Dear haproxy maintainers:

if we should add check for memory allocation?

I got 3 coredumps(haproxy version is 2.6.6):

bt 1
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00007f0a03a50a57 in BIO_meth_set_write (biom=0x0, 
bwrite=bwrite@entry=0x55fbf4ac5260 <ha_ssl_write>) at crypto/bio/bio_meth.c:92
92 biom->bwrite_old = bwrite;
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007f0a03a50a57 in BIO_meth_set_write (biom=0x0, 
bwrite=bwrite@entry=0x55fbf4ac5260 <ha_ssl_write>) at crypto/bio/bio_meth.c:92
#1 0x000055fbf4ac50d5 in __ssl_sock_init () at src/ssl_sock.c:8150
#2 0x000055fbf4aba0e6 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7ffe3895b718) at 
 bt 2
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 __memmove_evex_unaligned_erms () at 
307 VMOVU %VEC(0), (%rdi)
(gdb) bt
#0 __memmove_evex_unaligned_erms () at 
#1 0x000056542cb0dba1 in memcpy (__len=46, __src=0x56542dbff1a0, 
__dest=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/bits/string_fortified.h:29
#2 __b_putblk (b=<optimized out>, len=46, blk=0x56542dbff1a0 "register section 
'log-forward': out of memory.\n") at include/haproxy/buf.h:552
#3 b_putblk (b=<optimized out>, len=46, blk=0x56542dbff1a0 "register section 
'log-forward': out of memory.\n") at include/haproxy/buf.h:568
#4 usermsgs_put (msg=<synthetic pointer>) at src/errors.c:50
#5 print_message (use_usermsgs_ctx=<optimized out>, label=<optimized out>, 
fmt=<optimized out>, argp=<optimized out>) at src/errors.c:216
#6 0x000056542cb0de0e in ha_alert (fmt=fmt@entry=0x56542cb581a8 "register 
section '%s': out of memory.\n") at src/errors.c:253
#7 0x000056542ca4bcfc in cfg_register_section (post_section_parser=0x0, 
section_parser=0x56542ca444c0 <cfg_parse_log_forward>, 
section_name=0x56542cb56e3a "log-forward") at src/cfgparse.c:4318
#8 cfg_register_section (section_name=0x56542cb56e3a "log-forward", 
section_parser=0x56542ca444c0 <cfg_parse_log_forward>, post_section_parser=0x0) 
at src/cfgparse.c:4303
#9 0x000056542c94f0e6 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7ffefb267388) at 
(gdb) f 4
#4 usermsgs_put (msg=<synthetic pointer>) at src/errors.c:50
50 b_putblk(&usermsgs_buf, msg->ptr, msg->len);
(gdb) p usermsgs_buf
$1 = {size = 1024, area = 0x0, data = 0, head = 0}
bt 3
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 __pthread_clockjoin_ex (threadid=1, thread_return=thread_return@entry=0x0, 
clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, block=block@entry=true) at 
(gdb) bt
#0 __pthread_clockjoin_ex (threadid=1, thread_return=thread_return@entry=0x0, 
clockid=clockid@entry=0, abstime=abstime@entry=0x0, block=block@entry=true) at 
#1 0x00007ff1708aa043 in ___pthread_join (threadid=<optimized out>, 
thread_return=thread_return@entry=0x0) at pthread_join.c:25
#2 0x000055b6ed0c64d1 in preload_libgcc_s () at src/thread.c:950
#3 __thread_init () at src/thread.c:964
#4 0x000055b6ecf10086 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7ffc1849dbc8) at 

The attachments is my  patches.
Looking forward to your response.
| |

Attachment: add-check-for-ha_meth.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: add-check-for-usermsgs_buf.area-in-usermsgs_put.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: add-check-for-pthread_create.patch
Description: Binary data

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