[HCDX] ESPN on 730 - Help from Australia

2004-09-19 Thread Craig Edwards
Hi Guys

Need a bit help from a DXpedition one nighter last weekend, noted ESPN at 0830 GMT 
(Saturday) on 730 kHz. 

Any ideas, this was a great evening for to hear Washington, and Western Canada, missed 
any local IDs on the half hour.

Will have latest DX trail out in a few days

Also check out http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/townsville2004.dx for stuff heard at 
my new home location



The Crocodile DX Hunter
Craig Edwards 
Townsville, North Queensland, Australia
Icom R75, Drake SPR4 & flock of sheep for antennas (5 EWE's)
PO Box 1075 Oonoonba Qld 4811
Phone 0411 966633
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] DXing in Lemnos

2004-09-19 Thread Zacahrias LIangas
Report from Lemnos 

Hello after a small computer disaster and more than 2  weeks without 
it. Hard disk suddenly shown hardware bad sectors that   caused 
temporarily several programs to 'freeze' for 4 days. 

As it is referred in my previous message, my 14 day  vacation in 
Lemnos was also for monitoring  projects. Lemnos is a   relatively  
small island  located 80 km SE from Mt Athos with many mountains . 
You will find  the  island on SE of the Athos peninsula . I had  3 radios  
together with me: Yupiteru 7100 scanner , Degen 1102 and Kchibo 
C300 and  two antenna wires: 8 m  wire and Degen 's 5 m wire used 
However as the rooms had TV sets  the lower HF bands (below 6 MHZ) 
were nearly impossible to be heard

A map can be found at this page  

Here is my DX report from  there: ( a quite big list) . I preferred to DX 
than watch the Olympics! 

Comparative monitoring 

Australia / New Zealand comparative  monitoring on 9615 RNZI  to 
15515/415 RA . Both stations  have been checked on the  06UTC  time 
slot . RA had a signal level of [2-3]4232 in both  freqs at most of th 
days while RNZI  was at [1-2]4332.At days after 23 signal was in favor 
to RNZI ( nearly fair while RA was poor) Liangas 

Australia/SPORE:  Radio Christian voice 7180(14-?? , 17820 vs Warna 
Spore 7235.[MY favourites ] 
RCV as Wartna have been found with nearly same signal level 34433 
o all days monitored. Warna until 23?  was audible only after 1500 due 
to QRM from  VOA Corean  which seemed to have stopped  its 
transmissions in that freq There is also a slight QRM from VoChina tha 
makes some co-ch QSB . Musical programming is in big favor to 
RCV 7180 is audible after 1525v due to local level  signal from 
VoTurkey in Greek. Clearly audible till 1600  when 7175 starts CRI in 
Hindi and 7185  DW  *1600-1615 * both  strong 

CHINA 17490 . Station has been  also heard several times from 0900  
and then  having a very good signal 4 at most time. Program 
consisted of 1 hr repetitions of English prg. 

Djibuti  1431 R Sawa  has been finally found! Audible very clear on 
1644 on 17 and 20. 8 . R Moscow very strong on 17UTC
IN Thessaloniki itis not possible to be heard due to strong QRM from 
the station  from University  

?? 5815 is it WMR??  ON 22/2025  there  was a station with lo 
modulation playing rhythmic songs. SINPO was 1

USA 15775  Atme Yatraa via Germany 1455 , 18.8   religious kind of 
program in unknown lang closing with amen ID Atmee yatra and a 
address in  Nepal. Next prg  on 1500 in a bamar dialect (lsite Lepcha) 
Tested also 19.8 on 15215  via Dhabbiya on 1441 with signal 34333 
adn then on 15775 with signal 53433  gradually lowering to 42343 on 
1530 , much QRM from a digital (DAB?) signal o 15780 Liangas 18th 
and 19th 

CHINA  China  Business Radio with nice pop songs found on 22.8 on 
9515 marginal //7140 32313 //9620 3//9775 44433 . Again heard 
on 25th with ID on 2200 as 'China Business radio' in English after the 
Chinese logo with levels 9820 44433 //9775 44433//9620 24332 //9515 
marginal. Again with nice pop songs but  little over modulated. Found 
also on 11935  Liangas 22  25 and 26 Is it the 2nd program?  

TAIWAN 9745 V of Khan? 2200on 22th   no ID , YL with talks, news 
many reports, and western type of music /songs.   completely  different 
type of voice than of the CNR network . Heard also on 25th on 2225+ 
playing  western songs  Pavaroti style etc. Under modulated 34432 
Liangas 22 and 25

INDONESIA 11860  has been heard several days having nearly local 
signal : 28th at 1630 on ship ( 54544), . on 23th signal was clear and 
marginal 14431 on 1250  but also heard  past 1700 


?? 9510 R Farda 0600 with ID  with song my heard will go on Signal 
fair //9865 good Liangas 27 Lemnos Greece 

6110 unIDed relig station on 0610-17  . Pastor speaking about the 
destruction and the day to come  blah  33233 Liangas 27 Lemnos 

ALBANIA 1215 Fllaka seems  to make tests on this freq on 1740 with 
Romanian  service from CRI . Good signal  but with audio gaps. Heard 
on 20th 

BRAZIL 9575 R Cancao Nova just marginal at 2200 Liangas 22h 
Lemnos Greece 

CHINA 15250 /15230 /15160 [good] CNR 1 @1027 with talk by O and 
YL 44433 Liangas 22h Lemnos Greece 

CHINA 6050 Phasa PBS 1654 chino  Tibetan music 32332 Liangas 
22h Lemnos Greece 

CHINA 9430 CNR 1  ID at 1340 'and adverts Zhhongguo zhe sheng' 
and  adverts CC 344323 Liangas 23th  Lemnos Greece 

Cland 11530 V of Mesopotamia on 0610 seems as mixed rather than 
QRMed by Americas religious station. That  time heard with Kurdish 
songs Farsi style called 'bamar muka'  then with song telephone 
numbers . Signal is 5 and QRM heard mostly  during fadeouts  
Liangas 27 Lemnos Greece 

Cland 12085 V of homeland ( Suriya Hura Wataniya) has been heard 
on 17th with YUpiteru closing up on 1530 ( hymn adn ID)  bu next a 
'This is VoIRI' has been heard. I

[HCDX] QSL Information Pages - Update : Sep 2 - Sep 13

2004-09-19 Thread Martin Schoech

QSL Information Pages - Update : Sep 2 - Sep 13


Contributors :
Manuel Méndez (2x), Nino Marabello, Martin Schöch
Robertas Pogorelis, Thomas Rösner (3x), Edward Kusalik

Sources :
JAP 332 +333
ConDig 279 +280
DXLD 4-131 - 4-136
BCDX 682
Norweg DX 2004-1bis2
Play DX 2004

This has been an update with 472 qsl-logs.

Nearly all HTML-pages have been updated, but until mid
October they are only av. to the subscribers of QIP.

Martin Schoech - PF 101145 - 99801 Eisenach - Deutschland
E-mail : radio[a]schoechi.de Web : http://www.schoechi.de

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] Logs - Florida

2004-09-19 Thread Bob Wilkner
PERU 3234.92  Radio Luz y Sonido 1020 to 1030 ID and "...la musica de la

nacion", strong signal 17,18  Sept.  [Wilkner-Florida]

PERU 6193.52   Radio Cusco 1020 to 1025 suffering the BBC on 6195  18
Sept. [Wilkner-Florida]

PERU 6173.74  Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1020 to 1030, noted daily with
fair/poor signal 17, 18  Sept.[Wilkner-Florida]

BOLIVIA  4650.29 Radio Santa Ana   2245 - 2300 fair signal with CP
music, om., also 4684.47, Paititi presumed,  same time [Wilkner-Florida]

UNID  4990.73  1050 to 1100 fade, poor but noted daily at this time,
Peru?,  Brazil? [Wilkner-Florida]

UNID 4600.10  1055 to 1100 [Wilkner-Florida]

73's from South Florida,  Bob
Bob Wilkner  Pompano Beach, Florida
NRD 535D  -  Icom R75 -  noise reducing antenna

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt


2004-09-19 Thread WRTH International Editor
19 September 2004 :

WMR 5815kHz @ 1728 s9+30dB fading down to +10dB.
IC756 + ATU + Miller Vertical @ 12m AGL 
Sean D. Gilbert, G4UCJ / G4001SWL
International Editor - WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook)
Web: www.wrth.com   and  http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/g4ucj
Fax: +44 (0) 709 2332287
WRTH - THE Directory of Global Broadcasting 

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and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] ANNOUNCE: new list for TVDXers

2004-09-19 Thread Risto Kotalampi
Just about a week after the new FM-list was created, we're adding 
another special list to the Hard-Core-DX.com services.

If you're an active TVDXers, we have created a new mailing list for you:
You can join the list by going to URL:
or sending an empty email to:
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt

[HCDX] HCDX logs between 2004-09-19 0000 UTC and 2004-09-20 0000 UTC

2004-09-19 Thread Risto Kotalampi
Hard-Core-DX.com logs from 2004-09-19  UTC to 2004-09-20  UTC

Please visit http://log.hard-core-dx.com/ for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.


   6010 Sep 18 0130-0145 Sweden: Radio Sweden (SR International).
   Included the program "Sixty Degrees North" followed by Network Europe
   and news. Tombstone

   8785  Sep  19  0155-0240 Bulgaria: Radio Bulgaria. Seemed to be a news
   program  that  was almost unreadable at first in Western Pennsylvania,
   USA, but got stronger and more readable as I listened. Tombstone

   9735  Sep  19  0241-0320 Germany: Deutche Welle. Very strong signal in
   the  German  language.  I  run  a  Grundig S350 with flagpole disguise
   antenna  mounted  on  the  second  floor  side  of building in Western
   Pennsylvania, USA. Tombstone

   11835  Sep  19  0133-0150  England?:  BBC.  Fairly  strong  signal but
   modulation  not very good here in Western Pennsylvania, USA because of
   the  beamed  signal  being  to  Central America and the Caribean area.


   5260 Sep 18 0256-0300 Vietnam: Voice of Vietnam. Fair signal in
   Western Pennsylvania, USA until 0300 when WWCR interfered making
   Vietnam unreadable or they signed off. Richard Brock Grundig S350
   Flagpole disguise antenna. Tombstone

   6145 Sep 19 0010-0030 Japan: NHK, Tokyo. Very strong signal. Tombstone

   15410  Sep  19  0824-0845  India:  All  India  Radio. EE px to Asia w/
   vernacular  mx  +  tks by YL. SIO 544 // 17800 (fair) // 17510 (weak).
   Philips D2935+indoor quad. Rodolfo Tizzi - URG

   Central America

   4110 Sep 19 0817-0830 Cuba: Radio Rebelde. Extremely loud and clear
   signal here in Western Pennsylvania, USA. Spanish. Tombstone

   South America

   6020 Sep 19 0543-0603 Peru: Radio Victoria, Lima. SS Religious program
   "La Voz de la Liberacion".34343. Rodolfo Tizzi - URG

   6125 Sep 19 1132-1138 Uruguay: SODRE, Montevideo. Reactivated relay of
   CX26 (1050 kHz). SS Mx w/tangos by Carlos Gardel. Rodolfo Tizzi - URG

   6870  Sep  19 0324-0330 Equador: HCJB (WRMI Miami Relay). I caught the
   end  of  the  DX  Party Line program with a strong signal into Western
   Pennsylvania, USA. Tombstone

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt