Re: Roadmap for 1.6

2014-07-27 Thread Scott McKeown | redIT

Hi Willy,

I know that you are thinking of all sorts of wonderful things for 
HAProxy at the moment and reading through this email thread only 
empisises the amount of work that you and other cleaver people have put 
into making HAProxy in my opinion the only product that works.

OK that sounds a little bit more sucky upy than it did in my head.

Anyhow, as you have mentioned  that its really the community that is 
helping drive the developement forward, how about some form of online 
vote system to help find out what the community would most like to have 
added to the next release and this could then be the main target of the 
next stable release.

For example Open a vote for one month before all major development 
begins with say four items that are realisticly possible for adding into 
v1.6 after the month the one with the most becomes the main development 
focus for this release. I'm not saying that other things can't and 
shouldn't be added that would just be silly but this way us out here get 
what we think we really need and we continue to have a reliable and 
stable development process.

Well thats it, light buld burnt out now.

Thanks again to one and all for working on HAProxy.


Re: Roadmap for 1.6

2014-07-29 Thread Scott McKeown | redIT

Hi Willy,

Thank you for clearing this up for me.

I now understand the direction that you are wanting to take more clearly 

I just wish that I could help more than by just using and reporting, I'm 
sure I'll get there though.


On 29/07/2014 09:33, Willy Tarreau wrote:

Hi Scott,

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 03:40:10PM +0100, Scott McKeown | redIT wrote:

Anyhow, as you have mentioned  that its really the community that is
helping drive the developement forward, how about some form of online
vote system to help find out what the community would most like to have
added to the next release and this could then be the main target of the
next stable release.

It already exists, it's the mailing list! Development is not based on a
vote but on *real* efforts, and the best way to have a feature implemented
is to contribute it. When you cannot contribute it, you at least need to
explain your needs on the list so that they can be discussed and tailored
to something implementable. In fact, this has worked for years so I firmly
believe this will continue to work. Also, as I mentionned, I don't want a
release to depend on an advertise feature set anymore, so that's one more
reason for having things done in parallel and as contributions.

For example Open a vote for one month before all major development
begins with say four items that are realisticly possible for adding into
v1.6 after the month the one with the most becomes the main development
focus for this release.

We really never know. Server-side keep-alive was realistic for 6-months
after 1.4, and digging into it constantly proved more difficult with a
very long trail of dependencies. So I don't want to bet anymore on ETAs
for certain features. We have many examples like this, of things we have
been forced to drop or at least delay so that we could perform deeper
changes that were needed.

I'm not saying that other things can't and
shouldn't be added that would just be silly but this way us out here get
what we think we really need and we continue to have a reliable and
stable development process.

There's another point I forgot to mention : despite a number of companies
contributing to the project, most initiatives are done on a voluntary basis
by enthousiasts on their spare time. Most of them have no idea how long it
can take to implement something nor how much spare time they have to work
on it. We *cannot* and *must not* wait for people's work to be completed
before a release, and they must not feel bad for missing a deadline. That's
the benefit of a merge window : if your code is not in good enough shape
for version N, no rush, continue at your rhythm, you'll push it for N+1 a
few months later.

This process ensures that what people want actually is what will eventually
get merged. Large companies can hire developers to get their features done
quickly, and other users can take their time, nobody is waiting for them to

Best regards,

Re: [PATCH/RFC 0/8] Email Alerts

2015-02-03 Thread Scott McKeown|redIT

Hi Willy,

Can you please just confirm where this has been merged into as I've 
downloaded the v1.6-dev0 archive today and I can't see it in there also 
I've tried Horms github version at which does look 
to have all the options in but I can't test this on either the v1.5.11 
branch or v1.6-dev0


On 02/02/2015 23:40, Willy Tarreau wrote:

So I've merged it now, all 8 patches. Now I trust you to provide the
doc so that users can quickly start testing it. Do not hesitate either
if you want to fix issues or change your mind about certain points you
are not happy with, this is still in development, no worries!


Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-17 Thread Scott McKeown|redIT

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have 
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

log /dev/log local4 debug
maxconn 4096
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

log global
option httplog
retries 3
timeout client  5
timeout connect 5
timeout server  5

listen http-in
bind x.x.x.x:80
mode http
default_backend www_redit

listen https-in
bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
mode http

acl samson_vpn_gateway src

acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 

acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

#VPN Access Only
use_backend services if is_nagios samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend services if is_cacti samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend dradis if is_dradis

default_backend corp_site

listen corp_site
mode http
log global
option httpclose
source usesrc clientip
option forwardfor
server websites01 check inter 3000 fall 3
server services1 check inter 3000 fall 3

listen www_redit
mode http
redirect scheme https

This should do the trick for you you may want to try putting your reqrep 
in or play around with the acl list and re-test with your Headers but 
I've got mine built with TProxy enabled.


On 17/03/2015 15:36, Sean Patronis wrote:
I seem to be having an interesting issue with forced ssl redirects in 
Haproxy 1.5.11

Sorry if this sounds clear as mud, but here goes:

When I load a domain that is served by haproxy that is supposed to 
force https, it initially forces the connection to be https (if you 
attempt to connect over http), but I get a Mixed content warning when 
it attempts to load another url that is based on the same domain.  If 
I allow the mixed content through the browser, it does not get 
redirected to https.  I am sure I just have something configured 
incorrectly, but I am not sure where.

I go to URL:

inside the test123 app it makes a protocol-less request to another app 
which ends up using http (since the backend is http balanced) using 
this URL:

Since the we have a redirect for ssl in place, shouldn't the request 
get forced to https?  It worked this way when apache was acting as our 
SSL reverse proxy.  What am I doing incorrectly?  If I allow mixed 
content in the browser, the haproxy logs show that it indeed connects 
over port 80 without getting redirected to 443.

here is the fontend:

frontend ## local Backends
bind  ssl crt /etc/certs/test.bundle no-sslv3 

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
option http-server-close
acl is_apps_match url_beg /apps/
use_backend if is_apps_match

here are the relevant backends:

reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server weight 50 

server maint check backup
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server caleb weight 50 check
server maint check backup
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }


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