In a message dated 2/23/07 7:01:56 PM GMT Standard Time, 

> I'm designing the costumes for my high school's production of Our Country's
> Good, by Timberlake Wertenbaker. If you don't know it--it's about the
> British convicts and soldiers sent to found a penal colony in Australia in
> 1789. There are several marines in the play--from rank of 2nd lieutenant to
> major, a navy midshipman, and the navy captain governor, an aborigine (not
> sure yet if this character will be played by a man or woman, which is a pain
> for designing the costume), several convict men, and five convict women. I
> was wondering if anybody here knew of any resources for researching the
> clothes of any of these sorts of people, or just happened to know stuff
> themselves.
> Much thanks!
> Cheerio,
> Anna
Hi Anna You can properly get these books on ILL     
Duck and Cabbage Tree (1967) later re issued as  Clothes in Australia. By 
Cedric Flower. Pub. Kangaroo Press 1984                                         
                  Costume in Australia  By Marion Fletcher. Pub Oxford 
University Press 1984 I think this is the book that has a list of clothing 
to the convicts, both male and female Sorry book not to hand for checking.     
                 Breeches and Bustles  An illustrated history of clothes worn 
in Australia 1788-1914 By Elizabeth Scandrett.  Pub. Pioneer Design Studio 
1988                             Hatches Matches and Dispatches. By Rowena 
Clark. National Gallery of Victoria 1987 This has a nice picture of a wedding 
approx. 1789 that went out of England (not white it would do for day dress 
                          The Remote Garrison. The British army in Australia. 
By Peter Stanley. Pub. Kangaroo Press 1986. I can't recall if the marines are 
shown in this book. I don't have it to hand at the moment to check.           
                                                              The Dress of 
the British Sailor. By Admiral Sir Gerald Dickens. Pub National Maritime Museum 
1957  A small paper back with pictures for sailor costume of 1737 1750 1790 
1795 1798 and 1799                                                              
           Australian Costume 1788-1988 For Teen Dolls. By Marjory Fainges. 
Pub Kangaroo Press 1987. I have included this for any one who has time to dress 
Barbie and Ken as a memento of the production.                                
                                                 I hope this helps. Lots of 
luck with the production. Regards Joy    
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