High client request times (Tq) for no apparent reason

2014-03-20 Thread Pedro Mata-Mouros
Hi everyone,

I’ve been seeing abnormally high client request times, up to anywhere below 
8000 ms (that’s when we timeout the client request). To cut the story short I 
setup a backend that just replies a short string with the URL back at the 
client, and on my own laptop started accessing it:

*All* the responses literally *immediately* showed up on the browser:
helloworld_url1, helloworld_url2, helloworld_3…

But turns out that some of these requests are logged by HAProxy with abnormally 
high Tq (and consequently Tt), that just don’t correspond to the experience I’m 
seeing in my browser doing this test. An example with 10 requests I’ve done:

Mar 20 11:36:46 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2CC-0011 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:44.569] internet clientapp/lighty-3 1709/0/0/1/1710 200 200 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url10 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:36:44 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2CA-0010 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:42.851] internet clientapp/lighty-2 1717/0/1/1/1719 200 199 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url9 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:36:42 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2C8-000F 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:40.638] internet clientapp/lighty-3 2210/0/1/1/2212 200 199 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url8 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:36:40 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2C6-000E 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:38.827] internet clientapp/lighty-2 1810/0/1/1/1812 200 199 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url7 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:36:38 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2C5-000D 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:37.209] internet clientapp/lighty-3 1615/0/1/1/1617 200 199 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url6 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:36:37 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2C3-000C 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:35.681] internet clientapp/lighty-2 1527/0/0/2/1529 200 199 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url5 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:36:35 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :3959 2347-532AD2C3-000B 
[20/Mar/2014:11:36:35.678] internet clientapp/lighty-3 1/0/0/2/3 200 199 - - 
 1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url4 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:34:56 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :33161 2347-532AD25E-0009 
[20/Mar/2014:11:34:54.581] internet clientapp/lighty-2 2349/0/0/2/2351 200 199 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url3 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:34:54 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :33161 2347-532AD25E-0008 
[20/Mar/2014:11:34:54.579] internet clientapp/lighty-3 0/0/0/2/2 200 199 - - 
 1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url2 HTTP/1.1"
Mar 20 11:34:42 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :48491 2347-532AD252-0006 
[20/Mar/2014:11:34:42.784] internet clientapp/lighty-2 0/0/0/2/2 200 199 - - 
 1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url1 HTTP/1.1”

I can show you another one that logged 5588 ms:
Mar 20 11:41:36 ha-2.proxy haproxy[9031]: :55502 2347-532AD3EA-0014 
[20/Mar/2014:11:41:30.974] internet clientapp/lighty-3 5588/0/1/1/5590 200 200 
- -  1/1/0/1/0 0/0 {} "GET /url12 HTTP/1.1”

I initially thought this could be something to do with keep alive between 
client and HAProxy (wasn't sure how HAProxy would handle logging in this 
situation) but I believe I turned off keep alive just before I ran these tests. 
I was using "option http-server-close" in the defaults section and I commented 
that out and put in "no option http-keep-alive”.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you,


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recent test for dev22 on BSD

2014-03-20 Thread k simon
  I tested dev22 on FreeBSD 10-stable recently, and found:
1. "ipfw fwd" works well with dev22+tproxy. It's have a nice guide in
the /usr/local/share/examples.
But pf's divert-to and divert-reply can't work with haproxy. Maybe
haproxy does not use "getsockname(2)" and "setsockopt(2)".

2. There are some issue with "option http-server-close", haproxy crashed
after a while, whennever set it on frontend or backend.

3. Sometimes stalled with "tcp-smart-connect" and "tcp-smart-accept",
when I removed it, it's work normal. But I am not sure about it.

4.The dev22 can compiled on DragonflyBSD, but it's silent stalled.


Re: recent test for dev22 on BSD

2014-03-20 Thread PiBa-NL
Hi Simon,

1- pf divert-reply,
The issue with pf i think is the following text 'yyerror("divert-reply
has no meaning in FreeBSD pf(4)");' in /sbin/pfctl/parse.y
Was surprised to find it. Even though the option is listed on the man pages.

So it sounds like it is not possible with a current native FreeBSD install.
I anyway haven't been successful in writing a firewallrule that contains
divert-reply and can be validated by pfctl. I do think that would be the
best solution reading the text in the man page it seems exactly what is
needed.. Catching reply packets for a nonlocal socket.

Where you able to write such a firewall rule?

I'm now trying to manually merge a old patch i found online..
Seems some parts are present already while other are 'missing' in the
current sources...
Not sure if that will work out working as some bitflags are used already
for other options and i am not sure if thats resolvable by me.

2- crash on FreeBSD,
Ive not seen it myself, but another user did report on FreeBSD8.3
(pfSense 2.1) that he also experiences crashes with dev20 and dev22 .

About 3 and 4 i have no clue..


k simon schreef op 20-3-2014 16:12:
> Hi,lists,
>   I tested dev22 on FreeBSD 10-stable recently, and found:
> 1. "ipfw fwd" works well with dev22+tproxy. It's have a nice guide in
> the /usr/local/share/examples.
> But pf's divert-to and divert-reply can't work with haproxy. Maybe
> haproxy does not use "getsockname(2)" and "setsockopt(2)".
> 2. There are some issue with "option http-server-close", haproxy crashed
> after a while, whennever set it on frontend or backend.
> 3. Sometimes stalled with "tcp-smart-connect" and "tcp-smart-accept",
> when I removed it, it's work normal. But I am not sure about it.
> 4.The dev22 can compiled on DragonflyBSD, but it's silent stalled.
> Regards
> Simon

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RE: recent test for dev22 on BSD

2014-03-20 Thread Lukas Tribus
Hi Simon,

> 2. There are some issue with "option http-server-close", haproxy crashed
> after a while, whennever set it on frontend or backend.

For crashes, please provide gdb backtraces [1].

> 3. Sometimes stalled with "tcp-smart-connect" and "tcp-smart-accept",
> when I removed it, it's work normal. But I am not sure about it.

What does that exactly mean? Does a single request stall or the whole
haproxy service? Does it eat a lot of CPU in this condition (user or kernel)?

> 4. The dev22 can compiled on DragonflyBSD, but it's silent stalled.

Same as with 3. - we need more informations about this (including the
output of ./haproxy -vv, an explanation of what you are trying to achieve
and at least a relevant part of your configuration).



[1] http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/developers-handbook/debugging.html  

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