= Meeting minutes 2018-11-08 18:00 UTC =

== Attending ==

 * Tom
 * Vivia
 * Sebastian
 * Britt
 * Kat
 * Ben

== Old action items ==

   * ACTION: Tom will file tasks and assign to Caroline to request
more graphics for the website BLOCKED
   * ACTION: Everyone to finish adding keynote submissions by next
week and review the week after TALK TO STATHIS
   * ACTION: @vnikolaidou to look into cost for more substantial
snacks (costs to be kept private for now) DELAYED
   * ACTION: Local team to check for required sponsorship brochure
changes from last years brochure SEE TASK
   * ACTION: Ben to create a ticket for the sponsorship brochure to be
updated and information be collected DONE
   * ACTION: Local team to provide nice pictures of the city/venue to
Neil for sponsorship brochure SEE TASK
   * ACTION: Britt to encourage Sri upload relevant videos for keynote
selection BLOCKED
   * ACTION: Everyone to add information about suggested keynote
speakers to the ticket DONE

== Agenda ==

 * Keynotes
 * Website
   * Main
   * Paper submission
 * Venue - next steps
 * Video/Audio recording
 * Social Media
 * Next meeting

== Minutes ==

 * Keynotes
   * See
   * ACTION: Kat to get feedback on keynotes from Stathis
 * Website
   * Main
   * Paper submission
     * gicmo was going to look into this but hasn't had time for
reasons, Kat has asked av to follow up for now
     * OpenEvent needs to be set up on OpenShift
 * Venue - next steps
   * ACTION: Vivia to contact the venue about signing a contract.
 * Video/Audio recording
   * Sebastian contacted the CCC VoC, they would be interested but
have another event at the same time
   * Sebastian contacted Ubicast and they are happy to do that
   * We may need to provide volunteers if we have three tracks
   * We are looking at flight tickets for three people and the hotel
cost for them
   * ACTION: Vivia to check with university about what kind of video
equipment they have available
   * ACTION: Sebastian to check whether the approved budget is
sufficient to work with Ubicast
   * Booking is blocked on assigning necessary funds in the budget
 * Social Media
   * ACTION: Britt to ping Nuritzi about getting access to the GUADEC Tweetdeck
guadec-list mailing list

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