Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Liliana Marie Prikler
Am Montag, dem 04.04.2022 um 08:00 + schrieb Attila Lendvai:
> There's plenty of past examples of financing these things without the
> government collecting the necessary funds. also, these things are
> only a tiny fraction of the government's budget.
Name one.  If you want to appeal to charity, consider that charity has
not yet solved world hunger despite the fact that it'd be very possible
to do so.  Then again, neither have taxes, so there's more than just
that at play here, but generally speaking taxing the rich (or eating
them when they no longer want to be taxed) sounds like a better
solution than waiting for them to give up their fortunes willingly.

> The vast majority of the taxes are not taken from the wealthy, but
> from the masses. the well-connected easily pays for the marginal cost
> of the tax consultants, lawyers, judges, offshore entities, and
> whatnot... and ultimately buy/corrupt the entire political system.
You complain about taxes, but have you considered that the largest
theft is in fact wage theft?  The state only takes a comparatively
small cut with respect to your boss or your landlord.

> and especially so for inflation, which is straight out a tax that
> siphons the purchasing power from people who hold cash equivalents
> (i.e. the poor), to the people who own assets (i.e. the wealthy)...
> who are also closer to the source of new money, and therefore spend
> it first on the market, when it has not yet elevated the prices. see
> the Cantillon effect:
Apart from inflation not being a tax, you are right in that money tends
to concentrate around those who already have it.  If only there was
some 19th century German philosopher who described that in more

> which here reminds me of:
> “In a just society, it is shameful to be poor. In a corrupt society,
> it is shameful to be rich.”
> — Confucius (551–479 BC), 'The Analects', Chapter VIII,
> paraphrased
> this is the original:
> “When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are
> things to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and
> honor are things to be ashamed of.”
> %   — Confucius (551–479 BC), 'The Analects', Chapter VIII
> (邦有道貧且賤焉恥也,邦無道富且貴焉恥也。)
Perhaps this holds in societies that have not reached overproduction,
but what it should say in modern times, is that in a just society there
exists no poverty.

Even then, shame is a social construct largely indoctrinated into us by
the ruling class, so if you find yourself seeing poor people as
shameful, that is just capitalist propaganda doing its job.

In any case, bitcoin is the solution to none of those problems and a
major contributor towards climate change.  While there might be a
consensus among capitalist countries that bitcoin removes you, in
communist Guix we remove bitcoin.


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Attila Lendvai
my apologies for reviving this thread! i did not inted to, i have just failed 
to remove the mailing list address.

in that spirit i'll refrain from further commenting on guix-devel, and i 
encourage others also to stay on topic.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“Freedom is strangely ephemeral. It is something like breathing; one only 
becomes acutely aware of its importance when one is choking.”
— William E. Simon

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread indieterminacy

Attila Lendvai  writes:

> and especially so for inflation, which is straight out a tax that
> siphons the purchasing power from people who hold cash equivalents
> (i.e. the poor), to the people who own assets (i.e. the
> wealthy)... who are also closer to the source of new money, and
> therefore spend it first on the market, when it has not yet elevated
> the prices. see the Cantillon effect:

With respect, please dont justify philosophies of restrictive supply
when writing on technichal forums predicated on ideals of non rivalrous 

Otherwise, I enjoyed the post :)


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Maxime Devos
Attila Lendvai schreef op ma 04-04-2022 om 08:00 [+]:
> the vast majority of the taxes are not taken from the wealthy,
> but from the masses. the well-connected easily pays for the
> marginal cost of the tax consultants, lawyers, judges, offshore
> entities, and whatnot... and ultimately buy/corrupt the entire
> political system.

If these wealthy evade taxes, wouln't they, after a transition from
public funding to private funding, just keep hoarding the money for
theirselves and not fund anything?  I don't see how eliminating taxes
here would make these corrupt wealthy more likely to pay taxes/fund

If it's all private, no mechanism remains to extract money from these
wealthy.  If it's public, then even if it's partially corrupt, at least
a portion of their wealth would be extracted.

Additionally, there are efforts underway to at least in-part eliminate
off-shore constructions and other tax evasion schemes.  E.g., I forgot
the name, but there was some proposal for a world-wide lower bound on a
certain kind of tax.  And in e.g. Belgium there's a ‘Dienst Bijzondere
Belastingsinspectie’ dedicated to ‘structured combat against fraud’,
and the ‘Federale Overheidsdiensten Financiën’ apparently has recovered
€110,69 * 10^9 in 2020 [0] (or maybe 2019-2020, these reports appear to
be made every two years).



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Maxime Devos
Attila Lendvai schreef op ma 04-04-2022 om 08:00 [+]:
> if you want to dig deeper, then a book titled 'The Machinery of Freedom' 
> discusses the various alternative forms of financing in more detail 
> (

I get a:

  403 Forbidden

for that URL.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Maxime Devos
Attila Lendvai schreef op ma 04-04-2022 om 08:00 [+]:
> > Undermining the governments ability to raise tax also means
> > undermining
> > the ability to build schools, kindergartens, public libraries,
> > public
> > transport, streets, etc. Who is going to pay and provide all of
> > this, If
> > there is no democratically controlled() government?
> there's plenty of past examples of financing these things without the
> government collecting the necessary funds.

Here's an example I know of:

  * Education.  From what I have heard, students in the UK have to pay
huge sums to be admitted to their universities.  In Belgium, it's
much lower (e.g. € 1000 a year(*)), AFAIK it's independent of
the ‘status’ of the university and some arrangements are made
for people that cannot afford the normal tarif.

IIUC, the relatively low tarif is mostly thanks to government
funding and the (public) universities not being for-profits.

I think I prefer the government funding here above the seemingly
non-existent private benefactors.

(*) with some caveats, e.g. depends on the number of ‘studiepunten’
(ECTS) and IIUC there if you fail too much the university can refuse
to admit you or demand a higher tarif.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Maxime Devos
Attila Lendvai schreef op ma 04-04-2022 om 08:00 [+]:
> > Undermining the governments ability to raise tax also means
> > undermining
> > the ability to build schools, kindergartens, public libraries,
> > public
> > transport, streets, etc. Who is going to pay and provide all of
> > this, If
> > there is no democratically controlled() government?
> [...] also, these things are only a tiny fraction of the
> government's budget.

In the Netherlands, these things appear to be a large fraction of the
government budget [0].  E.g.

* Education, culture and science:  44.3/353 = 12%
* ‘Zorg’ (= public hospitals but also other related things):  93.0/353 = 26%
* Infrastructure and ‘waterstaat’: 10.3/353: 2.9%
* ‘Sociale zekerheid’: 94.6/353=27%

That's 67.9%, which seems like a large fraction to me.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-04-04 Thread Attila Lendvai
hi Hartmut and Martin,

i have just found this draft email, and i'm sending it to you two directly in 
the hope that you will find these thoughts useful/interesting, but i don't want 
to further annoy the mailing list with this topic.

> Undermining the governments ability to raise tax also means undermining
> the ability to build schools, kindergartens, public libraries, public
> transport, streets, etc. Who is going to pay and provide all of this, If
> there is no democratically controlled() government?

there's plenty of past examples of financing these things without the 
government collecting the necessary funds. also, these things are only a tiny 
fraction of the government's budget.

if you want to dig deeper, then a book titled 'The Machinery of Freedom' 
discusses the various alternative forms of financing in more detail 

> You might argument that this will then be paid be wealthy people - but

the vast majority of the taxes are not taken from the wealthy, but from the 
masses. the well-connected easily pays for the marginal cost of the tax 
consultants, lawyers, judges, offshore entities, and whatnot... and ultimately 
buy/corrupt the entire political system.

and especially so for inflation, which is straight out a tax that siphons the 
purchasing power from people who hold cash equivalents (i.e. the poor), to the 
people who own assets (i.e. the wealthy)... who are also closer to the source 
of new money, and therefore spend it first on the market, when it has not yet 
elevated the prices. see the Cantillon effect:

which here reminds me of:

“In a just society, it is shameful to be poor. In a corrupt society, it is 
shameful to be rich.”
— Confucius (551–479 BC), 'The Analects', Chapter VIII, paraphrased

this is the original:

“When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are things to be 
ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honor are things to be 
ashamed of.”
%   — Confucius (551–479 BC), 'The Analects', Chapter VIII 

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than 
the risk it took to blossom.”
— Anaïs Nin (1903–1977)

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Leo Famulari
On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 06:35:19PM +0100, Taylan Kammer wrote:
> There's a gnu-misc-discuss mailing list which seems to be used for topics
> that are only tangentially on-topic.  It might be a candidate.  Though it
> has some... well, trolls IMO, though I won't name names.  So maybe it's
> not the best place.  Just throwing it out there.

That list is a bad place because it's where all the bad conversations go
--- tautological.

If Guix were to set up a similar list, we'd end up hosting something
just as bad, and to outsiders, it would reflect poorly on Guix. Just
like gnu-misc-discuss makes GNU look awful to outsiders.

It won't benefit Guix to have a mailing list dedicated to off-topic
tangents. We should strive to maintain an atmosphere that is focused,
courteous, and collegial.

There *is* a Guix community, but Guix is not a community space, or a
place to live. It's a software project.

On the topic of cryptomining and its inclusion in the distro, there have
always been programs that people think should not be distributed. The
problem is that there's no consensus about which programs are beyond the

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Taylan Kammer
On 25.02.2022 18:05, Maxime Devos wrote:
> A separate spin-off mailing list might address this (does not have to
> be on or associated with guix per-se).  It seems like Ricardo
> Wurmus wants any such list, if any, to be outside guix itself.  Would
> you have an idea for the location?

There's a gnu-misc-discuss mailing list which seems to be used for topics
that are only tangentially on-topic.  It might be a candidate.  Though it
has some... well, trolls IMO, though I won't name names.  So maybe it's
not the best place.  Just throwing it out there.


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Paul Jewell

On 25/02/2022 16:14, Bengt Richter wrote:

On +2022-02-25 14:04:34 +0100, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice wrote:

On 2022-02-25 13:41, Bengt Richter wrote:

And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
endless complaints.

This is guix-grownups, although we accept grown-ups of all ages.

Glad to hear it :)

But the serious part of my post was

--8<---cut here---start->8---
WDYT of starting a list called "guix-off-list" to provide a
place for those who enjoy this kind of discussion?

I do enjoy such discussions sometimes, but not on the same
plate as debug tracebacks or beautiful code examples from
the virtuosos.

I don't mind single-line BTW or FYI or IMO: footnote
references to out-of-thread content if the rest of the post
contributes something and isn't just one line in a full

Having a "guix-offlist" would enable a reference like
"IMO:guix-offlist: bitcoin explained by me ;)"
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

The idea being to help factor off-topic discussion out of threads
without interfering with people's desire to follow up with
interesting ideas. Or not-so-interesting ideas :)


Kind regards,


Sent from a Web browser.  Excuse or enjoy my brevity.

I think it would be a good idea. There have been a couple of threads 
recently which have taken a lot bandwidth in the main lists where the 
topics have been interesting, but perhaps not on topic for the group.

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Maxime Devos
Bengt Richter schreef op vr 25-02-2022 om 13:41 [+0100]:
> On +2022-02-24 19:27:37 -0500, Christine Lemmer-Webber wrote:
> > I am all for these conversations; they are good to have as a society, to
> > examine our social foundations in earnest dialogue.  But I think they've
> > approached a point on here where they're no longer about Guix
> > development, in particular, so probably should be moved off-list.
> > 
> WDYT of starting a list called "guix-off-list" to provide a
> place for those who enjoy this kind of discussion?

I don't enjoy these discussions much, I only participate in them
(and sometime start them) because they seem necessary.
However, a kind of spin-off list for discussions that start at
guix-devel but became largely off-topic may be useful.

For some context, I sometimes see responses like e.g.

Christine Lemmer-Webber writes
> [...] But I think they've approached a point on here where they're no
> longer about Guix development, in particular, so probably should be
> moved off-list.

but currently there is not a standard way to move it off-list --
do I just put everyone who might be interested in 'To:' and hope that I
didn't include too many/forgot some people?  What if people weren't
initially interested but are later? How to keep archives?

A separate spin-off mailing list might address this (does not have to
be on or associated with guix per-se).  It seems like Ricardo
Wurmus wants any such list, if any, to be outside guix itself.  Would
you have an idea for the location?

> And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
> where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
> endless complaints.

What does ‘adult language’ mean here?  Fancy titles (I sometimes
see a few Dr. and $FANCY_WORK_TILE)?  Complicated turns-of-phrase?
I haven't seen any complaints about that though.

Maybe you mean profanity?  Profanity is not limited to adults though,
there are plenty of adults that don't swear at all and plenty of
kids that swear.

And what does ‘casual’ mean here?  Often people just say 'Hi' and use
first names, seems rather casual to me; I haven't seen any complaints
about that so far.

Could you point me at some examples from the mailing list archives to
make things clearer?

The only thing I could think of here as ‘adult language’ would be some
event in the past where some rando accused me of gaslighting,
completely ignoring any explanation I gave previously on why I believe
X is Y.  Seems rather adult-y to me, but not good material for a
mailing list.

> Coming to some mailing lists these days I sometimes feel
> like I've entered a restaurant where the menu is dominated
> by allergy and spice concerns.

There's plenty of food (= patches, discussion about how to implement X,
etc.) on guix-devel.  I don't see the analogy, how could one be
allergic to patches?

> (I have nothing againt special venues catering to sensitive
> minorities, don't get me wrong. What do I mean "minorities" eh? :)

I don't know what you mean with ‘What do I mean "minorities" eh? :)’.
Also, I don't see the relationship between these paragraphs:

> And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
> where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
> endless complaints.
> [...]
> [... some analogy between mailing lists and allergy information at
> restaurants? ...]
> I have nothing againt special venues catering to sensitive minorities
> [...]

What does not excluding people from minorities from going to
restaurants and mailing lists have to do with the proposed guix-
grownups?  I'm pretty sure that adults don't form a minority,
and I'd hope that grownups aren't either.

(After this mail, I'll stop CC'ing except perhaps
to say where the new mailing list, if any, is/will be, feel free to CC
me. Otherwise, I think we could keep going.)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Ricardo Wurmus

Bengt Richter  writes:

> WDYT of starting a list called "guix-off-list" to provide a
> place for those who enjoy this kind of discussion?

Not as part of the project.  So if you want a list like that, please
maintain it by yourself.


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Bengt Richter
On +2022-02-25 14:04:34 +0100, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice wrote:
> On 2022-02-25 13:41, Bengt Richter wrote:
> > And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
> > where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
> > endless complaints.
> This is guix-grownups, although we accept grown-ups of all ages.

Glad to hear it :)

But the serious part of my post was

--8<---cut here---start->8---
WDYT of starting a list called "guix-off-list" to provide a
place for those who enjoy this kind of discussion?

I do enjoy such discussions sometimes, but not on the same
plate as debug tracebacks or beautiful code examples from
the virtuosos.

I don't mind single-line BTW or FYI or IMO: footnote
references to out-of-thread content if the rest of the post
contributes something and isn't just one line in a full 

Having a "guix-offlist" would enable a reference like
"IMO:guix-offlist: bitcoin explained by me ;)"
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

The idea being to help factor off-topic discussion out of threads
without interfering with people's desire to follow up with
interesting ideas. Or not-so-interesting ideas :)


> Kind regards,
> T G-R
> Sent from a Web browser.  Excuse or enjoy my brevity.

Bengt Richter

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Tobias Geerinckx-Rice

On 2022-02-25 13:41, Bengt Richter wrote:

And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
endless complaints.

This is guix-grownups, although we accept grown-ups of all ages.

Kind regards,


Sent from a Web browser.  Excuse or enjoy my brevity.

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-25 Thread Bengt Richter
On +2022-02-24 19:27:37 -0500, Christine Lemmer-Webber wrote:
> I am all for these conversations; they are good to have as a society, to
> examine our social foundations in earnest dialogue.  But I think they've
> approached a point on here where they're no longer about Guix
> development, in particular, so probably should be moved off-list.

WDYT of starting a list called "guix-off-list" to provide a
place for those who enjoy this kind of discussion?

I do enjoy such discussions sometimes, but not on the same
plate as debug tracebacks or beautiful code examples from
the virtuosos.

I don't mind single-line BTW or FYI or IMO: footnote
references to out-of-thread content if the rest of the post
contributes something and isn't just one line in a full 

Having a "guix-offlist" would enable a reference like
"IMO:guix-offlist: bitcoin explained by me ;)"

And maybe also a mailing list called "guix-grownups" --
where casual adult language is accepted without triggering
endless complaints.

Coming to some mailing lists these days I sometimes feel
like I've entered a restaurant where the menu is dominated
by allergy and spice concerns.

(I have nothing againt special venues catering to sensitive
minorities, don't get me wrong. What do I mean "minorities" eh? :)

Wonder what George Carlin (R.I.P) would say about all this

Bengt Richter

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-24 Thread Christine Lemmer-Webber
I am all for these conversations; they are good to have as a society, to
examine our social foundations in earnest dialogue.  But I think they've
approached a point on here where they're no longer about Guix
development, in particular, so probably should be moved off-list.

Martin Becze  writes:

> [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
> My point to here is not to argue a "libertarian" viewpoint (I'm not
> one), but to argue that there or other consideration to mining crypto 
> and that it is outside the realm of the free software movement from
> which Guix's package inclusion policy is derived. You or I might not 
> like or agree with the over viewpoints but that should be fine with in
> the context of free software and operating systems. This is also 
> foundational to liberalism and having a functional government in the
> first place.
>> Who is going to pay and provide all of this
> I personal think it would be wonderful if governments focused on
> providing those things and mechanism such as the harbinger tax could
> be great and removing control of the monetary supply from the state
> would greatly reduce its ability to fund military expenditures. For
> reference David graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years is an interesting
> narrative of how money's evolution was impart driven by the waging of
> mass war.
> On 2/24/22 10:23, Hartmut Goebel wrote:
>> CW: politics below
>> Am 20.02.22 um 21:39 schrieb Martin Becze:
>>> But undermining the governments ability to raise tax and therefor
>>> to wage war or not expending energy to prevent government theft is
>>> the ‘controversial morality’ that I am sure can be agreed to death
>>> and which probably doesn't belong on this list. 
>> Undermining the governments ability to raise tax also means
>> undermining the ability to build schools, kindergartens, public 
>> libraries, public transport, streets, etc. Who is going to pay and
>> provide all of this, If there is no democratically controlled(*) 
>> government?
>> You might argument that this will then be paid be wealthy people -
>> but the country will depend solely on their will and want. And these 
>> wealthy people are not controlled at all. And these people might
>> wage war, too. We already had such a system in the medieval
>> time. It:s called feudalism.
>> So nothing is won by undermining the government.
>> (*) Democratic control still needs a lot of improvement. Esp. in the
>> USA where „the winner takes it all“ results in a two-party system, 
>> which does not represent the people. But this is another issue.
> [2. OpenPGP public key --- application/pgp-keys; 
> OpenPGP_0xB97E95F9DED5755D.asc]...
> [[End of PGP Signed Part]]

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-24 Thread Martin Becze
My point to here is not to argue a "libertarian" viewpoint (I'm not 
one), but to argue that there or other consideration to mining crypto 
and that it is outside the realm of the free software movement from 
which Guix's package inclusion policy is derived. You or I might not 
like or agree with the over viewpoints but that should be fine with in 
the context of free software and operating systems. This is also 
foundational to liberalism and having a functional government in the 
first place.

Who is going to pay and provide all of this
I personal think it would be wonderful if governments focused on 
providing those things and mechanism such as the harbinger tax could be 
great and removing control of the monetary supply from the state would 
greatly reduce its ability to fund military expenditures. For reference 
David graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years is an interesting narrative 
of how money's evolution was impart driven by the waging of mass war.

On 2/24/22 10:23, Hartmut Goebel wrote:

CW: politics below

Am 20.02.22 um 21:39 schrieb Martin Becze:
But undermining the governments ability to raise tax and therefor to 
wage war or not expending energy to prevent government theft is the 
‘controversial morality’ that I am sure can be agreed to death and 
which probably doesn't belong on this list. 

Undermining the governments ability to raise tax also means 
undermining the ability to build schools, kindergartens, public 
libraries, public transport, streets, etc. Who is going to pay and 
provide all of this, If there is no democratically controlled(*) 

You might argument that this will then be paid be wealthy people - but 
the country will depend solely on their will and want. And these 
wealthy people are not controlled at all. And these people might wage 
war, too. We already had such a system in the medieval time. It:s 
called feudalism.

So nothing is won by undermining the government.

(*) Democratic control still needs a lot of improvement. Esp. in the 
USA where „the winner takes it all“ results in a two-party system, 
which does not represent the people. But this is another issue.

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-24 Thread Attila Lendvai
i'm not sure everybody is aware in this discussion: mining Bitcoin is only 
profitable using special hardware, and nowadays it needs to be deployed next to 
powerplants and oil wells to use their waste energy/gas, or next to renewable 
sources like geothermal.

the standard bitcoin tools are not relevant for mining.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
— probably Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-24 Thread Hartmut Goebel

CW: politics below

Am 20.02.22 um 21:39 schrieb Martin Becze:
But undermining the governments ability to raise tax and therefor to 
wage war or not expending energy to prevent government theft is the 
‘controversial morality’ that I am sure can be agreed to death and 
which probably doesn't belong on this list. 

Undermining the governments ability to raise tax also means undermining 
the ability to build schools, kindergartens, public libraries, public 
transport, streets, etc. Who is going to pay and provide all of this, If 
there is no democratically controlled(*) government?

You might argument that this will then be paid be wealthy people - but 
the country will depend solely on their will and want. And these wealthy 
people are not controlled at all. And these people might wage war, too. 
We already had such a system in the medieval time. It:s called feudalism.

So nothing is won by undermining the government.

(*) Democratic control still needs a lot of improvement. Esp. in the USA 
where „the winner takes it all“ results in a two-party system, which 
does not represent the people. But this is another issue.

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel  |   |
| | compilers which you thought are impossible |

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-24 Thread Hartmut Goebel

Am 20.02.22 um 17:52 schrieb Maxime Devos:

While it's the user's choice whether they_want_  to mine or not
(Guix is not a thought police!), it seems inadvisable to_help_  people
with mining and perhaps useful to_stop_  people from mining.


Since we are technicians, we have to take your share of responsibility 
to save our planet. (Much like we want planet-savers to respect the 
human right to privacy.)

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel  |   |
| | compilers which you thought are impossible |

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-21 Thread Attila Lendvai
> Here PetroDollar = US dollar and FED=US Federal Government?

FED = Federal Reserve, the (private) central bank that issues the US Dollar for 
about a century now. interesting tidbit: originally 'a US Dollar' meant a 
specific amount of silver.

and the 'petrodollar' is a unique keyword that you can chose to research. it's 
way offtopic here, but very briefly: if you want to issue more fiat money, 
*and* you also want to avoid it going worthless in short term, then you need to 
arrange for a proportional demand for your new tokens.

one important pillar of that demand can come from making sure that most of the 
energy trade is settled in USD, and as a consequence of that, most of the large 
economic players will want to hold USD as reserves to cover their expected 
energy consumption. this can be an enormous driver of demand for USD (for a 
while). it's also worth mentioning here that blocking your account at the FED 
means getting cut off from most of the energy suppliers/consumers who cannot 
dare to risk a visit from the US military.

this model nicely explains most of the US wars in the last few decades, and 
many, otherwise hard to explain political phenomena (e.g. US - Saudi Arabia 


the monetary system is what facilitates cooperation among strangers, i.e. among 
a group of humans larger than the Dunbar's number (about 150 people). sound 
money is a kind of decentralized, anonymous reputation system (that can only 
track positive reputation, and the tokens serve as the proof). its primary role 
is to lock out non-cooperating agents from the fruits of cooperation.

cooperation -> specialization -> efficient agents -> wealthy society.

IOW, the monetary system fundamentally influences what our everyday existence 
looks like. and the more anomalies there are in the rules governing the 
acquisition of the tokens (e.g. someone is allowed to print it while others 
must work for it), the more twisted society will become.

i have plenty more to say, but i doubt there's general interest in having this 
discussion on guix-devel. i hope though, that i managed to incite some 
curiosity, because this topic has much more depth than you seem to be aware of, 
and blockchains/Bitcoin are only one piece of this puzzle.

essentially, it's a new battlefront between centralized command and 
decentralized consensus; between coercive hierarchies and voluntary networks.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love 
— Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968, assassinated)

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-21 Thread raingloom
On Mon, 21 Feb 2022 14:06:07 +0100
Maxime Devos  wrote:

> Attila Lendvai schreef op ma 21-02-2022 om 09:29 [+]:
> > let me add, though, that a more apples-to-apples comparison here
> > would be to compare Bitcoin to the FED, and PoW to the costs of
> > enforcing the PetroDollar system on the entire world.  
> Here PetroDollar = US dollar and FED=US Federal Government?
> > these costs not only include the direct environmental damages of
> > wars and militaries. more generally, it also includes the costs of
> > enforcing a certain economic structure globally, instead of
> > potential better alternatives for facilitating cooperation between
> > strangers that may very well promote peace and prosperity more
> > effectively and efficiently than the current system.  
> If the US Government enforces the US Dollar with wars etc., then this
> seems more a bug of the US than a benefit of Bitcoin to me.  Also, I
> don't understand what you mean with ‘enforcing’ here.
> Locally, in Belgium, I can use the Euro as currency.  The US isn't
> forcing me to use the US dollar, in fact I have never seen a US dollar
> in person and most (all?) local businesses accept the Euro as currency
> and most physical shops wouldn't accept foreign currency(*).
> I can also use the US dollar as currency to buy from overseas (after
> trading Euro for US dollar, this happens automatically when
> e-shopping), even though the US hasn't stationed military forces
> at the banks to force the banks to allow converting Euro<->US dollar.
> I'm not seeing any enforcement here, nor any need for enforcement to
> make the US dollar a usable currency.
> While the US would (does?) wage wars to force countries to trade with
> the US (and perhaps force them to accept US dollar maybe?), I don't
> see how Bitcoin would change this -- Bitcoin might change the
> currency used for the forced trade, but not the existence of the
> forced trade.
> (*) at least, I think so, I haven't ever tried.
> > and from that perspective i don't see the use of 'absurd amount'
> > justified, by a large margin.
> > 
> > and the more some of us disagree with the above, the more
> > appropriate it seems to have been to use 'controversial morality'
> > by Martin.  
> Greetings,
> Maxime.

For some reason, assholes like Peter Thiel (co-founder of Palantir
among others) seem to love cryptocurrencies, so maybe remember to
mention that next time in comparisons with the US government. I think
something about the total lack of regulations and customer protections
appeals to his ilk, but what do I know. :)
As Folding Ideas put it (paraphrased): the problem is patterns of human
behaviour, it's what people do to eachother, not that the building they
do it in has the word "Bank" written on it.
If you haven't seen it, I really recommend it:

I'd much rather see Spritely's OCAP money and LETS take off than the
"everything is a stock market" future that cryptocurrency fans envision.

Anyways, IMHO a blanket ban on blockchain based cryptocurrency in Guix
is not necessarily the best step to take, but I also don't think we
should welcome all such packages with open arms. But if others want to
ban some of them, I won't complain.

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-21 Thread Maxime Devos
Attila Lendvai schreef op ma 21-02-2022 om 09:29 [+]:
> let me add, though, that a more apples-to-apples comparison here would be to
> compare Bitcoin to the FED, and PoW to the costs of enforcing the PetroDollar
> system on the entire world.

Here PetroDollar = US dollar and FED=US Federal Government?

> these costs not only include the direct environmental damages of wars and
> militaries. more generally, it also includes the costs of enforcing a certain
> economic structure globally, instead of potential better alternatives for
> facilitating cooperation between strangers that may very well promote peace 
> and
> prosperity more effectively and efficiently than the current system.

If the US Government enforces the US Dollar with wars etc., then this
seems more a bug of the US than a benefit of Bitcoin to me.  Also, I
don't understand what you mean with ‘enforcing’ here.

Locally, in Belgium, I can use the Euro as currency.  The US isn't
forcing me to use the US dollar, in fact I have never seen a US dollar
in person and most (all?) local businesses accept the Euro as currency
and most physical shops wouldn't accept foreign currency(*).

I can also use the US dollar as currency to buy from overseas (after
trading Euro for US dollar, this happens automatically when
e-shopping), even though the US hasn't stationed military forces
at the banks to force the banks to allow converting Euro<->US dollar.

I'm not seeing any enforcement here, nor any need for enforcement to
make the US dollar a usable currency.

While the US would (does?) wage wars to force countries to trade with
the US (and perhaps force them to accept US dollar maybe?), I don't see
how Bitcoin would change this -- Bitcoin might change the currency used
for the forced trade, but not the existence of the forced trade.

(*) at least, I think so, I haven't ever tried.

> and from that perspective i don't see the use of 'absurd amount' justified, 
> by a large margin.
> and the more some of us disagree with the above, the more appropriate it 
> seems to have been to use 'controversial morality' by Martin.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-21 Thread Attila Lendvai
> ( At least for bitcoin, mining is
> known to consume an absurd amount of energy (the footprint of a whole
> country, and 1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121

the moral argument has been spelled out nicely already.

let me add, though, that a more apples-to-apples comparison here would be to 
compare Bitcoin to the FED, and PoW to the costs of enforcing the PetroDollar 
system on the entire world.

these costs not only include the direct environmental damages of wars and 
militaries. more generally, it also includes the costs of enforcing a certain 
economic structure globally, instead of potential better alternatives for 
facilitating cooperation between strangers that may very well promote peace and 
prosperity more effectively and efficiently than the current system.

and from that perspective i don't see the use of 'absurd amount' justified, by 
a large margin.

and the more some of us disagree with the above, the more appropriate it seems 
to have been to use 'controversial morality' by Martin.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and 
joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the 
same roof.”
— Richard Bach (1936–), 'Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant 
Messiah' (1977)

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Martin Becze

What is subjective about the numbers about energy consumption?

The numbers are not subjective. As stated later it is the opinion on 
whether it is useful or not that is subjective.

1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121 Visa transactions

This is a bad comparison since it compares two things that are 
different. A bitcoin tx is just an secp256k1 over some input and output 
opcodes. So forming at tx is not energy intensive. Processing a tx 
involves verifying the signature and running the opcodes. So this is 
also not energy intensive. What is energy intensive is PoW. PoW is used 
to achieve consensus on the ordering of tx's and *protects* the ledger 
for being reordered. Visa also ultimately relies on protection by law's 
and enforcement of those laws by governments within who's jurisdiction 
it operates. Bitcoin doesn't have any reliance on protection from the 
state, so it must provide its own protection and it does this through 
PoW. A better comparison would be comparing bitcoin mining to the US 
military expenditures. I would agree that military expenditures are too 
high and war is very bad for the environment. The ability of governments 
to wage massive wars rest on their ability to 1) collect taxes and 2) 
manipulating the supply of money. While it is a long shot, cryptos such 
as bitcoin could be used to prevent or at least make it hard for 
governments to seize crypto assets from the citizens, which could 
ultimate hinder them from raising the capital needed to wage mass war. 
In this context seems to me to be an great use of excess energy.

BTW you can already mine bitcoin and monero with current packages.

Guix refuses to have anything to do with non-free software, banning
it from its repositories.  That seems a bit authoritarian to me.  Some
people would say that's rather arbitrary of Guix.  There's still plenty
of software that is being kept non-free, so I guess that ‘software should
be free’ counts as ‘controversial morality’?
Yes I agree, but it is quite clear what to expect from a GNU project. I 
agree with its stance on free software and that is why I use it.  Free 
software doesn't conflict with open source implementation of 
cryptocurrencies. I don't think it is fair to start add rules that ban 
software built with a particular political or ideological view point. It 
would be better to fork and create a new distro founded on your 
political and ideological principles. That way all newcomers could 
choose if participate and agree with the principles, instead of trying 
to force a participial ideological stance onto existing users that 
disagree with them.

I suppose that technically, ‘don't mess up the planet’ is ‘controversial
Once again agree we agree not to mess up the planet. But undermining the 
governments ability to raise tax and therefor to wage war or not 
expending energy to prevent government theft is the ‘controversial 
morality’ that I am sure can be agreed to death and which probably 
doesn't belong on this list.

2/20/22 17:52, Maxime Devos wrote:

Martin Becze schreef op zo 20-02-2022 om 12:13 [+0100]:

I don't consider mining to be wastefully and this is a extremely
subjective opinion.

What is subjective about the numbers about energy consumption?
Quoting myself:

‘At least for bitcoin, mining is
known to consume an absurd(*) amount of energy (the footprint of a
country, and 1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121
Visa transactions)[1].’

[1]: See, e.g.,

(*) the word ‘absurd’ might count as subjective here

Where exactly you draw the line between wasteful and not wasteful
is rather subjective, but the numbers theirselves seem rather objective
to me and wherever the line lies exactly, these numbers seem to be
well over it.

It should be a users choose whether or not they want to mine. A
corner stone of free software is "(0) The freedom to run the

program as you wish, for whatever purpose." By limiting what is
accessible to the user based an arbitrary, authoritarian and
controversial morality goes against the nature of free software.

Guix refuses to have anything to do with non-free software, banning
it from its repositories.  That seems a bit authoritarian to me.  Some
people would say that's rather arbitrary of Guix.  There's still plenty
of software that is being kept non-free, so I guess that ‘software should
be free’ counts as ‘controversial morality’?

Along the same lines, Guix disabling telemetry and removing Google
Analytics from documentation could count as patronising to upstream.

I suppose that technically, ‘don't mess up the planet’ is ‘controversial
morality’ given the existence of various lobbies etc., but I don't
think we 

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Jonathan McHugh
Hello Maxime,

February 20, 2022 1:37 PM, "Maxime Devos"  wrote:
> More concretely, the p2pool description is:
> ‘Monero P2Pool is a peer-to-peer Monero mining pool. P2Pool
> combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully
> control your Monero node and what it mines, but *you get frequent
> payouts like on a regular pool.*’

The Monero description is evidently written by a marketer - thats enough 
justification for caution.

For example, the use of the word "like" in the description appears to remove 
rather than add clarification

I know which of the following statements is more reassuring:
* You will be paid Saturday
* You will be paid like Saturday

Similarly, the repeating use of terms (P2P, mining, pool) and the name Monero 
feels like a cynical approach at inbibing rather than educating.

FWIW, Ive noticed that many toolset descriptions are turning into hyperbole on 
the homepages.
Ive found that visiting forges READMEs tends to provide clearer and more 
concise descriptions of what a tool is and its functions.

If a concise and normative technical definition of the tool exists then maybe 
it can be considered (inspite of all the moral hazards and negative 

Until then, let such hazardous pools mine their chains *all solo like* on other 

Jonathan McHugh

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Ryan Sundberg
I'd prefer to steer clear of passing value judgments on individual packages of 
free software as a policy. All of the tools we provide can be used for good or 
evil. It is up to the user to bear responsibility for their own actions with 
the software they choose to build.


Ryan Sundberg

 Original Message 
From: Maxime Devos 
Sent: February 20, 2022 2:05:44 AM PST
Subject: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

[CC'ing some people in Guix I know to be interested in cryptocurrency]


Guix packages some cryptocurrency(*) software (bitcoin, monero, some
people have been working on packaging ethereum).  So far, it only
appeared that clients are being packaged.

More recently, a ‘miner’ for monero has been packaged
(  At least for bitcoin, mining is
known to consume an absurd amount of energy (the footprint of a whole
country, and 1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121
Visa transactions)[1].

Guix has a policy against including malware[citation needed 2], and
furthering global warming[3] (and energy prices[4], if [3] is not bad
enough for you) seems rather bad behaviour to me.

Would these miners be considered malware in Guix?

TBC I'm not making a case for rejecting all inefficient software, only
software that is absurdly inefficient by design -- a, say, math library
not using vectorised operations might be quite a bit less inefficient
than a math library using vectorised operations, but that can be
resolved with some programming work and it would seem to pale in
contrast to the mining situation.


(*) For this e-mail, I'm only considering cryptocurrencies based on
some ‘mining’ system and assuming that monero and ethereum have the
same energy problems as Bitcoin, although possibly with a smaller
constant factor.

[1]: See, e.g.,

[2]: zero hits when searching for "malware" in the manual!

[3]: I'm sure you can find some sources about destabilising climate
systems, species extinctions, fish getting third-degree burns, island
nations gradually disappearing because of raising sea levels ...

[3]: I'm not sure actually that mining would be (partially) responsible
for increasing energy prices but it seems plausible to me.

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Christine Lemmer-Webber
Taylan Kammer  writes:

> On 20.02.2022 11:05, Maxime Devos wrote:
>> Guix has a policy against including malware[citation needed 2], and
>> furthering global warming[3] (and energy prices[4], if [3] is not bad
>> enough for you) seems rather bad behaviour to me.
>> Would these miners be considered malware in Guix?
> I'm not a fan of cryptocurrencies at all, but I don't like the idea of
> excluding software from Guix on the grounds that it's harmful in some
> indirect way.
> Malware is software that harms/exploits the user without their knowledge.
> The inefficiency of cryptocurrencies was never a secret, though people
> didn't think much about it; recently it's become widespread knowledge, so
> I think considering crypto miners to be malware is somewhat unreasonable.
> An example of actual malware would be a *hidden* crypto miner that sends
> the mined coins to the author of the software.

I think that's a good analysis.  Software which installs a crytpo-miner
*without a user's knowledge* is a serious problem.

> If we're going to exclude software on grounds of it being used in harmful
> ways, I can already see people arguing that one should exclude software
> such as aircrack-ng for aiding in breaching into networks, or anonymity
> software like Tor because it aids perverts in sharing you-know-what or
> aids terrorists in planning attacks.  Slippery slopes and all.

I agree... I'm also conscious that it'll put Guix in a position where
this will be a large portion of the work that Guix is doing is screening
software on a very large number of grounds, whereas we already screen
software much more so than most places.  It could absorb a lot of our
energy.  It's easy to underestimate just how all-consuming this could

I share criticisms of proof-of-work.  Though some of the criticisms
being raised on this list are treating "blockchains" and
"cryptocurrencies" as if they even were one coherent thing.  In reality
the variance space of this is huge:

You'll see plenty of my own criticisms coming up in there.  But part of
my issue is, it's worth being precise about what's being criticized.
For instance, "proof of stake" has other problems (arguably still has
plutocratic properties), but not the energy consumption issue.  Most of
the discourse contemporarily is acting as if both are the same.  But
even proof of stake based systems are often being built on top of
software that's being refactored from "proof of work".

I think this activism criticizing design choices along these lines *is*
worthwhile, but building alternatives and getting them adopted may be a
stronger choice.  I'd like to replace proof-of-work based systems
largely; there are under-appreciated directions that even predate
Bitcoin dramatically that are worth exploring.

Relatedly, the title of this is: "Excessively energy-consuming software
considered malware?"  That's broad enough that it could also put a lot
of emphasis on "don't use inefficient languages" (actually that's how I
misread what the subject of this thread originally before opening it).
That's worthwhile also, but similarly, is Guix's package repository
acceptance/rejection the right place?

> One might argue that those pieces of software also have good uses, but
> the same could be argued about a crypto miner: perhaps I want to install
> one simply to study its operation to aide in some sort of research, maybe
> even research about its inherent inefficiency.  Or maybe I want to devise
> a small-scale blockchain-based network for a niche use-case where the
> blockchain won't reach an unwieldy size or will be limited in lifetime.
> All in all, I think the baseline is that if something is software, and it
> respects the user's freedoms, it belongs in Guix.
> What do you think?  I'm happy to have my mind changed.  I've never used a
> crypto miner and continue to be disinterested in them so don't care about
> this particular case all that much, but the principle behind the reasoning
> bothers me somewhat.

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Liliana Marie Prikler
Hi Maxime,

Am Sonntag, dem 20.02.2022 um 11:05 +0100 schrieb Maxime Devos:
> [CC'ing some people in Guix I know to be interested in cryptocurrency]
> Hi,
> Guix packages some cryptocurrency(*) software (bitcoin, monero, some
> people have been working on packaging ethereum).  So far, it only
> appeared that clients are being packaged.
> More recently, a ‘miner’ for monero has been packaged
> (  At least for bitcoin, mining is
> known to consume an absurd amount of energy (the footprint of a whole
> country, and 1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121
> Visa transactions)[1].
> Guix has a policy against including malware[citation needed 2], and
> furthering global warming[3] (and energy prices[4], if [3] is not bad
> enough for you) seems rather bad behaviour to me.
> Would these miners be considered malware in Guix?
> TBC I'm not making a case for rejecting all inefficient software, only
> software that is absurdly inefficient by design -- a, say, math
> library not using vectorised operations might be quite a bit less
> inefficient than a math library using vectorised operations, but that
> can be resolved with some programming work and it would seem to pale in
> contrast to the mining situation.
I don't think there's a case that can be made from the FSF's point of
view against wasteful software if the waste is intentional (which is
sadly part of the point of cryptocoins).  

To make my point in a more accessible manner, `guix show stress' yields
(as expected)
--8<---cut here---start->8---
name: stress
version: 1.0.5
outputs: out
systems: x86_64-linux i686-linux
dependencies: autoconf@2.69 automake@1.16.3
location: gnu/packages/admin.scm:2214:2
license: GPL 2+
synopsis: Impose load on and stress test a computer system  
description: Stress is a tool that imposes a configurable amount of
CPU, memory, I/O, or disk stress on a
+ POSIX-compliant operating system and reports any errors it detects.
+ Stress is not a benchmark.  It is a tool used by system
administrators to evaluate how well their systems will scale,
+ by kernel programmers to evaluate perceived performance
characteristics, and by systems programmers to expose the
+ classes of bugs which only or more frequently manifest themselves
when the system is under heavy load.
relevance: 29
--8<---cut here---end--->8---


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Maxime Devos
Martin Becze schreef op zo 20-02-2022 om 12:13 [+0100]:
> I don't consider mining to be wastefully and this is a extremely
> subjective opinion.

What is subjective about the numbers about energy consumption?
Quoting myself:

‘At least for bitcoin, mining is
known to consume an absurd(*) amount of energy (the footprint of a
country, and 1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121
Visa transactions)[1].’

[1]: See, e.g.,

(*) the word ‘absurd’ might count as subjective here

Where exactly you draw the line between wasteful and not wasteful
is rather subjective, but the numbers theirselves seem rather objective
to me and wherever the line lies exactly, these numbers seem to be
well over it.

It should be a users choose whether or not they want to mine. A
corner stone of free software is "(0) The freedom to run the
> program as you wish, for whatever purpose." By limiting what is 
> accessible to the user based an arbitrary, authoritarian and
> controversial morality goes against the nature of free software.

Guix refuses to have anything to do with non-free software, banning
it from its repositories.  That seems a bit authoritarian to me.  Some
people would say that's rather arbitrary of Guix.  There's still plenty
of software that is being kept non-free, so I guess that ‘software should
be free’ counts as ‘controversial morality’?

Along the same lines, Guix disabling telemetry and removing Google
Analytics from documentation could count as patronising to upstream.

I suppose that technically, ‘don't mess up the planet’ is ‘controversial
morality’ given the existence of various lobbies etc., but I don't
think we should listen to them; we all live on this planet after all
(unless you're a space alien of course :p) and it's not like we have
any back-ups.

Additionally, from a technical point of view, nothing in Guix is stopping
people from messing up the planet.  If they feel like it, they can
make a package definition and run "guix install -f
produce-lots-of-carbon.scm" or the like, or publish a channel, etc.

While it's the user's choice whether they _want_ to mine or not
(Guix is not a thought police!), it seems inadvisable to _help_ people
with mining and perhaps useful to _stop_ people from mining.
That is, stop people from doing the act, not stopping people from
wanting to mine.  Actually stopping people would be something for the law
and state though, not Guix.

Caveat: there's a risk of descending a slippery slope here, see e.g.
the mail by Taylan Kammer.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Paul Jewell

> On 20 Feb 2022, at 10:07, Maxime Devos  wrote:
> Guix has a policy against including malware[citation needed 2], and
> furthering global warming[3] (and energy prices[4], if [3] is not bad
> enough for you) seems rather bad behaviour to me.
> Would these miners be considered malware in Guix?
> Greetings,
> Maxime.

To directly answer your question, in my opinion miners should not be considered 
malware in Guix. 
Much as I don’t like the adverse climate impact of miners and crypto, I think 
it is the thin end of the wedge of packages are restricted based on climate 
impact. I think we should stick to restrictions based on licence conditions. Of 
course, this is just a personal opinion, and has no more validity than your 

Best regards,

Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Philip McGrath
On Sunday, February 20, 2022 7:44:18 AM EST Taylan Kammer wrote:
> On 20.02.2022 13:37, Maxime Devos wrote:
> > The points about slippery slopes, research and niche use-cases seem
> > reasonable to me.  I do see follow-up questions though, should the
> > description in Guix warn about potential issues?  And should the
> > description focus on research uses? ...
> > 
> > More concretely, the p2pool description is:
> > 
> > ‘Monero P2Pool is a peer-to-peer Monero mining pool.  P2Pool
> > combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully
> > control your Monero node and what it mines, but *you get frequent
> > payouts like on a regular pool.*’
> > 
> > This is quite a bit different from, say, aircrack-ng which seems
> > to be mostly about assessing security, whereas the p2pool description
> > is about gaining money (see ‘payouts’), and without mentioning that
> > mining costs a lot of energy (and hence money, and possibly the money
> > that is gained by mining is smaller than the amount lost due to energy
> > costs!).
> > 
> > My dislike for the description of p2pool might just be my views on
> > money leaking through, though.
> > 
> > Greetings,
> > Maxime.
> I guess a different description would be better.  It sounds almost
> like a sales pitch with the mention of making money. :-)
> I'm not familiar with Monero/P2Pool so I don't know what a better
> description might sound like though.

This description sound like it is promising that, if you run this software, 
you will "get frequent payouts". I don't think that's a claim Guix can or 
should make. I guess there's maybe some tension about to what extent package 
descriptions are speaking on behalf of the package or on behalf of Guix, but I 
don't think it usually causes too much confusion for the description of a 
package like `pypy3` to say what the program's developers think its merits 
are, without Guix as a project appearing to take a position on which is the 
best Python implementation. However, a package description claiming that you 
will get money if you use it seems like quite an extreme case.

(More generally, I share both the concerns about the impacts of crypto mining 
and the concern that for Guix to refuse to package such software might have 
problematic implications.)


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Taylan Kammer
On 20.02.2022 13:37, Maxime Devos wrote:
> The points about slippery slopes, research and niche use-cases seem
> reasonable to me.  I do see follow-up questions though, should the
> description in Guix warn about potential issues?  And should the
> description focus on research uses? ...
> More concretely, the p2pool description is:
> ‘Monero P2Pool is a peer-to-peer Monero mining pool.  P2Pool
> combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully
> control your Monero node and what it mines, but *you get frequent
> payouts like on a regular pool.*’
> This is quite a bit different from, say, aircrack-ng which seems
> to be mostly about assessing security, whereas the p2pool description
> is about gaining money (see ‘payouts’), and without mentioning that
> mining costs a lot of energy (and hence money, and possibly the money
> that is gained by mining is smaller than the amount lost due to energy
> costs!).
> My dislike for the description of p2pool might just be my views on
> money leaking through, though.
> Greetings,
> Maxime.

I guess a different description would be better.  It sounds almost
like a sales pitch with the mention of making money. :-)

I'm not familiar with Monero/P2Pool so I don't know what a better
description might sound like though.


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Maxime Devos
Taylan Kammer schreef op zo 20-02-2022 om 13:20 [+0100]:
> If we're going to exclude software on grounds of it being used in harmful
> ways, I can already see people arguing that one should exclude software
> such as aircrack-ng for aiding in breaching into networks, or anonymity
> software like Tor because it aids perverts in sharing you-know-what or
> aids terrorists in planning attacks.  Slippery slopes and all.
> One might argue that those pieces of software also have good uses, but
> the same could be argued about a crypto miner: perhaps I want to install
> one simply to study its operation to aide in some sort of research, maybe
> even research about its inherent inefficiency.  Or maybe I want to devise
> a small-scale blockchain-based network for a niche use-case where the
> blockchain won't reach an unwieldy size or will be limited in lifetime.
> All in all, I think the baseline is that if something is software, and it
> respects the user's freedoms, it belongs in Guix.
> What do you think?  I'm happy to have my mind changed.  I've never used a
> crypto miner and continue to be disinterested in them so don't care about
> this particular case all that much, but the principle behind the reasoning
> bothers me somewhat.

The points about slippery slopes, research and niche use-cases seem
reasonable to me.  I do see follow-up questions though, should the
description in Guix warn about potential issues?  And should the
description focus on research uses? ...

More concretely, the p2pool description is:

‘Monero P2Pool is a peer-to-peer Monero mining pool.  P2Pool
combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully
control your Monero node and what it mines, but *you get frequent
payouts like on a regular pool.*’

This is quite a bit different from, say, aircrack-ng which seems
to be mostly about assessing security, whereas the p2pool description
is about gaining money (see ‘payouts’), and without mentioning that
mining costs a lot of energy (and hence money, and possibly the money
that is gained by mining is smaller than the amount lost due to energy

My dislike for the description of p2pool might just be my views on
money leaking through, though.


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Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Taylan Kammer
On 20.02.2022 11:05, Maxime Devos wrote:
> Guix has a policy against including malware[citation needed 2], and
> furthering global warming[3] (and energy prices[4], if [3] is not bad
> enough for you) seems rather bad behaviour to me.
> Would these miners be considered malware in Guix?
I'm not a fan of cryptocurrencies at all, but I don't like the idea of
excluding software from Guix on the grounds that it's harmful in some
indirect way.

Malware is software that harms/exploits the user without their knowledge.
The inefficiency of cryptocurrencies was never a secret, though people
didn't think much about it; recently it's become widespread knowledge, so
I think considering crypto miners to be malware is somewhat unreasonable.

An example of actual malware would be a *hidden* crypto miner that sends
the mined coins to the author of the software.

If we're going to exclude software on grounds of it being used in harmful
ways, I can already see people arguing that one should exclude software
such as aircrack-ng for aiding in breaching into networks, or anonymity
software like Tor because it aids perverts in sharing you-know-what or
aids terrorists in planning attacks.  Slippery slopes and all.

One might argue that those pieces of software also have good uses, but
the same could be argued about a crypto miner: perhaps I want to install
one simply to study its operation to aide in some sort of research, maybe
even research about its inherent inefficiency.  Or maybe I want to devise
a small-scale blockchain-based network for a niche use-case where the
blockchain won't reach an unwieldy size or will be limited in lifetime.

All in all, I think the baseline is that if something is software, and it
respects the user's freedoms, it belongs in Guix.

What do you think?  I'm happy to have my mind changed.  I've never used a
crypto miner and continue to be disinterested in them so don't care about
this particular case all that much, but the principle behind the reasoning
bothers me somewhat.


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Martin Becze
I don't consider mining to be wastefully and this is a extremely 
subjective opinion. It should be a users choose whether or not they want 
to mine. A corner stone of free software is "(0) The freedom to run the 
program as you wish, for whatever purpose." By limiting what is  
accessible to the user based an arbitrary, authoritarian and 
controversial morality goes against the nature of free software.


On 2/20/22 11:48, Tobias Platen wrote:

Yes, bitcoin could be considered malware. There is GNU Taler which is
more efficent. Unfortunately Taler has not started yet, there is no
working exchange at the moment.


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Ekaitz Zarraga
Note the joke here but:

Yesterday I spent like 6 hours trying to install a package (blender).

My Guix system compiled tons of rust modules, texlive, inkscape, gtk+ more than 
one time, qt nd finally blender.

All that with my CPU to 100%.

Is Guix malware?


Re: Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Tobias Platen
Yes, bitcoin could be considered malware. There is GNU Taler which is
more efficent. Unfortunately Taler has not started yet, there is no
working exchange at the moment. 


Excessively energy-consuming software considered malware?

2022-02-20 Thread Maxime Devos
[CC'ing some people in Guix I know to be interested in cryptocurrency]


Guix packages some cryptocurrency(*) software (bitcoin, monero, some
people have been working on packaging ethereum).  So far, it only
appeared that clients are being packaged.

More recently, a ‘miner’ for monero has been packaged
(  At least for bitcoin, mining is
known to consume an absurd amount of energy (the footprint of a whole
country, and 1 Bitcoin transaction is said to be equivalent to 735121
Visa transactions)[1].

Guix has a policy against including malware[citation needed 2], and
furthering global warming[3] (and energy prices[4], if [3] is not bad
enough for you) seems rather bad behaviour to me.

Would these miners be considered malware in Guix?

TBC I'm not making a case for rejecting all inefficient software, only
software that is absurdly inefficient by design -- a, say, math library
not using vectorised operations might be quite a bit less inefficient
than a math library using vectorised operations, but that can be
resolved with some programming work and it would seem to pale in
contrast to the mining situation.


(*) For this e-mail, I'm only considering cryptocurrencies based on
some ‘mining’ system and assuming that monero and ethereum have the
same energy problems as Bitcoin, although possibly with a smaller
constant factor.

[1]: See, e.g.,

[2]: zero hits when searching for "malware" in the manual!

[3]: I'm sure you can find some sources about destabilising climate
systems, species extinctions, fish getting third-degree burns, island
nations gradually disappearing because of raising sea levels ...

[3]: I'm not sure actually that mining would be (partially) responsible
for increasing energy prices but it seems plausible to me.

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