Hi all,

I have a very weird problem and need your help if you have any idea !

here is my very simple setup

frontend  www_https
    bind               ssl crt 
    bind               ssl crt 

    http-request                set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https

    use_backend wcweb           if url_bm-full

frontend  www_soap
    bind               ssl crt 
    bind               ssl crt 

    acl wc_soap_port            dst_port        8000

    use_backend wcsoap          if wc_soap_port

When ever I connect on the 8000 port I get the correct cert 75 % of the time 
the rest I’m getting the other certs that should only be on port 443 

Here is how I get the certificate ?

echo|openssl s_client -connect sphsoap100.bmtc.ca:8000 |openssl x509 -text 
-noout 2>&1| grep www.domain1.com

I try with haproxy 1.5.14 ( haproxy-1.5.14-1.el6.src.rpm) and haproxy 1.5.4 

If I try with openssl on port 443 I always get the correct cert which is the 
first one but for the second one I have less luck ;-(

Any info from you would be great.


Guillaume Bourque, B.Sc.,

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