Re: Inspect data sent through haproxy and create statistics

2017-09-28 Thread Daniel Schneller

I am doing something similar — in our case there is not single endpoint, but a 
few of the endpoints behave differently depending on what the JSON payload is.
For that, I capture up to 256 bytes of the body. In our case that’s plenty to 
find the json snippet I am looking for. Then, per ACLs I match regexes for each 
Finally, this ACL (and maybe others) are used to set a transaction variable 
(txn.op) in our case.
In the log-format, I then log this operation as an additional field. That way, 
I can see all the timing values and other stuff the regular logging contains, 
and can then filter by the operation type.

The config looks something like this (the real thing is really long and I don’t 
have enough time to strip it down to a working example right now)

log-format %ci:%cp\ [%t]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %ST\ %B\ %CC\ %CS\ 
%tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %ID\ %sslv\ %sslc\ %{+Q}[var(txn.op)]\ 
%{+Q}[var(,lower,word(2,'.')]\ %{+Q}r

listen api_internal
  option http-buffer-request

  # Capture the body for the backends to inspect. This can only
  # be done in the frontend. Declare a capture slot with the implicit id=0 for 
256 bytes.
  declare capture request len 256   # id 0
  # Store up to 256 bytes of request body in the slot with id 0 for later 
  http-request capture req.body id 0

  # Content based ACLs to discern request types
  acl EMPTY_BODY req.body_len -m int eq 0
  acl rq_query_ids query -m beg -i ids=
  acl rq_accept_wildcard req.hdr(Accept) -i '*/*'
  acl rq_body_action_delete req.body -m reg -i '"action"\s*:\s*"delete"'
  # Detect "relevant" operations and stick them in a variable for logging
  # Set a default first in case nothing known matches
  http-request set-var(txn.op) str(Unkwn)
  http-request set-var(txn.op) str(DocDelMul) if METH_POST rq_path_documents 
rq_content_type_json rq_body_action_delete# Delete Multiple Documents

Hope that helps.


Daniel Schneller
Principal Cloud Engineer
CenterDevice GmbH  | Hochstraße 11
   | 42697 Solingen
tel: +49 1754155711| Deutschland   |

Geschäftsführung: Dr. Patrick Peschlow, Dr. Lukas Pustina,
Michael Rosbach, Handelsregister-Nr.: HRB 18655,
HR-Gericht: Bonn, USt-IdNr.: DE-815299431

> On 20. Sep. 2017, at 09:46, Garbage  wrote:
> I know that haproxy exposes metrics like „Tr“ and “Tt”. My problem with the 
> application I have to proxy is that this application hides all of her 
> functionality behind one endpoint. To address the app I have to POST to (just 
> an example) https://hpalm/endpoint.
> The payload that gets POSTed always has this shape:
> {
> 0: \001C\0:conststr:GetServerSettings,
> The string behind „conststr“ is the real API endpoint, there are 10s of 
> different meanings.
> Is it possible to have haproxy or a “plugin” inspect the POST body, extract 
> the string and create metrics like “Tr” and “Tt” for each of those values ?

Inspect data sent through haproxy and create statistics

2017-09-20 Thread Garbage

I know that haproxy exposes metrics like „Tr“ and “Tt”. My problem with the 
application I have to proxy is that this application hides all of her 
functionality behind one endpoint. To address the app I have to POST to (just 
an example) https://hpalm/endpoint.
The payload that gets POSTed always has this shape:

0: \001C\0:conststr:GetServerSettings,

The string behind „conststr“ is the real API endpoint, there are 10s of 
different meanings.

Is it possible to have haproxy or a “plugin” inspect the POST body, extract the 
string and create metrics like “Tr” and “Tt” for each of those values ?