Re: [guadec-list] anti-harassment policy

2014-07-11 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya

The majority of the board voted for the long version of the code of
conduct for GUADEC to be posted. We really appreciate all the work
done by the organizers, but people who voted in favor feel that it's
the board's responsibility to make decisions that affect the GNOME
community as a whole, and having the code of conducts for events is
one such decision. Our goal is to develop a similar code of conduct
that applies to all GNOME events. People who voted in favor thought
that explaining the rules and how they will be enforced is a good

Please post the version below, which includes a short version, on The enforcement policy stays the same
on - I'd like to
encourage people, especially local, French-speaking, and board members
to add themselves to the support team on that page.

The reason the board was included in this thread from the beginning is
that the initial policy said that people can contact anyone on the
board and because I wanted people on the board to be able to provide
feedback about the policy.


Short version for the registration form:

We plan for a safe and friendly conference experience for everyone.
Please confirm that you agree with our code of conduct.

Short version for the front page:

GUADEC is dedicated to a safe and friendly conference experience for
everyone. Please familiarize yourself with our code of conduct.

Code of conduct

Short version

GUADEC is dedicated to a safe and friendly conference experience for
everyone. Please be considerate of other people in your actions at all
conference events. Please report any concerns to one of the contact
people below.

Long version

GUADEC is a welcoming and friendly event, during which GNOME
contributors often make friends and resolve to come to the next

GUADEC is dedicated to providing a safe and friendly conference
experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of
conference participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive
verbal comments related to any of the above qualities, deliberate
intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording,
sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical
contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference
venue, including talks. Sexist, racist, or other exclusionary comments
or jokes are not appropriate for GUADEC. Such content and remarks can
be harassing to people by making them feel excluded by other

Participants asked to stop any harassing or inappropriate behavior are
expected to comply immediately.

Exhibitors in the sponsor exhibit space are also subject to the code of conduct.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the code of conduct
support team members may issue a warning for an unintentional or minor
offense or expel the participant from the conference with no refund
for repeat or serious offense. If you are being harassed, notice that
someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please
immediately contact Alexandre Franke, Marina Zhurakhinskaya, or anyone
else on the code of conduct support team. These people will be
introduced at the opening for the conference and conference volunteers
will be able to help you identify one of them.

Code of conduct support team members will be able to address the
harassing or inappropriate behavior with the offender, provide
escorts, contact local law enforcement, or otherwise assist those
experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the
conference. We value your attendance.

We expect participants to follow these rules at all conference venues
and conference-related social events.

Contact information:

Alexandre Franke +33 368 910 123, alexandre.franke at NO SPAM gmail DOT com
Marina Zhurakhinskaya marinazik at NO SPAM gmail DOT com
More names or code of contuct support team link to

Other useful numbers:

Emergency number for police, fire department, or ambulance: 112
24/7 medical assistance: “SOS médecin” +33 388 75 75 75
Taxi company: Taxi 13 +33 388 36 13 13

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 On 10/07/2014, Alexandre Franke wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Christophe Fergeau
 Something I've been wondering in the last few days, can we concretely
 expel someone from the conference if they keep coming back in spite of
 us telling them they are no longer welcome and have been expelled? I'm
 afraid we won't be able to do much apart from kicking them out over and

Re: [guadec-list] anti-harassment policy

2014-07-11 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya
On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Christophe Fergeau wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 11:49:10AM -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the code of conduct
 support team members may [...] expel the participant from the
 conference with no refund for repeat or serious offense.

 Something I've been wondering in the last few days, can we concretely
 expel someone from the conference if they keep coming back in spite of
 us telling them they are no longer welcome and have been expelled? I'm
 afraid we won't be able to do much apart from kicking them out over and
 over when we notice they are present :(

We can cancel their registration and ask them to give up their badge.
If they come back after that, it would be trespassing and either the
venue security or police can deal with that.

guadec-list mailing list

Re: [guadec-list] anti-harassment policy

2014-07-11 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya
On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:19 AM, Christophe Fergeau wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 07, 2014 at 10:51:21PM -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Christophe Fergeau 
  Sexual language and imagery are a common concern. If there are other
  types of concerns people think are worth listing, they can be added.
  E.g. it can be Sexual or violent language and imagery are not
  appropriate for any conference venue, including talks
  This is a common concern in some circles yes. What we seem to be doing
  here is assuming people are going to do bad (ie are going to be jerks),
  and to avoid this, we have to put ourselves in the position of censors.

 People will sometimes act as jerks either because they feel like it or
 because they don't realize how their actions affect others. This
 happens at technical conferences often. It happens at GUADEC rarely,
 but there have been a few incidents (most of them private).

 Uh? I was talking about explicitly banning public display of sexual
 imagery in the anti-harassment policy, I don't think these private
 incindents had something to do with this, did they?

RMS's presentation had sexual language (in addition to being sexist).

 Having a policy doesn't mean we assume everyone will be a jerk, but we
 want to deter or know how to deal with a jerk-like behavior because it
 might happen.

 Well, public display of sexual imagery is not the only way of being a
 jerk, I'm not talking about the anti-harassement policy as a whole here.
 I can find plenty of offensive pictures which are not banned by the
 policy (for example, Muhammad pictures, especially caricatures would be
 a *very* bad thing to do). Why is the policy not banning that because
 some people could be jerks? Also, I remember caused some issues in a past
 GUADEC, but still we do nothing about this in the policy, and we try to
 prevent potential abuse of sexual imagery?

They fell under harassment in the earlier version. The latest version
covers it more explicitly:

Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference
venue, including talks. Sexist, racist, or other exclusionary comments
or jokes are not appropriate for GUADEC. Such content and remarks can
be harassing to people by making them feel excluded by other

  I'm sorry, but I don't think we should be doing that.
  I'd rather assume people will do good, tell them we trust them to behave
  appropriately, and possibly reminding them to be wary of others'
  sensibilities. This seems much more positive to me and more rewarding
  for our community.

 We assume people will be good and abide by the anti-harassment policy.
 We have people of different genders and from different cultures
 attending, which is why spelling out what it means to behave
 appropriately is helpful.

 This was again in the context of the ban of sexual imagery, I was
 not talking about the anti-harassment policy as a whole.

  Also, how do we define 'sexual'? Is
   some sexual imagery which should be banned? (NB: this
  is an ad campaign from a big French department store prominently
  visible in Paris metro). Content which is OK in the US would probably be
  frowned upon/unsettling from some more 'traditionalist' countries or
  background. How do we set the bar here?

 I think we can set the bar to exclude images that convey a sexual
 message, because they are off-topic for GUADEC.

 What is a sexual message? Who will decide that? For some muslim,
 women's hair must be covered, or even most of the face ( ) « The principal aim of the
 Muslim veil is to hide that which men find sexually attractive. ».

We can use Western society's idea of what conveys a sexual message.

 GUADEC is a private event, and we can decide what is appropriate for
 it. If sexual images or language are not appropriate for it and we ask
 people not to use them, then using them is a harassing act. You can
 learn more about why people often feel that these types of images and
 language are harassing at technical conferences at

 This is what I was saying at the beginning, I understand that sexualized
 images are a concern for 'geek feminists'. I expect that different kind
 of images will be a problem if there were vocal 'black geeks' or 'jewish
 geeks' communities. I'm also not saying sexualized imagery is ok, just
 that I don't see why this should be explicitly listed in that policy.

guadec-list mailing list

Re: [guadec-list] anti-harassment policy

2014-07-11 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 11 July 2014 21:41, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:19 AM, Christophe Fergeau 
 On Mon, Jul 07, 2014 at 10:51:21PM -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Christophe Fergeau 
  Sexual language and imagery are a common concern. If there are other
  types of concerns people think are worth listing, they can be added.
  E.g. it can be Sexual or violent language and imagery are not
  appropriate for any conference venue, including talks
  This is a common concern in some circles yes. What we seem to be doing
  here is assuming people are going to do bad (ie are going to be jerks),
  and to avoid this, we have to put ourselves in the position of censors.

 People will sometimes act as jerks either because they feel like it or
 because they don't realize how their actions affect others. This
 happens at technical conferences often. It happens at GUADEC rarely,
 but there have been a few incidents (most of them private).

 Uh? I was talking about explicitly banning public display of sexual
 imagery in the anti-harassment policy, I don't think these private
 incindents had something to do with this, did they?

 RMS's presentation had sexual language (in addition to being sexist).

 Having a policy doesn't mean we assume everyone will be a jerk, but we
 want to deter or know how to deal with a jerk-like behavior because it
 might happen.

 Well, public display of sexual imagery is not the only way of being a
 jerk, I'm not talking about the anti-harassement policy as a whole here.
 I can find plenty of offensive pictures which are not banned by the
 policy (for example, Muhammad pictures, especially caricatures would be
 a *very* bad thing to do). Why is the policy not banning that because
 some people could be jerks? Also, I remember caused some issues in a past
 GUADEC, but still we do nothing about this in the policy, and we try to
 prevent potential abuse of sexual imagery?

 They fell under harassment in the earlier version. The latest version
 covers it more explicitly:

 Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference
 venue, including talks. Sexist, racist, or other exclusionary comments
 or jokes are not appropriate for GUADEC. Such content and remarks can
 be harassing to people by making them feel excluded by other

  I'm sorry, but I don't think we should be doing that.
  I'd rather assume people will do good, tell them we trust them to behave
  appropriately, and possibly reminding them to be wary of others'
  sensibilities. This seems much more positive to me and more rewarding
  for our community.

 We assume people will be good and abide by the anti-harassment policy.
 We have people of different genders and from different cultures
 attending, which is why spelling out what it means to behave
 appropriately is helpful.

 This was again in the context of the ban of sexual imagery, I was
 not talking about the anti-harassment policy as a whole.

  Also, how do we define 'sexual'? Is
   some sexual imagery which should be banned? (NB: this
  is an ad campaign from a big French department store prominently
  visible in Paris metro). Content which is OK in the US would probably be
  frowned upon/unsettling from some more 'traditionalist' countries or
  background. How do we set the bar here?

 I think we can set the bar to exclude images that convey a sexual
 message, because they are off-topic for GUADEC.

 What is a sexual message? Who will decide that? For some muslim,
 women's hair must be covered, or even most of the face ( ) « The principal aim of the
 Muslim veil is to hide that which men find sexually attractive. ».

 We can use Western society's idea of what conveys a sexual message.

I am surprised to see that you do not care about cultural differences,
especially given how many of the GUADEC attendees are newcomers from
non-Western societies and given that one of the major arguments
offered to the board was that the policy is supposed to make newcomers
feel safe.

Having seen the numerous opinions in this and other related threads,
it appears to be that Western society does not have a consensus on
what is harassment and what is not. Therefore, anyone can argue that
the policy does not apply to them because they are not from the same
part of Western society as you and their expectations are different
even for the defined points.

Thank you for bringing to our attention how incredibly diverse our community is.

 GUADEC is a private event, and we can decide what is appropriate for
 it. If sexual images or language are not 

Re: [guadec-list] anti-harassment policy

2014-07-11 Thread Andre Klapper
Some outsider comment as I'm on this mailing list, somehow. :)

On Fri, 2014-07-11 at 16:41 -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:19 AM, Christophe Fergeau 
  What is a sexual message? Who will decide that? For some muslim,
  women's hair must be covered, or even most of the face ( ) « The principal aim of the
  Muslim veil is to hide that which men find sexually attractive. ».
 We can use Western society's idea of what conveys a sexual message.

I would rather point to the CoC instead: It also contains regardless of
[...] physical appearance which in my humble interpretation rates
anybody's personal freedom to wear a veil (or not) higher than somebody
else's potential interpretation of whether somebody should cover her/his
hair or not. So if a conflict on interpreting sexual message arose,
then people should maybe respectfully talk to each other and point out
the issue, which the CoC is about (or not? well, to me it is).

As self-censorship was brought up earlier: I share the sentiment but I
don't consider it bad to think twice what you say and how you act,
especially in a diverse community. I expect everybody to assume good
faith at first, or at least naivity, or even stupidity, instead of
assuming an intention of insulting and hurting feelings.

Behavior and terms are always interpretable. We will never find an
objective wording that conveys a totally clear and shared
interpretation in our diverse world, e.g. for sexual images. 
Still that doesn't mean that people shouldn't think first when choosing
images in presentations whether they could be considered sexual by part
of the audience. If you're unsure, ask your (hopefully diverse enough)
peer group for feedback first?

Maybe it's just my understanding, but I thought we are first of all
after creating more awareness and understanding of problems created by
behavior considered problematic by some, plus supporting everybody in
being good and respectful community members by providing guidelines.

Andre Klapper  |

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