Re: [Haifux] W2L meeting

2005-08-09 Thread Adir Abraham


I assume that we will have an instaparty (details are later in this 
email), so I relate my replies to this fact as well. Everywhere I 
haven't replied, is totally accetable by me.

On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Orr Dunkelman wrote:

Non technical: second lecture - why linux. FOSS, money, ideology issues.

Technical: second lecture - install + network

Should be around 2.5 hours. 1-1.5 hours about installing the distribution 
that we chose (please see this booklet/lecture for 
example), and the rest about net installation - general and specific.

Lectures: 2 X 45/50 min. with 10-15 minute break.

Except for the 2nd lecture, which should be combined from two lectures. 
Don't forget that after this lecture, people actually can try to install 
the distribution and to use it with the net.

PR: We need slogan. something catchy good and useful.

Linux - the free choice generation ?

Open fronts:
- Posters: text + hanging
- Fliers: do we need them? if so, design+text+distribution
- Websites: banners, links, etc.
- Forums
- papers (especailly e-papers).
- blogs?

I need soliders. People willing to invest time in hanging (inside the 
Technion this might be relatively easy, but we still need backups).

I'll help with forums, and Technion internals. I'll think about more 

Big issues still open:

1. InstaParty/Linux Day - do we take the effort? On one hand last times were 
quite a fiasco. On the other, with enough PR - things may be much better.

I am robbed, but, YES! This is the only (last?) oppurtunity to check if 
good PR  Instaparty can come together, and the answer is big yes!

2. Distro - which distro to work with?

If nobody is against - let me do the final decision like last year.

I'll dig my email from last year, giving the exact requests, etc. The more 
people who join the effort and say how a specific distribution is good for 
a *beginner* user, we will have a better choice. Please seperate in your 
mind between a distribution that you love, and between a distribution that 
fits to a beginner and a beginner would love to: install, try, have no 
hard work. Assume that the person IS technically-challenge (or real-life 
non-challenged? :), and simply wants to install everything, as easy as 
possible. I'll give a list of up-to-date distros later.

3. People - volunteering to do stuff...

Instaparty stuff? I'll try to dig them. People - please join this mission. 
If we're going to have good PR, this will be like a very big bonus to the 

Some dates  interfaces:

- New website design, operational on 23/AUG (content to be added later). 
takes into consideration the fact that there are other LUGs. (shlomiA + 
Ayelet, technical supervision - Ohad)

Not only I agree, but also a big Yes. Let the designers attract people.

- Lectures making  lecturers - needed: someone to manager this aspect.

I can hold this if needed.

volunteers for managing this, please send me mail. Times: chosing manager: 
14/AUG. Writing the lectures: Alpha version - 14/SEP, Beta - 1/OCT, final - 
15/OCT. Also responsible on manning the lectures (some of

them may need two lecturers, or more precisely - lecturer+ assistant).

- Sponsoring: I think hamakor can really help with that, especially with 
national sponsors (those sponsoring all three clubs). Volunteer to handle 

We also need to get real sponsors too.



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Re: [Haifux] W2L meeting

2005-08-09 Thread guy keren

by the way this looks, i think that a missing piece is a web site that
we will give to people, and which will contain instructions about how to
get from nothing, to a machine connected to the net, with development
environemnts (for the programmers), hebrew set up in everything, etc, in
the do-it-yourself method.

i will try to collect the material needed for this, and prepare this site
(in hebrew, i gather?). it could have good use beyond w2l, too.

i'll prepare a layout (not graphical design - a schematic layout) for how
i view this and post it when it's done.


On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Orr Dunkelman wrote:

 As part of today's meeting we had the following series in mind:

 Two tracks: Technical and non-technical.

 First lecture: Joint lecture, the blitz lecture. Many dazzling demo's.
 technically no slides, but mostly presentations. Thelist of things to
 present TBD later.

 Non technical: second lecture - why linux. FOSS, money, ideology issues.

 Technical: second lecture - install + network
third lecture - basic admin + hebrew (+ little shell)
fourth lecture - How to move on - RTFM, asking questions,
 solving problems, finishing stuff we didn't cover in third lecture.

 In a nutshell: the technical people should understand a bit how things
 work in Linux. We give mostly demoes, but have an ordered explaination and
 HOWTOs in the website.

 Lectures: 2 X 45/50 min. with 10-15 minute break.


 PR: We need slogan. something catchy good and useful.

 Ayelet (EzAton's wife) has volunteered to help with design of posters
 again. This time, posters are to have short text (up to 30 words). I guess
 we'll add next to these posters, posters with the time tables and some
 other data (which can be of much lesser quality, i.e., black-white and

 Shlomi Atar and Ayelet will design together a website (Shlomi is a
 professional designer). Ohad Lotzky will make sure the website is w3c.

 Open fronts:
 - Posters: text + hanging
 - Fliers: do we need them? if so, design+text+distribution
 - Websites: banners, links, etc.
 - Forums
 - papers (especailly e-papers).
 - blogs?

 I need soliders. People willing to invest time in hanging (inside the
 Technion this might be relatively easy, but we still need backups).


 Big issues still open:

 1. InstaParty/Linux Day - do we take the effort? On one hand last times
 were quite a fiasco. On the other, with enough PR - things may be much

 2. Distro - which distro to work with?

 3. People - volunteering to do stuff...


 Some dates  interfaces:

 - New website design, operational on 23/AUG (content to be added later).
 takes into consideration the fact that there are other LUGs. (shlomiA +
 Ayelet, technical supervision - Ohad)

 - Slogan - I need someone that handles the choosing of a slogan. Mainly:
 asking for slogans, sorting them out, and finding the good one. First
 volunteer, first deals with that.

 - Posters  Fliers (if needed) - design + Text finished by 23/SEP.
 Needed: someone to handle texts (I believe each LUG would need to add its
 own text to the info posters). someone to handle the text on ad poster.

 - Lectures making  lecturers - needed: someone to manager this aspect.
 volunteers for managing this, please send me mail. Times: chosing
 manager: 14/AUG. Writing the lectures: Alpha version - 14/SEP, Beta -
 1/OCT, final - 15/OCT. Also responsible on manning the lectures (some of
 them may need two lecturers, or more precisely - lecturer+ assistant).

 - PR: Needed: people willing to put posters, talk with schools etc. I
 suggest to divide this into 3 major categories:
 * schools - needed a manager that motivates poeple to talk with schools,
 * electronic PR - manager to deal with forums, websites, banners, etc.
 * regular PR - manager to deal with hanging posters, prinitng, fiers,

 - Sponsoring: I think hamakor can really help with that, especially with
 national sponsors (those sponsoring all three clubs). Volunteer to handle

 - Finding other LUGs doing this - It'd be nice if Telux and JLC would tell
 us soon whetehr they are with us or not. If other LUG wish to joing, it'd
 be nice to locate them now.


 comments, flames, etc. - please shout now...

 btw, if the nice people of hamakor can reinit the [EMAIL PROTECTED], that 
 be nice.

 also, it was suggested to try and get

 Orr Dunkelman,

 If it wasn't for C, we'd be writing programs in BASI, PASAL, and OBOL, anon

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[Haifux] iptables with --uid-owner

2005-08-09 Thread Eli Billauer

Hi all,

I hope one of you paranoids out there can help me with this.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner root -j ACCEPT
iptables: Invalid argument

I'm running iptables v1.2.5 under a 2.4.21 kernel for i686. The 
ipt_owner module exists, and was actually autoloaded.

And if I try this on a user which doesn't exist on the system, I get 
(which is normal, I suppose):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner nosuchuser -j ACCEPT
iptables v1.2.5: Bad OWNER UID value `nosuchuser'

Any existing user will give me the Invalid argument.

I used this article for reference.

Can anyone pinpoint the problem?



Haifa Linux Club Mailing List (
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Re: [Haifux] iptables with --uid-owner

2005-08-09 Thread guy keren

On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, Eli Billauer wrote:

 I hope one of you paranoids out there can help me with this.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner root -j ACCEPT
 iptables: Invalid argument

 I'm running iptables v1.2.5 under a 2.4.21 kernel for i686. The
 ipt_owner module exists, and was actually autoloaded.

on my system, this works fine. i'm using redhat's kernel, 2.4.18-17.7.x .

did you:

1. look in /var/log/messages while running this command?

2. strace this command?

if not - shame on you


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 or dial 0, and please hold, for the creator. -- nob o. dy

Haifa Linux Club Mailing List (
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Re: [Haifux] iptables with --uid-owner

2005-08-09 Thread Eli Billauer

guy keren wrote:

on my system, this works fine. i'm using redhat's kernel, 2.4.18-17.7.x .

did you:

1. look in /var/log/messages while running this command?

2. strace this command?

if not - shame on you

Shame on me, indeed. So I punished myself a bit...

At some stage I upgraded iptables to 1.3.3, which is the fresh version. 
It looked like it could solve something. It didn't.

To begin with, nothing happens in /var/log/messages. strace gave 
something to bite on, but ltrace got even more specific. It ends with:

4891 setsockopt(3, 0, 64, 0x08057988, 4968)   = -1
4891 free(0x08055058) = void
4891 free(0x08057988) = void
4891 free(0x08058cf8) = void
4891 __errno_location()   = 0x42130b60
4891 strerror(22) = Invalid argument
4891 fprintf(0x4212dc80, iptables: %s\n, Invalid argument) = 27

Aha, I said, let's see who does it. The string setsockopt appears 
twice in the entire iptables source, and I could narrow it down to 
libiptc/libiptc.c, line 2102:

if (setsockopt(sockfd, TC_IPPROTO, SO_SET_REPLACE, repl,
  sizeof(*repl) + repl-size)  0) {
   return 0;

This means absolutely nothing to me. The function is called TC_COMMIT, 
and it deals with some counters. Other keywords: Replace, map.

In short, I have still no idea what to do.

Guy, is this enought punishment? Can I go playing now? ;)



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