Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC 2017: Length and Format

2016-07-27 Thread Debarshi Ray

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 10:04:35AM +0100, Allan Day wrote:
>- Switch to two days of talks and two days of "hack days".
>- Advertise the conference as a four day event. The fact that the first
>two days are talks would be a minor footnote only; when people say they
>want to come, we give them the dates for the four days.

Four days (2 + 2) sounds too short to me.

In recent times we have had:
 * 2012: 7 days (4 + 3)
 * 2013: 8 days (4 + 4)
 * 2014: 7 days (4 + 3)
 * 2015: 6 days (3 + 3)
 * 2016: 6 days (3 + 3)

While a 8 day conference with 4 days of BoFs can be considered too
much, are we really struggling to fill up the slots over a 6 day (3 +
3) schedule?

Last time this was discussed, there was a concern about the lack of
good quality talk submissions. Did we explore the possibility of
having people from Elementary and Cinnamon attend GUADEC? Why do we
think that the quality of talk submissions have gone down? How about a
5 day conference?

I do like the idea of advertising the conference as one unit and
de-emphasizing the split between the core and BoF days. I am concerned
that going from 6 to 4 days would leave us with precious little time
for hallway and social interactions between people who barely meet
once every year.


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Re: [guadec-list] Reg. travelers from Prague Airport on july 31st after 12:00 PM

2013-07-27 Thread Debarshi Ray
On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 08:14:31PM +0530, Sindhu S wrote:
> From Grand Hotel in Brno to Taufer Dormitory would another tram I believe?

Yes. Take tram no. 12 (going towards Technologicky Park) from Hlavni Nadrazi,
and get down at Tererova.


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Re: [guadec-list] irc meeting

2013-07-18 Thread Debarshi Ray
Florian is still unwell. Petr can't make it, neither can I. So, this week's
IRC meeting is cancelled.


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Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC t-shirt order

2013-07-18 Thread Debarshi Ray
> Yesterday, we discussed if we should order more GUADEC t-shirts. The
> first order was 130 t-shirts and we have so far sold about 40 through
> the registration form. Based on this number, 130 should be enough, but I
> guess that a lot of people will decide to buy a t-shirt on site and last
> year there were around 250 t-shirts sold.
> Should I order 100 more?

Yes, I think we should order another 100.


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Re: [guadec-list] irc meeting

2013-07-17 Thread Debarshi Ray
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:41:54AM +0200, Florian Nadge wrote:
> Due to conflicting schedules we need to postpone today's irc meeting to
> tomorrow 17:00 CEST/GMT+2.

As mentioned elsewhere, I won't be able to attend.


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Re: [guadec-list] regular irc meeting #guadec Wednesday, 10 July

2013-07-10 Thread Debarshi Ray

> this is just a reminder for Wednesday's irc meeting:
> Wednesday, 3 July 2013
> 16:00 (UTC +2)
>, #guadec
> updates on the usual topics:
> - registration
> - film night
> - budget
> - volunteers
> - open floor

The meeting was cancelled because I got disconnected for a while from
GIMPNet which I never noticed, and since both Florian and Rui couldn't
attend there was no one to speak about the "registration" and "film night".

Some of us had a chat about the budget on #guadec yesterday, so I guess
there isn't much to add there. I will update the local team members who
weren't there on the channel yesterday today.

Regarding volunteers, Florian now has the SIM card for the emergency
contact that has to be on the badges.

Sorry about that!


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Re: [guadec-list] Media Partner

2013-07-08 Thread Debarshi Ray
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 07:39:26PM +0200, Robert Kratky wrote:
>> Lets put matters in perspective. LWN has covered GUADEC in the past,
>> and are likely to do so again this year. They come and silently do
>> their job without asking for much in return.
> The Czech media have not asked for anything. It was GUADEC who wanted them
> for partners. They were not the ones who set the terms of the partnership.

It is not the Czech media that we are primarily talking about
here. The bone of contention is how to deal with the new set of
reporters that want to partner with us.

Personally, I value LWN more than even the 3 Czech media outlets, but
since GUADEC is in Brno, I think it is good to have some coverage in
the local media.


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Re: [guadec-list] Media Partner

2013-07-08 Thread Debarshi Ray
>> Have we actually been in touch with LWN? Do we know that someone is coming?
> Nathan Willis is coming, although as far as I know, no one has gotten in
> touch with LWN yet.

We have already asked Nathan if he is visiting GUADEC to cover it on behalf
of LWN or just as a participant.


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Re: [guadec-list] Media Partner

2013-07-08 Thread Debarshi Ray
> Rui,
> I am afraid that we really need as much media support as possible.
> About the free passes, we should issue as many as they need, probably one
> to three.
> Basically, we will have to add these sites if we want them to add us as
> well, and they are clearly supporting us.

Having media support is one thing, and bending over backwards and
begging for it is another.

We already have 3 Czech media partners. LWN is probably going to cover
it.  That makes it 4.

I am all for giving free passes, but please, lets not plaster the
website with logos of everyone who claims to be a reporter.  It is
strange to have 5 sponsors and an equal or higher number of media

Lets put matters in perspective. LWN has covered GUADEC in the past,
and are likely to do so again this year. They come and silently do
their job without asking for much in return.

LWN is far more respectable and useful for us than any of these other
media outlets that we are talking about, and we are not even
acknowledging them while we are going crazy over some lesser
entities. I find this strange.


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Re: [guadec-list] Talk at GUADEC 2013

2013-07-05 Thread Debarshi Ray
Hey Jim,

On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 07:49:18PM -0007, Jim Nelson wrote:
> Hello,
> I couldn't find a proper email address on the GUADEC web site, so I'm 
> using this list address -- someone please redirect me if this is going 
> to the wrong people.
> I just discovered today (via a coworker) that my proposed talk at 
> GUADEC ("Crowdfunding the GNOME Desktop") was accepted.  I never 
> received a notification, or if I did, it must've gone into my spam 
> folder.  In any event, due to that and some personal changes, I had not 
> planned on attending GUADEC this year.
> If someone could respond, I'd like to discuss the situation.  There's 
> still a possibility I could attend.
> Thanks,

I have CC'ed the GUADEC Papers Committee. They will be able to help
you further.


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Re: [guadec-list] reminder for next irc meeting: Wednesday, 26 June 2013

2013-06-26 Thread Debarshi Ray
> updates on the usual topics:
> - registration
> - visa requirements
> - volunteers
> - open floor

I would like to put these on the agenda too:
- T-shirt sizes
- tax / VAT / prices


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Re: [guadec-list] Cool Stuff at GUADEC

2013-06-24 Thread Debarshi Ray
On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 04:42:43PM +0200, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> BTW we're planning to order around 40 red t-shirts for organizers and
> volunteers, but if you have a better colour idea, it's welcome. I can
> order any colour that is in the catalogue.

I think we need more than 40 because some people said that they did
not want to wear the same T-shirt on multiple days. I think 100 would
be a better number.


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Re: [guadec-list] reminder for today's irc meeting 16:00 CEST (UTC +2)

2013-06-19 Thread Debarshi Ray
On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 09:25:04AM -0400, Karen Sandler wrote:
> One bit of info I have: Igalia is signing on as a silver sponsor.

Is there a specific logo that they want us to use for the website?


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Re: [guadec-list] Call for volunteers?

2013-06-11 Thread Debarshi Ray
>> * the volunteer coordinator needs one phone (usually with a pre-paid SIM)
>> that can be passed to whomever is in charge of volunteers so that all
>> volunteers can get in touch with them at any point
>> * the volunteer coordinator phone needs to be pre-programmed with mobile
>> contact numbers for all volunteers (this was a point of failure in some of
>> the previous conferences) - volunteers usually use their own phones/SIMs
>> because this is only in case of problems and walkie-talkies not working
> rishi, any updates on getting a "volunteer coordinator" phone?

Getting a pre-paid SIM is easy, and arranging a phone to go along with it
shouldn't be hard. So, I was not treating this as something that has to be
done *now*. Do you want us to have the phone and SIM in our hands right


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Re: [guadec-list] Reminder: next IRC meeting Wednesday, 5 June 2013

2013-06-05 Thread Debarshi Ray
> - update on collabra sponsorship (rishi)

There isn't much to report on this front. I informed Karen that Collabora
is open to sponsoring the video recording / post-processing expenses. Now
it is up to her. I don't want to interfere because she has been talking to
the sponsors, and I would rather not get in the way.

Can we add the following to the agenda:
- update on meeting with student union (tpopela, rishi, xmlich)
- how many free passes to the university (xmlich)


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Re: [guadec-list] invite for regular IRC meeting, Wednesday, 29 May, 16:00 CEST (UTC+2)

2013-05-27 Thread Debarshi Ray
> Topics:
> - update on accomodation options (fnadged)
> - canteen during the conference days (tpopella)
> - news: collabra  sponsorship
> - web presentation , missing content (discussion)
> - reception party at the Taufer dorm? (discussion)
> - volunteers (discussion)
> - open floor
> - Billing during the conference (robert?)

A couple of items that came up while I was speaking with Kat:
- pre-paid SIM cards to be handed out to volunteers from abroad, and to be
  used as the emergency contact on the badges
- someone to co-coordinate the volunteers during the event along with Jiri
  because Kat won't be doing that


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Re: [guadec-list] Call for volunteers?

2013-05-27 Thread Debarshi Ray
> Hi, does anyone have any idea when the call for volunteers will happen?

We can do it now. Is there anything that needs to be sorted out before
that can happen?

> I would very much like to encourage them to volunteer to
> help out at the conference. For this, I need some link or information about
> who they need to contact to volunteer.

Shouldn't they just be contacting you? :-)


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Re: [guadec-list] [guadec-local] Today's IRC meeting Wednesday 22nd May 2013 at 17:00 hr CET

2013-05-22 Thread Debarshi Ray
> Agenda:
>  - Keynotes

These are the names that have come up till now from the 2nd round of
discussions on guadec-list:
 - Lea Verou, W3C
 - Cathy Malrose, ZaReason
 - Jan Wildeboer, Red Hat
 - Jaroslav Reznik, Fedora
 - Lennart Poettering, GNOME


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Re: [guadec-list] Keynote speakers brainstorming

2013-05-21 Thread Debarshi Ray
> As someone who invited keynotes for most of the past 10 years, I have
> been surprised not to see lists of potential keynotes

What do you mean?

This thread is titled "Keynote speakers brainstorming" and is full of
potential keynotes. Some were contacted, some turned us down and some
agreed. As Rui pointed out earlier, we still need 2 more. Hence the
renewed traffic.


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Re: [guadec-list] Keynote speakers brainstorming

2013-05-21 Thread Debarshi Ray
On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 06:48:53PM +0200, Rui Tiago Cao Matos wrote:
> one month has passed and I'm happy to say that we have 2 confirmed
> keynote speakers but we are still missing 2 more so I'd like to ask
> for more suggestions again!
> [...]
> I should point out that Sumana Harihareswara, Sue Gardner, Anne Gentle
> and Ryan Gordon all declined the invitations.

Here are some suggestions:

- Jan Wildeboer,, Red Hat
  Needs little introduction and can talk on a variety of topics. Based out of

- Jaroslav Reznik,, Fedora
  Represents one of the downstream consumer of GNOME. Based out of Brno.

- Someone (Florian Schiessl?) from LiMux,
  They are using KDE, but can still be interesting. Based out of Munich.

- Someone from Mozilla
  Large free software project with a stronger brand than GNOME's -- surely
  we have something to learn from them. Also, the web is in vogue.

- Someone from WebKit
  Same as above, but more closely affiliated to GNOME via WebKitGTK+.

- Someone from GNOME (Lennart?)
  Can be a good to highlight some of the big things that we want to push
  through. eg., the application story.


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Re: [guadec-list] Local team meeting

2013-05-17 Thread Debarshi Ray
> I suggested doing a local team meeting to discuss pressing issues and
> get things moving in the last IRC meeting[1] so let's schedule it.
> I asked to a few people and they seemed to be OK with doing it next
> Monday, 20th, at 5pm. Is that OK?
> The place will probably be Taverna, the Greek restaurant near the Red
> Hat offices, unless there are better suggestions.

In any case, Monday is fine with me. What about the others?  Jiri,
Florian, Josef, Robert?


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[guadec-list] Today's IRC meeting Wednesday 15th May 2013 at 17:00 hr CET

2013-05-15 Thread Debarshi Ray
Hello everybody!

We are going to have our next IRC meeting today at 17:00 hr CET or
15:00 hr UTC in #guadec on GIMPNet.

 - Social events (vbenes, fnadge)
 - Keynotes (rishi)
 - Payments (karenesq, robert)
 - Registration (fnadge, sesivany, rtcm)
 - Website (rtcm, andreasn)


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Re: [guadec-list] IRC meeting tomorrow

2013-04-23 Thread Debarshi Ray
> Wednesday, 24 Apr. 2013, 4:30 p.m.
> As topics I suggest:
> - updates on the venue (xmlich, rui)
> - updates on social events (vbenes)
> - updates on accomodation (nudged)
> - updates on sponsorship (karenesque?)

We should also check where we stand with respect to the keynotes. Rui
and Christian contacted Ryan Gordon [1] and Sam Latinga [2]. They
won't be able to come this year, but they would be interested in
coming next year.

Has anyone contacted the prospective candidates from Wikimedia? Any
other candidates that we have contacted?



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[guadec-list] Cancelled: Today's IRC meeting Wednesday 17th April, 2013 at 16:30 hr CET

2013-04-17 Thread Debarshi Ray
Hello everybody!

Today's IRC meeting at 16:30 hr CET or 14:30 hr UTC in #guadec on GIMPNet
is cancelled.

There is an open house going at the Red Hat offices in Brno, and some
members of the GUADEC organizing team are busy acting as guides for the
visitors, presenting their own free software projects, etc..

So we will meet next week (ie. the 24th of April).


If computers are going to revolutionize education, then steam engines and cars
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[guadec-list] Next IRC meeting Wednesday 10th April, 2013 at 16:30 hr CET

2013-04-09 Thread Debarshi Ray
Hello everybody!

We are going to have our next IRC meeting tomorrow at 16:30 hr CET or
14:30 hr UTC in #guadec on GIMPNet.

 - Social events (vbenes)
 - Video recording (rishi, tpopela)
 - Website (rtcm)
 - Entry fee & discounts for students (karen)

Please note that the time is 16:30 hr CET, not 16:00 hr and the channel is
#guadec, not #guadec-planning

Pushing the meeting back by half an hour would enable Florian (fnadge)
to attend it in future after his office hours. We decided to use
#guadec because GIMPNet has an upper limit on the number of channels
one can join, and so it would be helpful for some of us to not be in
one extra channel. #guadec is silent, unused and more well-known so
lets just use it.


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Re: [guadec-list] Keynote speakers brainstorming

2013-04-08 Thread Debarshi Ray
>   * Design of the developer experience (tools, documentation, services)
>   * Application development and deployment

Ryan Gordon fits these two categories as one of the most well-known game
Linux developers.


If computers are going to revolutionize education, then steam engines and cars
and electricity would have done it too.  -- Arjun Shankar

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Re: [guadec-list] Number of talks

2013-04-08 Thread Debarshi Ray
Please, lets not mix up threads across multiple mailing lists.  This
was sent to guadec-papers for a reason, so lets keep the discussion


If computers are going to revolutionize education, then steam engines and cars
and electricity would have done it too.  -- Arjun Shankar

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Re: [guadec-list] Keynote speakers brainstorming

2013-04-03 Thread Debarshi Ray
> What about inviting a "representative of users"? I suppose there some
> larger deployments of GNOME no matter if it's on RHEL or SUSE or some
> other system. There are also companies that build their solutions on
> GNOME technologies. I've always felt that such voices (of those that use
> the software in day-to-day business) are not emphasised enough at
> conferences such as GUADEC.

You mean someone like Dave Richards [1] from the city of Largo?



If computers are going to revolutionize education, then steam engines and cars
and electricity would have done it too.  -- Arjun Shankar

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