[HCDX] Nov. 15 logs

2010-11-15 Thread Lúcio Bobrowiec
5995, R. Mali, Bamako. November, 15 0704-0712 male in French talks, outside 
talks. Weak but clear, 23432 (lob-B).
7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. November, 15 0713-0723 Arabic style music, male 
in local language talks. 35433, (lob-B).
7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 15 0723-0733 male and female in English 
talks, female announcements on music; 25422. 0755-0805 English Pop music 
selections, male in English top of the hour announcements on music “R. 
Vanuatu..program”, then female alternating male. 35333, (lob-B).
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec – Embu SP Brasil - Sony SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m, Longwire 

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[HCDX] Amanecer also in Milan

2010-11-15 Thread Giampiero58
Some tips in Milan city, Italy. Finally Amanecer was here too, weak signal
but for few minutes not so bad.

5954.2 14/11 2300 Radio Republica, tx ELCOR, Costa Rica. Political talks and
some music, weak/fair. Long fading with some nice peaks. (Bernardini) 

6025,07 14/11 2325 Radio Amanecer, Dominican Republic, slow music, some
religious talks by male and female over the music, weak. Another station was
on 6024,98 could be Patria Nueva from Bolivia. (Bernardini)

9370 13/11 0134 VOA Deewa, via Sri Lanka, Pashtu presumed, reports mentionig
Pakistan, Taliban, Washington. Good //9380 via Thailand, fair (Bernardini)

11580 13/11 0112 Radio Pakistan, Urdu presumed, long talks, poor to fair,
long deep fading (Bernardini)

11530 14/11 1116 Denge Mezopotamya, clandestine to Kurdistan, longs songs,
low modulation, good (Bernardini)

11650 14/11 1120 KFBS (presumed), Saipan, Mariana Isl., in Russian,
religious program with talks and slow songs, good (Bernardini)

11710.74 12/11 0104 Radio Nacional, Argentina, slow songs, talks, weak. The
day after the channel was dominated by China, till s.off at 0130. Then
weak/fair signal with songs on 11710.66 (Bernardini)

12140 14/11 1125 Radio Free Afghanistan,Clandestine via Kuwait, interview,
weak, abrupt off air at 1129, then back at 1130 with better signal, fair

15260 14/11 1057 AWR, Guam, end of the BC, off at 1059, fair (Bernardini)

15295 14/11 1002 Voice of Malaysia, Asian pop songs, fair (Bernardini)

15785 14/11 1110 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks in Hebrew, fair with slow fading

17700 14/11 1039 Radio Pakistan, slow songs, fair, fading //15100

17895 14/11 1044 All India Radio, Indian songs, English, fair (Bernardini)

21540 14/11 1035 Radio Kuwait, in Arabic, reports, good (Bernardini)

21715 14/11 1030 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, report in Farsi mentioning a
lot of time Iran, good (higher BC frequency today) //17840  15690

RX: Perseus - ANT: T2FD - QTH: Milano, Italia

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia

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[HCDX] logs for 11 and 12

2010-11-15 Thread Zacharias Liangas



5985 Shiokaze 1423  with talks by YL in JJ with music background  signal 
S9 some qrm to Myanmar sudden s/off 1429
5770 Myanmar forces on S3 but nearly  no modulation , full of QRM


6090 Amhara state 1859 with HoA song , talks by OM then a HoA song 
1903 with hymn  1905* S9 324x2
7240 WYFR 1800 is supposed to transmit in Greek ,but only English 
language  was heard . Head on Friday and Saturday S20
7255 V o Nigeria 2143 with short Quran then talk sby OM in Hausa a/o 
Arabic 2145 quran preaches 2159 with drum and bagpipe plays 2159 with 
an ID aas Nigeria cekecekera. Low modulation S5 324x2  QRM by CRI on 
7255 with S20 signal, best in USB
7280 BLR 2205 YL with news in Russian mentioning BRL and Hrodna 
Checked being //6010 Signal about S3  best hard on USB as signal on 7275 
is S20
7295 Traxx? 2210 with a jazz song  talks in English then again oldies  S0 
5045 Cultira do Para 2220 with signal S5over S3 QRN  , 24222 with 
marginally heard talks due to high QRN
4885 Clube do Para at S3 on 2225
7530 Xuab Xaa zoo moo again tested  with sub-marginal signal S0 . Whichis 
the transmitter?
6115 Haixia? 2236 YL /girl talking with a  team followed her , as like a 
catholic religious sermon S4 24322
6140 RHC  with prg Iberia Americana 2238 with ID S7 //5040 3
9675 Radio Cancao nova 2240  mixed English an Portuguese  talks of 
religious content S4
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd

http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE 
http://sites.google.com/site/zliangas (replacement of geocities)
http://zliangas.blogspot.com  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)
http://www.youtube.com/zach0gr some videos


http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315/ (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgrpictures upload 
http://www.google.com/reader/shared/06600224598981072865  (social 
news )

http://zlgr.stumbleupon.com  (my social 'bookmarks' )

Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 14-15, 2010

2010-11-15 Thread Glenn Hauser
** ANTARCTICA. 15476, can`t detect even a carrier from LRA36, Monday Nov 15 at 
1401, 1443 chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 12174, center of hugely distorted blob, spur from SRDA, Nov 14 at 
2244, hard to // to poor signal on 11765, but surely so as previously confirmed 
source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 15:
 8400, good at 1339 in drumming segment
10500, very good at 1351 but with some IADs
No other found up to 18 MHz by 1358 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 7220, Nov 15 at 1522, romantic piano music, then Japanese 
announcement, so it`s CRI at 15-16, 300 kW, 59 degrees from Jinhua site, and 
also USward, making it the SSOB below 7490; no QRhaM either, avoided by them. 
SSOB used to be R. Australia 7240, but not any more, weak something, tho still 
sked from 1400 to Pacific (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. 15230, CRI English via Sackville missing Nov 15 at 1442, 
leaving the frequency to Cuba which started using it last week instead of 
planned and short-lived 15390. The two had been colliding, Commies vs Commies, 
but apparently CRI has conceded, unusual for them. It`s scheduled 13-15, so are 
both hours off, or moved elsewhere? Also still on 13675 via Sackville (Glenn 

** CUBA. Looking for the alleged new times for Esperanto from RHC on Sundays: 
Nov 14 at 2105 nothing audible on 11760 tho I was inside a 
signal-repelling/absorbing building, a disappointing high-school performance of 
The Music Man with terrible acoustix in a gym; when I got outside at 2130 there 
was no signal on 11760 either tho RHC 11770 was fine. So I think the 2100-2130 
Sunday Esperanto on Arnie`s schedule is imaginary. 

The next one is supposedly at 2230-2300 on 15370. That frequency was on the air 
Sunday Nov 14 at 2231, but in French, not Esperanto, urgently translating the 
spoutings of El Hugazo. The website schedule shows 15370 not starting until 
2300, in Creole, and no French on any frequency at 2230. So perhaps French 
stands in for no available program this week in Esp`o. (As in previous report, 
none at 1500 either on 11760.)

Meanwhile I also checked some of the Sunday afternoon Spanish programming 
against the website program schedule. On 15230 at 2236, Mundo de la Filatelia 
was in progress, giving postal addresses of two Cuban collectors who want to 
exchange stamps, one in Habana, another in Tunas, and there are usually several 
more each week. 

There is lite SAH on 15230, presumably R. Australia, but no modulation from it 
audible under Cuba [see also CHINA]. At 2257 I was on 6140, the new all-day 
frequency ex-6110, as Cuba Campesina was opening, and at 2301 also on // 9820 
but this frequency is the perpetually lo-fi and distorted transmitter, best 
avoided, especially during music. Is it the transmitter or the program feed 
line to blame??

What time are these two on the schedule at 
? Unknown since the 21:00-23:00 UTC Domingo period is just a Revista 
Iberoamericana, containing features which at other dayparts get their own 
individual listings. When last we checked for Monitoring Reminders Calendar, 
Cuba Campesina was 2200/2225, preceded by En Contacto varying between 2142 and 
2200. So CC has also shifted one UT hour later now, and likely so has EC around 
2242 instead of 2142 UT. Next update of MRC will show them one hour later than:

2142/2200 RHC EN CONTACTO 5040 6140 9820 11730 11770 15230 [time varies] DX 
2200/2225 RHC CUBA CAMPESINA 5040 6140 9820 11730 11770 15230 [time varies] 

What about the `0135` non-final repeat [since there are more later in the night 
never published in schedules] of En Contacto UT Mondays? No, when I check at 
0148 Nov 15 there is a sports report but EC with the Uruguay report is underway 
at 0239, so that too has moved one hour later. Here`s the Sunday evening 
schedule on website, meaning UT Mondays! which it seems we must also add one 
hour to, even if RHC itself never gets around to it:

24:00 UTC Domingo Noticiero
24:10 UTC Domingo Cadena Deportiva Panamericana [really 1 hour later]
01:00 UTC Domingo Noticiero
01:10 UTC Domingo Somos Jóvenes
01:25 UTC Domingo Andar la Habana
01:30 UTC Domingo Boletín
01:35 UTC Domingo En Contacto [confirmed one hour later]
01:50 UTC Domingo En Compañía del Doctor
02:00 UTC Domingo Noticiero
02:10 UTC Domingo El Mundo de la Filatelia
02:30 UTC Domingo Boletín
02:35 UTC Domingo Amigos de Cuba [mailbag]
02:55 UTC Domingo Menciones y Promociones
03:00 UTC Domingo Noticiero
03:10 UTC Domingo Indagaciones [investigations, of what?]
03:30 UTC Domingo Al Encuentro de América
04:00 UTC Domingo Noticiero
04:10 UTC Domingo El Idioma de Cervantes [the Castilian language]
04:20 UTC Domingo Así es mi Tierra
04:30 UTC Domingo Boletín
04:35 UTC Domingo La Cultura en Cuba
04:53 UTC Domingo Andar la Habana

DentroCuban Jamming Command 

[HCDX] DXpedition

2010-11-15 Thread Mikhail Timofeyev

Here are my observations of our local DXpedition:



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Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 95, Issue 16

2010-11-15 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Nov. 15 logs (L?cio Bobrowiec)
   2. Amanecer also in Milan (Giampiero58)
   3. logs for 11 and 12 (Zacharias Liangas )
   4. Glenn Hauser logs November 14-15, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. DXpedition (Mikhail Timofeyev)
   6. QSL Report from Al Muick (Albert Muick)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:47:53 -0800 (PST)
From: L?cio Bobrowiec eefi...@yahoo.com.br
To: Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com, cumbr...@n2jeu.net,
playdx2...@yahoogroups.com, d...@yahoogroups.com,
g...@apple.email.ne.jp, anker.peter...@mail.dk,
Subject: [HCDX] Nov. 15 logs
Message-ID: 1817.32250...@web36906.mail.mud.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

5995, R. Mali, Bamako. November, 15 0704-0712 male in French talks, outside 
talks. Weak but clear, 23432 (lob-B).
7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. November, 15 0713-0723 Arabic style music, male 
in local language talks. 35433, (lob-B).
7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 15 0723-0733 male and female in English 
talks, female announcements on music; 25422. 0755-0805 English Pop music 
selections, male in English top of the hour announcements on music ?R. 
Vanuatu..program?, then female alternating male. 35333, (lob-B).
L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec ? Embu SP Brasil - Sony SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m, Longwire 



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 15:16:54 +0100
From: Giampiero58 giampier...@fastwebnet.it
To: d...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: HCDX hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com
Subject: [HCDX] Amanecer also in Milan
Message-ID: 38210d04437947e1a3dca845ba721...@bernardini
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Some tips in Milan city, Italy. Finally Amanecer was here too, weak signal
but for few minutes not so bad.

5954.2 14/11 2300 Radio Republica, tx ELCOR, Costa Rica. Political talks and
some music, weak/fair. Long fading with some nice peaks. (Bernardini) 

6025,07 14/11 2325 Radio Amanecer, Dominican Republic, slow music, some
religious talks by male and female over the music, weak. Another station was
on 6024,98 could be Patria Nueva from Bolivia. (Bernardini)

9370 13/11 0134 VOA Deewa, via Sri Lanka, Pashtu presumed, reports mentionig
Pakistan, Taliban, Washington. Good //9380 via Thailand, fair (Bernardini)

11580 13/11 0112 Radio Pakistan, Urdu presumed, long talks, poor to fair,
long deep fading (Bernardini)

11530 14/11 1116 Denge Mezopotamya, clandestine to Kurdistan, longs songs,
low modulation, good (Bernardini)

11650 14/11 1120 KFBS (presumed), Saipan, Mariana Isl., in Russian,
religious program with talks and slow songs, good (Bernardini)

11710.74 12/11 0104 Radio Nacional, Argentina, slow songs, talks, weak. The
day after the channel was dominated by China, till s.off at 0130. Then
weak/fair signal with songs on 11710.66 (Bernardini)

12140 14/11 1125 Radio Free Afghanistan,Clandestine via Kuwait, interview,
weak, abrupt off air at 1129, then back at 1130 with better signal, fair

15260 14/11 1057 AWR, Guam, end of the BC, off at 1059, fair (Bernardini)

15295 14/11 1002 Voice of Malaysia, Asian pop songs, fair (Bernardini)

15785 14/11 1110 Galei Zahal, Israel, talks in Hebrew, fair with slow fading

17700 14/11 1039 Radio Pakistan, slow songs, fair, fading //15100

17895 14/11 1044 All India Radio, Indian songs, English, fair (Bernardini)

21540 14/11 1035 Radio Kuwait, in Arabic, reports, good (Bernardini)

21715 14/11 1030 Radio Farda, via Sri Lanka, report in Farsi mentioning a
lot of time Iran, good (higher BC frequency today) //17840  15690

RX: Perseus - ANT: T2FD - QTH: Milano, Italia

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia