Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited script -weekend edition - 23-24 June

2007-06-25 Thread Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich
Radio Havana Cuba

Dxers Unlimited

Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition  23 -24 June , 2007

By Arnie Coro

radio amateur CO2KK

Hi amigos radioaficionados worldwide ! Your short wave receiver is now 
tuned to Radio Havana Cuba's twice weekly radio hobby program, Dxers 
Unlimited, with yours truly, Arnie Coro at the microphone. Here is item 
one: Solar activity still way down, with bottom low solar flux 
measurements of between 65 and 70 units. The sunspot count is ZERO... 
yes, you heard it right... a totally spotless Sun for the past several 
days ! 

Item two: DRM, Digital Radio Mondiale totally stalled, according to the 
opinion of several prestigious mass media experts, that rightfully have 
voiced their opinions: they are saying that without the availability of 
reliable , easy to tune and above all  lower priced radios, capable of 
picking up the DRM short wave broadcasts , the digital transmission 
system is  doomed to failure.

Besides the lack of receivers at a reasonable cost , those who have 
already experienced DRM reception not at a one day demonstration, but on 
a regular , daily basis, are telling engineers that the total drop out 
of the audio output experienced by DRM broadcasts is very annoying to 
short wave listeners.

For those of you not familiar with DRM, Digital Radio Mondiale, it is a 
standard specifically created to broadcast digitally, instead of using 
the classic analog radio modulation technologies, AM and FM that we 
listen to every day.

Stations broadcasting using DRM have so far, that I know of , not made 
public audience research statistics or comments by potential listeners, 
something that in my humble opinion really doesn't help DRM at all, 
because lack of such  information feedback from the potential audience 
is something to really worry about.

According to several mass media researchers, the pattern followed during 
the introduction of DRM technology for short wave broadcasting is 
basically wrong, because low cost radios for DRM reception have not 
become available yet, and besides that, the promotion of the technology 
has also been mishandled by the DRM Consortium, who seems to be much 
more concerned about the engineering problems regarding the transmitters 
than with the actual reception of the broadcasts, although that seems to 
be slowly changing now.

More about digital communications modes later , as Dxers Unlimited's 
weekend edition continues.. I am Arnie Coro in Havana,


Si amigos, yes my friends, I want to ask each and everyone of Dxers 
Unlimited listeners around the world a single question today... Get 
ready for writing it down, as I think this is going to be the second 
 open poll about DRM Digital Radio Mondiale In a couple of minutes I 
will be formulating the question, to give you a chance to find paper and 
a pen or pencil to write it down..

In the meantime let me add that radio amateurs are using digital 
communications modes with a high degree of reliability and energy 
efficiency... A keyboard to keyboard narrow band mode, PSK31 is now , at 
the low ebb of the solar cycle, becoming more and more popular among 
those amateur radio operators around the world that have learned how to 
connect their computers to their radios .

PSK31 transmissions running between 10 and 25 Watts power have proved to 
be extremely effective on the 20 meters ham band, and as recycled 
computers become cheaper and their availability increases, more and more 
radio amateurs around the world are learning how to communicate using 

Now, ready for today's question...Remember, the one about DRM digital 
broadcasting technology  Here we go...

Ready to copy ? 

Have you ever listened to Digital Radio Mondiale, DRM

broadcast transmissions on short wave ?

Again, here is the basic question

Have you ever heard on your radio a Digital Radio Mondiale , DRM 
broadcast transmission on short wave ?

And in case that your answer is yes:again, in case your answer is yes, 
 give your impressions about those DRM broadcasts regarding quality and 
reliability of reception.

So, in case you have listened to DRM add your comments about quality and 
reliability of reception to your YES answer to the question.

As soon as all the answers are received here, I will once again, as I 
did about a year ago ,compile them and analyze them using standard 
statistical methods, and of course, made the results of this poll 
public, by reading them on the air, and publishing them on our website.

Your answers about DRM will certainly help to have a much better picture 
of what's happening with this technology amigos !


Now, let's go to Arnie's workshop, where an antenna project is in the 
works, to help several of the new local radio amateurs that have 
recently obtained their ham radio license.

This antenna is very easy to homebrew and has a very low cost. Readily 
available materials are used in the project and each antenna comes out 
of the workshop adjusted fo

[HCDX] Marconi v Telefunken - Radio NZ International's new documentary

2007-06-25 Thread info

Marconi v Telefunken and
Pre WWII Pacific Airwaves

On July 9 2007, Radio New Zealand International features a new Radio
Heritage documentary during the Mailbox program and it's then
available as a podcast for two weeks at

In 1894, New Zealander Ernest Rutherford carried out radio
transmissions around the same time as Marconi in Italy, and just over
a decade later, the German Telefunken company built the first wireless
stations in New Zealand.

There was another Pacific battle involving Marconi, and this one also
included Telefunken too. By capturing the German station in Western
Samoa, New Zealand even inherited a colony and the results are
reflected today in the changing demographics of Auckland and other New
Zealand urban centers.

>From the world's longest two-way direct radio link in 1924, again
featuring New Zealand, to a Vila based amateur radio enthusiast in
1928 whose detailed listener card sent to Queensland features in the
program, the isolation of the Pacific was evaporating into the

Learn of the Hawaiian radio station that included New Zealand Times in
its program schedules, how many Europeans tuned to VPD in Suva, and
how Charles Gaveaux, owner of Radio Noumea, was able to keep his tiny
station on the air.

Gongs from KFI Los Angeles reached New Zealand every night and you'll
hear other examples of how Pacific radio developed close links during
the brief two decades before WWII reached the region in December 1941.

Mailbox is broadcast via shortwave by RNZI [full program schedules and
times at] and is also available by on demand podcast.
Look for 'more audio' and click on Mailbox for July 9.

For entertaining stories and photos about Pacific radio before WWII,
including the New Zealand Radio Dial 1931, Early Australian Radio and
much more, make sure you visit today.

Membership costs nothing, and you'll also get regular newsletters
about Pacific wide radio heritage activities so sign up whilst at! Volunteers welcome! The Radio Heritage
Foundation is a registered non-profit organization with members and
supporters worldwide.

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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending June 23rd

2007-06-25 Thread Scott R. Barbour Jr.
Better late than never...

AUSTRALIA, 4835, VL8A, 0802-0815, June 18, English.
Acoustical music and OM talk poking through noise
floor. Poor, not much to work with but enough to note
// 4910-VL8T. (Barbour-NH)

CANADA, 6030, presumed CFVP-Calgary, 0825+, June 18,
English. Occasional bits of C&W music poking through
noise floor. Very poor. Not much of a log but this is
the first time I have ever noted anything on this
frequency during the R.Marti silent period.

NIGERIA, 9690, VO Nigeria, 0759-0811, June 20,
Hausa(listed). IS at t/in. Wailing “Nigeria…(unid.)”
followed by ID and s/on announcements. News w/ many
mentions of Nigeria. Fair/good. (Barbour-NH)

YEMEN, 9779.8, presumed Rep. of Yemen Radio,
2207-2210*, June 17, Arabic. Tail-end of transmission
w/ vocal music cut-off at 2210. Poor/fair w/ QRM via
9775-DW,Rwanda. (Barbour-NH)

BULGARIA, 9900, R.Varna, 2148-2205, June 17,
Vernacular/English, Music prg. featuring Bonnie Tyler
w/ OM b/w selections. Fair. (Barbour-NH)

NIGERIA, 15120, VO Nigeria, 0751-0758*, June 20,
French. OM w/ talk b/w musical bits. Different
announcer at 0757, snippet of IS then off. Poor.

Scott R. Barbour Jr.-Intervale,NH-USA


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[HCDX] Pirata: Radio El Dorado, Portugal

  Noticia via SW Pirates.
  Hello! John from Radio Eldorado here!

I will be making some transmissions today, tomorrow and after that.

Schedule is as follows : 

25 June - starting 19:00 GMT until 03:00 AM 6261khz

26 June - starting 16:00 GMT until 03:00 AM 6261khz

27 June - starting 18:00 GMT until 03:00 AM 6261khz

Location is Center Portugal

Music is psychedelic rock, lots of 60s stuff, Free, Who, Jimi, many 

others, and electronic music, from house, to acid, to techno, many 

live sets and great tracks.

Reports to my email: phoenixproject@

Do enjoy. Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out.



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[HCDX] QSL Received Last Week (18th – 23rd Jun e 2007)

2007-06-25 Thread Mukesh Kumar
QSL Received Last Week (18th – 23rd June 2007) 

Station: -  KBS World Radio
Date: - 16-06-2007
Frequency: -9515 kHz
Time: - 1600-1700 UTC 
Language: - English
Description: -  B-boys of Korea. A B-boy is a term for
a person who’s devoted to hip-hop culture and recently
refers to a male who practices breakdancing. Korean
B-boys have gone to be the world’s top level with a
number of dancers sweeping international B-boy
battles. Their videotaped performances are even being
used as texts for European B-boys.   

Station: -  Radio Sweden 
Date: - 31-05-2007
Frequency: -15735 kHz 
Time: - 1330 UTC
Language: - English
Description: - Frontline scientist
answers the big question about the mystery of life.
Celebrating the legacy of Sweden’s great natural
scientist Carl Linnaeus. 

Station: -  IRIB World Service 
Date: - 13-05-2007
Frequency: -7370 kHz
Time: - 1530-1627 UTC
Language: - English
Description: -  QSL No: 1. Pol-e Khaju (Khaju Bridge) –
Esfahan / 17th Century. 

Station: -  Bible Voice (Naeun) 
Date: - 09-06-2007
Frequency: -15680 kHz
Time: - 1400-1500 UTC
Language: - English
Description: -  Reaching Nations… one person at a time.

Station: -  Radio Praha 
Date: - 13-06-2007
Frequency: -21745 kHz
Time: - 0900-0927 UTC
Language: - English
Description: -  Blanik. This observation tower is
located on the mythical peak of Blanik (638m above sea
level) in central Bohemia. Some 30m high, made of wood
and in the style of a Hussite tower, it was built in
1943 by the Club of Czech Hikers on the site of an
earlier observation tower from 1895. 

Station: -  Radio Taiwan International 
Date: - 06-04-2007
Frequency: -11600 kHz
Time: - 1600-1700 UTC
Language: - English
Description: -  Taiwanese Puppet Show. Widely known as
glove puppetry in Taiwan, the puppet show has been one
of the most popular forms of folk drama, often drawn
from Chinese classical novels. This picture was
awarded first prize in the Taiwan Image Competition by
the Government Information Office, Republic of China
(Taiwan). This picture depicts the famous Great Hero
of Yun-Chou, Shi Yen-Wen. 

Station: -  Radio Taiwan International 
Date: - 18-05-2007
Frequency: -11550 kHz
Time: - 1600-1700 UTC
Language: - English
Description: -  HSR Hsinchu Station. The circular
concept for the outer structure of the HSR Hsinchu
Station was inspired by the high-tec semi-conductor
industry in Hsinchu. The material used to make the
inner part of glass. The design of expending
concentric circles is based on traditional Hakka
architecture. The station won first place in the 2006
Taiwan Architecture Prize Competition. 

Station: -  Radio Free Asia
Date: - 29-05-2007
Frequency: -7210 kHz
Time: - 1700-1730 UTC
Language: - Korean
Description: -  This is the first in a series of RFA
QSL cards that commemorate the youth of the world, and
the spirit of democracy and freedom. The drawing was
created on April 26, 2007 RFA’s annual “Take Our
Daughters And Sons To Work Day” in Washington DC. This
is one of many drawings made by the children of RFA
personnel, inspired by the work their parents create
daily at RFA. Please continue to submit your reception
reports to or by e-mail to

Station: -  NHK World Radio Japan 
Date: - 30-05-2007
Frequency: -11890 kHz
Time: - 1300-1330 UTC
Language: - Hindi 
Description: -  “Spring Breeze” (Miyawaka City, Fukuoka

Regards & 73’s
Mukesh Kumar
The Cosmos Club

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[HCDX] The Shortwave Report 6/22/07 ?Listen Globally!

2007-06-25 Thread Zacharias Liangas
The Shortwave Report 6/22/07 ?Listen Globally!
by Dan Roberts ( outfarpress [at] )
Thursday Jun 21st, 2007 5:00 PM

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a 
shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- 
broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, 
Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 22) is up at the website in both 
broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form 
(4.9MB) (28:59)

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, 
Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
>From CHINA- The long stalled 6-party talks with N Korea are moving 
forward now that N Korean funds seized by the US government have 
been released. The US says it opposes any attempt by the Taiwan 
government to hold a referendum on whether it should apply to the UN 
as an independent nation. Japan's parliament has voted to extend its 
air support in Iraq for another 2 years.
>From NETHERLANDS- Australia, under John Howard, is spending 
around 7 billion dollars on 3 new warships- the question is, why does 
Australia feel a need for such equipment? An analysis of the West's 
isolation of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which will lead to a serious 
humanitarian crisis.
>From CUBA- At a Human Rights conference in Dublin, former president 
Jimmy Carter accused the US, the EU, and Israel of dividing Palestine 
by financing Fatah, despite the clear victory of Hamas in 2006 
elections. The US funded aerial spraying of coca plantations in 
Colombia has severely damaged the DNA of Ecuadorians living near 
the border- the herbicide being used is a form of Roundup, 
manufactured by US corporation Monsanto. A US court has heard the 
arguments in a lawsuit filed by Vietnamese victims of the aerial 
spraying of Agent Orange in the 1960s and 70s. The US dumped 18 
million gallons of the herbicide in Vietnam, and since 1975 over 
150,000 children have been born with birth defects.
>From RUSSIA- US Army experts admit that about one third of US 
troops in Iraq are developing mental problems. A commentary on the 
Western support for the Palestinian faction Fatah, while providing no 
aid for the one and a half million residents of the Gaza Strip, which was 
militarily seized by Hamas. An article in the Washington Times states 
that China, Russia, and Iran present a new "Axis of Evil," equipped with 
nuclear weapons- a commentary says the article is an excuse for the 
US and others to further develop their own nuclear weapons.

There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on 
line at-

I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, 
available at

All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to 
rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me 
in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If 
you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming 
version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you 
don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem 
because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 
minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application 
(RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your 
This program will be aired on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm (PST) on 
KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via
There are several other streams that work better- < >Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this 
program on Friday at 9:00am and Saturday at 11am(PST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from <
ents > or iTunes (search for "shortwave" in podcasts)
Check out the amazing streams at < >
And Radio For Peace International at < >

I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I 
am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I 
put into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations 
rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production 
costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that 
have donated! No Guilt! (maybe a little)
link for broadcast edition-
link for smaller file and streaming-
< >
?FurthuR! Dan Roberts (raidio monitoring site plus audio clips ) (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos upload 
on my main : www.geo

[HCDX] Antenna Soldering

2007-06-25 Thread Patrick Martin
I have been trying to solve a problem I have been dealing with for
years. As many of you know I have the 1500 foot  Eastern beverage.
During storms, I have occasionally had breaks in the wire. Not often,
but it does happen. For many years I have used these little $30 butane
soldering pencils that give me maybe 40-50 watts (when new). Well, they
never last long. They get clogged up or something happens. I am always
buying a new one every year or so and maybe more often. The older ones
ran hotter than the newer one, so out in out cool wet Winter I cannot
often get the tip hot enough to melt solder.  I would love to haul my
100 watt soldering gun out with me, but I don't have 110v  hundreds of
feet away. I do use it within a hundred feet of the house as I have
cords to run a fair distance. Do they have a small rechargable
power-pack that could be carried easily that I could use my 100w
soldering gun? If so, any idea where I might find one? That would solve
my problem. These small butane pincils just do not work out well for me.
Any suggestions would be welcome.  Thanks.



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager

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[HCDX] Libia: 15550 Voice of África.

?? 15550 Voice of Áfica, 20:01-20:15, escuchada el 25 de Junio en árabe a 
locutor con noticias, referencias a Libia, locutora con cuña, cuña de ID 
“Idahat al Jamaeriya al Ouzma”, tonos horarios, segmento musical, locutor con 
comentarios, titulares, SINPO 45444.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
  Antena Radio Master A-108


LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
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[HCDX] Israel: 15790 Galei Zahal

ISRAEL 15790 Galei Zahal, 20:24-20:30, escuchada el 25 de Junio en hebreo a 
locutor con comentarios, programa con emisión de música pop, invitado con 
saludo “..Shalom..”, intervención telefónica de oyentes, referencias a Hamas, 
SINPO 45433.
  José Miguel Romero
  Burjasot (Valencia)
  Sangean ATS 909
  Antena Radio Master A-108


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[HCDX] HCDX logs between 2007-06-25 0000 UTC and 2007-06-26 0000 UTC

2007-06-25 Thread Risto Kotalampi logs from 2007-06-25  UTC to 2007-06-26  UTC

Please visit for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.


   21820 Jun 25 1035-1045 Gabon: NHK World Radio. via Moyabi - Gabon. I heard a
   weekend program in Italian, that is "Focus Radio Japan". Monday theme:
   Japanese young people homeless. SINPO 34533 - Podcast is available for
   streaming at --
   Nino Marabello -- Treviso, Italy -- RX: SANYO M-1750K -- Antenna: 4 mt.
   indoor wire -- navaiowhite

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [HCDX] Antenna Soldering

2007-06-25 Thread Joe Strain aka Yodar
N!  Get Sears Craftsman propane torch kit that has two heads,
one big-un and one small-un   in a nice plastix box holding all
including full size propane bottle (or MAP gas)

I use MAP Gas and use the small un to do field soldring and brazing
of small parts. the small head is only 3/8 at best flame width and
makes a nice pin head blue flame. It's essentially  your butane
soldering pencil on steroids.

With the BIG head I was able to braze the tail gate hinges back on my
rusted out scout. 
Good tool. Cost me less than $30  (20 years ago)

--- Patrick Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been trying to solve a problem I have been dealing with for
> years. As many of you know I have the 1500 foot  Eastern beverage.
> During storms, I have occasionally had breaks in the wire. Not
> often,
> but it does happen. For many years I have used these little $30
> butane
> soldering pencils that give me maybe 40-50 watts (when new). Well,
> they
> never last long. They get clogged up or something happens. I am
> always
> buying a new one every year or so and maybe more often. The older
> ones
> ran hotter than the newer one, so out in out cool wet Winter I
> cannot
> often get the tip hot enough to melt solder.  I would love to haul
> my
> 100 watt soldering gun out with me, but I don't have 110v  hundreds
> of
> feet away. I do use it within a hundred feet of the house as I have
> cords to run a fair distance. Do they have a small rechargable
> power-pack that could be carried easily that I could use my 100w
> soldering gun? If so, any idea where I might find one? That would
> solve
> my problem. These small butane pincils just do not work out well
> for me.
> Any suggestions would be welcome.  Thanks.
> 73,
> Patrick
> Patrick Martin
> KAVT Reception Manager
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> Hard-Core-DX mailing list
> ___
> distributed
> and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science
> License
> published by Michael Stutz at 


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Re: [HCDX] Antenna Soldering

2007-06-25 Thread Patrick Martin
Thanks guys for the input. No open flame for me, not with the high dry
grass in the Summer months. But a better Butane or better than that a
UPS unit to power the 100w solder gun would work well. Costco had a
1000w UPS for about $100 a while back. I wonder how long I could use the
100 watt gun with that fully charged? It might be heavy to carry out
there though. I am not sure of the weight. 



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager

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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 54, Issue 26

2007-06-25 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. About St.Petersburg Regional Center QSL (Mikhail Timofeyev)
   2. Re: Dxers Unlimited script -weekend edition - 23-24 June
  (Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich)
   3. Marconi v Telefunken - Radio NZ International's new
  documentary ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   4. Logs from NH-USA, week ending June 23rd (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)
   5. Pirata: Radio El Dorado, Portugal (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   6. QSL Received Last Week (18th ? 23rd June 2007) (Mukesh Kumar)
   7. The Shortwave Report 6/22/07 ?Listen Globally!
  (Zacharias Liangas )
   8. Antenna Soldering (Patrick Martin)
   9. Libia: 15550 Voice of ?frica. (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
  10. Israel: 15790 Galei Zahal (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
  11. HCDX logs between 2007-06-25  UTC and 2007-06-26  UTC
  (Risto Kotalampi)
  12. Re: Antenna Soldering (Joe Strain aka Yodar)
  13. Re: Antenna Soldering (Patrick Martin)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:47:42 +0400
From: Mikhail Timofeyev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] About St.Petersburg Regional Center QSL
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1251

Dear colleagues,

First of all, I am very sorry about this delay with our QSLs...

I already sent 57 QSL cards mostly for old reports. These QSLs
includes Kaliningard (Bolshakovo) reports that were dated till October
31, 2003 only (Kaliningrad is out of our structure after this date).

Our current schedule (in Russian only at the moment)

If you have any old unverified reports for St.Petersburg (any date)
and Kaliningrad (till October 31, 2003) please contact me via

All new reports for our current St.Petersburg transmissions will
verify by our QSL card, sticker and paper pennant (usual mail reports
with one IRC or USD are more preferred than e-mail ones).

Our address:
Mikhail Timofeyev
SPbRC Technical department
St. Petersburg Regional Center
ul. Akademika Pavlova, 3

73 and good DX!

Mikhail Timofeyev


as> 15305 Radio Rossii, Kaliningrad (Bolshakovo), Saint Petersburg Regional 

as> 3, Akademika Pavlova st., Saint Petersburg, 197022 Russia,

as> Verification by a reception report dated September 04, 2001 for a
as> russian transmission for the Caucasus Region with 160 kws.

as> Very nice QSL Card full data of Saint Petersburg Regional Center with five 
small pictures of:

as> a)  311-meter high broadcasting tower of the Leningrad Radio
as> & TV Transmitting Center (Saint Petersburg)

as> b)  Radio Center No. 11 (Leningrad Region, Krasny Bor): MW
as> directional aerial system called ?Bolshaya zarya? with 26
as> radio-towers (42 meters each) is used for long-distance MW broadcasting;

as> c)  Short Wave SGD-type (curtain) antennas of the Radio
as> Center No. 11 (Leningrad region, Krasny Bor)

as> d)  3TV Channel transmitter of the Leningrad Radio and TV
as> Transmitting Center (Saint Petersburg)

as> e)  Technical room of high-power LW/MW transmitters of the
as> Radio Center No. 11(Leningrad region, Krasny Bor)

as> The station sent me a small and nice Saint Petersburg Regional
as> Center?s stiker and a small and beautiful nice Saint Petersburg
as> Regional Center?s pennant.- They sent the nice Saint Petersburg
as> Regional Center current AM schedule.

as> Delay:  More of five years

as> V/S: Mikhail Timofeyev-QSL Manager

as> (Arnaldo Slaen, Buenos Aires, Argentina)


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 08:38:40 -0400
From: "Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited script -weekend edition - 23-24
To: hard-c