[HCDX] Help please with Brazilian MW ID

2007-01-15 Thread Paul Crankshaw
Hi could you listen to this recording and help me id the Brazilian 
station? Recorded at 2253 UTC this evening on 1560 kHz (lots of 
Brazilians audible this evening)


Troon, Scotland
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[HCDX] New DXpedition report from Finland

2007-01-15 Thread Mika Makelainen
If driving hundreds of miles just to listen to the radio isn't crazy enough, 
picture this: I flew thousands of miles from Washington D.C. to Finland to try 
to pick up stations from around Washington D.C. Well, going to Finland was 
really a Christmas vacation trip, but a DXpedition to Lemmenjoki was a vital 
ingredient of it. Fortunately we had some leeway in the timing so that both I 
and fellow DXer Jari Ruohomäki were able to head north right after Christmas to 
enjoy improving conditions until the expected rise in solar activity would hit 
in early January...

Read the full story with pictures at 

Mika Makelainen
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[HCDX] HCDX logs between 2007-01-15 0000 UTC and 2007-01-16 0000 UTC

2007-01-15 Thread Risto Kotalampi
Hard-Core-DX.com logs from 2007-01-15  UTC to 2007-01-16  UTC

Please visit http://log.hard-core-dx.com/ for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[HCDX] Pre-book review Ham Radio Culture

2007-01-15 Thread cafe
Just bought the book:

Ham Radio's Technical Culture (Hardcover) by Kristen Haring 
Have given it a quick flip through.
Will do a thorough read and pass along my sentiments.

In my brief, in-book store scan, I found the book to
be amusing, compelling and somewhat poignant.
I think the author, a gal, had a dad who was an
Amateur and she totally pegs the social-psychological
aspects of the hobby in the 60's and 70's -
and how, in some ways, we Amateurs and radio hobbyists
are the grandfathers(mothers) and greatfathers(mothers)
of this 21-century geek generation.

A good read I believe it will be, yes!

Editor/Creator www.dxer.ca
Colin Newell - in Victoria B.C. Canada
Creator www.coffeecrew.com | www.dxer.ca |

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[HCDX] Bolivia: Web de Radio Nacional de Huanuni.

 Saludos cordiales, la emisora de Bolivia que opera en 5965 kHz Radio 
Nacional de Huanuni dispone de una web enel siguiente link:
  73 José Miguel Romero


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[HCDX] Germany and non

2007-01-15 Thread Ron
GERMANY (and associated)

5935WERPolish R,  1902,  SIO 454 Esperanto.   off 1930 5 Jan.

7130ISS  Polish R,  1815,   SIO 444 English,  about name change and 
revamp.   5 Jan.

7210WOFDeutsche Welle,  0600,  SIO 353 German,  topics of the day.   10 

9595JUL AWR.   0700,  SIO 443 Arabic,  mixed Nikkei.   9 Jan.

9735WOFDeutsche Welle,  0415 German,  SIO 454,  topics of the day.   4 

11975   JULAWR,  0800,  SIO 454 Tachelhit,  SIO 454,   little understood,  
some music.  4 Jan

12110   WERVoA,  1636,  SIO 454 Persian,  propaganda talks by place names,  
12 Jan.

PORTUGAL 15465   LISRDP,  1719,  SIO 454  Portuguese,  plenty of ids,  12 

RUSSIA  7290...   VoR,  1900,  SIO 454 English,   topics of the day.   15 

USA  7455YFR   Family Radio,   SIO 433 English,   religious talks,   rtty 
QRM.   10 Jan

Ron Killick. 
Christchurch.  NZ.
ICF 6800W  40m LW. 
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 12-15

2007-01-15 Thread Glenn Hauser
** BRAZIL [and non]. RHC, 6060, had some pretty heavy CCI, Jan 15 at 0635; at
first I thought it was Spanish. There was a pronounced SAH, so obviously from a
separate transmitter. After 0700 in the clear with a screaming preacher in
Portuguese, so no doubt the listed Brazilian here, R. Tupi, Curitiba, 24 hours

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake with VG S9+20 signal on 9200, Jan 15 at 1456.
Recheck at 1503, it was off, and then back on a few seconds before 1505.
Presumably vs Sound of Hope but nothing else audible here during the break.
Also at 1514, // Firedrake on 9450 and this one mixing with some other audio,
reported to be SOH from a higher-powered transmitter, and by now 9200 FD was
much weaker. Then at 1612 something odd accompanying the FD on 9200. Another
carrier was rapidly changing frequency back and forth roughly between 9195 and
9225, causing variable hets as it went past other signals, some of them
utility. When it paused briefly on 9205 I could hear some indistinguishable
audio. If this was SOH, it was not an effective countermeasure to the jamming

** CYPRUS. Rather surprised to hear Arabic on 6030, Jan 15 at 1423 with BBC
Extra English explaining the word ``mesmerised``. This is listed as Cyprus site
aimed eastward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CZECH REPUBLIC [non]. R. Prague via WRMI, 7385, Sunday Jan 14 at 1510
starting Insight Central Europe, and mentioning that it is only on certain ones
of their Saturday broadcasts. Last I checked, this relay had the current day`s
transmission, but now it seems to be one day late, like the Sackville 15160
relay at 1500 used to be. Maybe caused by WRMI no longer getting the audio thru

Glenn: Yes, I think that is the case (Jeff White, WRMI, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

And Monday Jan 15 at 1451, Mailbox, which is on their Sunday schedule,
mentioning new 2007y QSL cards --- that broadcast started very early; at 1444
it had been Viva Miami in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. Afropop Music Distraxion, Jan 15 at 1452 was on 17685. Usually it`s
below CVC on 17680. ANU also at similar level in French on 17630, S9+20. At
1454 found // ANU harmonic 19160, S9+12 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. GREEK IN STYLE -- Am listening to this show on webcast (convenient
play link in MONITORING REMINDERS CALENDAR at 0030 UT Monday, soon to be moved
up.) which started at 0011 UT Monday Jan 15. A Marina Xranzi (sp?) produxion,
hosted this week by Andriana Petrato (sp?). Starts with orchestral music for
Chariots of Fire, then more cinemusic. Yes, presented in English. Presumably
also on SW 7475, et al.? Followed  IS/IDs partly in English, NA, sign-on
and news headlines in Greek; lasted until 0103, so a 52-minute show (Glenn

** MEXICO [and non]. I keep monitoring 6045, which is almost certainly XEXQ-OC
on an expanded schedule, testing? Jan 14 at 0604 during the half-hour KBSWR
Spanish broadcast to Europe via Sackville (including DX program Antena de la
Amistad at 0610, including fortnightly contribution from Rubén Guillermo
Margenet), which happens to put a fine signal into CNAm too, I could hear
classical music under, with a SAH. All set for it to be in clear after 0629,
but instead the Sackville carrier stayed on well past 0635. I then noticed that
the SAH rate was fluxuating slightly, just like I had months ago in the
1300/1400 period when XEXQ was mixing with some other station, indicating that
XEXQ`s carrier is unstable, but not enough to notice otherwise. Checked again
at 1448, I could hear classical piano music, now squeezed between two FE

Jan 15, another check of 6045, at 0632 no Sackville carrier, just short
classical music pieces, and at 0650, Recuerdos de la Alhambra, on guitar, at
the same time as several nights ago! So they must be playing the same music
over and over; blocked after *0700 by CVC 6050. Another check the next morning
at 1416 found some more classical guitar music, 1418 YL ID in Spanish but all I
could definitely catch was ``250 watts de potencia``, and into flute music;
still barely audible at 1523 with classical piano (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** MEXICO. XEPPM, R. Educación, made another of its unscheduled daytime
appearances on 6185. Jan 15 at 1521 found good signal during interview show
about some ``obra`` being presented for 23 performances starting Jan 19 at
Teatro de la Paz, Cozumel 33. I never caught the title of it, nor whether it
was theatrical, operatic, musical, or what. 1537 mentioned ``en su casa`` and
the title of the 9-10 am show, per playlist, is ``SU CASA Y OTROS VIAJES``.
Steady 12 over S9 signal; when rechecked at 1550, it was gone. Did they forget
to turn off the SW transmitter at 1200, or is this deliberate for some reason?
Wish they would run more in daytime, free of QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

[HCDX] Ultimas escuchas.

Saludos cordiales.
  CUBA 12000 Radio Habana Cuba, 12:20-12:30, escuchada el 13 de Enero en 
español a locutor con comentarios políticos, conexión con corresponsal en El 
Salvador, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 35433.
  ESTADOS UNIDOS 9535 Voz de América, 12:08-12:20, escuchada el el 13 de Enero 
en español a locutor con reportaje sobre la Esclerosis múltiple en el programa 
“Avances en la Medicina”, segmento musical, locutor con ID “Esta es la Voz de 
América”, noticias sobre avances científicos, SINPO 25432.
  17630 África Nº 1, 10:22-10:25, escuchada el 14 de Enero en francés con ID y 
programa de música pop latina, fin de emisión, se reanuda a las 11:00, SINPO 
  15475 África Nº 1, 17:20-18:00, escuchada el 11 de Enero en francés a locutor 
con programa musical, cuña de identificación, en español “Hace mucho calor en 
la radio africana” en referencia a un tema musical, canciones de Salsa Latina y 
música afro. SINPO 35433.
  19160 África Nº 1, 12:39-12:45, armónico de 9580, escuchada el 14 de Enero en 
francés con emisión de música pop local en paralelo por 9580 y 17630, SINPO 
  GUAYANA FRANCESA 9660 Radio Polonia, 22:15-22:20, escuchada el 11de Enero en 
polaco a locutora con entrevista a invitado, titulares, noticias 
internacionales, referencias a Irak, SINPO 55444.
  LETONIA 9290 Latvia Today, 08:47-09:00, escuchada el 13 de Enero en inglés a 
locutora con comentarios y locutor con ID “Latvia today..Riga..Latvia”, música 
pop melódica, SINPO 4.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
  YAESU FRG-7700
  Grundig YB-80
Radio Master A-108


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[HCDX] Sawt al-Amal

13 Enero 
 A las 11:28 inicia emisión en 17660 la emisora afro-pop, SINPO 45544. A 
las 11:30 en 17630 África Nº1 con SINPO 35443. A las 12:02 Sawt al-Amal inicia 
transmisión en 17630 atorando a DW y África Nº 1. Anteriormente a las 12:00 una 
emisión de La Voz de África en 17670 cesando a las 12:05 e iniciando emisión en 
17630 y a las 12:43 la emisora afro-pop se aprecia presente también en 17630.
  14 Enero
 A las 12:04 se aprecia a Sawt al-Amal en 17645 y la emisora afro-pop en 
17660 a las 12:11 cesa emisión y pasa a 17645 atorando a Sawt al-Amal, a las 
12:45 Sawt al-Amal deja la frecuencia y pasa a 17655 hasta las 13:00 con fin de 
  15 Enero
 A las 12:38 se aprecia emisión musical afro-pop en 17685, sin embargo a 
las 12:40 cesa emisión y encuentro a Sawt al-Amal emitiendo por 17635. A las 
12:43 la emisora musical se escucha otra vez en 17685. A las 12:51 cesa emisión 
de la emisora afro-pop, pasa a 17630 pero regresa a las 12:54 otra vez a 17685. 
A las 13:15 la emisora afro-pop en 17685 se queda en portadora sin emisión 
reapareciendo a las 13:19. A Sawt al-Amal se la encuentra en 17645 a las 13:19.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
  YAESU FRG-7700
  Grundig YB-80
  Radio Master A-108


LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
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[HCDX] Amend my 6165 log

2007-01-15 Thread ka4prf
Please amend my 6165 CNR6 1000-1055 log from today and add the following:

Parallel frequency of 9170 KHz comes on the air at 1100 UTC and has some 
characteristics that occurred at 1000.  First the fanfare music and second a 
brief segment
of Beethoven's 9th Symphony of the Choral, but performed by a singing group. 
6165 at 1155 UTC when Radio Nederland ceased, both 9170 and 6165 were identical
broadcasts with 9170 KHz being the better signal.


Chuck Bolland
Clewiston, Florida
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2007-01-15 Thread ka4prf
China, 6165, CNR6, (Voice of Shenzhou),(Pres) 1000-1045  Comes on the air at 
1000 with musical fanfare type music.   At that time, signal is poor and mixing 
with privious Chinese Station
on this freq.  By 1010, things have smoothed out and CNR6 continues with a good 
The format from then continues with a popular Chinese(?) song and comments and 
by a female.   At 1035 a canned English bit was heard as, "Number Seven!".  At 
1041 a
second canned English bit heard as, "Number Five!"  I guess I missed Number Six 
 The Identication of this was made by Alan Davies of http://www.Asiawaves.net.  
Sometime prior to 1100, Radio Nederland usually comes up with their carrier and 
blocks this freq at my location (Clewiston, Florida, USA) for an hour until 
1100 UTC.  Today Radio Nederland's carrier came
on at 1055 UTC.  Until that time, the signal for CNR6 was good. This is 
presumebly the unident I have been reporting on 6165 KHz for the past week.  
Until I get a clear ID, I can't be
certain?   (Chuck Bolland, January 15, 2007)

Clewiston, Florida

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Re: [HCDX] African music on 17660 kHz?

2007-01-15 Thread alapiha

> Yesterday afternoon I tried to find clandestine "Sawt al-Amal"
> between 17700 and 17600 kHz. I didn't find it, but I did find
> non-stop african music on 17660 kHz. I listened to it about
> 20 minutes. Then sign off without any speaking. What is this
> radio station?
> Reijo Alapiha
> Joensuu Finland

I found this info myself:

Transmitter Site: believed to be Moyabi, Gabon.
Times/UTC DaysFormat Target 
1130-1530 Daily Franco-African musicNorth Africa(presumed) 
Note: Frequency can be anywhere in the range 17620-17695, but at time of editing
is on 17660 kHz. The
original purpose of this non-stop African music service appeared to be as a
source of interference against
the Libyan opposition station Sawt al-Amal (see Libya)

Reijo Alapiha
Joensuu Finland

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[HCDX] African music on 17660 kHz?

2007-01-15 Thread alapiha

Yesterday afternoon I tried to find clandestine "Sawt al-Amal"
between 17700 and 17600 kHz. I didn't find it, but I did find
non-stop african music on 17660 kHz. I listened to it about
20 minutes. Then sign off without any speaking. What is this
radio station?

Reijo Alapiha
Joensuu Finland
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