Hi all,

the GUADEC team are looking for a volunteer to help us update the website.

You would have the responsibility of
* reading over the existing content and improving it as needed
* either looking over meeting minutes or attending meetings and
identifying what needs to be added to the website
* putting together new content
* noticing that information is missing and asking the right person to
put it together (usually someone from the local team)
* pushing new content to the website
* making sure the content is proof read by a native speaker (either
you or someone else) before it is published

The website is in GitLab and super easy to edit:

In short, your job would be to own the GUADEC website from now until
end of August and keep it as useful for attendees as possible.

If you would like to attend the next GUADEC team meeting, you can find
the poll for the date/time at https://framadate.org/zDLYgWrEFh3ZipTP -
all times are in UTC.

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