[Gutl-l] [CubaConf 2016] Propuestas de Charlas y Temas de Interés

2015-12-09 Por tema Pablo M. Drake


Nos agrada mucho el poder informarle que ya se pueden agregar propuestas 
de charlas para el **CubaConf** 
https://contributions.cubaconf.org, para que otros sean capaces de 
conocer y votar por ellas.

Por favor, síguenos en Twitter (@cubaconference) para estar al día y 
ayudar a difundir el evento a aquellas personas que harán que CubaConf 
sea un éxito.

Saludos cordiales,
Pablo Mestre
Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre - 25 al 27Abril de 2016

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

[Gutl-l] [Off-Topic] Primeras propuestas de charlas para Conferencia de SWL

2015-12-09 Por tema Pablo M. Drake

Hola a todos,

Para los interesados ya se pueden agregar propuestas de charlas para el 
#**CubaConf**  en 
http://contributions.cubaconf.org, para que 
otros sean capaces de conocer y votar por ellas.
Si no tienen acceso a internet y ya estan inscritos por favor 
contactenme al pv...

Propuestas presentadas:

Building your own open source keyboard from scratch 

Jesse Vincent:
Like many hackers, I tend to type a lot. And I’m somewhat picky about my 

A few years ago, I started reading about the (incredibly sad) state of 
the art in ergonomic keyboards. Despite the fact that I’d never held a 
soldering iron, I somehow got it into my head that I should be able to 
make my own keyboard. Using a keyboard shell and plate designed by 
someone else, it took me a few weeks to solder together and debug my 
first working (and entirely open source) keyboard.

Since then, I’ve explored layout design, construction techniques, 
materials, microcontrollers and a variety of layouts. I’ve also done a 
fair job exploring the wide variety of ways you can screw up as you make 
a keyboard. (I've also gone on to start a keyboard company and run a 
successful Kickstarter for the Keyboardio Model 01)

This talk will cover:

The tiny bit of electronics knowledge you need in order to build a 
keyboard. The tools you need to build your first keyboard. The materials 
you’ll need to build your first keyboard (and where to get them.) How to 
design your own keyboard layout. How to design your own keyboard plate 
and shell. Options for turning your keyboard shell into something you 
can plunk some keys into. (I’ll talk about lasercutting and 3D printing. 
If there’s time, I might talk about resin casting and watercutting.) How 
to turn a shell, a bunch of keyswitches, a pile of diodes and a 
microcontroller into a working keyboard. Programming your keyboard’s 
microcontroller, so you can actually type on your keyboard. Debugging 
your keyboard. Most importantly, I’ll cover every mistake I can remember 
making as I hand-built my first few keyboards.

CLI love <3 - patterns observed in successful command line clients 

Robert Kowalski:
Commandline clients like git or npm are very successful, but what 
exactly makes them so successful? Together we'll take a look what makes 
a successful CLI client: prepare for a journey covering the UX in 
command line driven terminal applications.

Customize your Ubuntu Desktop and make it awesome 

Philip Ballew:
This talk will go over the practical and unique ways to customize the 
Ubuntu Unity desktop. This talk will talk about the new features of 
Ubuntu Unity related to their convergent platform as well as tough on 
the new package management system. This will then go over how to make 
the Ubuntu version's desktop unleash its full potential. From adding 
Ways to break away from the normal default desktop and add 
customizations. The talk will go over the ways to customize such as the 
applications available in the software center, to editing system files 
to create the perfect set up for each person. From adding community 
members customizations, to manually editing files that are not in the 
everyday user manual, this talk will say it all! This talk will include 
live demos as well so this will make it even more fun. All attendees are 
welcome to participate in the territorials and we can learn together.

Temas sugeridos:

How HTTP2 is going to change the world 
Robin Drexler - What's changed in HTTP2, how will web development change 
with it?

Saludos cordiales,
Pablo Mestre

Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres - Cuba

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

[Gutl-l] test

2015-12-09 Por tema Pablo M. Drake

Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres - Cuba

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.