Re: gtk-main-iteration -- use and understanding

2016-01-31 Thread Robert Schroll
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 8:10 AM, Stefan Salewski  

Do you know an not too complicated
example where code in a callback is called which may block for about
one second? In the long term I may switch to a asyncroneously design,
but currently I have no idea how to do that best. Have you a hint for
that approach?

My first thought would have been to trigger that callback via a 
g_idle_add() [1] call.  This will schedule the callback to run only 
when there are no more pressing events waiting.  Thus, the main_loop 
can finish handling input events and updating the screen before 
starting your callback.  The callback will still block while it's 
running, of course, but that sounds like it's okay for your purposes at 
the present.

Note that, if the callback returns True, it will be called again at the 
next idle time.  If your callback is looping, your may be able to use 
this to call each loop separately, letting the main loop handle events 
in between.  I don't know what this would mean for performance, though.



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Re: Interactive data plotting application

2016-01-10 Thread Robert Schroll
On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Jozef V.Molnár 
I need to develop a GTK3 widget for data plotting, drawing and 

I need the following features (many are standard requirements):
- have a grid sensitive to mouse (to invoke a configuring menu)
- add/remove plots
- plots sensitive to mouse (display the data coordinates)
- more than cursors (to perform measurements)
- cursors capable of find edges of data plots
- scrolling

If you're working in Python, you should consider matplotlib [1], which 
has a GTK3 backend [2].  If you're not working in Python, you may still 
wish to see if you can wedge matplotlib into your system.  It's rather 

As another possibility, you may wish to consider using a WebView and 
one of the many javascript plotting libraries out there.  I'm aware of 
D3 and Bokeh off-hand, though I'm sure there are others.




gtk-list mailing list

Re: Misconduct of GTK+/glib Bugtracker Admins

2015-06-04 Thread Robert Schroll

This is probably ill-advised, but what they hey?

Having read through your transcript, what I see is three developers 
trying to deal with an initially-vague bug about non-standard use 
reported against the incorrect component.  Not only do they get that 
straightened out, but Emmanuele Bassi offers to review patches for a 
project that isn't his.

For this offer of help, you assert he is a liar ("Actually, you're 
being absolutely inaccurate."), an idiot ("Perhaps you should review 
what a dependency is."), and part of a conspiracy ("Red Hat has done 
everything in their power to break that separation and create a 
monolithic stack").

Andre Klapper hides this unproductive comment, and Emmanuele commits 
the heinous sin of not immediately realizing that this happened.  (But 
sure, call him a liar about that, too.)  You storm off in a huff; 
meanwhile, Psy[H[] continues an apparently-productive technical 
discussion of how to actually solve the bug.  This suggests that, 
perhaps, the problem wasn't with Messrs. Bassi, Blasen, and Klapper.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:44 PM, IgnorantGuru 

Specially, their conduct administering the GTK+ bugtracker in the case
of bug is
unacceptable.  They are closing bugs preemptively,

No, they closed a bug reported against the wrong component, and shortly 
thereafter reopened it against the correct component.

and are using the
code of conduct to threaten people who discuss the history and the
background of a bug.  They threaten a user with the code of conduct 

using the word "overengineered" to justify their choice not to use

No, they ask Psy[H[] to stop editorializing ("Please, refrain from 
making comments like these in the future."), and Psy[H[] does without 

They claim personal attacks when no one was even referred to

Other than those I document above?

 and they themselves state that people are "not really
cool" (Emmanuele Bassi).

a) No, Emmanuele says that your behavior is "not really cool".  There's 
a subtle but important difference.

b) You're insulted that someone thinks you're only sorta cool?  Really?

  They make false technical statements then
delete any corrections offered in comments.

OmegaPhil repeated the "technical" parts of your hidden posts, and that 
has not been deleted.

While these developers' response may not have been absolutely perfect, 
it's a damn sight better job than I would have done in their place.


gtk-list mailing list

Using g_mem_profiler_table

2015-03-11 Thread Robert Schroll

Hi all,

I'm trying to use g_mem_profile to get a comparison of memory usage for 
several approaches in a GTK application.  But I get a realloc error if 
I set things up by calling g_mem_set_vtable(glib_mem_profiler_table).  
Any ideas why?

Here's a basic C program:


int main( int argc, char** argv )
  g_mem_set_vtable( glib_mem_profiler_table );
  gtk_init( &argc, &argv );

  return 0;

I compile with:
$ gcc `pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --cflags` mem-basic.c -o mem-basic 
`pkg-config gtk+-3.0 --libs`

But when I run it:
$ ./mem-basic
*** Error in `./mem-basic': realloc(): invalid pointer: 
0x01af7e80 ***

Aborted (core dumped)

This is on Ubuntu 14.04 (GTK 3.10.8, glib 2.40.2).  This is my first 
time attempting to g_mem_profile, so don't assume I've done any of the 
obvious things yet.


gtk-list mailing list

Re:Re: Would it be possible that gtk implementation in C++

2014-08-09 Thread Robert Schroll

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 10:41 AM, 黄羽众  wrote:

Another C++--, I have to say.

Many of us would consider that a complement.

Excuse for my unpolite, I can't find any point that interest me,
the highlights it describes is very common in many existing OOP 

Yep, it's a bog-standard OOP language.  The killer feature is its tight 
integration with GObject.

And the only point I remember is its ABI compatible with C, which 
also limit its language possibility.

I'm pretty sure both Vala and C are Turing-complete. :)

I think it's would rather better to spend time solving the problem 
like gtkmm can't provide a function like 
"builder.signal_connect(this)" to auto connect the signals defined in 
glade XML files rather than start another project to reinvent the 

It sounds like you're looking for Gtk.Builder.connect_signals() [1].  
It exists, but not in the gtkmm bindings.  This suggests to me that the 
problem is C++, not GTK.  There is a bug report [2], though, so jump in 
and get it fixed.




gtk-list mailing list

Re: Would it be possible that gtk implementation in C++

2014-08-08 Thread Robert Schroll

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:04 PM, 黄羽众  wrote:
Compare to many people here, I am freshman in GTK/GTKmm. I make this 
proposal just because sometimes I miss the day when I am using 

In that case, I'd suggest you take a look at Vala [1,2].  Vala is a new 
language, reminiscent of C# and Java, that's built around the GObject 
system that's at the heart of GTK.  This means that there's no 
impedance mismatch between the language's object system and GTK 
objects.  It handles memory management for you (though you can play 
with pointers if you really want).  It compiles to C, so it'll run 

I've been using Vala for only a little while, but I'm thoroughly 
impressed.  Give it a look.



gtk-list mailing list

Re: Routing scroll events in a Gtk.Overlay

2014-06-05 Thread Robert Schroll
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Paul Davis  
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Robert Schroll  
So I guess my question becomes, how can a parent (the EventBox) 
prevent a certain type of event (scrolling) from being delivered to 
its children.  

standard solution to such a question is "return true from its own 

I'm obviously misunderstanding something, because that isn't working 
for me.  In the test program below, there's an EventBox containing a 
SpinButton.  The EventBox has a scroll-event handler that returns True. 
But when you scroll over the SpinButton, this handler is (almost) 
never called.  Instead, the SpinButton consumes these events.  If you 
uncomment the set_above_child line, then the EventBox gets the scroll 
events, but it also gets the click events, so you can no longer adjust 
the SpinButton by clicking on its buttons.

Now, I could keep the SpinButton from spinning by having a scroll-event 
handler for the SpinButton return True.  For this example, it'd work 
fine.  But in the circumstance where I have many children, 
grand-children, great-grand-children, etc. of the EventBox, that gets 

Can you straighten me out?  Thanks,

=== ===
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk

win = Gtk.Window()
eb = Gtk.EventBox()
sb = Gtk.SpinButton(adjustment=Gtk.Adjustment(50, 0, 100, 1, 5, 0))

win.set_default_size(200, 200)
win.connect('destroy', Gtk.main_quit)

def eb_scroll(widget, event):
   print "Event Box scroll event"
   return True
eb.connect('scroll-event', eb_scroll)


gtk-list mailing list

Re: Routing scroll events in a Gtk.Overlay

2014-06-05 Thread Robert Schroll
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:19 PM, richard boaz  
instead of using GTK to route the events correctly, is it not 
possible (possibly preferable) to route all events to your own 
handler which you yourself can further negotiate and forward to the 
necessary widget?

I hadn't considered that solution.  This whole thing is supposed to 
live beside other GTK widgets in a toplevel window.  My immediate 
reaction is that wouldn't work, since it would also trap events going 
to those other widgets.  But I'll think about it some more.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:28 PM, Paul Davis  
AFAIK, events propagate only via parent/child relationships (i.e. 
container/contained). So an event delivered to a widget that just 
happened to overlap another one but had no child/parent relationship 
with the covered one would never forward events to the covered one 
under any circumstances.

So I guess my question becomes, how can a parent (the EventBox) prevent 
a certain type of event (scrolling) from being delivered to its 
children.  The default handling works the other way, starting from the 
children and bubbling up.  Using set_above_child(True) makes the parent 
get the events instead of the children, but that works for all events, 
not just the one I want to trap.

Thank you both,

gtk-list mailing list

Re: Routing scroll events in a Gtk.Overlay

2014-06-05 Thread Robert Schroll
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:19 PM, Paul Davis 
You should know that GTK's design more or less does not cater to 
overlapping GtkWidgets. It is not completely clear if you are 
actually doing this, but it certainly sounds as if you are. The API 
allows you to create overlapping widgets, but nothing else in the API 
(though I admit to knowing GTK3 not as well as I should) defines 
event handling when this happens. Z-axis (or "stacking) ordering 
needs to be defined for this to be done rationally. GTK does not 
provide this as far as I know (GTK2 definitely does not and I don't 
think GTK3 changed this).

It seems to be behaving perfectly sensibly.  Scroll events go to the 
widget directly under the pointer, whether that's the overlaid or the 
underlying widget, and the bubble up through the parents.  What I'm 
asking (I think) is if there's a way to change that sensible behavior.  
(And I have found one, but it involves scroll-event handlers on every 

We don't need to consider overlays, if that's worrisome.  Consider a 
composite widget, say an EventBox with a whole hierarchy of children.  
Is there some way to make one type of event go directly to the 
EventBox, while others go through to the children?  I'd hoped I could 
do this with set_above_child() and set_events(), but I haven't been 
able to make that work.


gtk-list mailing list

Routing scroll events in a Gtk.Overlay

2014-06-04 Thread Robert Schroll

Hi all,

I'm working on a Gtk project (3.10, Python 2 for the prototype, if that 
matters) using a Gtk.Overlay [1].  The main child of the overlay is a 
WebKit.WebView.  The overlaid widget is a Gtk.EventBox that contains a 
number of children, grand-children, etc.  Right now, scroll events 
outside of the EventBox go to the WebView, as desired, but scroll 
events inside the EventBox go to one of it's children.  Instead, I 
would like all of these scroll events to go to the WebView as well, so 
scrolling doesn't break when the EventBox moves under the pointer.

The only way I've gotten this to work is to recursively attach a 
scroll-event handler to all the descendants of the EventBox that stops 
the event and instead creates a scroll event on the WebView.  This 
works, but it's inelegant.  I'm hoping there's a way to do this more 
simply, whether through the EventBox or the Overlay itself.

One idea that sort of worked was to set EventBox.set_above_child(True). 
This ensured that the EventBox got all the scroll events over any of 
its descendants, so it was easy to pass them on to the WebView.  But it 
also captured all other events, which I want to go through to the 
children.  Is there some way to tell the EventBox to only capture 
scroll events?  Or is there another way to do this?


[1] Well, actually the Overlay is a custom class inheriting from 
Gtk.Overlay and implementing Gtk.Scrollable by passing through the 
adjustments of the WebView.  This is to allow the whole thing to sit in 
a Gtk.ScrolledWindow that moves both the WebView and the overlaid 
widget together.  I hope that doesn't make a difference, but maybe it 

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