Get all rows in Gtk2::ListStore

2009-08-17 Thread Peter E Dennis
Hi All,

I have defined the following ListStore:

my $list_store = Gtk2::ListStore-new('Glib::Int',

What is the best way to get all of the rows in the store?

At the moment I am trying something like below to try to get all of
the second column's values:

while ( $list_store-iter_next($iter) )
push( @existing_classfns, $list_store-get($iter, 1) );
$iter = $list_store-iter_next($iter);

But @existing_classfns is always empty.

Many thanks,

gtk-perl-list mailing list

Check Gtk2::ListStore empty or not

2009-07-27 Thread Peter E Dennis
Hi All,

Is it possible to check if a Gtk2::ListStore is empty?

At the moment I have a combo box with a list of items.  The user can
select items from the combo box and add them to a list.  But I don't
want them to be able to add duplicate items to the list.

So first I was going to check if the list was empty.  If it was then
it can add an item, but if it wasn't then get an array of the items
already in the list store, loop through them checking that the combo
selection isn't already there and then add the item.

I'm not entirely sure how to check if the list is empty.  At the
moment I'm trying:
if ($list_store-get_iter_first)
if (defined $list_store-get_iter_first)
  # get what's there and check for duplicates
 # add item to list

but this doesn't work because when I try to get everything from my first column:
my @col1 = $list_store-get($list_iter, 1);

It says:
variable not allowed to be undef where GtkTreeIter is wanted at line 331

which matches the 'my @col1' line above.

Could someone please help me with the testing logic.  I understand it
needs to be defined, but it can only be defined if there's something
in the row, but then I can't test if it's empty.

Very confused.

Many thanks,

gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Check Gtk2::ListStore empty or not

2009-07-27 Thread Peter E Dennis
2009/7/27 anguila
 integer = $tree_model-iter_n_children ($iter=undef)

 $iter (Gtk2::TreeIter or undef)

 Returns the number of children $iter has. If $iter is undef (or omitted)
 then returns the number of toplevel nodes.

 with $list_store-iter_n_children(undef) you will know if is empty or not
 and the rows that it has throug a integer value.

 The way of tadej showed is correct too.


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Tadej Borovšak wrote:


 I would use construct like this one:

 --- CODE ---
 my $iter = $list_store-get_iter_first;
 if( $iter )
    # Get contents of first line
    my @line = $list_store-get( $iter );
    # Add new line

 --- CODE ---

 This might not be the best way, but it should work.


Thank you both for the suggestions.  I will try them out and see how I go.
gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Layout problems when getting widgets from glade file

2009-05-21 Thread Peter E Dennis
2009/5/22 Kevin Ryde
 Peter E Dennis writes:

        my $table = Gtk2::Table-new(2,9,FALSE);

 Do you have FALSE defined?  If not then without use strict it's the
 string FALSE, making homogeneous true ...

Yep, I'm brain dead.  And that has sealed it.  These weren't defined
in my test program so no wonder I ran into trouble.

Thank you Kevin!

Is this:

use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;

the usual way it's done?

Although I could be screwing even this up because the output of this:
print Homogeneous is:  . $table-get_homogeneous ? on\n: off\n;
print Homogeneous is:  . $table-get_homogeneous ? on\n: off\n;

Is still:

But the labels and separators now fit on the screen, with room to spare.

Many thanks,

gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Layout problems when getting widgets from glade file

2009-05-17 Thread Peter E Dennis
2009/5/17 Cowley Harris
 2009/5/16 Peter E Dennis
 What I'm trying to do is to get the program using the glade file to
 look like the one that isn't.  I would ideally like to be able to use
 glade than hand code the entire gui.

 Try setting the default window size for the main window with

Sorry I think I was unclear on this point and I appreciate this
suggestion but the problem is I need to get the glade file one to
shrink so that when I add more widgets to the Gtk2::Table in my
ret_table() function, the window isn't too large for the screen upon
executing the *.pl file that loads the gui.

Upon further testing this actually works if the labels are all the
same size - in change ret_table to:

sub ret_table
   my $table = Gtk2::Table-new(2,9,FALSE);

   # Title Row
   my $lbl_num = Gtk2::Label-new(label 1);
   my $lbl_time = Gtk2::Label-new(label 2);
   my $lbl_objectives = Gtk2::Label-new(label 3);
   my $lbl_tasks = Gtk2::Label-new(label 4);
   my $lbl_resources = Gtk2::Label-new(label 5);

   my $tcol_sep1 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;
   my $tcol_sep2 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;
   my $tcol_sep3 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;
   my $tcol_sep4 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;

   # Layout title row
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_num, 0,1,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep1, 1,2,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_time, 2,3,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep2, 3,4,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_objectives, 4,5,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep3, 5,6,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_tasks, 6,7,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep4, 7,8,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_resources, 8,9,0,1);

   return $table;


However, if the labels are different lengths the window becomes too
large for the screen (diff_len_labels.png).  The rest of the last two
labels are off the right hand side of my screen.

In change ret_table to:

sub ret_table
   my $table = Gtk2::Table-new(2,9,FALSE);

   # Title Row
   my $lbl_num = Gtk2::Label-new(Num);
   my $lbl_time = Gtk2::Label-new(Time/Session);
   my $lbl_objectives = Gtk2::Label-new(Objectives/Learning Outcomes);
   my $lbl_tasks = Gtk2::Label-new(Activities/Tasks/Content);
   my $lbl_resources = Gtk2::Label-new(Resources);

   my $tcol_sep1 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;
   my $tcol_sep2 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;
   my $tcol_sep3 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;
   my $tcol_sep4 = Gtk2::VSeparator-new;

   # Layout title row
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_num, 0,1,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep1, 1,2,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_time, 2,3,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep2, 3,4,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_objectives, 4,5,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep3, 5,6,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_tasks, 6,7,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($tcol_sep4, 7,8,0,1);
   $table-attach_defaults($lbl_resources, 8,9,0,1);

   return $table;


How do I get my program to cope with different length labels so the
window fits on the screen?
attachment: diff_len_labels.png___
gtk-perl-list mailing list

Layout problems when getting widgets from glade file

2009-05-16 Thread Peter E Dennis
Hi All,

I am trying to learn how to use VBox and Table layouts.

At the moment I am getting different results when either coding the
gui by hand or creating it in glade (with what I thought were similar

Without glade:
use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::GladeXML;
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;

# Create a new window
$window = Gtk2::Window-new('toplevel');

# Main window vbox contains button and vbox2
# ($homogenous, $spacing)
$vbox1 = Gtk2::VBox-new(FALSE, 5);

# Button to add tables to vbox2
$btn_add = Gtk2::Button-new(Add);

# Add button to main vbox
# ($child, $expand, $fill, $padding)
$vbox1-pack_start($btn_add, FALSE, TRUE, 0);

# Create vbox where want to add table of widgets
# ($homogenous, $spacing)
$vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox-new(FALSE, 5);

# Create a table of widgets
# ($rows, $columns, $homogenous)
$table = ret_table();

# Show the widgets
# ($child, $expand, $fill, $padding)
$vbox2-pack_start($table, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
$vbox1-pack_start($vbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

# Add main vbox to window

# Quit when user clicks on the close button/alt-f4 etc.
$window-signal_connect (destroy = sub { Gtk2-main_quit; });

# Maximise the window

# Show main window

# Run main loop.

sub ret_table
my $table = Gtk2::Table-new(2,9,FALSE);
my $label = Gtk2::Label-new(Blah);
return $table;

When I run it i get a window that looks like 'no_glade.png'

However if I use glade for the vboxes and create the table in my code
i get a picture similar to 'with_glade.png'

With glade:
use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::GladeXML;

# Read in glade file with gui
$gladexml = Gtk2::GladeXML-new('');

# Get main window vbox
$vbox1 = $gladexml-get_widget('vbox1');

# Get vbox where want to add table of widgets
$vbox2 = $gladexml-get_widget('vbox2');

# Create a table of widgets
$table = ret_table();

# Show the widgets
# $child, $expand, $fill, $padding
$vbox2-pack_start($table, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

# Get main window from widget tree.
$main_window = $gladexml-get_widget('window1');

# Quit when user clicks on the close button/alt-f4 etc.
$main_window-signal_connect (destroy = sub { Gtk2-main_quit; });

# Maximise window

# Run main loop.

sub ret_table
my $table = Gtk2::Table-new(2,9,FALSE);
my $lbl_num = Gtk2::Label-new(Blah);
$table-attach_defaults($lbl_num, 0,1,0,1);
return $table;

What I'm trying to do is to get the program using the glade file to
look like the one that isn't.  I would ideally like to be able to use
glade than hand code the entire gui.

Is anyone able to help me work out what I'm doing wrong?

Description: application/glade
attachment: no_glade.pngattachment: with_glade.png___
gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Layout problems when getting widgets from glade file

2009-05-16 Thread Peter E Dennis
 Double-check all of the packing and sizing options in the glade file against
 the corresponding ones in your all-perl version; i noticed at least a few
 differences in a cursory glance.  The boxes have spacing 5 in your code, 0
 in glade; the button was expand=FALSE, fill=TRUE in code but expand=TRUE,
 fill=TRUE in glade, etc.  In fact, the expand is a likely culprit.

I thought I must have changed the glade file after attaching it to my
original email but when i vi the original one - downloading it from my
first email - (, the packing for the button is:

  property name=padding0/property
  property name=expandFalse/property
  property name=fillFalse/property

Is this the setting you're talking about?
gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Function to return Gtk2::Table

2009-05-14 Thread Peter E Dennis
 can you please provide your file?

Sure it is attached to this email.  Sorry wasn't sure if the list
accepted attachments or not.
Description: application/glade
gtk-perl-list mailing list

Display Japanese Characters in GtkComboBox

2009-04-26 Thread Peter E Dennis

I am retrieving japanese characters from a MySQL database and trying
to display them in a combo box.

At the moment I am setting up my model using:

my $liststore = Gtk2::ListStore-new('Glib::Int', 'Glib::String',

But the characters all appear mainly as small squares with numbers in
each of the corners; in other words not the japanese characters that I
can see when simply querying the table through mysql-client.

Is there a different data type that I can use so that these characters
are displayed?

Or is this a font issue?

My OS is Ubuntu 8.04.

Thanks for any suggestions.

gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Display Japanese Characters in GtkComboBox

2009-04-26 Thread Peter E Dennis
 Modify your program and add use warnings; and check if perl complains
 about wide characters in print.

Did this but no warnings about 'wide characters in print'.

 Add the following to your loop:
 use Endode;
 print is kanji in UTF-8? , (is_utf8($ref-{'kanji'}, 1) ? 'YES' : 'NO'),

This was interesting.  It says that all of the kanji:
is kanji in UTF-8? NO

Is there a way I can determine what encoding they are in?

 I'm afraid that this will only affect the low level communication between
 the library and the server. What's important for your application
 is that the perl string are marked as being valid UTF-8 (perl strings have
 an internal flag for this purpose).

Thanks for this info.  Wasn't really sure if it would have any
relevance but thought I should include it.

Apart from finding out what the actual encoding is I have been able to
display the kanji in the GtkComboBox by doing the following:

while (my $ref = $sth-fetchrow_hashref)
my $string = decode(utf8, $ref-{'kanji'});

Although I'd much prefer to know what encoding it actually is in, as
no doubt I'll hit similar problems when I start trying to insert

Thanks for all your help so far.

gtk-perl-list mailing list

Re: Newbie Question about Navigating API doco

2008-01-25 Thread Peter E Dennis
Thanks for the tip ritz, I am using ubuntu and have installed it but
can't see any of the gtk api stuff in it.

Is there a way to add it?

On 25/01/2008, ritz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 09:08 +1100, Peter E Dennis wrote:
  Hi All,
  I can't find a reference to delete_event in the API.  But possibly
  not looking in the right place.  Can someone point me to it and others
  like it for other widgets?
 I would suggest devhelp to browse through documentation. rather helpful
 little tool with nifty search capability.

  Many thanks,
  gtk-list mailing list
 Ritesh Khadgaray
 ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
 Desktop LinuX N Stuff
 Ph: +919970164885
 Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.
 Fedora is the best of what works today.  Enterprise Linux is the best of
 what will work consistently for the next seven years.

gtk-list mailing list

GtkComboBoxEntry Vs GtkComboBox

2008-01-22 Thread Peter E Dennis
Hi All,

I have the following code that I copied from the hello world part of
the GTK+ tutorial.  I used it to practice using GtkComboBoxEntry(s).

#include gtk/gtk.h

int main( int   argc,
  char *argv[] )
/* GtkWidget is the storage type for widgets */
GtkWidget *window;
GtkWidget *cboVocSource;

/* This is called in all GTK applications. Arguments are parsed
 * from the command line and are returned to the application. */
gtk_init (argc, argv);

/* create a new window */
window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

/* Sets the border width of the window. */
gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (window), 10);

/* Creates a new combo box entry with the text Hello World */
cboVocSource = gtk_combo_box_entry_new_text ();
gtk_widget_set_name (cboVocSource, cboVocSource);
gtk_combo_box_append_text(cboVocSource, Hello World);

/* This packs the button into the window (a gtk container). */
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), cboVocSource);

/* The final step is to display this newly created widget. */
gtk_widget_show (cboVocSource);

/* and the window */
gtk_widget_show (window);

/* All GTK applications must have a gtk_main(). Control ends here
 * and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or
 * mouse event). */
gtk_main ();

return 0;

I compile it with the following command:
$ gcc -Wall -g box.c -o box `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config
--libs gtk+-2.0`

And get this warning:
box.c: In function 'main':
box.c:23: warning: passing argument 1 of 'gtk_combo_box_append_text'
from incompatible pointer type

In the api it has the definition for gtk_combo_box_append_text as:
void gtk_combo_box_append_text(GtkComboBox *combo_box,
 const gchar *text);

So I wondered if I needed to cast my GtkComboBoxEntry to a GtkComboBox
but wasn't sure how to do this so I tried:

gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO(cboVocSource), Hello World);

This however makes matters worse as I get the above warning still when
I compile it, but now when I run it I get:
$ ./box

(box:11338): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`GtkComboBoxEntry' to `GtkCombo'

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Many thanks,

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkComboBoxEntry Vs GtkComboBox

2008-01-22 Thread Peter E Dennis
Thanks Claudio.

I'm just wondering why do I use the GTK_COMBO_BOX macro and not the

Many thanks,


On 23/01/2008, Claudio Saavedra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 El mar, 22-01-2008 a las 21:55 +1100, Peter E Dennis escribió:
  So I wondered if I needed to cast my GtkComboBoxEntry to a GtkComboBox
  but wasn't sure how to do this so I tried:
  gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO(cboVocSource), Hello World);
  This however makes matters worse as I get the above warning still when
  I compile it, but now when I run it I get:
  $ ./box
  (box:11338): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
  `GtkComboBoxEntry' to `GtkCombo'
  Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

 You need to cast to a GtkComboBox, not to a GtkCombo. Use the


 Claudio Saavedra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: GtkComboBoxEntry Vs GtkComboBox

2008-01-22 Thread Peter E Dennis
Thanks again Claudio for taking the time to explain that to me.  Much

On 23/01/2008, Claudio Saavedra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 El mié, 23-01-2008 a las 06:09 +1100, Peter E Dennis escribió:
  Thanks Claudio.
  I'm just wondering why do I use the GTK_COMBO_BOX macro and not the

 Because gtk_combo_box_append_text () is a function that works on
 GtkComboBox objects, not GtkComboBoxEntry ones.

 As GtkComboBoxEntry inherites from GtkComboBox, you can use functions
 from the parent class in your GtkComboBoxEntry instance, but you need to
 cast it, given that C can't do it itself. A little pain of using GObject
 and C :-)


  Many thanks,
  On 23/01/2008, Claudio Saavedra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   El mar, 22-01-2008 a las 21:55 +1100, Peter E Dennis escribió:
So I wondered if I needed to cast my GtkComboBoxEntry to a GtkComboBox
but wasn't sure how to do this so I tried:
gtk_combo_box_append_text(GTK_COMBO(cboVocSource), Hello World);
This however makes matters worse as I get the above warning still when
I compile it, but now when I run it I get:
$ ./box
(box:11338): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`GtkComboBoxEntry' to `GtkCombo'
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
   You need to cast to a GtkComboBox, not to a GtkCombo. Use the
   GTK_COMBO_BOX macro.
   Claudio Saavedra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
 Claudio Saavedra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Re: Newbie Question about Navigating API doco

2008-01-22 Thread Peter E Dennis
Hi Pablo,

Thank you for the great overview of the documentation and pointing me
towards the index.  When I follow that link you provided to
information about the delete_event it actually displays it as:

The delete-event signal.

Rather than:

The delete_event signal

I am sorry for being pedantic but this would make me believe when
reading the documentation that I was to use delete-event in my
program with a hyphen '-' not with an underscore '_'

Is this standard notation in the documentation?  Should I be reading
any signals I see that contain a hyphen to substitute this with an
underscore when it is written in code?

Thanks again for your help.


On 23/01/2008, Pablo Yanez Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1


 Navigating the API doc is very easy once you've understood how it is 

 The API is divided in 5 main topics. I think the first three are the one that 
 are most used.

 Topic 1, GTK+ Overview: gives you the overview of GTK+, i.e. what it is and 
 how you can use it under different
 environments like Windows and Unix-like systems.

 Topic 2, GTK+ Core Reference: this is perhaps not the best part to start with 
 because there are sometimes concepts that
 you understand later, when you have written some (little) GTK+ application. 
 It conatains also main concepts that are
 widely used in the widgets. As a newbie I would read Main loop and Events, 
 Signals and Types.

 Topic 3, GTK+ Widgets and Objects: here you have the documentation of the 
 GTK+ Widgets you can use in your apps. This is
 far more a listing of constants, functions, macros, signals, properties, etc. 
 that are declared within the widgets. Some
 widgets have explanations about how to use them but it cannot replace a good 
 old tutorial  :)  At the top of each widget
 page you'll find a navigation bar with which you can navigate quickly through 
 the page.

 Sometimes you see something and you don't have a clue where it belongs nor 
 where to search for it. On the bottom of the
 start page you'll find a link to the index page. You'll find there a (more 
 or less) complete list of the actual
 constants, functions, macros, signals, properties, etc.

  The point is, if say in the helloWorld program in the
  tutorial I change all instances of the string delete_event to
  monkey the program still compiles.

 Do you also have changed this line

   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), delete_event,
   G_CALLBACK (delete_event), NULL);


   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), monkey,
   G_CALLBACK (monkey), NULL);

 If so then you did a mistake. The second argument of the g_signal_connect 
 function expects the name of a signal
 (internal name of the signal in GTK+, not the name of a function) and there 
 isn't a monkey signal, hence you get the
 message that the signal `monkey' is invalid.

  I can't find a reference to delete_event in the API.  But possibly
  not looking in the right place.

 I'm afraid so  :)  each widget has it own delete_event that is inherited from 
 the GtkWidget class. Hence you will find the
 documentation of this particular signal under the GtkWidget page. If you 
 would have searched it in the index page you
 would have found it  :)



 Pablo Yanez Trujillo
 My public key:

 Peter E Dennis wrote:
  Hi All,
  I am just starting out and going through the tutorial.  I was
  wondering where I could find other signal strings like delete_event
  in the api?
  I noticed that it is defined in gtkwidget.c
  Do I need to know this kind of stuff?
  Sorry about the vague question, don't know enough to ask about it
  properly.  The point is, if say in the helloWorld program in the
  tutorial I change all instances of the string delete_event to
  monkey the program still compiles.  When I run it though I get:
  $ ./helloWorld
  (helloWorld:): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
  /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/gobject/gsignal.c:1669: signal `monkey'
  is invalid for instance `0x8077000'
  I can't find a reference to delete_event in the API.  But possibly
  not looking in the right place.  Can someone point me to it and others
  like it for other widgets?
  Many thanks,
  gtk-list mailing list
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

 gtk-list mailing list
