[hm] Traducción de los formularios

2024-05-08 Por tema lyz

Buenas tardes compas,

En la anterior asamblea hablamos de traducir los formularios al euskera 
y al català, kakak comentó que el podía hacer el de català y ya tiene 
permisos de edición de los dos formularios pero necesitaríamos a alguien 
que hiciese el de euskera.

La persona que quiera hacerlo que por favor se haga una cuenta en 
https://forms.komun.org y que me pase su usuario para poder darle permisos.

Un saludo

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Re: [hm] web y wiki

2024-05-08 Por tema samba

disculpa me olvidè de este msg
ping me via mail
si piensas que tiene tiempo por trabajan en eso


On 13/03/24 20:27, lytex wrote:

Disculpad por la tardanza. Estoy aquí con pastitas currando en la wiki 
(me dice que lleva una temporada mala familiar)

Estamos intentando descargar el archivo del dump de la wiki pero el link 
está caido. Suponemos que está caído, puedes volver a subirlo porfa?

Habíamos pensando en utilizar esta herramienta para la traducción a 
markdown: https://github.com/outofcontrol/mediawiki-to-gfm 

Un saludo

On 2024-01-22 17:04, samba wrote:

ping on this

pastitas o otras personas tienen news sobre este tema da la web y del 

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[hm] cuando vuelve lo tsunami

2024-05-08 Por tema samba

tl;dr proton recovery email sent to the police, do u have more info?


The core of the controversy stems from Proton Mail providing the Spanish 
police with the recovery email address associated with the Proton Mail 
account of an individual using the pseudonym ‘Xuxo Rondinaire.’ This 
individual is suspected of being a member of the Mossos d’Esquadra 
(Catalonia’s police force) and of using their internal knowledge to 
assist the Democratic Tsunami movement.
Upon receiving the recovery email from Proton Mail, Spanish authorities 
further requested Apple to provide additional details linked to that 
email, leading to the identification of the individual.


Thirteenth person under investigation?

Judge García-Castellón reactivated the Tsunami case last November, at 
the same time as the negotiations for the proposed amnesty on Catalan 
independence-related offences were reaching their climax. At that point, 
he included the names of 12 people being investigated for the crime of 
terrorism, including the Catalan president-in-exile Carles Puigdemont. 
Since then, the Supreme Court has taken over the investigation of 
Puigdemont and the ERC deputy Ruben Wagensberg, due to their status  as 
elected representatives, while the rest continue to be part of the 
National Audience investigation. It has recently emerged that at least 7 
of the 12 investigated have decided to go into exile in the face of what 
they consider to be judicial persecution. One of those who has left the 
Spanish state is Campmajó. And, if the judge continues in his current 
line, "Xuxu Rondinaire" could be the 13th person investigated in the 
Tsunami case.


if you have more info about this and want to share would be great to get 
in touch.


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