If you have a Target store near you,  go to the ladies sock dept. Target 
carries a line of  Eco-friendly items,among  these items are socks made from 
bamboo fiber. They are incrediably soft and comfortable, i use them with my Ren 
faire outfit and have been pleased with the fabric and fit. It is softer then 
cotton, almost silky in feel. 
Catherine Olanich Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On Tuesday 15 January 2008, Andrew T Trembley wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2008, at 3:32 PM, Lavolta Press wrote:
> > Fabric.com has some bamboo fabric among their "new arrivals" for
> > "fashion fabric." Dpes anyone know what the hand/drape of bamboo
> > fabric is like?
> Bamboo cloth is technically a rayon. I'd generalize and say it's a
> bit softer than cotton in the same weave or knit. It really varies,
> though.
That's interesting. I went to fabric.com and looked at the enlarged image of 
the stuff and thought, "looks like rayon." :-)

Cathy Raymond 

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