
2014-02-18 Thread mengxingle586

原因 1 、效率太低,严重影响业务员积极性。
2、 无法精准搜索到目标客户信息,需要大量时间筛选。
软件功能演示:QQ 343086184


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Re: Fix for rare EADDRNOTAVAIL error

2014-02-18 Thread Denis Malyshkin

Hi Willy,

Thank you a lot for detailed answers.
Sorry for so long delay, I have to check docs, configurations and logs.

1. There are no TIME_WAIT connections on our server. They may appear for 
a very short time, but there are no long-waiting ones. So in that our 
system works good.

OK. When you say the server, you mean the machine running haproxy, can you confirm ?  

Yes. Sorry for inexact name.

3. With my re-connect loop the second try always was successful. Does it 
mean that without my loop connection retry mechanism will also 
successfully re-connect and such log errors may be completely ignored?

Yes, and you'll have a non-null retry count on the log lines (the value
after the connection counts, also the last field of the second block of 5 

Checked our logs. Found the next, for example:

cat haproxy.log | grep -A 8 Connect()
Feb 18 04:49:43 localhost haproxy[9335]: Connect() failed for backend 
https: no free ports.
Feb 18 04:49:47 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:45.245] httpinternal httpinternal/app_server1 
0/0/0/2394/2394 200 269 - - --NI 200/0/0/0/0 0/0 GET /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:49:49 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:49.486] httpinternal httpinternal/app_server2 
0/0/0/46/46 200 269 - - --NI 200/0/0/0/0 0/0 GET /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:50:10 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:50:07.745] httpinternal httpinternal/app_server1 
0/0/0/2935/2935 200 269 - - --NI 201/1/1/0/0 0/0 GET /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:50:10 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:50:10.002] httpinternal httpinternal/app_server2 
0/0/0/684/684 200 269 - - --NI 200/0/0/0/0 0/0 GET /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:50:13 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:40.489] https~ https/app_server2 2127/0/9/943/33140 
200 836 - - --NI 199/199/199/99/0 0/0 POST /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:50:13 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:40.487] https~ https/app_server2 2000/0/129/810/33142 
200 836 - - --NI 198/198/198/98/0 0/0 POST /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:50:13 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:40.489] https~ https/app_server2 1999/0/128/955/33140 
200 836 - - --NI 197/197/197/97/0 0/0 POST /url HTTP/1.1
Feb 18 04:50:13 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:40.488] https~ https/app_server2 2000/0/128/900/33141 
200 836 - - --NI 196/196/196/96/0 0/0 POST /url HTTP/1.1


cat haproxy.log | grep -v \-\-[NV][NI] [0-9]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]*/0
Feb 18 04:49:43 localhost haproxy[9335]: Connect() failed for backend 
https: no free ports.
Feb 18 04:50:18 localhost haproxy[9335]: IP:port 
[18/Feb/2014:04:49:40.481] https~ https/app_server1 3120/0/1/4262/37675 
200 836 - - --NI 22/22/22/22/1 0/0 POST /url HTTP/1.1


So it seems that error on 04:49:43 was retried and retry is logged on 
04:50:18, isn't it?
Could you please confirm that above log says that connect was 
successfully retried after an error?

5. We see Connect() failed...: no free ports. errors 20-70 times per 
day (depending on server load). Could you imagine any reasons why such 
errors may occur? haproxy has only about 500-700 open connections, there 
are no dead ones, all are in ESTABLISHED state.

Do you have any listening ports in the same range as the outgoing port range ?
It could be one reason for the system occasionally failing to allocate a port.

Yes. It seems that it is the reason. Thank you.

Alternately, you can use the source parameter either on each server
or in the backend to fix a port range. Haproxy will then use an explicit
bind. This is normally used when you want to have more than 64k conns on
multiple servers. But here you could try this :

Great! As I understand we can set port range to exclude listening ports 
and so eliminate such errors?  Probably it may be a good workaround. 
Thank you again for the idea.

According to your answers I've re-read source code, documentation, 
reviewed logs and below is my conclusion about our issue. Could you 
please check it and correct if I'm wrong or miss something.

1. If 'retries' parameter is set to a value higher than 1 then on such 
connect error haproxy automatically retries connect attempt.
2. Such errors usually mean critical issues with resources, so their 
logging is very important and so will not be removed.
3. The information that error is successfully resolved can be taken only 
from 'info' level logging, moreover -- only by indirect way from a 
periodical statistics.
4. So, conclusion, we can either just ignore such errors in logs or 
(more preferably) workaround them by using source port range limits to 

http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Klavs Klavsen

I'm at my wits end and was hoping  you had any ideas.

We've setup a test environment with haproxy-1.5dev22, with varnish as  a
backend (and varnish using a webserver as it's backend).

I have the same issue with haproxy-1.5dev19.

randomly around the website (if I f.ex. reload /user/login url (it's a
drupal website)) - the browser requests fails and the browser says 408.
the VIP on haproxy is

a wireshark of the reponse shows, that the browser suddenly gets a RST -
in the middle of a receiving the response.

I did a tcpdump on the haproxy, and on the varnish - and the RST was
originating from haproxy.

The stats counters shows some ereq - which I think is these RSTs:

I've tried setting option http-server-close and tried option httpclose -
and tried without any of them.

My config is:
  chroot  /var/lib/haproxy
  group  haproxy
  log local0
  maxconn  4000
  pidfile  /var/run/haproxy.pid
  stats  socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats level admin
  user  haproxy

  log  global
  maxconn  8000
  option  redispatch
  retries  3
  stats  enable
  option httpclose
  option http-server-close
  timeout  http-request 10s
  timeout  queue 1m
  timeout  connect 10s
  timeout  client 1m
  timeout  server 1m
  timeout  check 10s

frontend example.dk
  bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/star2.pem ciphers
  mode  http
  balance  roundrobin
  default_backend  varnish-dmz
  option  tcplog
  option  accept-invalid-http-request
  timeout client  30

listen example.dk-prod
  bind ssl crt
/etc/haproxy/wildcard.example.dk.combined.pem ciphers
  mode  http
  balance  roundrobin
  option  tcplog
  server web-p02  check
  server web-p03  check
  server web-p04  check

backend varnish-dmz
  balance  roundrobin
  mode  http
  option  tcplog
  server varnish01  check
  server varnish02  check

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - k...@vsen.dk - http://www.vsen.dk - Tlf. 61281200

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
  --Henry Spencer

Re: http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Klavs Klavsen
I enabled stats listener to better get an overview of the numbers.. and
it seems there's no ereq.. and haproxy doesn't log anything interesting :(

In debug mode I get a LOT..

It seems it's easier to reproduce, if I hit ctrl+f5 (which goes fine)
and right after that, press f5 - that gives me the 408.

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - k...@vsen.dk - http://www.vsen.dk - Tlf. 61281200

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
  --Henry Spencer

Re: http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Klavs Klavsen
Enabling debug in config, I only get a more detailed upstart info and a
copy of my config in my logs, and then these upon requests:

Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.199] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish01 0/0/1 6315
-- 6/6/0/1/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.199] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish02 0/0/8 7302
-- 6/6/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.354] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish01 0/0/1 1812
-- 1/1/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.390] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/31 212 cR
0/0/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.429] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish02 0/0/1 2639
-- 2/2/1/1/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.430] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish01 0/0/1 1808
-- 2/2/0/1/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.431] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish02 0/0/16 25620
-- 2/2/1/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.431] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish01 0/0/16 27614
-- 3/3/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.448] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish02 0/0/1 826 --
3/3/0/1/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.449] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish01 0/1/4 6526
-- 4/4/1/1/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.447] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish02 0/0/7 3206
-- 5/5/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.448] example.dk varnish-dmz/varnish01 0/0/12 50494
-- 5/5/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.454] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/31 212 cR
2/2/0/0/0 0/0
Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
[18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.455] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/30 212 cR
1/1/0/0/0 0/0

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - k...@vsen.dk - http://www.vsen.dk - Tlf. 61281200

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
  --Henry Spencer

RE: http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Lukas Tribus

 Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
 [18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.454] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/31 212 cR
 2/2/0/0/0 0/0
 Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
 [18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.455] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/30 212 cR
 1/1/0/0/0 0/0

cR means [1]:
 The timeout http-request stroke before the client sent a full HTTP
 request. This is sometimes caused by too large TCP MSS values on the
 client side for PPPoE networks which cannot transport full-sized
 packets, or by clients sending requests by hand and not typing fast
 enough, or forgetting to enter the empty line at the end of the
 request. The HTTP status code is likely a 408 here.

Does your tcpdump confirm this?



[1] http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#8.5

Re: http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Klavs Klavsen
Lukas Tribus said the following on 02/18/2014 03:43 PM:
 Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
 [18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.454] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/31 212 cR
 2/2/0/0/0 0/0
 Feb 18 14:46:02 localhost haproxy[23414]:
 [18/Feb/2014:14:46:02.455] example.dk .dk/NOSRV -1/-1/30 212 cR
 1/1/0/0/0 0/0
 cR means [1]:
 The timeout http-request stroke before the client sent a full HTTP
 request. This is sometimes caused by too large TCP MSS values on the
 client side for PPPoE networks which cannot transport full-sized
 packets, or by clients sending requests by hand and not typing fast
 enough, or forgetting to enter the empty line at the end of the
 request. The HTTP status code is likely a 408 here.
 Does your tcpdump confirm this?

What would I look for in the tcpdump? it's a vmware virtualserver with
standard MTU and all.. no PPPoE or anything.

I can reproduce it by pressing f5 (a few times in a row) in my browser
(firefox) and IE.

I cannot reproduce it in chromium.

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - k...@vsen.dk - http://www.vsen.dk - Tlf. 61281200

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
  --Henry Spencer

RE: http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Lukas Tribus

 What would I look for in the tcpdump?

Whether or not the browser takes more than 10 seconds to complete
the http request, as per your configuration:
 timeout http-request 10s

This is the timeout you are hitting. Also read this [1]. Share
your tcpdump capture if it doesn't contain anything proprietary (an tell
us which tcp session in the capture failed, according to your log).




RE: http responses randomly getting RSTs

2014-02-18 Thread Lukas Tribus

 Whether or not the browser takes more than 10 seconds to complete
 the http request, as per your configuration:
 timeout http-request 10s

 it's not even close to 10 seconds.. it happens as soon as I press f5 -

Well, I was assuming this is the issue, since it was the only error from
your logs and it seemed to be reoccurring.

You did confirmed 408 errors on the client side though, so this is still
my best bet.

Please provide a non-truncated capture (-s 0) of the session
where you see this RST. Filtering on the client IP is probably a good
idea to keep the capture limited to your IP (something like
tcpdump -ps0 -w haproxy-rstcapture.cap host and tcp port 80

for example).



Limpieza profunda de interior de vehículos Dto. 40%

2014-02-18 Thread atualcanze

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Remove specific query string, redirect + preserve other query strings

2014-02-18 Thread Andrew Kroenert
Hi All,

I have an issue where I need to remove a query string from a url. I can do
this in apache (see example below) but we are trying to move most of our
apache rewrites into haproxy to ease deployments and complexity on each

 - Working Apache example (removes page=0):
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=([0-9]{1})?(.*)$
RewriteRule (.*) $1?%2 [R=301]

Anything.php needs to be really, anything as this could be folder/script or
another query string.

From Url:

To Url:

Is this possible?

