Re: [Harbour-users] Re: Harbour Documentation

2010-02-16 Thread Daniel Gonçalves
Why not use ReST [1] (Restructured Text) using the excelent Sphinx [2]
documentation tool. These are the tools used to document the Python
project [3][4].
If I can help in any way, I'm available and very insterested in a
better/accessible Harbour documentation.


In the page [4], look at the "Show source" link on the left, to see
how the source documents looks like.


2010/2/16 Massimo Belgrano :
> Yes i intend volunteers speaking (or better, writing) English for
> a collectors team
> One easy way of learning is start from al sample/source in various tests
> directory because each function have a demonstration
> start learn from sample instead that from documentation is used from most
> harbour developer
> subscribe Follow developer mailing list,
> hbide have a function for find in *.prg ,*.ch  in c:\harbour (subdir) and
> start learn from sample with coloured syntax (find in file from iconbar)
> the search in mailing list,google,harbour dir is basic tools
> wich is better tools to create doc having same volunteers speaking (or
> better, writing) English joining a "collectors team"?
> 2010/2/16 Pete 
>> Hi Massimo,
>> Sorry for the late reply, i was away. i did download hbide, than you, no
>> time yet to investigate.
>> About harbour's documentation i did post a message with my thoughts,
>> replying to Mr. Czerpak. (unfortunately that reply went wrongly to a new
>> thread -my fault and my yahoo's mailing client.)
>> you say you need "english people" with harbour knowledge to write
>> documentation. by "english people" i think you  mean volunteers speaking (or
>> better, writing) English, and you are right!
>> However, as has already been pointed out, most of the harbour's
>> documentation is already written and lies into several texts -old and new
>> ones. If this is true, then the need is not "English writers" but a
>> small team of "collectors", who will find a way to extract/collect these
>> pieces of documentation, edit them (in cooperation to core-developers to
>> avoid mistakes) and to incorporate them into a flexible and easy handled
>> help system or to put it more "technologically descriptive" we need a "HELP
>> MACHINE", with an easy to plug "slot", which would attract harbour people to
>> feed this machine, bringing their contributions (documentation text,
>> samples, etc.).
>> P.S.: I really wonder, how can the harbour users to make use (without
>> documentation) of this very developed and so much enriched compiler, as
>> harbour has already become after all those many additions and enhancements
>> that have been done by the unbelievable creative developers (czerzpak,
>> szakats and co.) during last months. I think that very few of users utilize
>> the total of harbour's capabilities and features, not to mention that this
>> documentation lack is an 'inhibitory factor' for new users to come,  but
>> maybe  i am wrong and it's only me that have difficulty to follow the whole
>> process.
>> regards,
> --
> Massimo Belgrano
> ___
> Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Daniel Gonçalves
Base4 Sistemas Ltda.
Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Word , Excel or Openoffice ?

2010-02-16 Thread Guillermo Varona Silupú

Bruno Luciani escribió:

Exist a way to create a word or excel file from harbour and linux ?

Hola Bruno, andamos en las mismas, por aqui hay un hilo sobre este tema.

may be an openoffice file ?
El punto es que yo lo tengo en Excel y si lo hago en OO el problema 
estaría solucionado, pero tengo que ponerme a aprender los comandos de 
OO, ademas, por el momento el requerimiento es que se genere el archivo 
en Excel.

En fin, estoy viendo a ver que hay en la Web.


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivosExceldesde Linux nativo/Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-16 Thread Guillermo Varona Silupú

Antonio Martinez escribió:


. . . y hay alguna forma de hacer esto sin OLE, sabia que en Clipper
existía una Lib que generaba archivos Excel sin necesidad de tener
instalado Excel, pero nunca la use y ahora, al menos con google, no
encuentro nada.

Creo que habia varias clases al respecto... algunas con fuentes y otras
sin ellos... De cabeza recuerdo la FileXls...
El problema de no manejar OLE es que no tampoco, por supuesto, se puede

Aqui había algo del FileXLS,
. . . pero el enlace esta roto

>> Intentare probar esto.

Es una pregunta, que me parece no has entendido... te pregunto si ¿ te
valdria para
solucionar tu problema generar en formato Calc, teniendo Calc instalado, en
vez de generar en
formato Excel,  con una generacion que utilice EXACTAMENTE los mismos
comandos que
se utiliza para Excel ?

Creo que sigo sin entender :-(
Generar en Formato Calc, implica aprender los comando equivalentes en 
excel y de Calc no se mucho, aunque supongo que deben ser similares, sin 
embargo hay ciertas cosas que Calc no tiene de Excel, por ejemplo 
centrar un texto en una seleccion de Celdas, Calc lo que hace es primero 
combina las celdas luego centra el texto alli.

En fin seguire investigando a ver si hay otras opciones.

Gracias nuevamente.


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Word , Excel or Openoffice ?

2010-02-16 Thread Bruno Luciani
> Exist a way to create a word or excel file from harbour and linux ?
> may be an openoffice file ?
> Bruno
Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivosExceldesde Linux nativo/Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-16 Thread Antonio Martinez

>. . . y hay alguna forma de hacer esto sin OLE, sabia que en Clipper
>existía una Lib que generaba archivos Excel sin necesidad de tener
>instalado Excel, pero nunca la use y ahora, al menos con google, no
>encuentro nada.

Creo que habia varias clases al respecto... algunas con fuentes y otras
sin ellos... De cabeza recuerdo la FileXls...
El problema de no manejar OLE es que no tampoco, por supuesto, se puede

>Intentare probar esto.

Es una pregunta, que me parece no has entendido... te pregunto si ¿ te
valdria para
solucionar tu problema generar en formato Calc, teniendo Calc instalado, en
vez de generar en
formato Excel,  con una generacion que utilice EXACTAMENTE los mismos
comandos que
se utiliza para Excel ?


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Exceldesde Linux nativo/ Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-16 Thread Guillermo Varona Silupú

Antonio Martinez escribió:


de pronto decidieron utilizar Ubuntu, pero que se siga generando la hoja
Excel de la misma forma y mas aún sin ningún Windows virtual ni nada por


1. No se si me equivoco en lo que voy a decir pero si generas hojas Excel a
traves de OLE, ¡solamente lo puedes hacer si tienes Excel instalado ! Eso en
si mismo te puede servir de argumento para tu cliente.

. . . y hay alguna forma de hacer esto sin OLE, sabia que en Clipper 
existía una Lib que generaba archivos Excel sin necesidad de tener 
instalado Excel, pero nunca la use y ahora, al menos con google, no 
encuentro nada.

2. Una pregunta, ¿ te valdria si pudieses generar en Calc como lo haces
ahora mismo en Excel ?, es decir, todo el codigo que genere Excel sea
compatible con Calc de manera que estando Excel disponible genere a Excel y
estando Calc disponible genere a Calc...

Intentare probar esto.




Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió en mensaje ...

Hola Angel y Agustianes, gracias por responder.

El punto es que ya tenía todo muy bonito en Windows con una rutina que
exportaba a Excel, todo formateado con con formulas, colores,
combinaciones de celdas, en varias hojas, búsquedas, etc, había llegado
a utilizar el excel desde harbour de una forma mas o menos avanzada, y
de pronto decidieron utilizar Ubuntu, pero que se siga generando la hoja
Excel de la misma forma y mas aún sin ningún Windows virtual ni nada por
el estilo que implique compra de licencias Windows u Office.
Entonces veo 2 salidas posibles:
1.- El Hint de Angel, utilizar HTML, pero, ¿Se puede hacer todo esto
desde HTML? (Fórmulas, colores, búsquedas, etc)
2.- Generar el Archivo en OO y luego cargarlo desde OO y luego guardarlo
en formato Excel.

Sinceramente, ninguna de las 2 salidas me parece elegante, ademas de que
ambas opciones implicaría ponerme a aprender OO ó HTML desde cero para
poder reproducir lo que hasta el momento tenía hecho con Excel.

¿Habrá alguna otra manera?

De antemano, Muchas Gracias.

[EN] By Google:

Hi Agustianes Hi Angel and thanks for responding.

The point is that I was all very nice in Windows with a routine that
exported to Excel, all formatted with formulas, colors, combinations of
cells on multiple sheets, searching, etc., had come to use Excel from
harbor a form more or less advanced, and suddenly decided to use Ubuntu,
but to continue generating the Excel sheet in the same way and yet apart
from any Windows virtual or anything of the sort that involves purchase
of Windows or Office license.
So I see 2 outputs are possible:
1 .- Angel Hint, use HTML, but what can be done all from HTML?
(Formulas, colors, searches, etc)
2 .- Build the file and then load it from OO OO and save it in Excel


Frankly, none of the 2 outputs seems elegant, besides that both options
would get to learn OO or HTML from scratch to reproduce what had
hitherto done with Excel.

Is there another way?

In advance, Thank you.


Agustianes Umbara Suwardi escribió:

I don't know about Excel, but you can export your table as CSV that can
be read by Excel or OOffice:

copy to exported.csv delimited

I usually export the table to CSV and then copy-paste it to Spreadsheet
templates. It's a double effort but it works on me.

On 02/16/2010 05:39 AM, Angel Pais wrote:

El 15/02/2010 19:49, Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió:

Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Excel desde Linux nativo.
¿Es posible esto?

[By Google]
Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.
Is it possible?



Hint: Excel and OO read html tables


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Exceldesde Linux nativo/ Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-16 Thread Antonio Martinez

>de pronto decidieron utilizar Ubuntu, pero que se siga generando la hoja
>Excel de la misma forma y mas aún sin ningún Windows virtual ni nada por


1. No se si me equivoco en lo que voy a decir pero si generas hojas Excel a
traves de OLE, ¡solamente lo puedes hacer si tienes Excel instalado ! Eso en
si mismo te puede servir de argumento para tu cliente.

2. Una pregunta, ¿ te valdria si pudieses generar en Calc como lo haces
ahora mismo en Excel ?, es decir, todo el codigo que genere Excel sea
compatible con Calc de manera que estando Excel disponible genere a Excel y
estando Calc disponible genere a Calc...


Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió en mensaje ...
>Hola Angel y Agustianes, gracias por responder.
>El punto es que ya tenía todo muy bonito en Windows con una rutina que
>exportaba a Excel, todo formateado con con formulas, colores,
>combinaciones de celdas, en varias hojas, búsquedas, etc, había llegado
>a utilizar el excel desde harbour de una forma mas o menos avanzada, y
>de pronto decidieron utilizar Ubuntu, pero que se siga generando la hoja
>Excel de la misma forma y mas aún sin ningún Windows virtual ni nada por
>el estilo que implique compra de licencias Windows u Office.
>Entonces veo 2 salidas posibles:
>1.- El Hint de Angel, utilizar HTML, pero, ¿Se puede hacer todo esto
>desde HTML? (Fórmulas, colores, búsquedas, etc)
>2.- Generar el Archivo en OO y luego cargarlo desde OO y luego guardarlo
>en formato Excel.
>Sinceramente, ninguna de las 2 salidas me parece elegante, ademas de que
>ambas opciones implicaría ponerme a aprender OO ó HTML desde cero para
>poder reproducir lo que hasta el momento tenía hecho con Excel.
>¿Habrá alguna otra manera?
>De antemano, Muchas Gracias.
>[EN] By Google:
>Hi Agustianes Hi Angel and thanks for responding.
>The point is that I was all very nice in Windows with a routine that
>exported to Excel, all formatted with formulas, colors, combinations of
>cells on multiple sheets, searching, etc., had come to use Excel from
>harbor a form more or less advanced, and suddenly decided to use Ubuntu,
>but to continue generating the Excel sheet in the same way and yet apart
>from any Windows virtual or anything of the sort that involves purchase
>of Windows or Office license.
>So I see 2 outputs are possible:
>1 .- Angel Hint, use HTML, but what can be done all from HTML?
>(Formulas, colors, searches, etc)
>2 .- Build the file and then load it from OO OO and save it in Excel
>Frankly, none of the 2 outputs seems elegant, besides that both options
>would get to learn OO or HTML from scratch to reproduce what had
>hitherto done with Excel.
>Is there another way?
>In advance, Thank you.
>Agustianes Umbara Suwardi escribió:
>> I don't know about Excel, but you can export your table as CSV that can
>> be read by Excel or OOffice:
>> DbSelect('yourtable')
>> copy to exported.csv delimited
>> I usually export the table to CSV and then copy-paste it to Spreadsheet
>> templates. It's a double effort but it works on me.
>> On 02/16/2010 05:39 AM, Angel Pais wrote:
>>> El 15/02/2010 19:49, Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió:
 Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Excel desde Linux nativo.
 ¿Es posible esto?

 [By Google]
 Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.
 Is it possible?


>>> Hint: Excel and OO read html tables
>>> HTH
>>> Angel
>>> ___
>>> Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] RosettaCode

2010-02-16 Thread Bruce M. Axtens

G'day everyone

I'm Bruce Axtens. I'm a list lurker. I'm also a Clipper programmer (yes, 

RosettaCode  is a programming language task 
comparison site. I have no relationship to it other than that I'm 
writing VBScript solutions to some of the tasks. Please take a look, 
register and contribute your own solutions. I've benefited from seeing 
how other programmers and other languages have addressed the various 
tasks. I believe that you will also.

Kind regards,
Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Excel desde Linux nativo / Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.

2010-02-16 Thread Guillermo Varona Silupú

Hola Angel y Agustianes, gracias por responder.

El punto es que ya tenía todo muy bonito en Windows con una rutina que 
exportaba a Excel, todo formateado con con formulas, colores, 
combinaciones de celdas, en varias hojas, búsquedas, etc, había llegado 
a utilizar el excel desde harbour de una forma mas o menos avanzada, y 
de pronto decidieron utilizar Ubuntu, pero que se siga generando la hoja 
Excel de la misma forma y mas aún sin ningún Windows virtual ni nada por 
el estilo que implique compra de licencias Windows u Office.

Entonces veo 2 salidas posibles:
1.- El Hint de Angel, utilizar HTML, pero, ¿Se puede hacer todo esto 
desde HTML? (Fórmulas, colores, búsquedas, etc)
2.- Generar el Archivo en OO y luego cargarlo desde OO y luego guardarlo 
en formato Excel.

Sinceramente, ninguna de las 2 salidas me parece elegante, ademas de que 
ambas opciones implicaría ponerme a aprender OO ó HTML desde cero para 
poder reproducir lo que hasta el momento tenía hecho con Excel.

¿Habrá alguna otra manera?

De antemano, Muchas Gracias.

[EN] By Google:

Hi Agustianes Hi Angel and thanks for responding.

The point is that I was all very nice in Windows with a routine that 
exported to Excel, all formatted with formulas, colors, combinations of 
cells on multiple sheets, searching, etc., had come to use Excel from 
harbor a form more or less advanced, and suddenly decided to use Ubuntu, 
but to continue generating the Excel sheet in the same way and yet apart 
from any Windows virtual or anything of the sort that involves purchase 
of Windows or Office license.

So I see 2 outputs are possible:
1 .- Angel Hint, use HTML, but what can be done all from HTML? 
(Formulas, colors, searches, etc)

2 .- Build the file and then load it from OO OO and save it in Excel format.

Frankly, none of the 2 outputs seems elegant, besides that both options 
would get to learn OO or HTML from scratch to reproduce what had 
hitherto done with Excel.

Is there another way?

In advance, Thank you.


Agustianes Umbara Suwardi escribió:
I don't know about Excel, but you can export your table as CSV that can 
be read by Excel or OOffice:

copy to exported.csv delimited

I usually export the table to CSV and then copy-paste it to Spreadsheet 
templates. It's a double effort but it works on me.

On 02/16/2010 05:39 AM, Angel Pais wrote:

El 15/02/2010 19:49, Guillermo Varona Silupú escribió:

Se puede generar desde harbour archivos Excel desde Linux nativo.
¿Es posible esto?

[By Google]
Can be generated from harbor native Excel files from Linux.
Is it possible?



Hint: Excel and OO read html tables


Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

Re: [Harbour-users] Re: Harbour Documentation

2010-02-16 Thread Massimo Belgrano
Yes i intend volunteers speaking (or better, writing) English for
a collectors team

One easy way of learning is start from al sample/source in various tests
directory because each function have a demonstration
start learn from sample instead that from documentation is used from most
harbour developer
subscribe Follow developer mailing list,
hbide have a function for find in *.prg ,*.ch  in c:\harbour (subdir) and
start learn from sample with coloured syntax (find in file from iconbar)
the search in mailing list,google,harbour dir is basic tools

wich is better tools to create doc having same volunteers speaking (or
better, writing) English joining a "collectors team"?

2010/2/16 Pete 

> Hi Massimo,
> Sorry for the late reply, i was away. i did download hbide, than you, no
> time yet to investigate.
> About harbour's documentation i did post a message with my thoughts,
> replying to Mr. Czerpak. (unfortunately that reply went wrongly to a new
> thread -my fault and my yahoo's mailing client.)
> you say you need "english people" with harbour knowledge to write
> documentation. by "english people" i think you  mean volunteers speaking (or
> better, writing) English, and you are right!
> However, as has already been pointed out, most of the harbour's
> documentation is already written and lies into several texts -old and new
> ones. If this is true, then the need is not "English writers" but a
> small team of "collectors", who will find a way to extract/collect these
> pieces of documentation, edit them (in cooperation to core-developers to
> avoid mistakes) and to incorporate them into a flexible and easy handled
> help system or to put it more "technologically descriptive" we need a "HELP
> MACHINE", with an easy to plug "slot", which would attract harbour people to
> feed this machine, bringing their contributions (documentation text,
> samples, etc.).
> P.S.: I really wonder, how can the harbour users to make use (without
> documentation) of this very developed and so much enriched compiler, as
> harbour has already become after all those many additions and enhancements
> that have been done by the unbelievable creative developers (czerzpak,
> szakats and co.) during last months. I think that very few of users utilize
> the total of harbour's capabilities and features, not to mention that this
> documentation lack is an 'inhibitory factor' for new users to come,  but
> maybe  i am wrong and it's only me that have difficulty to follow the whole
> process.
> regards,
Massimo Belgrano
Harbour-users mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

[Harbour-users] Re: Harbour Documentation

2010-02-16 Thread Pete
Hi Massimo,

Sorry for the late reply, i was away. i did download hbide, than you, no time 
yet to investigate.
About harbour's documentation i did post a message with my thoughts, replying 
to Mr. Czerpak. (unfortunately that reply went wrongly to a new thread -my 
fault and my yahoo's mailing client.)

you say you need "english people" with harbour knowledge to write 
documentation. by "english people" i think you  mean volunteers speaking (or 
better, writing) English, and you are right!

However, as has already been pointed out, most of the harbour's documentation 
is already written and lies into several texts -old and new ones. If this is 
true, then the need is not "English writers" but a
small team of "collectors", who will find a way to extract/collect these pieces 
of documentation, edit them (in cooperation to core-developers to avoid 
mistakes) and to incorporate them into a flexible and easy handled help system 
or to put it more "technologically descriptive" we need a "HELP MACHINE", with 
an easy to plug "slot", which would attract harbour people to feed this 
machine, bringing their contributions (documentation text, samples, etc.).

P.S.: I really wonder, how can the harbour users to make use (without 
documentation) of this very developed and so much enriched compiler, as harbour 
has already become after all those many additions and enhancements that have 
been done by the unbelievable creative developers (czerzpak, szakats and co.) 
during last months. I think that very few of users utilize the total of 
harbour's capabilities and features, not to mention that this documentation 
lack is an 'inhibitory factor' for new users to come,  but maybe  i am wrong 
and it's only me that have difficulty to follow the whole process.



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