anyone give me an idea (or point me someplace) which will tell me 
what's going on?  Thanks.

Marshall Lake -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
gtk-list mailing list

Question about write a new scrollbar widget inherit from GtkVScrollbar

2007-01-15 Thread MD Tsai


I'm new to write gtk widget. I'm planning to write a picasa style scrollbar,
firstly, write vertical one.

The new scrollbar inherit from GtkVScrollbar and with a vscale data member:

struct _GtkVPScrollbar
 GtkVScrollbar vscrollbar;
 GtkWidget *vscale;

The new scrollbar override realize, map, size request and size allocate and

In realize, the new scrollbar calls parent class, GtkVScrollbar's realize.
Vscale uses new GdkWindowAttr to create new gdk window for GtkRange's
event_window. The widget window use new scrollbar widget's parent window:

vscale-window = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget);
 GTK_RANGE (vscale)-event_window = gdk_window_new
(gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget), attributes, attributes_mask);

In map, size request and size allocate and expose, parent class' functions
of the new scrollbar widget and vscale are called respectively.

Now, there is an event window covered on original scrollbar and receives
mouse click events, but it is only a gray rectangle. The slider of vscale is
not shown correctly. I guess in expose, I can't just call parent class'
function directly but should do something more. But I don't have any idea of
what to do more.

If possible, please give me some point to continue the widget programming.
I've read some tutorials but they only said about basic new widget from
scratch, draw line or box; another is composite widget inherit from a
container, but I prefer inherit from GtkScrollbar.

Sorry for my poor English. It' welcome to discuss this issue with me


Eric Tsai
gtk-list mailing list

Re: Delay in Displaying Dialog

2007-01-15 Thread Matt Fischer

On 1/15/07, Marshall Lake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After the text being sent to the text widget ends and process flow falls
back into gtk_main() then all the other widgets within the secondary
dialog appear including the first few lines of text which had been

This line leads me to believe that you may not be relinquishing control to
the Gtk mainloop.  When the text comes into the second dialog box, are you
locking up the program until it is all read?  For instance, are you simply
reading from a socket or file descriptor repeatedly until the text has all
been received?  If so, that's most likely your problem.

Gtk doesn't run in a separate thread, so when it is instructed to do
something, such as display a widget, it actually queues the work to be
performed later, by the Gtk mainloop.  When a function of yours is called,
such as a callback for a button being pressed, it is the mainloop which
actually does the calling, and it is done with the expectation that the
function will do its work quickly, and then return, allowing the mainloop to
continue running, and dispatching input events, redrawing widgets, etc.  If
one of your callbacks takes an extended amount of time to do something, the
mainloop is unable to run, thus making the UI unresponsive, preventing
expose requests from being serviced, and other Bad Things.

There are a few different ways around this problem.  They all amount to
deferring the work until later, and chopping it up into small pieces, so
that it never actually blocks the mainloop for a significant amount of
time.  For example, you can set up an idle handler, which will be called
by the Gtk mainloop whenever it doesn't have any other work to do.  Inside
of this callback, you could check the data source to see if any new data has
appeared, and if so, add it to the text widget, and then quickly return (at
which point the mainloop would continue running, and actually expose the new
text on the screen.)  I believe it's also possible to tell the mainloop
about a file descriptor which should be watched, and have it call a function
whenever new data appears.  I have never used this tactic (hopefully someone
else can clarify this), but you might try looking at the documentation for
the Glib mainloop and the Gtk mainloop, both available at .

Good luck--if this turns out not to be the problem you're having, be sure to
send a reply with some more description, and we'll see what we can do.

gtk-list mailing list

Local version of GTK2

2007-01-15 Thread Jeffrey Ratcliffe
Sorry this is slightly off-topic:

The RH machine on which I do some development work (but don't have
root access) only has gtk 2.4.13 (it runs KDE). I was able to download
gtk2-perl and compile a local version against this old version of gtk+
with no problem. But now, I would like to use some features from gtk
2.6. Is it a big deal to compile a local version of gtk 2.6?

Presumably, I will need more recent versions of GLib, Pango,  ATK too?

Thanks for any help

gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: ProgressBar doesn't pulse

2007-01-15 Thread Ben Staude
Am Sonntag 14 Januar 2007 04:21 schrieb muppet:
 On Jan 13, 2007, at 5:54 PM, Ben Staude wrote:
  Any ideas why it doesn't work? Is this related to some Gtk/KDE

 This typically happens when you don't return control the main loop.
 Does your program respond at all while it's supposed to be pulsing?

I am using this as test code (was posted by zentara here:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Gtk2;


my $window = new Gtk2::Window;
my $pbar = new Gtk2::ProgressBar;

# set_text not allowed in pulser 
# !  $pbar-set_text('foobar'); 

my $vb = new Gtk2::VBox(0, 0);

my $b = new Gtk2::Button('Quit');

$b-signal_connect('clicked', sub {Gtk2-main_quit});
$window-signal_connect('destroy', sub {Gtk2-main_quit});


my $timer = Glib::Timeout-add (10,\show_progress);
# timer will run until callback returns false 


sub show_progress{
return 1;

This test script does work as expected on another Linux machine (running 
Debian Sarge with KDE), but the progressbar looks different (more like gnome, 
whereas on Kubuntu (where it doesn't work), they have some KDE integration of 
gtk and therefor a KDE progressbar).

 You might also try setting the pulse step.  The default is 0.1, but
 you may need a different value for some reason or another.  Difficult
 to tell without more information.

Maybe the code above helps sorting out programming issues (as the test script 
isn't mine:-)). Besides this, I don't know in which direction to search for 
the cause or provide information? Maybe someone on the list can run the test 
script on their Kubuntu to find out whether it's related to that?

Thanks a lot,


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gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Local version of GTK2

2007-01-15 Thread Emmanuele Bassi
On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 17:36 +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
 Sorry this is slightly off-topic:
 The RH machine on which I do some development work (but don't have
 root access) only has gtk 2.4.13 (it runs KDE). I was able to download
 gtk2-perl and compile a local version against this old version of gtk+
 with no problem. But now, I would like to use some features from gtk
 2.6. Is it a big deal to compile a local version of gtk 2.6?

do you strictly depend on gtk+ 2.6 (embedded development, no cairo)?
otherwise, my suggestion would be to use gtk+ 2.10.7.

in any case, building and installing a local version of gtk+ is not a
big deal; I do it routinely for my development environment for GNOME and
for work.

a solution for a working sandbox is to get jhbuild from GNOME's SVN
repository[1], install it, configure it (it's a matter of a couple of
changes in the sample configuration that comes along with it) and then
do a:

  jhbuild bootstrap
  jhbuild sanitycheck
  jhbuild build gtk+

which should set everything up for a successful build of the whole
shebang.  this, alas!, means installing the autotools and python too.

otherwise, you should do what jhbuild does for you, and set up a sandbox
where installing the dependencies of gtk+: glib, cairo, pango, and atk.

 Presumably, I will need more recent versions of GLib, Pango,  ATK too?

and, for gtk+ = 2.8, cairo.


Emmanuele Bassi,  E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gtk-perl-list mailing list