I wonder if the dye has anything to do with "shrinkability", I bought, from the 
same mfg, 2 "hawaiian" print shirts - same size,cut  and pattern.One was a red 
background, one was blue-washed both in cold water, the red one stayed the same 
size, the blue one shrunk a full size.
  In my realm, if fabric does not "survive " washing, I don't use it for good 
garb. I just work around what left of the yardage and get on with it.
  I figure ,people in the "old days" didn't have dry cleaning, (which I 
personally detest,sitting and perspiring in a soup of toxic chemicals next to 
your skin- the largest organ in your body, is not my idea of healthy) silk and 
wool were not dry cleaned in the past, it was washed ,if only daubbed with 
  for what its worth.....
Pierre & Sandy Pettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I'd dry clean it also. However, do you have a cleaners that uses the 
CO-2 cleaning method? 

At 08:34 PM 2/8/2008, you wrote:

>I just bought a "nice dress" that is 75% rayon, 25% polyester.>

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