Stick table /request tracking inquiry:

is it possible to  traffic to a different backend when http error (5xx/4xx) 
goes higher than a certain threshold ?
my config is as such:
         acl phoenix_bound path_beg -i -f /etc/haproxy/phoenix_bound.lst        
  use_backend phoenix if phoenix_bound

My end goal is to accomplish this condition
IF (http status code) from (phoenix backend) > 399  && count > 100  ; then 
use_backend catch_all for al subsequent requests till there are no more errors 

I am reading up on stick tables and tracking ; but i am confused with the 
enormous things that can be done with such options so a nudge in the right 
direction would be greatly appreciated

Another question if possible: is it possible to set counters for query string 
parameters ?  for example counting how many requests a specific user id have 
made to a specific backend 


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