Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-17 Thread Sean Patronis
I seem to be having an interesting issue with forced ssl redirects in 
Haproxy 1.5.11

Sorry if this sounds clear as mud, but here goes:

When I load a domain that is served by haproxy that is supposed to force 
https, it initially forces the connection to be https (if you attempt to 
connect over http), but I get a Mixed content warning when it attempts 
to load another url that is based on the same domain.  If I allow the 
mixed content through the browser, it does not get redirected to https.  
I am sure I just have something configured incorrectly, but I am not 
sure where.

I go to URL:

inside the test123 app it makes a protocol-less request to another app 
which ends up using http (since the backend is http balanced) using this 


Since the we have a redirect for ssl in place, shouldn't the request get 
forced to https?  It worked this way when apache was acting as our SSL 
reverse proxy.  What am I doing incorrectly?  If I allow mixed content 
in the browser, the haproxy logs show that it indeed connects over port 
80 without getting redirected to 443.

here is the fontend:

frontend localcaleb.test123.com ## local Backends
bind  ssl crt /etc/certs/test.bundle no-sslv3 ciphers 

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
option http-server-close
acl is_apps_match url_beg /apps/
use_backend caleblocal.test123.com if is_apps_match
default_backend caleb.test123.com

here are the relevant backends:

backend caleblocal.test123.com
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server caleb-pc.staff.test123.com weight 50 check
server maint maint.test123.com:81 check backup
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

backend caleb.test123.com
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server caleb weight 50 check
server maint maint.test123.com:81 check backup
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }


--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-17 Thread Scott McKeown|redIT

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have 
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

log /dev/log local4 debug
maxconn 4096
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

log global
option httplog
retries 3
timeout client  5
timeout connect 5
timeout server  5

listen http-in
bind x.x.x.x:80
mode http
default_backend www_redit

listen https-in
bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
mode http

acl samson_vpn_gateway src

acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 

acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

#VPN Access Only
use_backend services if is_nagios samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend services if is_cacti samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend dradis if is_dradis

default_backend corp_site

listen corp_site
mode http
log global
option httpclose
source usesrc clientip
option forwardfor
server websites01 check inter 3000 fall 3
server services1 check inter 3000 fall 3

listen www_redit
mode http
redirect scheme https

This should do the trick for you you may want to try putting your reqrep 
in or play around with the acl list and re-test with your Headers but 
I've got mine built with TProxy enabled.


On 17/03/2015 15:36, Sean Patronis wrote:
I seem to be having an interesting issue with forced ssl redirects in 
Haproxy 1.5.11

Sorry if this sounds clear as mud, but here goes:

When I load a domain that is served by haproxy that is supposed to 
force https, it initially forces the connection to be https (if you 
attempt to connect over http), but I get a Mixed content warning when 
it attempts to load another url that is based on the same domain.  If 
I allow the mixed content through the browser, it does not get 
redirected to https.  I am sure I just have something configured 
incorrectly, but I am not sure where.

I go to URL:

inside the test123 app it makes a protocol-less request to another app 
which ends up using http (since the backend is http balanced) using 
this URL:


Since the we have a redirect for ssl in place, shouldn't the request 
get forced to https?  It worked this way when apache was acting as our 
SSL reverse proxy.  What am I doing incorrectly?  If I allow mixed 
content in the browser, the haproxy logs show that it indeed connects 
over port 80 without getting redirected to 443.

here is the fontend:

frontend localcaleb.test123.com ## local Backends
bind  ssl crt /etc/certs/test.bundle no-sslv3 

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
option http-server-close
acl is_apps_match url_beg /apps/
use_backend caleblocal.test123.com if is_apps_match
default_backend caleb.test123.com

here are the relevant backends:

backend caleblocal.test123.com
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server caleb-pc.staff.test123.com weight 50 

server maint maint.test123.com:81 check backup
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

backend caleb.test123.com
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server caleb weight 50 check
server maint maint.test123.com:81 check backup
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-17 Thread Sean Patronis
Unfortunately that did not fix it.  I mirrored your config and the 
problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting built 
on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but 
whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache (with 
mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to apache 
to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through apache 
for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl etc).

My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the 
front end.

Any other ideas?

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have 
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

log /dev/log local4 debug
maxconn 4096
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

log global
option httplog
retries 3
timeout client  5
timeout connect 5
timeout server  5

listen http-in
bind x.x.x.x:80
mode http
default_backend www_redit

listen https-in
bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
mode http

acl samson_vpn_gateway src

acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if 

acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

#VPN Access Only
use_backend services if is_nagios samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend services if is_cacti samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend dradis if is_dradis

default_backend corp_site

listen corp_site
mode http
log global
option httpclose
source usesrc clientip
option forwardfor
server websites01 check inter 3000 fall 3
server services1 check inter 3000 fall 3

listen www_redit
mode http
redirect scheme https

This should do the trick for you you may want to try putting your 
reqrep in or play around with the acl list and re-test with your 
Headers but I've got mine built with TProxy enabled.


On 17/03/2015 15:36, Sean Patronis wrote:
I seem to be having an interesting issue with forced ssl redirects in 
Haproxy 1.5.11

Sorry if this sounds clear as mud, but here goes:

When I load a domain that is served by haproxy that is supposed to 
force https, it initially forces the connection to be https (if you 
attempt to connect over http), but I get a Mixed content warning when 
it attempts to load another url that is based on the same domain.  If 
I allow the mixed content through the browser, it does not get 
redirected to https.  I am sure I just have something configured 
incorrectly, but I am not sure where.

I go to URL:

inside the test123 app it makes a protocol-less request to another 
app which ends up using http (since the backend is http balanced) 
using this URL:


Since the we have a redirect for ssl in place, shouldn't the request 
get forced to https?  It worked this way when apache was acting as 
our SSL reverse proxy.  What am I doing incorrectly? If I allow mixed 
content in the browser, the haproxy logs show that it indeed connects 
over port 80 without getting redirected to 443.

here is the fontend:

frontend localcaleb.test123.com ## local Backends
bind  ssl crt /etc/certs/test.bundle no-sslv3 

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
option http-server-close
acl is_apps_match url_beg /apps/
use_backend caleblocal.test123.com if is_apps_match
default_backend caleb.test123.com

here are the relevant backends:

backend caleblocal.test123.com
reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /apps/(.*) \1\ /\2
server caleb-pc.staff.test123.com weight 50 

server maint maint.test123.com:81 check backup

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-17 Thread Cyril Bonté


Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :

Unfortunately that did not fix it.  I mirrored your config and the
problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting built
on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache (with
mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to apache
to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through apache
for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl etc).

My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the
front end.

Any other ideas?

Have a look at this answer :

I assume that your application is not aware of an SSL termination, so 
you have to notify it with the right configuration, which depends on 
your backends softwares. Can you provide some information on them ?

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

log /dev/log local4 debug
maxconn 4096
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

log global
option httplog
retries 3
timeout client  5
timeout connect 5
timeout server  5

listen http-in
bind x.x.x.x:80
mode http
default_backend www_redit

listen https-in
bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
mode http

acl samson_vpn_gateway src

acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if

acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

#VPN Access Only
use_backend services if is_nagios samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend services if is_cacti samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend dradis if is_dradis

default_backend corp_site

listen corp_site
mode http
log global
option httpclose
source usesrc clientip
option forwardfor
server websites01 check inter 3000 fall 3
server services1 check inter 3000 fall 3

listen www_redit
mode http
redirect scheme https

This should do the trick for you you may want to try putting your
reqrep in or play around with the acl list and re-test with your
Headers but I've got mine built with TProxy enabled.


On 17/03/2015 15:36, Sean Patronis wrote:

I seem to be having an interesting issue with forced ssl redirects in
Haproxy 1.5.11

Sorry if this sounds clear as mud, but here goes:

When I load a domain that is served by haproxy that is supposed to
force https, it initially forces the connection to be https (if you
attempt to connect over http), but I get a Mixed content warning when
it attempts to load another url that is based on the same domain.  If
I allow the mixed content through the browser, it does not get
redirected to https.  I am sure I just have something configured
incorrectly, but I am not sure where.

I go to URL:

inside the test123 app it makes a protocol-less request to another
app which ends up using http (since the backend is http balanced)
using this URL:

Since the we have a redirect for ssl in place, shouldn't the request
get forced to https?  It worked this way when apache was acting as
our SSL reverse proxy.  What am I doing incorrectly? If I allow mixed
content in the browser, the haproxy logs show that it indeed connects
over port 80 without getting redirected to 443.

here is the fontend:

frontend localcaleb.test123.com ## local Backends
bind  ssl crt /etc/certs/test.bundle no-sslv3

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
option http-server-close
acl is_apps_match url_beg /apps/
use_backend cale

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-18 Thread Sean Patronis
Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did not change 
anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some indication 
of what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a different 
way since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the 
following VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:

## [test.test123.com]

ServerName test.test123.com
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder On

ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPass   /

what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match whatever 
apache and mod_proxy is doing? is already in haproxy  I think the problem may be that 
there are some headers getting set by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse 
that I am not setting in haproxy.  More specifically, I think that the 
apache ProxyPassReverse is rewiting the problem URI to https, and 
haproxy is not.

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 06:24 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:


Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :

Unfortunately that did not fix it.  I mirrored your config and the
problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting built
on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache (with
mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to apache
to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through apache
for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl etc).

My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the
front end.

Any other ideas?

Have a look at this answer :

I assume that your application is not aware of an SSL termination, so 
you have to notify it with the right configuration, which depends on 
your backends softwares. Can you provide some information on them ?

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

log /dev/log local4 debug
maxconn 4096
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3

ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

log global
option httplog
retries 3
timeout client  5
timeout connect 5
timeout server  5

listen http-in
bind x.x.x.x:80
mode http
default_backend www_redit

listen https-in
bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
mode http

acl samson_vpn_gateway src

acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if

acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

#VPN Access Only
use_backend services if is_nagios samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend services if is_cacti samson_vpn_gateway
use_backend dradis if is_dradis

default_backend corp_site

listen corp_site
mode http
log global
option httpclose
source usesrc clientip
option forwardfor
server websites01 check inter 3000 fall 3
server services1 check inter 3000 fall 3

listen www_redit
mode http
redirect scheme https

This should do the trick for you you may want to try putting your
reqrep in or play around with the acl list and re-test with your
Headers but I've got mine built with TProxy enabled.


On 17/03/2015 15:36, Sean Patronis wrote:

I seem to be having an interesting issue with forced ssl redirects in
Haproxy 1.5.11

Sorry if this sounds clear as mud, but here goes:

When I load a domain that is served by haproxy that is supposed to
force https, it initially forces the connection to be https (if you
attempt to connect over http), but I get a Mixed content warning when
it attempts to load another u

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-18 Thread Baptiste
Hi Sean,

You may find some useful information here:
and here:


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Sean Patronis  wrote:
> Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did not change
> anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some indication of
> what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a different way
> since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the following
> VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:
> ## [test.test123.com]
> ServerName test.test123.com
> SSLEngine on
> SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
> SSLHonorCipherOrder On
> SSLCipherSuite
> ProxyPassReverse /
> ProxyPass   /
> what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match whatever apache
> and mod_proxy is doing?
> is already in haproxy  I think the problem may be that
> there are some headers getting set by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse that I
> am not setting in haproxy.  More specifically, I think that the apache
> ProxyPassReverse is rewiting the problem URI to https, and haproxy is not.
> --Sean Patronis
> Auto Data Direct Inc.
> 850.877.8804
> On 03/17/2015 06:24 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :
>>> Unfortunately that did not fix it.  I mirrored your config and the
>>> problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting built
>>> on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
>>> whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache (with
>>> mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to apache
>>> to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through apache
>>> for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl etc).
>>> My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the
>>> front end.
>>> Any other ideas?
>> Have a look at this answer :
>> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.haproxy/10361
>> I assume that your application is not aware of an SSL termination, so you
>> have to notify it with the right configuration, which depends on your
>> backends softwares. Can you provide some information on them ?
>>> --Sean Patronis
>>> Auto Data Direct Inc.
>>> 850.877.8804
>>> On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:

 Hi Sean,

 I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have
 however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

 Example below:

 log /dev/log local4 debug
 maxconn 4096
 tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048



 ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3


 ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

 log global
 option httplog
 retries 3
 timeout client  5
 timeout connect 5
 timeout server  5

 listen http-in
 bind x.x.x.x:80
 mode http
 default_backend www_redit

 listen https-in
 bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
 mode http

 acl samson_vpn_gateway src

 acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
 acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
 acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

 redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
 redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
 redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if

 acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
 acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
 acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

 #VPN Access Only
 use_backend services if is_nagios samson_vpn_gateway
 use_backend services if is_cacti samson_vpn_gateway
 use_backend dradis if is_dradis

 default_backend corp_site

 listen corp_site
 mode http
 log global
 option httpclose
 source usesrc clientip
 option forwardfor
 server websites0

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-18 Thread Sean Patronis


Thanks for the links, I had run across them earlier this morning in my 
google searching, but your post made me pay more attention to them... I 
have it working now, and the trick that seemed to do it for me was 
making all the paths absolute (since I am forcing https anyhow, and each 
since frontend/backend combo is unique) with this line in my backend config:

# ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
 # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
 acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
 rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*) 
Location:\ \3 if hdr_location

Thanks for all the help from everyone is this thread!

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/18/2015 12:06 PM, Baptiste wrote:

Hi Sean,

You may find some useful information here:
and here:


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Sean Patronis  wrote:

Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did not change
anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some indication of
what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a different way
since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the following
VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:

## [test.test123.com]

ServerName test.test123.com
 SSLEngine on
 SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
 SSLHonorCipherOrder On
 ProxyPassReverse /
 ProxyPass   /

what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match whatever apache
and mod_proxy is doing? is already in haproxy  I think the problem may be that
there are some headers getting set by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse that I
am not setting in haproxy.  More specifically, I think that the apache
ProxyPassReverse is rewiting the problem URI to https, and haproxy is not.

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 06:24 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:


Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :

Unfortunately that did not fix it.  I mirrored your config and the
problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting built
on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache (with
mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to apache
to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through apache
for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl etc).

My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the
front end.

Any other ideas?

Have a look at this answer :

I assume that your application is not aware of an SSL termination, so you
have to notify it with the right configuration, which depends on your
backends softwares. Can you provide some information on them ?

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

 log /dev/log local4 debug
 maxconn 4096
 tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048



 ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3


 ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3

 log global
 option httplog
 retries 3
 timeout client  5
 timeout connect 5
 timeout server  5

listen http-in
 bind x.x.x.x:80
 mode http
 default_backend www_redit

listen https-in
 bind x.x.x.x:443 ssl crt /etc/certs/server_2015.pem
 mode http

 acl samson_vpn_gateway src

 acl missing_nagios_slash path_reg -i ^/nagios3[^/]*$
 acl missing_cacti_slash path_reg -i ^/cacti[^/]*$
 acl missing_dradis_slash path_reg -i ^/customers[^/]*$

 redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
 redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if
 redirect code 301 prefix / drop-query append-slash if

 acl is_nagios path_reg -i /nagios3/
 acl is_cacti path_reg -i /cacti/
 acl is_dradis path_reg -i /customers/

 #VPN Access Only
 use_backend services if is_nagios samson

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-03-18 Thread Baptiste
Hi Sean!

You're welcome :)
I still have in my TODO list to contact you about your AVI network experience ;)

Talk to you soon.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Sean Patronis  wrote:
> Baptiste,
> Thanks for the links, I had run across them earlier this morning in my
> google searching, but your post made me pay more attention to them... I have
> it working now, and the trick that seemed to do it for me was making all the
> paths absolute (since I am forcing https anyhow, and each since
> frontend/backend combo is unique) with this line in my backend config:
> # ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
>  # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
>  acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
>  rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*)
> Location:\ \3 if hdr_location
> Thanks for all the help from everyone is this thread!
> --Sean Patronis
> Auto Data Direct Inc.
> 850.877.8804
> On 03/18/2015 12:06 PM, Baptiste wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> You may find some useful information here:
>> http://blog.haproxy.com/2014/04/28/howto-write-apache-proxypass-rules-in-haproxy/
>> and here:
>> http://blog.haproxy.com/2013/02/26/ssl-offloading-impact-on-web-applications/
>> Baptiste
>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Sean Patronis 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did not change
>>> anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some indication of
>>> what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a different way
>>> since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the
>>> following
>>> VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:
>>> ## [test.test123.com]
>>> ServerName test.test123.com
>>>  SSLEngine on
>>>  SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
>>>  SSLHonorCipherOrder On
>>>  SSLCipherSuite
>>>  ProxyPassReverse /
>>>  ProxyPass   /
>>> what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match whatever
>>> apache
>>> and mod_proxy is doing?
>>> is already in haproxy  I think the problem may be that
>>> there are some headers getting set by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse that
>>> I
>>> am not setting in haproxy.  More specifically, I think that the apache
>>> ProxyPassReverse is rewiting the problem URI to https, and haproxy is
>>> not.
>>> --Sean Patronis
>>> Auto Data Direct Inc.
>>> 850.877.8804
>>> On 03/17/2015 06:24 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:


 Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :
> Unfortunately that did not fix it.  I mirrored your config and the
> problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting built
> on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
> whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache (with
> mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to apache
> to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through apache
> for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl
> etc).
> My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the
> front end.
> Any other ideas?

 Have a look at this answer :

 I assume that your application is not aware of an SSL termination, so
 have to notify it with the right configuration, which depends on your
 backends softwares. Can you provide some information on them ?

> --Sean Patronis
> Auto Data Direct Inc.
> 850.877.8804
> On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have
>> however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.
>> Example below:
>> global
>>  log /dev/log local4 debug
>>  maxconn 4096
>>  daemon
>>  tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
>>  ssl-default-bind-ciphers
>>  ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3
>>  ssl-default-server-ciphers
>>  ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3
>> defaults
>>  log global
>>  option httplog
>>  retries 3
>>  timeout client  5
>>  timeout connect 5
>>  timeout server  5
>> listen http-in
>>  bind x.x.x.x:80
>>  mode 

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-05-27 Thread Sean Patronis
I have another question to add to the mix. While attempting to 
mirror the proxypass and proxypassreverse capabilities of Apache's 
mod_proxy and force https connections across everything through haproxy, 
I have run into a small snag and want to try and work around it.

We have multiple front ends that use the same backends but since I 
am forcing the URLs to be absolute to rewrite them to https, we need to 
have a variable host name.  What is the most efficient way to accomplish 

example: in a backend we have :
  # ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
  # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
 acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
 rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*) 
Location:\ \3 if hdr_location

which works only for the frontend localtest.test123.com. i have 
another domain dev.test123.com that needs to use the same backend. What 
is the best way to make the host from the request into a variable? how 
can we do something like this so that any frontend can use this backend?

 acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
 rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://%[host](:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*) Location:\ \3 
if hdr_location

This is all in haproxy 1.5


--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/18/2015 02:06 PM, Sean Patronis wrote:


Thanks for the links, I had run across them earlier this morning in my 
google searching, but your post made me pay more attention to them... 
I have it working now, and the trick that seemed to do it for me was 
making all the paths absolute (since I am forcing https anyhow, and 
each since frontend/backend combo is unique) with this line in my 
backend config:

# ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
 # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
 acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
 rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*) 
Location:\ \3 if hdr_location

Thanks for all the help from everyone is this thread!

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/18/2015 12:06 PM, Baptiste wrote:

Hi Sean,

You may find some useful information here:
and here:


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Sean Patronis  

Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did not change
anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some 
indication of

what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a different way
since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the 

VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:

## [test.test123.com]

ServerName test.test123.com
 SSLEngine on
 SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
 SSLHonorCipherOrder On

 ProxyPassReverse /
 ProxyPass   /

what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match whatever 

and mod_proxy is doing? is already in haproxy  I think the problem may be that
there are some headers getting set by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse 
that I

am not setting in haproxy.  More specifically, I think that the apache
ProxyPassReverse is rewiting the problem URI to https, and haproxy 
is not.

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 06:24 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:


Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :

Unfortunately that did not fix it. I mirrored your config and the
problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting 

on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache 
mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to 
to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through 
for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl 

My goal in all of this was to ditch apache and go all haproxy on the
front end.

Any other ideas?

Have a look at this answer :

I assume that your application is not aware of an SSL termination, 
so you

have to notify it with the right configuration, which depends on your
backends softwares. Can you provide some information on them ?

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/17/2015 11:51 AM, Scott McKeown|redIT wrote:

Hi Sean,

I've got a setup that is somewhat like what you are after. I have
however, done it in a very dirrerent way for this very same reason.

Example below:

 log /dev/log local4 debug
 maxconn 4096
 tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048


Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-05-27 Thread Nathan Williams
we use "redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }" on our SSL-only
backends, many of which are accessed by multiple hostnames. if i understand
correctly what you're trying to accomplish, i think that should do the

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:38 AM Sean Patronis  wrote:

> I have another question to add to the mix. While attempting to
> mirror the proxypass and proxypassreverse capabilities of Apache's
> mod_proxy and force https connections across everything through haproxy,
> I have run into a small snag and want to try and work around it.
> We have multiple front ends that use the same backends but since I
> am forcing the URLs to be absolute to rewrite them to https, we need to
> have a variable host name.  What is the most efficient way to accomplish
> that?
> example: in a backend we have :
># ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
># Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
>   acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
>   rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*)
> Location:\ \3 if hdr_location
> which works only for the frontend localtest.test123.com. i have
> another domain dev.test123.com that needs to use the same backend. What
> is the best way to make the host from the request into a variable? how
> can we do something like this so that any frontend can use this backend?
>   acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
>   rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://%[host](:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*) Location:\ \3
> if hdr_location
> This is all in haproxy 1.5
> Thanks.
> --Sean Patronis
> Auto Data Direct Inc.
> 850.877.8804
> On 03/18/2015 02:06 PM, Sean Patronis wrote:
> > Baptiste,
> >
> > Thanks for the links, I had run across them earlier this morning in my
> > google searching, but your post made me pay more attention to them...
> > I have it working now, and the trick that seemed to do it for me was
> > making all the paths absolute (since I am forcing https anyhow, and
> > each since frontend/backend combo is unique) with this line in my
> > backend config:
> >
> > # ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
> >  # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
> >  acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
> >  rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*)
> > Location:\ \3 if hdr_location
> >
> >
> > Thanks for all the help from everyone is this thread!
> >
> > --Sean Patronis
> > Auto Data Direct Inc.
> > 850.877.8804
> >
> > On 03/18/2015 12:06 PM, Baptiste wrote:
> >> Hi Sean,
> >>
> >> You may find some useful information here:
> >>
> http://blog.haproxy.com/2014/04/28/howto-write-apache-proxypass-rules-in-haproxy/
> >> and here:
> >>
> http://blog.haproxy.com/2013/02/26/ssl-offloading-impact-on-web-applications/
> >>
> >> Baptiste
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Sean Patronis 
> >> wrote:
> >>> Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did not change
> >>> anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some
> >>> indication of
> >>> what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a different way
> >>> since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the
> >>> following
> >>> VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:
> >>>
> >>> ## [test.test123.com]
> >>> 
> >>> ServerName test.test123.com
> >>>  SSLEngine on
> >>>  SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
> >>>  SSLHonorCipherOrder On
> >>>  SSLCipherSuite
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  ProxyPassReverse /
> >>>  ProxyPass   /
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match whatever
> >>> apache
> >>> and mod_proxy is doing?
> >>>
> >>> is already in haproxy  I think the problem may be
> that
> >>> there are some headers getting set by ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse
> >>> that I
> >>> am not setting in haproxy.  More specifically, I think that the apache
> >>> ProxyPassReverse is rewiting the problem URI to https, and haproxy
> >>> is not.
> >>>
> >>> --Sean Patronis
> >>> Auto Data Direct Inc.
> >>> 850.877.8804
> >>>
> >>> On 03/17/2015 06:24 PM, Cyril Bonté wrote:
>  Hi,
>  Le 17/03/2015 20:42, Sean Patronis a écrit :
> > Unfortunately that did not fix it. I mirrored your config and the
> > problem still exists.  I am not quite sure how the URL is getting
> > built
> > on the backend (the developers say it is all relative URL/URI), but
> > whatever haproxy is doing, it is doing it differently than apache
> > (with
> > mod_proxy).  Just for fun, I swapped back the ssl termination to
> > apache
> > to prove that is does not have an issue (once it passes through
> > apache
> > for ssl, it still goes through Haproxy and all of the backends/acl
> > etc).
> >
> > My goal in all 

Re: Haproxy 1.5 ssl redirect

2015-05-28 Thread Sean Patronis
Unfortunately, that did not solve all the problems that proxypass and 
proxypassreverse does in Apache's mod_proxy.  It may be an artifact of 
how we do our internal load balancing, but the information Baptiste sent 
me about mirroring the proxypass rules here: 
did seem to work (but with only single hostnames). Now I am just trying 
to get those redirects to be dynamically set based on host (i.e. domain 

--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 05/27/2015 12:03 PM, Nathan Williams wrote:
we use "redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }" on our SSL-only 
backends, many of which are accessed by multiple hostnames. if i 
understand correctly what you're trying to accomplish, i think that 
should do the trick?

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:38 AM Sean Patronis > wrote:

I have another question to add to the mix. While attempting to
mirror the proxypass and proxypassreverse capabilities of Apache's
mod_proxy and force https connections across everything through
I have run into a small snag and want to try and work around it.

We have multiple front ends that use the same backends but since I
am forcing the URLs to be absolute to rewrite them to https, we
need to
have a variable host name.  What is the most efficient way to

example: in a backend we have :
   # ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
   # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
  acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
  rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com
Location:\ \3 if hdr_location

which works only for the frontend localtest.test123.com. i have
another domain dev.test123.com  that needs
to use the same backend. What
is the best way to make the host from the request into a variable? how
can we do something like this so that any frontend can use this

  acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
  rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://%[host](:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*) Location:\ \3
if hdr_location

This is all in haproxy 1.5


--Sean Patronis
Auto Data Direct Inc.

On 03/18/2015 02:06 PM, Sean Patronis wrote:
> Baptiste,
> Thanks for the links, I had run across them earlier this morning
in my
> google searching, but your post made me pay more attention to
> I have it working now, and the trick that seemed to do it for me was
> making all the paths absolute (since I am forcing https anyhow, and
> each since frontend/backend combo is unique) with this line in my
> backend config:
> # ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://bk.dom.com/bar
>  # Note: we turn the urls into absolute in the mean time
>  acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found
>  rspirep ^Location:\ (https?://localtest.test123.com
> Location:\ \3 if hdr_location
> Thanks for all the help from everyone is this thread!
> --Sean Patronis
> Auto Data Direct Inc.
> 850.877.8804
> On 03/18/2015 12:06 PM, Baptiste wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> You may find some useful information here:

>> and here:

>> Baptiste
>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Sean Patronis
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the link.  That looks promising, but testing did
not change
>>> anything and I am waiting on the developers to give me some
>>> indication of
>>> what headers they may expect.  Maybe we can tackle this a
different way
>>> since we know it works in apache.  I am attempting to replace the
>>> following
>>> VirtualHost in apache and put it into haproxy:
>>> ## [test.test123.com ]
>>> ServerName test.test123.com 
>>>  SSLEngine on
>>>  SSLProtocol all -SSLv3
>>>  SSLHonorCipherOrder On
>>>  SSLCipherSuite

>>>  ProxyPassReverse /
>>>  ProxyPass   /
>>> what haproxy frontend settings do I need to make this match
>>> apache
>>> and mod_proxy is doing?
>>>  is already in haproxy 
I think the problem may be that