Re: about nbproc in conf

2011-10-20 Thread Vincent Bernat
OoO En ce doux début de matinée du mercredi 19 octobre 2011, vers 08:31,
wsq003 disait :

 For now I know some shortages of multi-processe mode haproxy:
 1, it would cause many context switch (after testing, this is
 2, it would become difficult to get status report for every process 
 (we found some ways to make it acceptable, though it's still painful)

I  don't know  how  you do  it, but  here,  we use  haproxy for  several
independant services (say, A, B and  C). Service A is bound to processus
1, B  to 2 and C  to 3. And  we declare 3 monitoring  backend. Something
like this:

listen serviceA
  bind-process 1
listen serviceB
  bind-process 2
listen serviceC
  bind-process 3

listen monitoring-1
  bind-process 1
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats?haproxy
listen monitoring-2
  bind-process 2
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats?haproxy
listen monitoring-3
  bind-process 3
  stats enable
  stats uri /stats?haproxy

Since services are independant, they  don't need to share anything (like
stick   tables)  and   we  get   stats   in  CSV   format  by   querying
/stats?haproxy;csv on port 8881, 8882 or 8883.
Vincent Bernat ☯

prom_printf(Detected PenguinPages, getting out of here.\n);
2.0.38 /usr/src/linux/arch/sparc/mm/srmmu.c

Re: about nbproc in conf

2011-10-20 Thread Mariusz Gronczewski
2011/10/19 wsq003

 In manual there is following:

 nbproc number
   Creates number processes when going daemon. This requires the daemon
   mode. By default, only one process is created, which is the recommended mode
   of operation. For systems limited to small sets of file descriptors per
   process, it may be needed to fork multiple daemons. USING MULTIPLE PROCESSES

 My question is how DISCOURAGED is it? Here we need to handle a lot of small
 http request and small response, and haproxy need to handle more then 20k
 reuquests per seconds. Single process work in single CPU seems not enough.
 (We may add ACL config in the future, and haproxy would be even busier.)

 So, I want to set nbproc to 4 or 8.

 For now I know some shortages of multi-processe mode haproxy:
 1, it would cause many context switch (after testing, this is acceptable)
 2, it would become difficult to get status report for every process (we
 found some ways to make it acceptable, though it's still painful)

 Is there any other shortage that I do not realize?
stick tables wont work as they are per-process.

Main reason is that most of the work is done in kernel (which is
multithreaded) so more processes just add more context-switching and
make it harder to debug. Usually its at least 3/4 time spent in
kernelspace so userspace just have to be fast enougth. Unless you have
24 cores on loadbalancer 1 process should be fine. Some ppl tried
binding network card irqs to CPU with good results, or binding haproxy
to one core and network irqs to other cores.

Try something like 'process' module of collectd, it can show you how
much % is used in system/user per process

Re: about nbproc in conf

2011-10-19 Thread Baptiste
2011/10/19 wsq003

 In manual there is following:

 nbproc number
   Creates number processes when going daemon. This requires the daemon
   mode. By default, only one process is created, which is the recommended mode
   of operation. For systems limited to small sets of file descriptors per
   process, it may be needed to fork multiple daemons. USING MULTIPLE PROCESSES

 My question is how DISCOURAGED is it? Here we need to handle a lot of small
 http request and small response, and haproxy need to handle more then 20k
 reuquests per seconds. Single process work in single CPU seems not enough.
 (We may add ACL config in the future, and haproxy would be even busier.)

 So, I want to set nbproc to 4 or 8.

 For now I know some shortages of multi-processe mode haproxy:
 1, it would cause many context switch (after testing, this is acceptable)
 2, it would become difficult to get status report for every process (we
 found some ways to make it acceptable, though it's still painful)

 Is there any other shortage that I do not realize?



The first thing you need to remember before considering going
multiprocess is that HAProxy is event-driven, which means that the
faster the CPU, the faster HAProxy will be, and this is linear: over a
3GHz CPU, HAProxy will peform 50% faster than on a 2GHz...

Second point, consider that ACLs impact on HAProxy as null.
Well, for all acls but regexp based, where the impact remains realy low anyway.

HAProxy is not able to share its memory between process, so anything
related to memory won't work (stats, server maxconn, stick-table,
So if you can leave without that, it's fine.

On a single process we can go up to 50K at Exceliance. To be fair
that's Marketing, since Willy benched the appliance much over this
limit :)
