= Meeting minutes 2018-10-02 =

== Attending ==
 * Kat
 * Ben
 * Britt
 * Nuritzi
 * Tom or Thanos
 * Vivia
 * Sebastian
 * John
 * Stathis

== Action items ==

   * ACTION: Kat to resend information about OpenEvent
   * ACTION: Tom will file tasks and assign to Caroline to request
more graphics for the website
   * ACTION: Stathis will add the information about the accommodation
into Gitlab

== Minutes ==

 * Engagement team integration (Nuritzi):
     * 2 local team people already on Tweetdeck
     * Nuritzi wants ideas on coordinating announcements and press
     * Engagemnt team is primarily on Telegram (ask Nuritzi for channel details)
     * Track tasking in Gitlab (tag with Marketing:
     * First level of urgent contact via the Engagement channel on
Telegram, Tom can forward information to the channel
     * Second level of urgent contact should go to Nuritzi and Sri directly
     * We should have a point of contact, this will be Nuritzi (and
she will find a replacement (aka Britt) when she's afk at the end of

 * Meeting times (regular or adhoc)
   * Schedule regular meetings at 19:00 UTC on Thursdays every two weeks
   * Next call will be on Tuesday 16th of October then Thursday 1st of
November every two weeks (19:00 UTC)

 * Website (overview of the plans and what help we need)
   * We are going to use OpenEvent from this year as regcfp is now retired
   * Christian Kellner from the paper team will help with setting it up
   * We will do a thorough test run before going live
   * ACTION: Kat to resend information about OpenEvent

   * Britt asks whether more graphics, etc. are needed for the website
   * ACTION: Tom will file tasks and assign to Caroline to request
more graphics for the website

 * Venue
   * Local team will have a meeting on Friday
   * Currently pending appropriate approvals from the University to co-organise
   * The booking should be considered done
   * Kat: Is the venue open to the public?
     * Vivia: It will be just us in the venue because it is summer
   * We currently have a room for a 3rd track
     * Room sizes: 500 and 200/250 and 150
   * It looks like we have a childcare room available with a student
   * We need access to the venue on Thursday afternoon to set up

 * Video/Audio equipment
   * €2000 for recording and live streaming by the venue
   * Sebastian is in touch with the VoC team
   * Videoing is only needed on the first 3 days (for each room)
   * GUADEC 2016 was charged 500€ per day per room in the end by the
CCC VoC (this was not known in advance)
   * We should get a written agreement with the CCC VoC Team which
specifies what they will provide and what we will provide in return

 * Accommodation
   * We probably can't use dorms and it's not recommended by local team
   * We would like to host people in the same place
   * We would like smaller rooms, ideally twin rooms (two separate beds)
   * We have a proposal from a hostel
   * ACTION: Stathis will add the information about the accommodation
into Gitlab
guadec-list mailing list

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