Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 95, Issue 1

2010-10-31 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. The last two minutes (ever?) from S?lvesborg (Christian St?dberg)
   2. Re: Quick logs 30/31 October (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. Sat Eve Dx (Charles Bolland)
   4. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   5. Re: Quick logs 30/31 October (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   6. Radio Damascus B10 schedule and news (Radio Damascus)
   7. Radio Damascus B10 schedule and news (kris)
   8. Oct. 31 logs (L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec)
   9. Re: Quick logs 30/31 October (3) (Wolfgang Bueschel)
  10. Re: Israel Radio B10 (Eike Bierwirth)
  11. Re: Israel Radio B10 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
  12. UKR 15-18 UT (Wolfgang Bueschel)
  13. Re: UKR 15-18 UT (Eike Bierwirth)
  14. Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
  15. Sun Dx (Charles Bolland)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 08:23:42 +0100
From: Christian St?dberg 
To: Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com
Subject: [HCDX] The last two minutes (ever?) from S?lvesborg
Message-ID: <26e41e55-699c-4de5-a389-676487da2...@home.se>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; delsp=yes

The last two minutes (ever?) from S?lvesborg MW yesterday  
21.58-22.00UTC with SR P1.

In memorian S?lvesborg
Chris SM6VPU


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:23:53 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" 
To: "DXLD" , "HCDX"

Subject: Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";


> ... clashing with IRIB English service "Voice of Justice" 0130-0230,
> both at 53422. This is from the new B10 schedule for both stations,
> both targeting North America, HFCC should have avoided such a clash!?

Yes, that's the terriblest co-channel registration of two broadcaster I
noticed in the first hour of the season last night too.

Russians last night to Americas, Oct 31:

6065 VoR St.P Sp at 01, Ru at 02 UT, S=9+40dB, co-ch IRIB Sirjan weak
6240 VoR En Caleidoscope via GRI-MDA, 01-03 UT, heavy 50 Hz buzz, S=9+25dB.
7210 VoR 01-03 Sp via Moscow tx, most powerful stn last night, S=9+60dB!!!,
 \\ 6065 St.P.
7220 VoR Russian 01 UT, via GRI-MDA. \\ 7430 ERV-ARM. S=9+40dB.
7225 VoR different Ru program from Samara towards AF 00-03 UT. S=9+10dB.
7250 Terrible mixture of both En txions, VoR En via Krasnodar ARM to NoAM
 S=9+30dB, and IRIB Tehran En to NoAM too, - underneath !!!
7280 VoR, Sp at 02 UT via Krasnodar ARM, terremoto and vulcanos on
 Kamchatka, S=9+30dB.
7430 VoR Russian via ERV-Armenia, little 50 Hz buzz, S=9+40dB, \\ 6065,7220
7440 UKR RUI via Lviv Krasne, only S=7 here, too much northwards lobe to
 to NoAM, Ukr 02-03 UT
odd 7506.29 WRNO, En sermon, 0215 UT, S=7-8
9305 R Cairo EGY, Ar, prayer broadband 9284-9329 kHz terrible sound. 0225 UT

9650 UNID Chinese at 02-03 UT, S=8-9. Puzzled me, but discovered that TRT
 "9650 0200-0300 CAK 500 284 SPANISH AF/AMs/SoEUR"
 the text then talked on the program and the Mandarin ID at 0232 UT
 showed clearly TRT Mandarin instead of scheduled Spanish broadcast,
 TRT Chinese Mandarin program was broadcast here, via Cakirlar tx.

9735 VoR in Sp via GUF site, S=7, 1/10th sec ahead! of 7280ARM, but 1/10th
 sec behind 7210 MSK powerhouse in \\.
9865 VoR in Sp at 0240 UT, S=9+20dB. 00-04 UT via Samara site, in sync with
 7210MSK, 1/2 sec ahead of 7280ARM in \\
9965 VoR in Sp via ERV-Armenia, weak signal just above threshold, ahead of
 7280ARM, 1 sec ahead of 7210MSK, 9735GUF.

73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "Eike Bierwirth" Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:53 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October

> Russia: Voice of Russia, 31 Oct, 0122 UTC, 7220 kHz, Russian language,

[HCDX] Sun Dx

2010-10-31 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 6019.294, Radio Victoria, 0930-0945,  At tune in,
noted a male in steady Spanish
language comments.   Frequency measurement is as
precise as possible to get using
the WR-G31DDC unit while in LSB mode.   At 0934 music
presented.  Signal was 
poor.  (Chuck Bolland, October 31, 2010)
Bolivia, 6134.782, Radio Santa Cruz, 0938-0950,  Noted
a male in live Spanish 
comments, which were possibly a drama of some sort.
There was crowd reaction in 
the back ground as the male talked.   Noticed sound
effects at one point too.Signal
was too weak to get any sense of what was being
broadcast specifically.  (Chuck
Bolland, October 31, 2010)
Guyana, 3290.03, Voice of Guyana, 1005-1020,  Noted a
program of recorded pop
music which continues un-interrupted for the entire
period.  Signal was fair at the
beginning but continued to fade into the noise.
(Chuck Bolland, October 31, 2010)
26N 81W
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 30-31, 2010

2010-10-31 Thread Glenn Hauser
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. RA has new QRM problems for B-10: Oct 31 at 1256, only 
9580 is audible, while 9590 is covered by Chinese music, and 9560 has CRI in 
Chinese via Sackville // 9570 via Cuba. I can`t even tell if RA is still using 
9590, altho it is on the schedule. At 1301, it and 9560 become audible // 9580. 
9590 until 1300 is scheduled for CRI Russian aimed northwest.

5995 at 1358 had mix of YFR theme and Waltzing Matilda. We now have Brandon 10 
kW at 12-14 in DRM, but Shep 100 kW AM about to take over until 1800 at 30 
degrees; while YFR is Petropavlovsk/Kamchatsky, RUSSIA at 11-15, 250 kW, 244 
degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BONAIRE. 6195, NHK World Radio Japón, Oct 31 at 0516 in Spanish, ex-6080. 
The 0500 RNW Dutch relay via Bonaire on 6165 is gone, moved one hour later to 
0600. This means that there is no longer a possibility of a leapfrog mixing 
product on 6250 confusing Spanish for Equatorial Guinea since 6195 is the only 
Bonaire frequency on the air during this hour. See also CHAD.

From RN`s B-10 online schedule I have extracted all the 6 MHz-band Bonaire 
entries, to facilitate future computation of leapfrog mixing products --- 
whenever the times overlap, those could appear, most obviously if they fall 
above 6200 or below 5900:

2359   0027   6145   180  RNW   Nld   1234567   sAMn/CAR
2359   0157   6165   210  RNW   Spa   1234567   cAM/sAMnw
0059   0127   6190   341  RNW   Nld   1234567   nAMe
0159   0357   6165   305  RNW   Spa   1234567   MEX/cAM
0229   0250   6040   341  VAT   Fra   1234567   nAMe
0259   0327   6100   335  RNW   Nld   1234567   nAMc
0329   0357   6195   210  RNW   Nld   1234567   sAMnw
0359   0427   6165   305  RNW   Nld   1234567   MexECarSUSA
0400   0430   6195   210  NHK   Spa   1234567   sAMnw
0500   0530   6195   290  NHK   Spa   1234567   MEX
0559   0627   6165   320  RNW   Nld   1234567   nAMw

0929   1000   6020   110  RNW   Nld234567   SUR
1000   1030   6195   210  NHK   Spa   1234567   sAMn
1000   1200   5905   180  DWL   Ger   1234567   CAR
1059   1127   6165   320  RNW   Spa   1234567   CAR/Florida
1129   1157   6165   210  RNW   Spa   1234567   Colombia
1159   1227   6165   180  RNW   Spa   1234567   Venezuela

If I have a spare moment, I might go ahead and compute all the possible 
leapfrog times and frequencies from this. The same thing could be done with 
Sackville on 49m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 6185, XEPPM Spanish in the clear, Oct 31 at 0517, no RNA 
here, but still active on F-G 11780 at 0535 check, this overnight schedule 
funxioning UT Sundays only. Brazilians have also been reporting 6185 missing 

** BRAZIL. 28545-USB, Oct 30 at 2135, ham contester kept giving own callsign 
every few sex, but awful modulation caused by misadjusted vox. Sounded like 
call was whisky five golf, W5G, but unseems an American. Then could hear 
another fonetik before the W, garbled with first syllable cut off; was it alfa? 
No hit at QRZ.com. Going up the alfabet, I bet it`s papa: 

Mr. Vantuil Barbosa - PP5VB
Caixa Postal: 13 - IMBITUBA/SC - CEP: 88.780-000, 

Especially since 10m was open from Brasil, lots of signals 28.3-28.5 MHz, next 
one being at 2142 on 28434+, ZW5B:

I had tried 12m first and found no activity, so was surprised at all the stuff 
on 10; however, GUF on 21690 was inbooming, OSOB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHAD. 6165, Oct 31 at 0518 weak signal in French, presumed RNT as usual, 
audiblized only when Bonaire is off, and in B-10 there is now a sesquihour 
break between 0427 and 0559 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 31: none found 8-18 MHz, 1305-1318 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA [and non]. RHC anomalies Oct 31: at 0514, English on 5970, 6060 and 
6150 but not on 6010, where XEOI can be heard clearly with pop music in Spanish.

5040, the squealing RHC transmitter is here, Oct 31 at 0538 in Spanish, 0538 
introducing deportes segment of Revista Informativa de la Tarde playback in the 

Oct 31 is a great day for DentroCubans wishing to hear Radio Martí without 
jamming --- because of the B-10 changes, and Cuba just going back to EST a week 
before Wáshington, the jammers are confused and miss a lot. Reactivated 5745 RM 
at 1235, no jamming, discussing socialismo // 5980 stronger but jammed; 6030 
nothing but jamming, since RM now scheduled there only at 00-12. At 1245 I find 
RM also on 7405 without jamming. That is now scheduled from Greenville, which 
still exists, at 22-24, 03-07, 12-14. At 1309, 11930 had RM clear with no 
jamming. At 1351, jamming had caught up with 7405, but not 5745, still audible 
tho weak here. 

Altho R. Libertad is currently scheduled on WRMI 9955, every day at 12-13 UT, 
there was no jamming Oct 31 a

Re: [HCDX] UKR 15-18 UT

2010-10-31 Thread Eike Bierwirth

> UKRAINE   11620 RUI Ukrainian to the CIS-east, nationals in Kazakhstan.
> Not
> on 7435, due of use in CHN, CZE, and ROU. 15-18 UT from Kharkiv-UKR,
> S=9+20dB at 1525 UT.

Ukraine had left 11620 by 1712. Maybe Delhi called and complained (same target 
area); AIR in Russian was in the clear, with music, ID in Russian, c/d 1715 
leaving the channel empty. 7435 is dominated by ROU with CRI in the background; 
where is RUI now?

Leipzig / Germany
JRC NRD525 + PA0RDT MiniWhip

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[HCDX] UKR 15-18 UT

2010-10-31 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

UKRAINE   11620 RUI Ukrainian to the CIS-east, nationals in Kazakhstan. Not
on 7435, due of use in CHN, CZE, and ROU. 15-18 UT from Kharkiv-UKR,
S=9+20dB at 1525 UT.

LITHUANIA   7420  IRIB Tehran Russian via Sitkunai relay, (in B-09 on 3960),
now at 1450 UT on S=9+20dB. In SYNC with \\ 9610 and 9685 kHz.

3955  HCJB via Sitkunai-LTU in Ru 1530, Chechen Sun 1600 UT S=7-8 rather
poor, due of backlobe signal of 79degr antenna.

RUSSIA  7340 VoRu in DRM mode on 80 kW tx Irkutsk, S=9 signal noise.
Scheduled 14-20 UT.

U.K.  3995  DWL German via Skelton til 22 UT, is back on AM mode, great in
winter season. Noted at 1600 UT, S=9+20dB in southern Germany.

ASCENSION ISL  21840  The highhest frequ in B-10 YFR in English to southern
Africa, 15-16 UT, S=6-7 in Germany.

73 wb

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Re: [HCDX] Israel Radio B10

2010-10-31 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel
Yes, 15760 is the stronger channel, at 1500-1530 UT S=9+15dB in southern 
Germany, but decreasing now.
13850 very tiny S=3-4 here, suffers by adjacent WWCR 13845 religious ROAR, 
latter S=9+15dB.

73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "Eike Bierwirth" Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 4:18 PM

Subject: Re: [HCDX] Israel Radio B10

Kol Israel is on 13850 and 15760, with weak parallel signal here in Ea 
Germany. No jamming heard but it's hard enough without it (local noise, 
and QRM by WWCR which is strong on 13845). 9985 and 11595 are totally 
empty. (31 Oct 2010, 1515 UTC)

Leipzig / Germany. JRC NRD525 + PA0RDT MiniWhip

As expected, I confirmed that it's 1500-1630 UTC
> > Persian to Iran
> > 1500-1630 UTC
> > 9985  11595
> >
> > Alternate frequencies:
> > 6695 13850

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Re: [HCDX] Israel Radio B10

2010-10-31 Thread Eike Bierwirth
Kol Israel is on 13850 and 15760, with weak parallel signal here in Ea Germany. 
No jamming heard but it's hard enough without it (local noise, and QRM by WWCR 
which is strong on 13845). 9985 and 11595 are totally empty. (31 Oct 2010, 1515 

Leipzig / Germany
JRC NRD525 + PA0RDT MiniWhip

> As expected, I confirmed that it's 1500-1630 UTC
> > > Persian to Iran
> > > 
> > > 1500-1630 UTC
> > > 9985  
> > > 11595
> > > 
> > > Alternate frequencies:
> > > 6695
> > > 13850

GMX DSL Doppel-Flat ab 19,99 €/mtl.! Jetzt auch mit 
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Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October (3)

2010-10-31 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

Some more logs of this morning Oct 31:  (3)

? late change for
EWTN Shortwave Radio (WEWN), B-10 schedule, October 31, 2010-March 27, 2011

*15610 kHz seemingly replaced by totally clear channel of 13835 kHz
in 1200-1900 UT slot?

UTC   AF/ME/SoEaAS   SoAM/Caribbean   Mexico  UTC
 EnglishSpanish 155deg   Spanish 220deg
1200 *15610 040deg Mid East  12050 7555   1200
1300 *15610 040deg Mid East  1205011550   1300
1400 *15610 040deg Mid East  1205011550   1400
1500  15610 040deg Mid East  1205011550   1500
1600  15610 040deg Mid East  1205011550   1600
1700  15610 040deg Mid East  1383011550   1700
1800  15610 040deg Mid East  1383012050   1800

21540 still co-channel conflict with both REE and Radio Kuwait Arabic
outlets, co-channel at least at 12-13 UT.

17690 NHK interval signal over and over again 1230-1242 UT, endless loop,
reg. via Madagascar relay site.
But no real program heard. TX switched off at 1243-1244 UT, "sorry for
interuption ..." started then in French, regular program from 1244 UT. Read
letterbox by Japanese lady and African native male announcer in French,
letter from Congo read.
Much fluttery signal from MDG S=9+10dB. Always underneath heard co-channel
IRIB Sirjan in Bahasa Malay.

17725 LBJ Tripoli Sabrata in Swahili, 12-14 UT, S=9. Fluttery signal,
nothing did propagate on \\ Sabrata 21695 kHz.

15120 RHC Quivican in Spanish S=9, and \\ 15360 little bit stronger
S=9+10dB, at 1250 UT: "Hola Ustedes Amigos" ... festival mundial de juventud
y estudiantes - on 15120 tiny underneath co-ch BSKSA Bengali towards
SoAS target.

15265 IBB Kazakh tentat 13-14 UT, but not heard underneath, on top CNR echo
jamming at 1300 UT. But latter could also be meant against CBS Taiwan
Tanshui broadcast in Mandarin at same time slot.

15341.15v still terrible heterodyne from RTM Nador site relay in AR/Fr at
1320 UT.

15825 WWCR carried a terrible distorted AUDIO signal at 1330 UT, reg 11-21
UT, S=9+25dB signal strength.

11590 the very special CNR echo jammer + typical BUZZ IGNITION SPARK type
sound, noted against RFA Tibetan in 11-14 UT, Oct 31 slot.

11735 TRT Cakirlar faulty tx noted again at 1330-1427 UT. Totally distorted
audio quality, En, S=9. Used on 11925 kHz at 07-10 UT.

73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 11:54 AM

Subject: Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October

Some more logs of this morning Oct 31:

3965 RFI Paris Issoudun in French in pure AM mode at 1-2 UT, powerhouse
3985.06v Croatian R Deanovec, pop mx, S=9+10dB. at 0110 UT.
5905 - UNID noted white noise jamming at 0120 UT, probably test against
 Voice of Burma winter transmission ???
5954.185 UNID heterodyne against 5955 even at 0120 UT, Republica?, Spanish
 heard S=7, weak to fair.
6075 DWL German night sce from Sines-Portugal relay, rather poor signal
 from southern direction. S=8 1-2 UT.
6130 Radio Tirana-Albania, En sce at 0137 UT, more than fair signal here
 dead skip zone, S=9+20dB, items about Kosovo election, negotiations
 with Serbia...
6959.96 Pirate in Spanish mx, 0145 UT. S=5-6 suffering signal.
5818.02 Pirate R Orion, S=5 at 0828 UT 31 Oct.
7610 Pirate 0842 UT, Italian announcer, S=6-7 weak.
6075/9545/13780 DWL German at 0900 UT AM mode superpower signals.
5898.00 Number station in Spanish. From US intellig. service to Cuban spy?
 around 0828-0830 UT. At same time RHabanaCuba Quivican En 6150,
 Sp 6060 kHz both at 8-9! UT, S=8-9.
7245 carrier only, tiny, probably Mauritania at 0837 UT.
9410 RUI in English, not strong, only poor to fair S=8, at 0843 UT.
11610 R Tatarstan via Samara, carrier still open early at 0849 UT,
 Russian progr 0910-1000 UT.
11565 WHRI En, poor S=6 signal 0848 UT, backlobe signal into Europe.
11925 TRT Cakirlar, same audio distortion (in summer on 11955),
 Turk at 0858 UT S=9+10dB.
12105 (in summer 11645) new VoGreece winter frequency.
 Radio Filia relays in various langs. S=9+15dB at 0900 UT.
12257.14 UNIDentified internat. broadcaster in GB_like English accent,
 nx at 0900 UT, possibly internal spur of Eton E1?
 Not \\ to RA Shepparton.
 AUS and NZL stations much fluttery from the western path, via
 Colombia/Acores/Atlantic this morning.
15160 Kimje Korea super power signal from the East. S=9+25dB, 0905 UT.
15341.15 very odd heterodyne signal this morning at 0920 UT. S=8-9 signal.
 Most probably RTM via Nador-MRC relay, progr content in Arabic and
 French interspersed. Odd signal against co-ch CRI Xian Chinese
 broadcast on even 15340.00.
73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 9:23 AM

Subject: Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October


... clashing with IRIB English service "Voice of Justi

[HCDX] Oct. 31 logs

2010-10-31 Thread Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
5010, India, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai. October, 31 0019-0029 Hindi 
(listed) choral music with slight Arabic style, male and female short talks, 
Hindu style music, back male talks. Statics, 25332 (lob-B).


4950, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos. October, 31 0546-0606 African music 
selections, male in Portuguse "Angola, 35 anos de independência; Repubica de 
Angola, 35 anos", "R. Nacional de Angola", time pips on top of the hour, news 
program "serviço de utilidade pública da R.N.A.". Static, 35333 (lob-B).


9720, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. October, 31 0645-0655 infamous preacher David 
Miranda in Portunhol (crossing of Spanish X Portuguese) "ó Cristo de la 
glória", male announcements, ID by male on 5th Symphony. //6020, at peak 35322 


3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. October, 31 0826-0845 non stop soft 
Pop, Romantic music selections seemingly always same female singer in English. 
By some het, Vanuatu must be underneath weak, 25332 (lob-B).


Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec - Embu SP Brasil - Sony SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m, Longwire 
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[HCDX] Radio Damascus B10 schedule and news

2010-10-31 Thread kris

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Dear radio friends

I have been in contact with my good friends at Radio Damascus, the broadcasting 
service of the Syrian Arab Republic, to ask if some changes will be introduced 
with the start of the B10 schedule and here are their answers :

Regarding frequencies and program changes : 

The frequencies of Radio Damascus B10 schedule are the same as for the A10 
schedule. Also no changes with regard to the programs are planned for the 

1600-1700 UTC/GMT Turkish daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 
1700-1800 UTC/GMT Russian daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 
1800-1900 UTC/GMT German daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 
1900-2000 UTC/GMT French daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 
2000-2100 UTC/GMT English daily on satellite 
2100-2200 UTC/GMT English daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 
2200-2300 UTC/GMT Spanish daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 

(note : 12.085 Khz is only irregular on the air)

783 Khz Mediumwave : 
1600 - 1830 UTC/GMT Hebrew 
1830 - 1900 UTC/GMT Russian 

Hot Bird at 13.0°E : 12380 Mhz 
Nilesat at 7.0°W : 11823 Mhz 
Badr / Arabsat at 26.0°E : 12054 Mhz
Asiasat 2 at 100.5° E : 3820 Mhz

9.330 Khz / 31 meter band and 12.085 Khz / 25 meter band

783 Khz

Or you can download the audio recording of the daily program on the internet at 
the following direct links : 

http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.php or at

Radio Damascus' English, Spanish and German program are now also available as a 
podcast :

http://radiodamascusenglish.podomatic.com (English program)
http://aquidamasco.podomatic.com (Spanish program)
http://radio700.eu/podcasts/damaskus/damaskus.xml (German program)

You can add the Radio Damascus' podcasts to your podcasts in Apple's Itunes and 
take it with you on your Ipod or other media player as an MP3 file.

Regarding the weak performance of the shortwave transmitters : 

Radio Damascus is still planning to install a new shortwave transmitter to 
replace the old worn-out transmitters at Adra shortwave station. A new tender 
is now being discussed, and according to the company involved, it will take 
about 6 months to install the new transmitters.

Regarding an internet stream to broadcast the program live on the internet  : 

In addition to the existing listen-on-demand option at 
http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.php a meeting will be arranged in the very near 
future with those in charge with this matter to set up a direct audio stream 
for the live programs. So please stay tuned for this great news. 

The Radio Damascus staff does highly value when you write to them with your 
commentaries about the programs or reception reports about the transmissions.

Their address is :
Radio Damascus
P.O. Box 4702
Syrian Arab Republic

email : radiodamascusengl...@yahoo.com

http://www.radio-damascus-listeners-club.tk or

http://www.syriaonline.sy (RTV English Website)
http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.php (audio recordings)
http://www.rtv.gov.sy (RTV Arabic Website)

http://radiodamascusenglish.podomatic.com (English program)
http://aquidamasco.podomatic.com (Spanish program)
http://radio700.eu/podcasts/damaskus/damaskus.xml (German program)

Kris Janssen

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[HCDX] Radio Damascus B10 schedule and news

2010-10-31 Thread Radio Damascus
Dear radio friends
I have been in contact with my good friends at Radio Damascus, the broadcasting 
service of the Syrian Arab Republic, to ask if some changes will be introduced 
with the start of the B10 schedule and here are their answers :
Regarding frequencies and program changes : 
The frequencies of Radio Damascus B10 schedule are the same as for the A10 
schedule. Also no changes with regard to the programs are planned for the 
Times1600-1700 UTC/GMT Turkish daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and 
satellite 1700-1800 UTC/GMT Russian daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and 
satellite 1800-1900 UTC/GMT German daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and 
satellite 1900-2000 UTC/GMT French daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and 
satellite 2000-2100 UTC/GMT English daily on satellite 2100-2200 UTC/GMT 
English daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 2200-2300 UTC/GMT Spanish 
daily 9.330 Khz, 12.085 Khz and satellite 
(note : 12.085 Khz is only irregular on the air)
783 Khz Mediumwave : 1600 - 1830 UTC/GMT Hebrew 1830 - 1900 UTC/GMT Russian 
SatelliteHot Bird at 13.0°E : 12380 Mhz Nilesat at 7.0°W : 11823 Mhz Badr / 
Arabsat at 26.0°E : 12054 MhzAsiasat 2 at 100.5° E : 3820 Mhz
Shortwave 9.330 Khz / 31 meter band and 12.085 Khz / 25 meter band
Mediumwave 783 Khz
Or you can download the audio recording of the daily program on the internet at 
the following direct links : 
http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.php or athttp://www.radio-damascus.net
Radio Damascus' English, Spanish and German program are now also available as 
a podcast:
http://radiodamascusenglish.podomatic.com (English 
program)http://aquidamasco.podomatic.com (Spanish 
program)http://radio700.eu/podcasts/damaskus/damaskus.xml (German program)
You can add the Radio Damascus' podcasts to your podcasts in Apple's Itunes and 
take it with you on your Ipod or other media player as an MP3 file.
Regarding the weak performance of the shortwave transmitters : 
Radio Damascus is still planning to install a new shortwave transmitter to 
replace the old worn-out transmitters at Adra shortwave station. A new tender 
is now being discussed, and according to the company involved, it will take 
about 6 months to install the new transmitters.
Regarding an internet stream to broadcast the program live on the internet  : 
In addition to the existing listen-on-demand option 
at http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.phpa meeting will be arranged in the very 
near future with those in charge with this matter to set up a direct audio 
stream for the live programs. So please stay tuned for this great news. 

The Radio Damascus staff does highly value when you write to them with your 
commentaries about the programs or reception reports about the transmissions.
Their address is :Radio DamascusP.O. Box 4702DamascusSyrian Arab Republic
http://www.radio-damascus.netemail : radiodamascusengl...@yahoo.com
http://www.radio-damascus-listeners-club.tk orhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/radio_damascus
http://www.syriaonline.sy (RTV English 
Website)http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.php (audio 
recordings)http://www.rtv.gov.sy (RTV Arabic Website)
http://radiodamascusenglish.podomatic.com (English 
program)http://aquidamasco.podomatic.com (Spanish 
program)http://radio700.eu/podcasts/damaskus/damaskus.xml (German program)
greetingsKris JanssenBelgium

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Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October

2010-10-31 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel

Some more logs of this morning Oct 31:

3965 RFI Paris Issoudun in French in pure AM mode at 1-2 UT, powerhouse
3985.06v Croatian R Deanovec, pop mx, S=9+10dB. at 0110 UT.
5905 - UNID noted white noise jamming at 0120 UT, probably test against
 Voice of Burma winter transmission ???
5954.185 UNID heterodyne against 5955 even at 0120 UT, Republica?, Spanish
 heard S=7, weak to fair.
6075 DWL German night sce from Sines-Portugal relay, rather poor signal
 from southern direction. S=8 1-2 UT.
6130 Radio Tirana-Albania, En sce at 0137 UT, more than fair signal here in
 dead skip zone, S=9+20dB, items about Kosovo election, negotiations
 with Serbia...
6959.96 Pirate in Spanish mx, 0145 UT. S=5-6 suffering signal.
5818.02 Pirate R Orion, S=5 at 0828 UT 31 Oct.
7610 Pirate 0842 UT, Italian announcer, S=6-7 weak.
6075/9545/13780 DWL German at 0900 UT AM mode superpower signals.
5898.00 Number station in Spanish. From US intellig. service to Cuban spy?
 around 0828-0830 UT. At same time RHabanaCuba Quivican En 6150,
 Sp 6060 kHz both at 8-9! UT, S=8-9.
7245 carrier only, tiny, probably Mauritania at 0837 UT.
9410 RUI in English, not strong, only poor to fair S=8, at 0843 UT.
11610 R Tatarstan via Samara, carrier still open early at 0849 UT,
 Russian progr 0910-1000 UT.
11565 WHRI En, poor S=6 signal 0848 UT, backlobe signal into Europe.
11925 TRT Cakirlar, same audio distortion (in summer on 11955),
 Turk at 0858 UT S=9+10dB.
12105 (in summer 11645) new VoGreece winter frequency.
 Radio Filia relays in various langs. S=9+15dB at 0900 UT.
12257.14 UNIDentified internat. broadcaster in GB_like English accent,
 nx at 0900 UT, possibly internal spur of Eton E1?
 Not \\ to RA Shepparton.
 AUS and NZL stations much fluttery from the western path, via
 Colombia/Acores/Atlantic this morning.
15160 Kimje Korea super power signal from the East. S=9+25dB, 0905 UT.
15341.15 very odd heterodyne signal this morning at 0920 UT. S=8-9 signal.
 Most probably RTM via Nador-MRC relay, progr content in Arabic and
 French interspersed. Odd signal against co-ch CRI Xian Chinese
 broadcast on even 15340.00.
73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 9:23 AM

Subject: Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October


... clashing with IRIB English service "Voice of Justice" 0130-0230,
both at 53422. This is from the new B10 schedule for both stations,
both targeting North America, HFCC should have avoided such a clash!?

Yes, that's the terriblest co-channel registration of two broadcaster I
noticed in the first hour of the season last night too.

Russians last night to Americas, Oct 31:

6065 VoR St.P Sp at 01, Ru at 02 UT, S=9+40dB, co-ch IRIB Sirjan weak
6240 VoR En Caleidoscope via GRI-MDA, 01-03 UT, heavy 50 Hz buzz,
7210 VoR 01-03 Sp via Moscow tx, most powerful stn last night,
\\ 6065 St.P.
7220 VoR Russian 01 UT, via GRI-MDA. \\ 7430 ERV-ARM. S=9+40dB.
7225 VoR different Ru program from Samara towards AF 00-03 UT. S=9+10dB.
7250 Terrible mixture of both En txions, VoR En via Krasnodar ARM to NoAM
 S=9+30dB, and IRIB Tehran En to NoAM too, - underneath !!!
7280 VoR, Sp at 02 UT via Krasnodar ARM, terremoto and vulcanos on
 Kamchatka, S=9+30dB.
7430 VoR Russian via ERV-Armenia, little 50 Hz buzz, S=9+40dB, \\
7440 UKR RUI via Lviv Krasne, only S=7 here, too much northwards lobe to
to NoAM, Ukr 02-03 UT
odd 7506.29 WRNO, En sermon, 0215 UT, S=7-8
9305 R Cairo EGY, Ar, prayer broadband 9284-9329 kHz terrible sound. 0225

9650 UNID Chinese at 02-03 UT, S=8-9. Puzzled me, but discovered that TRT
 "9650 0200-0300 CAK 500 284 SPANISH AF/AMs/SoEUR"
 the text then talked on the program and the Mandarin ID at 0232 UT
 showed clearly TRT Mandarin instead of scheduled Spanish broadcast,
 TRT Chinese Mandarin program was broadcast here, via Cakirlar tx.

9735 VoR in Sp via GUF site, S=7, 1/10th sec ahead! of 7280ARM, but 1/10th
 sec behind 7210 MSK powerhouse in \\.
9865 VoR in Sp at 0240 UT, S=9+20dB. 00-04 UT via Samara site, in sync
 7210MSK, 1/2 sec ahead of 7280ARM in \\
9965 VoR in Sp via ERV-Armenia, weak signal just above threshold, ahead of
 7280ARM, 1 sec ahead of 7210MSK, 9735GUF.
73 wb

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[HCDX] Logs

2010-10-31 Thread Manuel Méndez
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, España

Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600G
Antena de cable, 8 metros

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0615-0620, 30-10, canciones
brasileñas. 24322. (Méndez)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0550-0554, 31-10, canciones
brasileñas. 24322. (Méndez)

5045, Radio Cultura do Pará, Belém, 0608-0614, 31-10, canciones
brasileñas. Interferencia de Radio Habana Cuba en 5040. 23322. (Méndez)

5940, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0600-0608, 31-10, canciones religiosas,
portugués. En paralelo con 9665. 24322. (Méndez)

9565, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0801-0806, 31-10, canciones
religiosas, portugués, comentario religioso, locutor, programa "A Voz da
Libertaçao".  En paralelo con 11765. 24322. (Méndez)

9665, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0605-0610, 30-10, locutor, portugués,
comentario religioso. 14321. (Méndez)

9675, Radio Cançao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, 0806-0817, 31-10, locutor,
locutora, portugués, programa religioso, comentario sobre misiones en
Africa. 34433. (Méndez)

15189.7, Radio Inconfidencia, Bello Horizonte, 1400-1407, 30-10,
locutor, comentarios, portugués, canciones, identificación:
"Inconfidencia", locutora. 14321.
También escuchada 0818-0835, 31-10, programa "Trem Caipira", canciones
brasileñas y comentarios por locutor, identificación: "Trem Caipira,
Inconfidencia". 24322. (Méndez)

COSTA RICA, 3350, Radio Exterior de España, Cariari, 0553-0600*, 31-10,
canciones, a las 0600 señales horarias, locutora, identificación: "Radio
Exterior de España, son las 6 Tiempo Universal, nos despedimos de
nuestros oyentes en Centroamérica y sur de Norteamérica hasta las 12
horas, Tiempo Universal, 6 de la mañana en Centroamérica, en que
volveremos por las frecuencias de 9765 y 15170 kHz. Radio Exterior de
España". Cierre. 35433. (Méndez)

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, *0825-0832, 31-10, apertura
con música andina, himno, locutora, quechua, identificación: "HCJB, La
Voz de los Andes, 6060 AM, onda corta, 6050 khz", señales horarias.
34433. (Méndez)

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 0550-0605, 30-10, música
clásica, a las 0604 identificación: "Radio Educación, escúchenos por
1060 AM, en internet, www.radioeducacion.edu.mx, y por onda corta, 6185
kHz, banda internacional de 49 metros.". 24322. (Méndez)

4790, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0546-0550, 30-10, locutor, programa
religioso, español, comentarios. Muy débil. 15321. (Méndez)

6019.3, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0614-0622, 31-10, canciones y comentarios
religiosos, español. En paralelo con 9720. 14321. (Méndez)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0610-0614. 30-10, programa religioso,
español, comentarios. 14321. (Méndez)

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[HCDX] Sat Eve Dx

2010-10-31 Thread Charles Bolland
Peru, 4746.89, Radio Hunta Dos Mil, 2340-2350,   At
first noted a female in live Spanish
comments.  Then a moment later a couple of canned
promos followed with music.
The signal was poor with noise.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 30, 2010)
Mariana Islands, 15430, Radio Free Asia, (pres)
2350-2359, Noted a program of Chinese 
language comments by two males and a female.Signal
was good and steady during the period.  
Noted a parallel broadcast on 15485 and 15585 KHz all
listed relays from Mariana Islands.
  (Chuck Bolland, October 30, 2010)
26N 81W
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Re: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October

2010-10-31 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel


... clashing with IRIB English service "Voice of Justice" 0130-0230,
both at 53422. This is from the new B10 schedule for both stations,
both targeting North America, HFCC should have avoided such a clash!?

Yes, that's the terriblest co-channel registration of two broadcaster I
noticed in the first hour of the season last night too.

Russians last night to Americas, Oct 31:

6065 VoR St.P Sp at 01, Ru at 02 UT, S=9+40dB, co-ch IRIB Sirjan weak
6240 VoR En Caleidoscope via GRI-MDA, 01-03 UT, heavy 50 Hz buzz, S=9+25dB.
7210 VoR 01-03 Sp via Moscow tx, most powerful stn last night, S=9+60dB!!!,
\\ 6065 St.P.
7220 VoR Russian 01 UT, via GRI-MDA. \\ 7430 ERV-ARM. S=9+40dB.
7225 VoR different Ru program from Samara towards AF 00-03 UT. S=9+10dB.
7250 Terrible mixture of both En txions, VoR En via Krasnodar ARM to NoAM
S=9+30dB, and IRIB Tehran En to NoAM too, - underneath !!!
7280 VoR, Sp at 02 UT via Krasnodar ARM, terremoto and vulcanos on
Kamchatka, S=9+30dB.
7430 VoR Russian via ERV-Armenia, little 50 Hz buzz, S=9+40dB, \\ 6065,7220
7440 UKR RUI via Lviv Krasne, only S=7 here, too much northwards lobe to
to NoAM, Ukr 02-03 UT
odd 7506.29 WRNO, En sermon, 0215 UT, S=7-8
9305 R Cairo EGY, Ar, prayer broadband 9284-9329 kHz terrible sound. 0225 UT

9650 UNID Chinese at 02-03 UT, S=8-9. Puzzled me, but discovered that TRT
"9650 0200-0300 CAK 500 284 SPANISH AF/AMs/SoEUR"
the text then talked on the program and the Mandarin ID at 0232 UT
showed clearly TRT Mandarin instead of scheduled Spanish broadcast,
TRT Chinese Mandarin program was broadcast here, via Cakirlar tx.

9735 VoR in Sp via GUF site, S=7, 1/10th sec ahead! of 7280ARM, but 1/10th
sec behind 7210 MSK powerhouse in \\.
9865 VoR in Sp at 0240 UT, S=9+20dB. 00-04 UT via Samara site, in sync with
7210MSK, 1/2 sec ahead of 7280ARM in \\
9965 VoR in Sp via ERV-Armenia, weak signal just above threshold, ahead of
7280ARM, 1 sec ahead of 7210MSK, 9735GUF.

73 wb

- Original Message - 
From: "Eike Bierwirth" Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:53 AM

Subject: [HCDX] Quick logs 30/31 October

Russia: Voice of Russia, 31 Oct, 0122 UTC, 7220 kHz, Russian language,
cold war, 55343. This is new B10 schedule.

Russia: Voice of Russia, 31 Oct, 0130 UTC, 7250 kHz, English language,
forest fires, clashing with IRIB English service "Voice of Justice"
0130-0230, both at 53422. This is from the new B10 schedule for both
stations, both targeting North America, HFCC should have avoided such a

Eike Bierwirth
Leipzig / Germany
JRC NRD525 + PA0RDT MiniWhip antenna 

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[HCDX] The last two minutes (ever?) from S ölvesborg

2010-10-31 Thread Christian Stödberg
The last two minutes (ever?) from Sölvesborg MW yesterday  
21.58-22.00UTC with SR P1.


In memorian Sölvesborg
Chris SM6VPU
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