
Que bona aquesta!. Un visca pel govern suec!. AIxò és compendre els temps.
La forma mes barata i eficient de promoure la democracia als països que no
la tenen. Ajudant als activistes digitals per la democràcia d'aquell país...

A veure quantes dècades tarden els governs d'aquí a adaptar-complementar els
programes de promoció de la democràcia (i per tant el desenvolupament
econòmic i social) en aquest sentit.

PD: Que comencin per subvencionar a wikileaks, que els tenen a casa, jeje


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anders Sundman <@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/2/14
Subject: [liberationtech] Online activism as foreign aid in Sweden
To: liberationt...@lists.stanford.edu

The Swedish government has announced it's intent to use 150 million
kronor ( ~ $23M) of its annual foreign aid as a one time support for
online activism and democratic development.

Press release (swedish): http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/14389/a/160879

More information (swedish): http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/14190/a/159459

The word "Nätaktivister" not properly translated, means online activists.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a couple of millions poured into
the Tor project.

It is interesting to note the irony in our current (market liberal,
value conservative, immigration hostile, privacy restricting and
generally unpleasant) governments eager attempts to "do good" and
promote free communication abroad while implementing surveillance
projects like the data retention directive domestically.

Anyways, if you know anyone in Sweden running a lib.tech-ish project.
Make sure they don't miss this opportunity.

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