[HCDX] BOLIVIA: Radio Pio XII is off air

2003-10-17 Thread Arnaldo L. Slaen
Past October 15, a explosion destroyed the Radio Pio XII`s transmitter site
in Siglo XX.
Down, the information about the illegal act.
I send the article in spanish because I haven`t a good translating
program. Sorry.
73's  55's
Arnaldo Slaen

La emisora Radio Pio XII de la ciudad de Oruro sufrió un atentado con
explosivos en la tarde de ayer. Su planta trasmisora y la de Televisión
Universitaria fueron destruidas completamente y actualmente se encuentran
sin poder desarrollar su trabajo informativo. Este atentado se da en el
marco de sistemáticas amenazas telefónicas contra radialistas de emisoras
comunitarias de Oruro, Cochabamba y La Paz asociadas a ERBOL (Escuelas
Radiofónicas de Bolivia).

La Paz, 15 de octubre de 2003

Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de la OEA

Ref: Denuncia

A las 18.05 horas la planta de transmisión ubicada en un cerro cercano a la
ciudad de Oruro, donde hay otras antenas de radioemisoras y canales de
televisión, fue destruida totalmente por un explosivo.

Efraín Mamani, sereno de la planta, contó que dos personas encapuchadas le
obligaron a salir de su habitación, le maniataron para que pueda revelar la
caseta de transmisión del canal de televisión universitaria y de Radio Pio

El prefecto Ivo Arias, del gobernante Movimiento de la Izquierda
Revolucionaria (MIR), reprochó el acto y señaló que desconocía el hecho.
Ante esa respuesta, pobladores de Oruro y los trabajadores de Pio XII
exigieron a la autoridad conformar una comisión, integrada por la Policía
Técnica Judicial y un fiscal, para verificar in situ el atentado criminal
perpetrado para silenciar la emisora católica, que es una de las
instituciones emblemáticas de la resistencia contra la dictadura.

La comisión y los pobladores constataron con sorpresa que la onda expansiva
del explosivo fue profesionalmente manipulada que sólo afectó el diámetro en
el que está ubicada la planta de transmisión.

Según relató el sereno, horas antes del atentado vio a dos policías
uniformados que merodeaban la zona.

Este atentado criminal sucede en un contexto de crisis social y política que
afecta al gobierno de Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada desde hace un mes y luego de
una masacre perpetrada por el Ejército con el resultado trágico de 70
muertos y más de doscientas personas heridas.

A esto se suman las acusaciones infundadas que fueron lanzadas por
funcionarios de gobierno con el fin de mostrar a Radio Pio XII como si
hubiera cometido el delito de sedición al cumplir con su deber de informar
sobre todos los hechos respecto a la masacre sucedida entre el 11, 12 y 13
de octubre en la ciudad de El Alto.

Las otras dos radios de Pio XII, localizadas en Siglo XX (Potosí) y la
ciudad de Cochabamba, también fueron amenazadas con términos que advertían
una posible intervención militar en represalia a las informaciones que
difundía en cumplimiento de los principios periodísticos.

En estos días de crisis política, cuyo desenlace es aún incierto, también
sufrieron amenazas otras estaciones de comunicación como Radio Televisión
Popular (RTP), el Canal 36, radio Wayna Tambo y Pachamama de la ciudad de El
Alto, además de otras estaciones diseminadas en todo el territorio
Las amenazas cobardes fueron articuladas con la clara intención de silenciar
los espacios de información y de terminar con el sistema democrático, cuya
base jurídico-filosófica descansa en la libertad de expresión.

Rev. P. Guillermo Siles Paz, OMI
Representante legal Radio Pio XII

Por mayor información dirigirse a
Roberto Durette (Director Radio Pio XII) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Gomez
Director Programa de Legislaciones y
Derecho a la Comunicacion
(Extraido de la revista electronica Comcosur)

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[HCDX] NA in Medium Wave from Italy

2003-10-17 Thread Giampiero Bernardini
HI, some days ago I went to Abetone (Tuscany mountains) with Dario
Monferini to listen to the radio. Here are some stations we heard in MW
from N. America and Puerto Rico  (unid not reported)
1010 13/10 0143 CFRB Toronto, Sport and many ids, good

1010 11/10  0130 WINS New York, news, ids, poor to good

1380 11/10 0330 CKLC Kingston Ontario, famous songs, ids, poor/fair

1390 11/10 2345 WEGP Presque Island Maine, Phone calls fair

1470 11/10 0006 WMTW 8-70 News Radio, tx Wlam, Maine fair

1500 15/10 0005 WTOP Washington, news, poor to good

1510 15/10 0100 WWZN Boston, sport, also very good

1620 11/10 2314-0433 WDHP Virgin Isl. Also BBC news, good

1650 11/10 0020 WHKT Virginia Radio Disney fair

1660 11/10 0100 WGIT “Gigante 16-60” Portorico, Sp. very good

1660 13/10 0020 WWRU N. Jersey, “Radio Unica”, Sp.talks fair

1670 11/10 0140 WTDY Madison WI Sports, poor/fair

1680 13/10 0300 WLAA Florida, “La Nueva Alma Latina”, good

1690 11/10 0420 WPTX, Lexington Park MD, news, talks, poor

1700 11/10 0430 KQXX, Texas, Oldies (Beatles too), id, poor

1700 11/10 0330 WJCC, Miami, “Radio Luz” Sp. Poor

RX AOR7030- AOR5000; Ant. Long wire 100 m  300 m.


Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italy

Rx: AOR AR5000, AOR AR7030, TenTec RX320, Icom PCR1000, Lowe HF150,
Kenwood R5000, Grundig Satellit 700 with 80 khz filters - Ant: Long
wires 100 m.  30 m.; Fracarro 5 elements FM; DX one pro; T2FD 15
meters; MW loop by A.Capra

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[HCDX] Explosión en radio Pio XXII

2003-10-17 Thread Robert Wilkner
Explosión en emisora de radio

La emisora de radio Pio XXII de Oruro, 230 kilómetros al sur de La Paz,
sufrió un atentado con explosivos en los equipos de transmisión, informó
la Confederación de Trabajadores de la Prensa.

Los explosivos fueron colocados en las antenas de transmisión de la
radio, que
forma parte de la red Erbol, una de las más importantes de país,
situadas en un
cerro cercano a la emisora, cuando transmitían los enfrentamientos que
protagonizaban en esta ciudad agentes de policía y estudiantes

Primero atentaron contra la antena del canal de televisión de Canal
Trece y a
los diez minutos pusieron otro explosivo en nuestra caseta, dijo el
jefe de prensa de Radio Pio XII, Abenor Alfaro.


73's  de  Bob

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[HCDX] LA stations on MW heard in Italy

2003-10-17 Thread Giampiero Bernardini
Some Latin American stations heard from Abetone (Tuscany) with Dario

1350 12/10 0040 RBA Buenos Aires, Argentina, Talks, fair

1380 11/10 0213-0222 Corporacion,  Chile, talks (1377 off) fair

1380 11/10 0250-0318 Ondas del Mar, Venezuela, ids, poor 

1390 11/10 2330-0155 Fe y Alegria, Caracas, Venezuela, ids, poor

1470 12/10 2300-0301 Cristal, Uruguay, mx  commercials, fair

RX AOR7030- AOR5000
Ant. Long Wire 100 m.  300 m.


Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italy

Rx: AOR AR5000, AOR AR7030, TenTec RX320, Icom PCR1000, Lowe HF150,
Kenwood R5000, Grundig Satellit 700 with 80 khz filters - Ant: Long
wires 100 m.  30 m.; Fracarro 5 elements FM; DX one pro; T2FD 15
meters; MW loop by A.Capra

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[HCDX] Translation of information on Radio Pio XII (some text was left out)

2003-10-17 Thread EEscoto
Dear all:
Here's my attempt at translating the text previously sent by our friend
Arnaldo Slaen.  Please forgive any errors.

Elmer Escoto
San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Radio Pio XII from the city of Oruro [sic] suffered an attack with
explosives yesterday afternoon. Its transmitter site and that of University
Television have been completely destroyed and are currently unable to carry
their informative work. This action occurred amongst systematic threats via
telephone against community media affiliated to ERBOL (Escuelas
Radiofónicas de Bolivia) [Bolivian Redio Schools] in Oruro, Cochabamba and
La Paz.

Then follows a letter to the Inter-American Human Rights Comission of the
Organization of American States.

La Paz, October 15, 2003

Inter-AmericanComisión Human Rights Comission of the OAS

Ref: Indictment

At 18.05 hours the transmitting plant located on a hill near the city of
Oruro, where other radio and TV-station antennas are installed, was
completely destroyed by explosives.

Efraín Mamani, the plant's watchman, told that two camouflaged men forced
him out of his quarters, tied him and made him reveal the location of the
transmitter house of the university television channel and Radio Pio XII.

Representative Ivo Arias, of the governing Left-wing Revolutionary Movement
[in spanish, Movimiento de la Izquierda
Revolucionaria (MIR)], condemned the attack and said he had no knowledge
of the fact. Faced with that answer, dwellers of Oruro and the workers of
Pio XII demanded that a comission be formed with members of the Technical
Courthouse Police and a counsel, to verify 'in situ' about this criminal
attack aimed at silencing the catholic broadcaster, which is one of the
emblematical institutions of resistance against dictatorship.

The comission and the dwellers were surprised to learn that the explosion
was so professionally controlled that it damaged only the close perimeter
of the transmitter site.

According to the watchman, a few hours before the attack he saw two men in
police uniforms wandering about that area.

 [cut text]

The other two stations of Pio XII, located in Siglo XX (Potosi province)
and in the city of Cochabamba were also menaced in terms that made it clear
they could be the target of military actions in retaliation for the
information they are broadcasting in adherence to the principles of

In these days of political unrest, other stations have also been menaced,
for instance, Radio Televisión Popular (RTP), Channel 36, Radio Wayna Tambo
y Pachamama in the city of El Alto, as well as other stations throughout
the whole bolivian territory. These cowardly menaces clearly intend to shut
down the informative programs and to put an end to the democratic system,
whose legal-philosophical bases rests on the principle of freedom of

Rev. P. Guillermo Siles Paz, OMI
Legal Representative Radio Pio XII

For further information, please contact
Roberto Durette (Director Radio Pio XII) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Gomez
Director Programa de Legislaciones y Derecho a la Comunicacion

[Translated by Elmer Escoto, San Pedro Sula, Honduras]

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2003-10-17 Thread Patrick Martin
So far the best Filipino morning I have heard this season. It all peaked
around 1400 UTC. Nothing much in before that.
I also heard nothing above 1200. No HLAZ, VOA, etc. The opening did not
last long, but it was strong while it did.

531 PHILIPPINES, Unid filipino in Tagalog talk u/JOQG at 1406 UTC
10/17 (PM-OR)
540 PHILIPPINES, Unid, filipino talk in Tagalog u/CBXQ at 1407 10/17
549 PHILIPPINES, Unid talk by man at 1409 10/17, weak in splatter.
558 PHILIPPINES, Pasig, DZXL, very loud and totally dominating the
channel with tel talk at 1422 10/17, man mentioned DZXL in
conversation with caller, some JOCR QRM. (PM-OR)
567 PHILIPPINES, Unid filipino talk u/JOIK at 1425 10/17 (PM-OR)
594 PHILIPPINES, Unid filipino talk u/JOAK, presume unneeded DZBB at
1415 10/17 (PM-OR)
603 PHILIPPINES, unid, weak filipino talk buried in jumble at 1411
10/17 (PM-OR)
630PHILIPPINES, Quezon City, DZMM, fair and mixing with KWRO with
man in Tagalog, spot for telecommunications company in Metro Manila.
First time heard in 2 or 3 years. This one used to be a regular. Heard
at 1413 10/17. (PM-OR)
639 JAPAN, Shizuoka, JOPB, good on top at 1400 with NHK News in EE
10/17 (PM-OR)
639 PHILIPPINES, Unid filipino buried u/JOPB at 1403 10/17 (PM-OR)
648PHILIPPINES, Tagalog talk at 1406 10/17. (PM-OR)
666 PHILIPPINES, Makati, DZRH, presume the filipino talk mixing with
JOBK at 1409 10/17 (PM-OR)
720 PHILIPPINES, Unid here buried u/KUAI with filipino talk. Logged
DYOK here several times in the past at 1412 10/17 (PM-OR)
729 PHILIPPINES, more Tagalog talk buried in het u/JOCK at 1422
10/17 (PM-OR)
738 TAIWAN, BEL2, good with woman in CC at 1427 10/17 (PM-OR)
801 PHILIPPINES, loud Tagalog talk by man at 1419 10/17, faded
before an ID was possible. Logged DZNC here years ago. (PM-OR)
954 PHILIPPINES, Unid with filipino talk tearing up JOKR with man,
DZEM-Metro Manila? at 1444 10/17  (PM-OR)
972 PHILIPPINES, Tagalog talk at 1446 10/17, weak. (PM-OR)
1062 PHILIPPINES, Makati, MM, DZEC, good with tel talk by man
D-Z-E-C ID at 1405 10/17  (PM-OR)
1143 TAIWAN, BEL3, good with woman in CC 1428 10/17 //738 (PM-OR)

Drake R8
EWE antenna

Patrick Martin
Seaside  OR
KAVT Reception Manager

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2003-10-17 Thread Jouko Huuskonen
While on vacation in Puerto de Iguazu, Argentina, I thought I was listening to a local 
station R Cataratas del Iguazu on 1160 kHz. It was R MITRE (790 kHz) from Buenos 
Aires! Maybe it was a relay?

1350 kHz R Buenos Aires with religious programming also in Portuguese. This station 
was heard in Buenos Aires.

Jouko Huuskonen
Europa del Norte

Rx: Sony 7600G

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2003-10-17 Thread Guy Atkins
Hi Patrick,

Interesting that you should mention DX on the lower half of the band. This
morning I was tuning briefly around 1400 UTC before leaving for work, and
noticed hets below about 1000 kHz, but none above. I assumed these were the
stronger JJ's, but perhaps they were from the Philippines also, or Taiwan on
738 (I had presumed this was the usual Papeete signal).

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA
modded AR7030  R75 w/ERGO, Kiwa MAP
450 ft. term. Western Beverage

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 8:41 AM

So far the best Filipino morning I have heard this season. It all peaked
around 1400 UTC. Nothing much in before that.
I also heard nothing above 1200. No HLAZ, VOA, etc. The opening did not
last long, but it was strong while it did.


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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Propagation Outlook

2003-10-17 Thread Thomas Giella KN4LF
  Coronal Hole #63 arrived with a bang approximately 72 hours. It created a major 
geomagnetic storm that has only now begun to wane. At it's peak the Kp reached 7 which 
is major storm level and the Ap reached 106 which is at severe storm level.
   Though recent indices have fallen to a Kp-3 which is unsettled and a Kp-4 which is 
active, there is a fair chance that minor Kp-5 to moderate Kp-6 geomagnetic storm 
conditions may return again at any time and last for another 24-48 hours.

Take Care,
Thomas F. Giella
Retired Space  Atmospheric Weather Forecaster
Plant City, FL, USA

Florida Space  Atmospheric Weather Institute:

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[HCDX] Bolivia

2003-10-17 Thread Nicolas Eramo
Dear Friends:

Most of the Bolivian radiates stations it plows in the air in these moments 
0250 UTC with a message from the President??? inclusive XII Pious Radio 
(that had an attack with explosive), in their habitual frequency of the 
Nicolas Eramo 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt


2003-10-17 Thread mhev
If you are DXing CBC Radio on 6160 khz, etc ... it helps to know what is on.

Max Power

PS : The Hotsheets are avalable via a CBC email list...


  -- SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 2003 --


This week and next, CBC Radio One presents a special series
updating 2002's award-winning Afghanistan: The Sky Cries
Blood. Listen to The Sunday Edition, The Current, The World
at Six, Dispatches and regional programming for features on
everything from the drug trade to warlords to women's rights
in the new Afghanistan.


This week on The House, the week in national politics...
Daring or desperate?  Will the proposed merger between the
Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservatives be
enough to blunt a Liberal electoral landslide under Paul
Martin? Find out on The House, with host Anthony Germain,
Saturday after World Report at 9 a.m. (9:30 NT) on CBC Radio

2. GO!

This Saturday on GO, a little animal magic. Host Brent
Bambury talks with Olivia Judson, better known in the animal
world as Doctor Tatiana. She's part Doctor Doolittle, part
Sue Johansen...a sex advice columnist to animals. Hear
about what animals really want to know, including do I have
to devour my partner after sex? Also on the show, explore
the bat world of the Silverwing book series with author
Kenneth Oppel. That's on Go! Saturday morning at 10 (10:30
NT) on CBC Radio One.


This Saturday on What a Week...welcoming Arnold to the
Governor's mansion. That's What a Week, Saturday morning at
11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio One.


This week on Quirks and Quarks...GM Crops on Trial: the
ongoing debate over genetically-modified food heated up this
week, when the largest field trials ever conducted on G-M
crops released their results. While some of the
herbicide-resistant crops seemed harmful to birds and
insects, others appeared to be beneficial. Hear one of the
scientists who conducted the trials. That's Quirks and
Quarks, with host Bob McDonald, Saturday afternoon after the
noon news (12:30 NT) on CBC Radio One.


This week on DNTO...Kyle G. Brown reports on traffic in
London and Collin Friesen gives the skinny on meetings -
Hollywood style. More Name That Ringtone, Gadget Girl, and
magazine tipster Meagan Perry drops by with a glossy little
number called Black Book. Sook-Yin Lee sits down with
Canadian master sci-fi author Robert J. Sawyer to talk about
science, religion and his love of country music. Chas
Lawther continues his Notions series with a look at
Happiness. And in the final hour...Canadian folk legend
Bruce Cockburn, recorded live at Ottawa's Tulip Festival.
That's on Definitely Not the Opera Saturday after the one
p.m. news (1:30 NT) on CBC Radio One.


Saturday on The World This Weekend, the Gemini Awards take
place this weekend, the Canadian television industry's salute
to their best. In among the nominations for Best Comedy is a
low-budget show called Lord Have Mercy!, set in Toronto's
Caribbean community. It may be a winner, but as Susan
Tolusso reports, it was no laughing matter convincing the TV
establishment to get the sitcom on the air. The World This
Weekend, with Lorna Jackson, Saturday at 6:00 pm (7 AT; 7:30
NT) on both CBC Radio One and CBC Radio Two.


This week on The Mystery Project, more of The Old Guy. This
week The Interrogator. The morning after an incident on the
way home from a sports bar, Jolene accuses Larry Hughes, the
Internal Affairs Unit head, of attempted rape. It's her word
against his, so everything depends on the expertise of a
female Police Interrogator. That's this Saturday evening on
the Mystery Project at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8:00 NT) on CBC Radio


This week on Global Village, host Jowi Taylor has a
not-very-scary report from Transylvania. Also,  a music
school revives local songcraft in Guatemala's coffeelands,
El Viento Flamenco delivers Andalusian passion via St.
John's, and the Infernal Noise Brigade make themselves heard
in Cancun. That's on Global Village, Saturday night at 7 (6
AT, 6:30 NT) on CBC Radio One.


This week on Finkleman's 45s, Danny spotlights Gary U-S
Bonds. He'll also spin tunes from Betty Everett, Fats
Domino, the Casinos and more. Danny envisions a new
community reserved entirely for smokers, and pines for the
return of barbershop singing. That's all on Finkleman's 45s,
Saturday night at 8:00 (8:30 NT) on CBC Radio One.


This week on A Propos...Jim has new music from Urbain Des
Bois and Jérôme Minière. Join host Jim Corcoran for A Propos
Saturday at 10:00 p.m. (10:30 NT) on CBC Radio One.


This week on Saturday Night Blues, in Hour One... a return
to this years Ottawa Bluesfest for a great set featuring
Canada's First 

[HCDX] Friday night BOG log !

2003-10-17 Thread J999w
I didn't have much time, but I did manage to sneek out for a short time 
tonight backpacking the Palstar R-30 to a local park and laying out a beverage on 
ground (BOG) antenna. This time I brought my MFJ-1026 but had left the coax 
jumper at home ( Doh ! ), and then while stringing out the wire, my speaker wire 
pigtail broke 100 ft from the end. Not knowing initially where it had broken,  
I stopped pulling. so that left me with 100 ft of wire still on the spool, 
thus I only used 500 ft tonight. This is layed in a field of tall grass.

I've got the MFJ-1026 and Palstar R-30 individually wrapped in bubble wrap, 
then taped together. That fits nicely in the bottom of my normal sized 
backpack. The plan (when I get the bugs worked out) is to only have to unzip the top 
of the pack, hook up the wire, turn on the radio, and be DXing. Minimal setup, 
minimal take down. I've got both the MFJ and Palstar running off the same 
external 12v rechargable battery, and when I get a simple 12v to 9v converter 
built, I'll be running my tape recorder off that too. 

My antenna is a 500 ft spool of stranded 14g wire with 200 ft of speaker wire 
pigtailed on the end of that (stretches too easily though, and breaks! ). I 
put the spool on a T made from water pipe that makes up my cable winder. I 
leave a 10 inch piece sticking out the ground so all I have to do is mount the 
T on that, slide the spool on, place a cap to hold on the spool, and walk it 
out. Winding it up is a snap using a wooden handle with a sawed off screw on 
the end that I stick in one of the holes on the spool. I can easily wind up the 
antenna at 100 ft per minute. The wire gets hidden in the woods (pretty heavy 
to carry each time), the pipe is dissasembled and goes in the pack. Only a 
short pipe sticking out of the ground stays at the DX site.

Anyway, either the band was flat today, or I just got out there too early 
(7pm). No Mexican or Cubans heard at all, although as I was driving home, XEX was 
audible on 730khz using the car radio. First impressions with this antenna 
can be deceiving. At home, with omni directional antennas, the band is alive 
with interferring stations, channels roaring with a jumble of stations comming in 
from everywhere. I don't hear that with the BOG. It's deceiving because as 
you tune across the band, stations that normally are very loud, are quite weak, 
then suddenly BOOM, you tune across a loud station, but it's not a powerhouse 
KDKA, or WSM, it's WLOC Monfordville, KY, or WDHP Frederiksted, US Virgin 
Islands -this antenna is very directional !  Especially at the top end of the 

So here's tonight's log:

Palstar R-30, 500ft BOG aimed south east.

1150khz WLOC Monfordville, KY 10.17.03 1920cdt VG with quick ident. JW-WI
1160khz WAMB Donelson, TN 10.17.03 1915cdt VG with Lions HSFB. JW-WI
1180khz WVLZ Knowxville, TN 10/17.03 1910cdt VG with Bulldogs HSFB. JW-WI
1650khz KDNZ Cedar Falls, IA  10.17.03 1900cdt VG with local news and wx. 
1670khz WRNC Warner Robbins, GA 10.17.03 1905 cdt E all alone with gospel 
prog. JW-WI

I possibly heard PJB Bonaire on 800khz tonight with a long monolog in 
spanish, sounded like religious content. 

I'll be trying again the next few nights, so we'll see what conditions bring !


John Wilke WB9UAI
Milwaukee, WI

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2003-10-17 Thread Alokesh Gupta
TURKEY: B-03 schedule for Voice of Turkey October 26, 2003 - March 28, 2004:

ALBANIAN1230-1325   11910
ARABIC  0500-06559755
1000-1155   15105
AZERI  0800-0925   11835
 15160 ex 17755 for B-02
BOSNIAN   1900-19555990
BULGARIAN  1430-15257140
CHINESE1200-1255   15320
CROATIAN 1700-17259595
ENGLISH 0400-04506020
 1330-1420   15155 ex 17690 for B-02
 15195 ex 17815 for B-02
 1930-20205980 ex  9890 for B-02
 2300-23506015 ex  6020 for B-02
FRENCH  2030-21255980 ex  9715 for B-02
GERMAN1230-1325   17700 ex 21530 for B-02
 1830-19257205 ex  9745 for B-02
GEORGIAN 0800-0855   11690
HUNGARIAN 1030-1125   15160 ex 17565 for B-02
KYRGHYZ  1700-17556095
MACEDONIAN  0900-0955   11895
PERSIAN 0930-1025   11795
 1330-1455   11705
ROMANIAN1030-11259560 ex 11930 for B-02
RUSSIAN 1400-1455   11980
SERBIAN 1430-1455   11935
SPANISH 1730-17559780 ex 11690 for B-02
TATAR 1600-16556005 ex 5955 1900-1955
TURKISH 0500-0755   17690
  0500-0955   11925
15480 ex 17570 for 
0500-1655   11955
0800-1655   15350
1000-1255   17720 ex 21715 for B-02
1100-1555   17860Friday only
1300-16559705 ex 13615 for B-02
1700-22556120 ex  5980 for B-02
TURKMEN 1630-17255965
URDU 1300-1355   15225 ex 17715 for B-02
UZBEK   0200-02557115

Angel Nedialkov - OBSERVER#279 / 17-10-2003

OBSERVER is an edition of RADIO BULGARIA - Monitoring Sce compiled by Ivo Ivanov
Items here may be reproduced if it is mentioned OBSERVER-BUL. All times in UTC

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.

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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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