Hi Sam,

On 9 November 2016 at 18:07, Sam Thursfield <sss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank to everyone who did the survey, we got 30 responses in the end
> which is definitely helpful.
> I've processed the results with state-of-the-art data analysis
> technology (i.e. Python) and got the following answers:
> Total responses: 30
> How many people would consider staying at the MMU Townhouses?
> 17 of 30 (56%)
> How many people would only consider staying at the MMU Townhouses?
> 5 of 30 (16%)
> How many people who would stay at the Townhouses could register before
> March 2017?
> 9 of 17 (52%)
> How many people who would stay at the Townhouses would pay £8.50 extra
> for breakfast
> 6 of 17 (35%)
> What nights would Townhouses guests stay?
>   thu27: 15 of 17 (88%), or 50% of total attendees
>   fri28: 16 of 17 (94%), or 53% of total attendees
>   sat29: 16 of 17 (94%), or 53% of total attendees
>   sun30: 16 of 17 (94%), or 53% of total attendees
>   mon31: 15 of 17 (88%), or 50% of total attendees
>   tue1: 13 of 17 (76%), or 43% of total attendees
>   wed2: 10 of 17 (58%), or 33% of total attendees
> How many people would only stay in the youth hostel?
> 3 of 30 (10%)
> How many people would only stay the hotel?
> 8 of 30 (26%)
> I'm not quite sure about is travel sponsorship fits into this.
> Obviously people who need sponsorship can't attend unless they receive
> it; but should I count such people in the survey results? I realise
> now that I should have added another question :-)

The TC provides accommodation rather than cash to those who are
sponsored for GUADEC (exception to the rule tends to be less than

We prefer to go for the cheapest option per person as that allows us
to offer sponsorship to more people. We do normally expect 2 people to
share a room although there are usually about 3 or so who take single
rooms for reasons.

The yough hostel is probably not what we'd be looking for, especially
if it's shared bathrooms too. Anyone sponsored by the TC would be
expected to check out on the last day of the hackfests or pay for any
extra nights themselves.

> Let's conservatively estimate 120 people come to GUADEC next year
> self-funded, and 40 more attend with travel sponsorship.
> - 12 people would choose to stay in the hostel (10%)
> - 32 people would choose to stay in the Jury's Inn (26%)
> - 67 people would choose to stay at the University (56%)
> - 9 people would do their own thing
> Let's assume 40 more are booked into the University accommodation by
> the travel committee, so a maximum of 107 people would stay there.
> University
> --------------
> Our initial booking was for 150 rooms.
> Based on the survey I propose this booking for the University:
>  - Thu 27th: 84 beds (7 houses)
>  - Fri 28th: 96 beds (8 houses)
>  - Sat 29th: 96 beds (8 houses)
>  - Sun 30th: 96 beds (8 houses)
>  - Mon 31st: 84 beds (7 houses)
>  - Tue 1st: 72 beds (6 houses)
>  - Wed 2nd: 48 beds (4 houses)
> These numbers are below the estimate of 107 people, but we don't have
> much flexibility here so I think we have to be conservative. In March,
> we'd be able to reduce this booking by a maximum of 25% each night,
> which for the main nights means 72 beds minimum.  From March onwards
> all the rooms are paid and we lose money if any of them end up empty.
> We can expect around 50% of these people to register by March 2017,
> which is encouraging. So let's get registration going as soon as we
> can.
> I'm a little uncertain how the travel committee bookings work; the
> deadline for applications seems to be around May/June usually which is
> not ideal given the deadlines for this accommodation. Could be made
> earlier this year? That would make me more confident in reserving a
> block of these rooms for the travel committee.
> The University have said the minimum breakfast booking at weekends is
> 40 people. Based on the survey we'd be looking at 35 people booking
> breakfast, and the only option for breakfast is for GUADEC to pay up
> front for it and charge the money back at registration, We make a loss
> if we don't hit the minimum, and registration will be complex enough
> as it is, so I reckon we have to leave that out. There is a Co-op
> supermarket really nearby, and some cafés within a 10 minute walk.
> The canteen will be open for lunch, people can buy food directly from
> the & the minimum spend is only £270 or something which we'll easily
> achieve.
> Hotel
> --------
> The hotel option seems popular too, and given the demand for hotel
> rooms in Manchester and the flexible terms the Jury's Inn offered I
> reckon we should go with that too. However let's reduce our booking to
> 80 rooms (still more than double what I think we'll need) rather than
> the 100 we proposed initially.
> Hostel
> ---------
> A few people like the hostel, I think that for 15 beds it's probably
> not worth doing a group booking, we could just let people book their
> own rooms directly. I'll check with the hostel about how early their
> rooms normally fill up around this time and if we need to reserve any.
> Does all this sound sensible? We really need to let the university
> know our booking this week, so please get back to me with feedback
> tomorrow if you have anyway!
> I've attached the data & the script I ran it through, in case anyone
> wants to reproduce my results.
> Thanks
> Sam
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