
I expect that if you continue in your journey in software radio you will
find that a solid 10Mhz reference to be a good thing to have in general.
(which you can use to drive the HackRF). I ended up getting an RF signal
generator from Crowd Supply (
https://www.crowdsupply.com/era-instruments/erasynth) which works really
well for this and I can use it with all of my SDRs in addtiion to the
HackRF.  A friend of mine recommended this one (
which is basically $77 when you get all the parts and it is assembled) so
lower cost but equally movable from SDR to SDR.


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 3:33 PM, Orrin Winton <orrin.win...@gmail.com>

> Hello folks, have had my HackRF for about a week and am going thru
> Michael's tutorials & other tutorials. Love this device.
> Are the eBay items described as "New External TCXO clock PPM 0.1 for
> HackRF One GPS Applications GSM/WCDMA/LTE" for $10-12 the appropriate part
> to buy? (noob here)
> Or can some similar item be bought that has SMA jacks on it and can be
> connected via cable to the jack on the rear of the HackRF?
> The $10 clock looks like it'll require leaving the top half of the case
> off, is why i ask.
> At 434 MHz doing hackrf_transfer i'm getting 700 to 1000 hz drift
> (downwards in freq) on a replayed CW signal, in ten minutes, which (if i'm
> calculating this correctly) is 1.6 to 2.3 ppm.
> I'm being careful to use the correct antenna on the HackRF, keep gains
> low, and use low xmit power (2W) on my amateur transceiver across the room
> (to record an rf_transfer). Possibly i should put an attenuator on the 2W
> radio.
> Thanks for comments.
> Orrin in NE Calif.
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