> A friend on another list (Victorian Dresses) sent this link through, lots
> of
> period costume for your references.... anyone from the list in any of the
> photos?
> http://family.webshots.com/album/574763529PopucJ
> Sidney

I was there (in white with pink hat) and my best friend (in white with blue
hat) was there with her husband.  It was a lot of fun - there was croquet,
live music, food aplenty and tours of the lovely Banning House and
surrounding grounds - they had a beautiful rose garden with covered walkways
and trellis'.  It was a gorgeous summer day and everyone looked wonderful.
I hope there is another picnic next year.  Many thanks to those that
organized it.


The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted,
Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.
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