
for a client we develop a web shop application that handles payment by 
redirecting the user to a page of a payment service provider. After successful 
(or failed) payment the user is redirected back to our application with a post 
request. With Chrome 80 this began to be a problem because on cross-domain post 
requests the cookies are no longer transmitted. This can be fixed by setting 
SameSite=None on the cookies, what we did (also for the haproxy persistent 
session cookie) and it works fine.

But there is a new problem: old browsers, especially Safari on macOS < 10.15 
and iOS < 13. These browsers do not know of the value “None” for parameter 
“SameSite” and treat unknown values as “Strict”. So, no cookies for these 
browsers on the cross-domain post request.

For the web application we fixed this by adding 2 cookies, one with 
SameSite=None and another (“legacy” cookie) without SameSite parameter.

Any ideas on how to handle this problem for haproxy?


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