Re: [Hampshire] [OT] MTBF

2009-07-19 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/7/19 James Courtier-Dutton :
> 2009/7/19 Philip Stubbs :
>> 2009/7/19 James Courtier-Dutton :
>>> To get a MTBF figure:
>>> Approx MTBF = ( Number of Devices tested * Test time ) / Number of failures.
>> As ever, that is not always the case. I used to work for an aerospace
>> company, and they would quote MTBF before one sample had even been
>> built, let alone tested to failure. In that case, the MTBF was
>> calculated based on some rules. I don't know the details but I do
>> remember that number of components were a key variable. Therefore the
>> pumps they made were designed to have a few parts as possible. The
>> MTBF number was therefore a result of some clever work by
>> statisticians. I would not be surprised if that is the case here. No
> It is my understanding that once one has the MTBF of each single component.
> Once one knows how they are fitted together, one can calculate
> availability figures for the sum of the parts.
> So, if one has a network with redundant devices, one can take the MTBF
> together with the mean time to restore (MTTR) of each device on the
> network and come up with a total availability for the entire network.
> The knowledge area is called RAMS analysis. (Reliability,
> Availability, Maintainability and Safety).
> The case is similar for components on a circuit board. One can have
> the MTBF of each resistor, etc.  on the circuit board and calculate
> the the MTBF for the entire circuit board.
> As a general rule, more devices in series makes the result worse, more
> devices in parallel make the results better. This is why more
> components in the pump made it worse because I expect few of them were
> redundant components.

Sounds like you know more about this than me. (not hard)  :-)

Having a figure for MTBF is a good thing. Being able to calculate a
MTBF at the design stage is also a good thing. What irritates me is
when a marketing department picks up on a measure, such as MTBF or
Watts or Hz or whatever, decide this is a good indicator for ho well a
product performs, and then starts pressuring the engineering side to
do whatever is required to increase the number. It then becomes

An example. Vacuum cleaners used to be rated only in watts. If you
wanted a vacuum cleaner with lots of suck, you bought one that
consumed the most watts. However, the way the watts are calculated
were standardized. Run the vacuum in free air for one minute. Run the
vacuum with its inlet blocked for one minute. Average watts consumed
is then the rating. Marketing then say to the engineers, we need more
watts. Well the vacuum consumes less power when the inlet is blocked,
so the engineers introduce leaks into the design, so that when the
inlet is blocked, the pump is still shifting air and doing work,
keeping the power consumption up. Never mind that the vacuum
performance is compromised.

The end result is I no longer have much faith in the numbers on the
box. The more colours, pictures and words on the box means more input
from marketing, and the greater the pinch of salt needed. :-)

My apologies to anybody here in marketing. :-)

Philip Stubbs

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Re: [Hampshire] [OT] MTBF

2009-07-19 Thread James Courtier-Dutton
2009/7/19 James Courtier-Dutton :
> 2009/7/19 Philip Stubbs :
>> 2009/7/19 James Courtier-Dutton :
>>> To get a MTBF figure:
>>> Approx MTBF = ( Number of Devices tested * Test time ) / Number of failures.
>> As ever, that is not always the case. I used to work for an aerospace
>> company, and they would quote MTBF before one sample had even been

P.S. I currently work in the Space sector, amongst other things.

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Re: [Hampshire] [OT] MTBF

2009-07-19 Thread James Courtier-Dutton
2009/7/19 Philip Stubbs :
> 2009/7/19 James Courtier-Dutton :
>> To get a MTBF figure:
>> Approx MTBF = ( Number of Devices tested * Test time ) / Number of failures.
> As ever, that is not always the case. I used to work for an aerospace
> company, and they would quote MTBF before one sample had even been
> built, let alone tested to failure. In that case, the MTBF was
> calculated based on some rules. I don't know the details but I do
> remember that number of components were a key variable. Therefore the
> pumps they made were designed to have a few parts as possible. The
> MTBF number was therefore a result of some clever work by
> statisticians. I would not be surprised if that is the case here. No

It is my understanding that once one has the MTBF of each single component.
Once one knows how they are fitted together, one can calculate
availability figures for the sum of the parts.
So, if one has a network with redundant devices, one can take the MTBF
together with the mean time to restore (MTTR) of each device on the
network and come up with a total availability for the entire network.
The knowledge area is called RAMS analysis. (Reliability,
Availability, Maintainability and Safety).
The case is similar for components on a circuit board. One can have
the MTBF of each resistor, etc.  on the circuit board and calculate
the the MTBF for the entire circuit board.
As a general rule, more devices in series makes the result worse, more
devices in parallel make the results better. This is why more
components in the pump made it worse because I expect few of them were
redundant components.


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Re: [Hampshire] [OT] MTBF

2009-07-19 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/7/19 James Courtier-Dutton :

> To get a MTBF figure:
> Approx MTBF = ( Number of Devices tested * Test time ) / Number of failures.

As ever, that is not always the case. I used to work for an aerospace
company, and they would quote MTBF before one sample had even been
built, let alone tested to failure. In that case, the MTBF was
calculated based on some rules. I don't know the details but I do
remember that number of components were a key variable. Therefore the
pumps they made were designed to have a few parts as possible. The
MTBF number was therefore a result of some clever work by
statisticians. I would not be surprised if that is the case here. No
doubt a marketing guy has seen a nice big number written and decided
to use that in marketing the product. In reality, it probably means
very little, just at the watts quoted on stereo's and vacuum cleaners
bares little to the actual real world performance.

Philip Stubbs

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Re: [Hampshire] disabling flash adverts

2009-07-19 Thread Simon Reap
Isaac Close wrote:
> Within 1 minute of reading your answer I have installed Flashblock, it was 
> very simple to do. Has it proved reliable for people so far, I wonder ?

Works fine for me, though I had forgotten I had installed it at first, 
so wonderd why youtube and iplayer didn't show videos straightaway!  
Right-click and allow was an intuitive interface to allow some sites 
always to be allowed to show flash immediately.


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Re: [Hampshire] What do you think?

2009-07-19 Thread John Cooper
Stephen Davies wrote:
> Conclusions.
> While the ambitions of those who want to relegate the command line to 
> history are very laudable, there are many cases where it is the only 
> place to get the job done and done with certainty.
> In addition to that, until Linux does not use any shell scripts on 
> startup/shutdown the command line will be an essential for developers, 
> sysadmins and even users (at times). I don’t think that reliance upon 
> scripts will be removed anytime soon after all, we don’t want the mess 
> that is the Windows Registry re-invented do we?
I can't see my day to day job of sysadmin will move to a GUI only
option. The reason why M$ have been forced to produce a "power shell" is
because sysadmins insisted they need it to maintain both windows and
Linux. The power of the command line is it can be scripted easily,
quickly and very effectively. GUIs do not have the flexibility to cover
all the different needs. Therefore the command line tools like ifconfig,
ping, grep, vim, awk, perl, python, sed and others will be with us for a
long time!

Non sys admins might be able to just use GUIs for normal use, but I
doubt they will be able to fault find without the command line in both
windows and Linux.


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Re: [Hampshire] Interesting Hardware Reference Poster

2009-07-19 Thread Victor Churchill
2009/7/19 Sean Gibbins :
> Subject says it all really:
> I thought it might come in handy for other folks like me who sometimes
> find themselves playing with older kit.

Heee-wack! That is pretty funky! I feel tempted to print it out just
for the geek appeal.

I I expanded the image and was thinking "where's the RAM?"... then
found that my window was only showing two thirds of the width.

Nice one... even though I very rarely take machines to bits and have
never e.g. de/populated a motherboard it's a great resource to know

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Re: [Hampshire] What do you think?

2009-07-19 Thread Andy Smith
Hi Stephen,

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 02:06:13PM +0100, Stephen Davies wrote:
> As everything in Linux/Unix is a file and the majority of these files 
> are plain text there is a great temptation to edit them manually 
> especially if you are remotely logged into the system over a slow 
> connection and using the GUI is not practicable.

If use of the GUI is not practical then I don't see the point of
configuring it remotely, use a different tool altogether.

I also don't agree that configuring a GUI application must be done
with text files.  If the application is a GUI then I think it should
be configured with a GUI, preferably part of the same application

It might be fine to read a config file to change some of the more
esoteric options, but I don't see why the majority of configuration
can't be done in the GUI.  It seems to work for Firefox, which is
the largest GUI application I run.

By the way, I tend to prefer non-GUI applications for most things.

> Once you have done that there is a danger that the changes you make will 
> not be picked up by the GUI application. This particularly applies to 
> comments. Nice and helpful as they are, how many GUI’s distributed in a 
> standard Linux Distro today can handle comments.

I don't know but it seems a trivial problem for the author of the
GUI software to overcome.

> It is good practice to comment any changes so that the next person who 
> comes along to fix the problem you edit has just caused can know who did 
> what, when & why to the file. Yep, the version history strikes back. How 
> many GUI’s give you the opportunity to add a new bit oh version history 
> to the file? Not many I’d be willing to guess.

The configuration of client software is typically not versioned.  Do
you need it to be?

It's a good question about how to maintain central configuration
control for GUI desktop software.

> Then comes CVS (or something similar). We all know that it is good 
> practice to use CVS/SVN/git or some commercial package to store those 
> ultra critical files in so that when your system goes down in a heap of 
> flames (it does happen) you can pull everything out of your Source 
> Control System and deploy it on the new system knowing that it is the 
> latest version.
> Some of these systems add comments into the file showing the checkin 
> date/time & user. This is great for auditing purposes but we are back to 
> the problem, how does the GUI handle comments. Again, the answer is not 
> very well.

I'm not aware of any SCCS which adds stuff into the files under
control, unless you tell it to.  And if your file format supports
comments then this again seems trivial.

> Command line option applicability
> With some applications that have a plethora of command line options the 
> is often some which will not work together or worse still, are ignored 
> completely if they are placed after another option of the command line.
> How is the GUI Developer going to easily, reliably code up the rules for 
> the GUI so that the application has a better then 50/50 chance of doing 
> what the user wants when if gets kicked off?

Config files are typically used when command-line configuration
becomes too complex.

> Estimating the number of test cases to ensure that the test coverage 
> could be a daunting operation and without a decent tool to actually do 
> the manual application of GUI operation it could be almost impossible. 

Testing definitely seems the hardest thing to me.  As always.

> One company I work with has done this for one of their applications 
> already so it is not just some crystal ball gazing. The costs of 
> maintaining the GUP have since dropped by more than 50% and from that 
> experience, they are considering doing it for more applications. Note, 
> this is not anything you will find buried in dome Debian repository 
> somewhere and will cost you more money than most LUG users will earn in 
> a year.

Nice implicit suggestion that expensive closed source software is
inherently better than FLOSS!  Solaris used to cost a lot of money
and Windows still does, but I think Linux is better than both of
them.  There countless examples of FLOSS that is the best in its
class.  I don't see the point of your "you won't find this in
Debian" comment.

> Clearly this is not ideal practice and it is going to take a sea change 
> in attitude by developers to achieve this even on a small percentage of 
> key application in Linux but if the goal of doing away with the command 
> line is to be achieved then I think that this change is essential and 
> long overdue.

I don't really see that the standards of configurability for popular
Linux GUI apps is any better or worse than those for Windows.

I think this could be improved, but "doing away with the
command-line" is not a goal I support and I think is orthogonal to
making better GUI apps.

GUI apps could be better.  On Linux and Windows.

> The ideal state would be that the GUI did the followin

[Hampshire] What do you think?

2009-07-19 Thread Stephen Davies
Fellow Lug members, I would welcome comments on the following.

The Linux Application Developers Quandary or is it really a Nightmare

Linux distributions such as Ubuntu are making great strides in removing 
the need to do even quite advanced configuration operations via the 
command line and utilities like ‘vi’ (and even ‘emacs’ for those so 
inclined). Some would like to banish the bash command terminal to the 
same prominence the DOS Command window has on Windows Systems. i.e. 
buried away in All Programs-Accessories along with Windows Explorer, 
Notepad and Calculator to name but a few.

That is all fine and dandy for the majority of key/core applications 
that are already included in a distributions repository. In the case of 
someone starting out to develop a new application that needs both a 
daemon that uses one or more configuration files and an application 
controller(to edit the configuration files) do they:-
1) Develop a command line only controller for V1.00
2) Develop a GUI only controller for V1.00
3) Both of the above
4) Non of the above and rely on users being able to use vi/emacs etc

With application complexity increasing and the number of configurable 
parameters or even command line switches and options the task facing 
anyone who wants to develop a viable front-end for the application is 
considerable and forever increasing.

Consider the following two cases.

Properties files, manual edits and CVS

Properties files (or as the used to be called ‘ini files’) are in my 
opinion are real PITA. That said, they are a million times better than 
the Windows Registry.
As everything in Linux/Unix is a file and the majority of these files 
are plain text there is a great temptation to edit them manually 
especially if you are remotely logged into the system over a slow 
connection and using the GUI is not practicable.
Once you have done that there is a danger that the changes you make will 
not be picked up by the GUI application. This particularly applies to 
comments. Nice and helpful as they are, how many GUI’s distributed in a 
standard Linux Distro today can handle comments.
It is good practice to comment any changes so that the next person who 
comes along to fix the problem you edit has just caused can know who did 
what, when & why to the file. Yep, the version history strikes back. How 
many GUI’s give you the opportunity to add a new bit oh version history 
to the file? Not many I’d be willing to guess.
Then comes CVS (or something similar). We all know that it is good 
practice to use CVS/SVN/git or some commercial package to store those 
ultra critical files in so that when your system goes down in a heap of 
flames (it does happen) you can pull everything out of your Source 
Control System and deploy it on the new system knowing that it is the 
latest version.
Some of these systems add comments into the file showing the checkin 
date/time & user. This is great for auditing purposes but we are back to 
the problem, how does the GUI handle comments. Again, the answer is not 
very well.

Command line option applicability

With some applications that have a plethora of command line options the 
is often some which will not work together or worse still, are ignored 
completely if they are placed after another option of the command line.

How is the GUI Developer going to easily, reliably code up the rules for 
the GUI so that the application has a better then 50/50 chance of doing 
what the user wants when if gets kicked off?
Estimating the number of test cases to ensure that the test coverage 
could be a daunting operation and without a decent tool to actually do 
the manual application of GUI operation it could be almost impossible. 
Note, I have not even considered the coding of the GUI at this stage.
Just writing down the rules will probably show up actual inconsistencies 
in the documentation (assuming there is something more than a ‘man’ 
page) and how the application actually works. Adding an AI rules engine 
may be the only way to go for some complex applications.

One company I work with has done this for one of their applications 
already so it is not just some crystal ball gazing. The costs of 
maintaining the GUP have since dropped by more than 50% and from that 
experience, they are considering doing it for more applications. Note, 
this is not anything you will find buried in dome Debian repository 
somewhere and will cost you more money than most LUG users will earn in 
a year.

If we take the two cases outlined above it is not hard to see that many 
projects have made the decision (either consciously or not) to take the 
easy way out and not handle comments etc or dynamically edit the options 
presented on the GUI if they would make the execution of the command fail.

Clearly this is not ideal practice and it is going to take a sea change 
in attitude by developers to achieve this even on a small percentage of 
key application in Linux but if the goal of doing away wi

Re: [Hampshire] disabling flash adverts

2009-07-19 Thread Isaac Close

--- On Sun, 19/7/09, Alan Pope  wrote:

> 2009/7/19 Isaac Close :
> > Quick question that I hope won't start a flame war as
> one can never be too careful on this list.
> >
> > What is perhaps the quickest and simplest way to
> stop/block flash adverts without disabling flash all
> together ?
> >
> Flashblock firefox extension. It will cause all flash items
> to appear
> as a box with a 'f' Flash logo in it. If you want the flash
> to
> load/play you click it, or right click and always allow for
> that site.

Within 1 minute of reading your answer I have installed Flashblock, it was very 
simple to do. Has it proved reliable for people so far, I wonder ?

many thanks,



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Re: [Hampshire] [OT] MTBF

2009-07-19 Thread James Courtier-Dutton
2009/7/18 Andy Smith :
> Hi James,
> On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 10:44:49PM +0100, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
>> Take an example of a SSD
>> Manufacturer quotes:
>> OCZ-120GB-Solid-State-Drive: MTBF 1.5 million hours.
>> To me that means and MTBF of 171 years abouts.
>> So, why do OCZ only guarantee it for 2 years?
> MTBF figures for hard drives (and possibly other things) are quoted
> in terms of analysis of large numbers of that model.  The item is
> rated for 2 years of use.
> What they are saying is that if you got many of these items and ran
> them simultaneously for 2 years then you should get 171 years
> aggregate service out of them before any of them developed a fault.
> Or if you ran one item for 2 years then replaced it and kept going,
> it should be 171 years before you had a failure inside the 2 years
> of any individual item.
> Cheers,
> Andy

To get a MTBF figure:
Approx MTBF = ( Number of Devices tested * Test time ) / Number of failures.
So, you are right, there is no indication as to what might happen after 2 years.
The model for failures is a U curve anyway. In that some failures
happen early on due to burn in etc., then it is fairly quite for a
bit, and then the failures start happening again at an exponential
This link helped me

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[Hampshire] Linux and hotmail deltasync

2009-07-19 Thread James Courtier-Dutton

Is there any way to access hotmail using the MS deltasync protocol in Linux?

Kind Regards


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Re: [Hampshire] disabling flash adverts

2009-07-19 Thread Hugo Mills
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 09:59:58AM +, Isaac Close wrote:
> What is perhaps the quickest and simplest way to stop/block flash
> adverts without disabling flash all together ?

   AdBlock can be used to block individual adverts and ad sources.

   There are various Flash blockers available, too -- most of those
will block all Flash content but allow you to click on the blocked box
and see the Flash if you want to.

   The latter is probably quicker and simpler to implement and use.


=== Hugo Mills: h...@... | | ===
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  --- Prof Brain had been in search of The Truth for 25 years, with ---  
 the intention of putting it under house arrest. 

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Re: [Hampshire] disabling flash adverts

2009-07-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/19 Isaac Close :
> Quick question that I hope won't start a flame war as one can never be too 
> careful on this list.
> What is perhaps the quickest and simplest way to stop/block flash adverts 
> without disabling flash all together ?

Flashblock firefox extension. It will cause all flash items to appear
as a box with a 'f' Flash logo in it. If you want the flash to
load/play you click it, or right click and always allow for that site.


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[Hampshire] disabling flash adverts

2009-07-19 Thread Isaac Close

hi there,

Quick question that I hope won't start a flame war as one can never be too 
careful on this list.

What is perhaps the quickest and simplest way to stop/block flash adverts 
without disabling flash all together ?

The question is asked with firefox in mind, largely on a windows platform.




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[Hampshire] Interesting Hardware Reference Poster

2009-07-19 Thread Sean Gibbins
Subject says it all really:

I thought it might come in handy for other folks like me who sometimes
find themselves playing with older kit.


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