OT: About WebPageTest results (was Re: SSL Labs says my server isn't doing ssl session resumption)

2021-06-21 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 2021-06-20 06:03, Shawn Heisey wrote:

Unrelated, and off topic because it's mostly about Apache, but strange:

I've been doing some tests with webpagetest.org, and seeing REALLY
long load times for some resources in their waterfall graph.  I see no
speed problems when I load the pages from my workstation at home.

Followup on this, information which others here might find useful:

By default WebPageTest defaults to traffic shaping of 5 Mbps down and 1 
Mbps up, which it thinks simulates a cable connection.  That's laughable 
-- I get 460 Mbps down and 12 Mpbs up on my cable connection, and I'm 
not even paying for the maximum bandwidth I COULD get.

Long story short, hitting a web page with about 25 megabytes of images 
takes over 40 seconds for WebPageTest to render.  If I switch from that 
default "5/1 Mbps Cable" traffic shaping to native (no traffic shaping 
at all) the render takes 1.8 seconds, which is approximately what I see 
when I hit the page myself.  Server in AWS.

When I do the math, 40 seconds is actually quite fast for downloading 
those images on a 5 megabit connection.  So there was no actual problem. 
 WBT needs to make the choice of traffic shaping a lot more prominent, 
and provide more realistic options than what they have at the moment.  
To even see bandwidth options, you have to open advanced settings.  And 
the only option I could see in their list that's faster than the default 
(aside from native) is FIOS, which they've got at 20Mb down and 5Mb up.  
They have forums, I'll make suggestions there.


Re: OT: About WebPageTest results (was Re: SSL Labs says my server isn't doing ssl session resumption)

2021-06-21 Thread Rainer Duffner

> Am 21.06.2021 um 18:25 schrieb Shawn Heisey :
> On 2021-06-20 06:03, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> Unrelated, and off topic because it's mostly about Apache, but strange:
>> I've been doing some tests with webpagetest.org, and seeing REALLY
>> long load times for some resources in their waterfall graph.  I see no
>> speed problems when I load the pages from my workstation at home.
> Followup on this, information which others here might find useful:
> By default WebPageTest defaults to traffic shaping of 5 Mbps down and 1 Mbps 
> up, which it thinks simulates a cable connection.  That's laughable -- I get 
> 460 Mbps down and 12 Mpbs up on my cable connection, and I'm not even paying 
> for the maximum bandwidth I COULD get.
> Long story short, hitting a web page with about 25 megabytes of images takes 
> over 40 seconds for WebPageTest to render.  If I switch from that default 
> "5/1 Mbps Cable" traffic shaping to native (no traffic shaping at all) the 
> render takes 1.8 seconds, which is approximately what I see when I hit the 
> page myself.  Server in AWS.
> When I do the math, 40 seconds is actually quite fast for downloading those 
> images on a 5 megabit connection.  So there was no actual problem.  WBT needs 
> to make the choice of traffic shaping a lot more prominent, and provide more 
> realistic options than what they have at the moment.  To even see bandwidth 
> options, you have to open advanced settings.  And the only option I could see 
> in their list that's faster than the default (aside from native) is FIOS, 
> which they've got at 20Mb down and 5Mb up.  They have forums, I'll make 
> suggestions there.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

It’s probably to make DDoSes more difficult (like basically everything these 

I never got around to host my own WPT instance (for work).

I mainly use the public version to to get „a feeling“ for the speed and to weed 
out any caching effects of local browsers with pages too complex to use curl or 

Bid Writing, Fundraising and Volunteering Workshops

2021-06-21 Thread NFP Workshops

 Affordable Training Courses

Bid Writing: The Basics

 Do you know the most common reasons for rejection? Are you gathering the right 
evidence? Are you making the right arguments? Are you using the right 
terminology? Are your numbers right? Are you learning from rejections? 

Are you assembling the right documents? Do you know how to create a clear and 
concise standard funding bid? Are you communicating with people or just 
excluding them? Do you know your own organisation well enough? 

Are you thinking through your projects carefully enough? Do you know enough 
about your competitors? Are you answering the questions funders will ask 
themselves about your application? Are you submitting applications correctly?
10.00 TO 12.30
COST £95.00
MON 21 JUN 2021
MON 05 JUL 2021
MON 19 JUL 2021
MON 02 AUG 2021
MON 23 AUG 2021
MON 06 SEP 2021
MON 20 SEP 2021

Bid Writing: Advanced

 Are you applying to the right trusts? Are you applying to enough trusts? Are 
you asking for the right amount of money? Are you applying in the right ways? 
Are your projects the most fundable projects? 

Are you carrying out trust fundraising in a professional way? Are you 
delegating enough work? Are you highly productive or just very busy? Are you 
looking for trusts in all the right places? 

How do you compare with your competitors for funding? Is the rest of your 
fundraising hampering your bids to trusts? Do you understand what trusts are 
ideally looking for?
10.00 TO 12.30
COST £95.00
TUE 22 JUN 2021
TUE 06 JUL 2021
TUE 20 JUL 2021
TUE 03 AUG 2021
TUE 24 AUG 2021
TUE 07 SEP 2021
TUE 21 SEP 2021

Corporate Fundraising 

Who are these companies? Why do they get involved? What do they like? What can 
you get from them? What can you offer them? What are the differences between 
donations, sponsorship, advertising and cause related marketing? 

Are companies just like trusts? How do you find these companies? How do you 
research them? How do you contact them? How do you pitch to them? How do you 
negotiate with them? 

When should you say no? How do you draft contracts? How do you manage the 
relationships? What could go wrong? What are the tax issues? What are the legal 
10.00 TO 12.30
COST £95
WED 23 JUN 2021
WED 25 AUG 2021

Fundraising Overview
The workshop is for people who wish to move into fundraising, have just started 
in fundraising, have responsibilities for fundraisers or who are in fundraising 
and want to know whether they could be doing it better. 

We examine each of the different areas of fundraising – public donors, major 
donors, legacies, trusts and corporates. We explain how the different areas fit 
together and support each other to create a balanced fundraising effort. 

We look at how much investment each area of fundraising requires, what returns 
to expect and how long it is likely to take to achieve those returns. We 
examine what the rest of your organisation could be doing to help make your 
fundraising more successful.
10.00 TO 12.30
COST £95
FRI 25 JUN 2021
THU 09 SEP 2021

Recruiting and Managing Volunteers

Where do you find volunteers? How do you find the right volunteers? How do you 
attract volunteers? How do you run volunteer recruitment events? How do you 
interview volunteers?  

How do you train volunteers? How do you motivate volunteers? How do you involve 
volunteers? How do you recognise volunteers? How do you recognise problems with 
volunteers? How do you learn from volunteer problems?  

How do you retain volunteers? How do you manage volunteers? What about 
volunteers and your own staff? What about younger, older and employee 
10.00 TO 12.30
COST £95
WED 07 JUL 2021
WED 08 SEP 2021

Finding & Researching Trusts  
The workshop teaches where to find trusts and foundations to apply to. We look 
at all the various sources of information, compare the pros and cons and 
examine the costs involved in accessing each of them. 

We look at how to identify whether or not to apply to a particular trust. We 
examine how to prepare a target list of trusts to apply to. 

We look at how to realistically assess your likely chances of success. We 
explore how best to store and utilise the details you research about each trust.
10.00 TO 12.30
COST £95
FRI 09 JUL 2021
THU 23 SEP 2021

Legacy Fundraising 

Why do people make legacy gifts? What are the ethical issues? What are the 
regulations? What are the tax issues? What are the statistics? What are the 
trends? How can we integrate legacy fundraising into our other fundraising? 

What are the sources for research? How should we set a budget? How should we 
evaluate our results? How should we foreca