Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 97, Issue 23

2011-01-22 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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Today's Topics:

   1. Sound bite mp3 for logging (Charles Bolland)
   2. Sat Morn DX (Charles Bolland)
   3. Logs for 20 (Zacharias Liangas )
   4. Florida - Brasil - Australia (Robert Wilkner)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs January 21-22, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. Jan. 18, 19 logs (L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec)
   7. Saturday DX (Charles Bolland)
   8. Sunday early DX (Charles Bolland)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 10:21:25 -
From: "Charles Bolland" 
To: "ALF" , "Arnaldo slaen"
,  "Bob Wilkner" ,
"brainman214" ,Carlos
GonA?alves,  "Cumbre" ,
"'DSWCI'" ,   "Gayle Van Horn"
, "Glenn Hauser"
,   "Hard-core-dx" ,
"Marie Lamb" 
Subject: [HCDX] Sound bite mp3 for logging

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Ecuador,  4814.974, Radio El Buen Pastor, Tent,
0001-0030,  Noted a male and
female in Spanish language comments which sound like
news items.  At 0004 
a second male joins with the couple. At 0011 promos
presented. If someone 
listens to the mp3 file attached, they will hear an ID
by a female at 03:05 minutes
into the recording. It didn't sound like "El Buen
Pastor".  I  couldn't copy it. 
My hearing is too old at this point in my life. After
some comments by a male,
music presented at 0024.  Signal was poor with QRM in
(Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2011)
26N 081W


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 11:10:17 -
From: "Charles Bolland" 
To: "ALF" , "Arnaldo slaen"
,  "Bob Wilkner" ,
"brainman214" ,Carlos
GonA?alves,  "Cumbre" ,
"'DSWCI'" ,   "Gayle Van Horn"
, "Glenn Hauser"
,   "Hard-core-dx" ,
"Marie Lamb" 
Subject: [HCDX] Sat Morn DX

Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

Bolivia, 6134.801, Radio Santa Cruz, 1025-1035,  Noted
a male in Spanish
comments.  At about 1029 he mentions "Santa Cruz"
during his comments.
At 1031 heard canned promos or ADs.  Signal was poor
this morning.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
Peru, 6019.236, Radio Victoria, 1035-1045,  Due to a
stronger station on 6020kHz
broadcasting, Radio Victoria is only threshold at this
time with Spanish comments
by a male.  The station on 6020 is Radio Australia in
Pidgin language.  (Chuck
Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
Brazil, 4865.031, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1050-1110,
Prior to 1000 signal was threshold,
but after 1000 noted a female in Portuguese language
comments between music.  Although
this frequency is usually activie with other Brazilian
stations, Verdes Florestas is the
only station heard here this morning and it was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2011)
WR G31ddc
26N 081W


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 10:58:24 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " 
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs for 20
Message-ID: <4d3ab850.27757.13c...@greekdx.otenet.gr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Logs for 20-1-11 posted on web on same date 

5010.0 unIDed 0514 with poor carrier an talks by YL in presumed - due to 
high local QRN -Spanish or PP lang. Is R Cristal in this freq now?

9690 ??? 0520 with talks in Farsi /Tajik  S1

15515 Kuwait Quran service 0524 with international news in Arabic. ID at the 
end of the feed S0

9835 RTM -Sarawak 1500+ with news in Malay . At 1510 with the  Malay 
song 'ku gembira disampingmu' dari Kahdijah Ibrahim , then with talks, with 
signal ard S3 max   . But abt 1520  the signal was covered by Turkmen 
service of radio liberty at S6

Also today 22/1 11945 R Australia  with  talks  by OM and country pop songs 
on 0851 and sign

[HCDX] Sunday early DX

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
India, 4800.00, AIR, Hyderabad,Tent,  0050-0110,  Noted
a male in a sort of chanting
mode until 0058 when he stops.  This is followed with
persons in conversation
in probably Hindu, but can't be sure due to QRM.  At
0105 heard music commence.
Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, January 23, 2011)
26N 081W
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published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Saturday DX

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Unident, 4865.018,  2315-2331  While checking the
frequency range from 4864 to 4866 KHz, 
I noticed three Radio Station images using the
WR-G31DDC Receiver.  From previous
checks of these frequencies, I knew that the frequency
of 4865.054 was Brazil's 
Radio Verdes Florestas.  The second frequency noted was
4864.562 which is probably
another Brazilian Radio Station that I haven't
identified yet.  The third frequency noted
of 4865.018 KHz may be Bolivia's Radio Logos, but that
is yet to be determined.  In
the meantime, the station on 4865.018 went off the air
at 2330 UTC.  AOKI's database
says that Logos goes off at 2300 while EIBI says they
go off at 0200 and there's no
schedule mentioned in last year's WRTH for Logos.
Unfortunately the audio on these
three Radio Stations is very threshold if heard at all.
In the meantime, I intend to 
continue checking out this frequency range with hopes
of hearing something 
eventually.   (Chuck Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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[HCDX] Jan. 18, 19 logs

2011-01-22 Thread Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
4950, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos. January, 18 2205-2217 male in Portuguese 
talks, news program "ontem em Bruxelas, a União Européia..direitos humanos", 
canned announcements by male "R. Nacional de Angola..informação", female 
announcements, slow African music, slow Spanish music. Partially readable, 
35222 (lob-B).


4451, Bolivia, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma. January, 18 2320-2330 male in 
Spanish talks in messages service program "recibir su respuesta". Degrading, 
3 (lob-B). 


4826, Peru, R. Sicuani, Sicuani. January, 18 2331-2343 male in Spanish talks, 
ads, Romantic Spanish music, Pop Spanish music. 24332, (lob-B).


4940, Peru, R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya. January, 18 2343-2357 local music 
selections, short male in Spanish talks between music, male talks segment, 
talks sounding like ads. Almost unreadable but I caught a consistent ID by male 
"R. San Antonio", strong Brazilian 4935 QRM, 32322 (lob-B).


7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. January, 19 0814-0824 female interviewing male in 
local language. // 3945 wich was weaker, 23322 (lob-B).


5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. January, 19 0825-0837 two male in English 
discussion, male and female on music; able to pick up few words like "country, 
violence, program". 22332, (lob-B).




Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil

SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 21-22, 2011

2011-01-22 Thread Glenn Hauser
** ALBANIA [and non]. 9915 via ASCENSION, BBCWS news in English mentioning 
people killed in violent Tirana demonstrations, Jan 21 at 2202. How did R. 
Tirana report on this? Missed monitoring that day, but remaining Saturday 
chances before the Sunday day-off are:

1945-2000 7465, 11635
2100-2130 7530, 9895
0130-0145 6130
0245-0300 6130
0330-0400 6100
0430-0500 6100

Here`s VOA`s report on what is happening:

** CHINA [and non]. 9380, Jan 22 at 1357, Firedrake with good signal; seems // 
the weaker FD in the mix on 6030; 9380 went off a few sex before 1400*.

The jammee on 9380 must be Deutsche Welle, in Chinese, 100 kW, 71 degrees via 
Tajikistan at 13-14, the only thing scheduled here.

There has been FD on 9380 before, in A-10, but I think against something else. 
Is ChiCom jamming of DW anything new? Check the other frequencies. Their entire 
Mandarin schedule per WRTH 2011 is:
1300-1330 12010-Singapore
1300-1400 6225-Kazakhstan, 9380-Tajikistan, 11945 & 13735-Sri Lanka
2300-2400 6090-Korea S, 9865-Singapore, 11830-Petropavlovsk, Russia

** CUBA [and non]. 5745, DCJC noise about equal level with Harold Camping, Jan 
22 at 0642. What WYFR gets for time-sharing a frequency with R. Martí (Glenn 

** EGYPT. 6270, Jan 21 at 2212 open carrier, no doubt R. Cairo; 2214 timesignal 
audible, and then a trace of talk, i.e. the usual off-time pips introducing 
news circa the quarter-hour. At least we can imagine what they are broadcasting 
from long experience (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, poor signal Jan 21 at 2156, ``Tony 
Alámo`` audio cutting in and out as carrier also drops down and up. But some 
carrier always remains, presumably R. Inconfidência, whose call ZYE522 is 
typoed in the WRTH 2011 as ZYE622. 

Alamo is serving 175 years in Terre Haute federal prison for child sexual 
abuse, transporting girls across state lines for sex, but R. Africa tries its 
best to keep this monster on the air. From *2157, huge carrier from WHRI 15180 
becomes a problem, apparently active Fridays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA. 9870, instead of predominant Indian popular music on the AIR Vividh 
Bharati Service, Sat Jan 22 at 1416, there is a talk in Hindi frequently 
mentioning English terms ``mobile service provider``, ``mobile number 
portability``, ``prepaid``, all of which are presumably impossible to express 
in pure Hindi. I just wonder how they write English in the script, 
transliterated to Hindi letters or not? At first assumed to be a commercial, 
but same topic still going at 1419. After 1430 a drama (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. Until recently, Univisión had been visible on both ch 36 and 48 
low-powers from OKC in analog, but lately only on 48. Now we know why. When 
tropo bumped up the signal from 48 Jan 22 at 1530 UT, I scanned the UHF 
channels in DTV, and found UNI barely decoding on 36, displayed as 36-1 
KCHM-CA, so that one has finally flash-cut from NTSC to ATSC. 

According to W9WI.com listings, the old KCHM-CA had 12.53 kW ERP, while the new 
digital KCHM-CA (same call suffix) has 7.33 kW. But they are from slightly 
different transmitter sites.

OLD: 35-24-52.40N   97-30-32.00W
NEW: 35-24-53.80N   97-30-35.90W
The hotlinx to maps from coordinates on W9WI.com are Not Found. But the FCC 
Google map link shows both on the south side of OKC.

I wonder if they plan to keep 48 in analog as long as possible for the non-DTV 
OTA crowd, if any? It`s on the north side in Nichols Hills.

While pointed toward this, also had a `bad` DTV signal on 38, and OETA Ponca 
City was up strong when aimed toward it. Listed as analog 38 in OKC is KOHC-CA, 
50 kW with Azteca América, but I have never seen it; is it really on the air?

I also looked for KUOK-35 Woodward, which is supposedly the home full-power 
station being relayed by 36 and 48 in OKC, but no signal from it, so still way 
underpowered, while its LP neighbor, KOMI-34 was decoding as 24-1 KOMI-SD, 
infomercial at 1544.

Another remaining analog in OKC, KUOT-CA on 19 had sufficient tropo-enhanced 
signal, around 1540 UT, continuous religious audio, but mostly black screen 
with occasional flashes of video being transmitted! Hello?

Daystar`s KOCM, OKC DTV on 46 was still on the edge of decoding or not

** RUSSIA. 6075, Jan 22 at 1355 bits of music mixing with the motorboat from R. 
Rossii, Pet/Kam; late time-signal at 1400, and stayed on until 1401:17* mixing 
with Taiwan/ChiCom just starting. Still no sign of 8GAL on 6074 (Glenn Hauser, 

** SOUTH CAROLLINA [non]. 9385, WWRB, Jan 22 at 1449, Brother Scare with his 
insurmountable ego advises us to wait for him, The Overcomer

[HCDX] Florida - Brasil - Australia

2011-01-22 Thread Robert Wilkner

---Florida - Brasil - Australia -


171 Morocco Medi 1 0430 AR music and programming, decent signal with R8, 
746Pro modified for MW/LW and NRD 535D 21 January [Wilkner]

3290 Guyana, Voice of Guyana 0930 local announcements, pop music, notes 
on investments, Prime Minister reports, news on Cuba.."residents in 
coastal regions warned ...anniversary announcements "celebrating their 
14th...", 19 January [Wilkner]

3329.582 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1005 ments de Santa Maria and 
Lima, om announcements, OA music 19 January [Wilkner] decent reception 
1000 and 2330 to 0030 [XM-Cedar Key]

4409.8 Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes, fair to good signal from 2330 to 0030 
each local Florida evening [Wilkner XM-Cedar Key]

4451.2 Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma noted this week 
signing off as late as 0100 [Wilkner XM-Cedar Key]

4750 Bangladesh, Bangladesh Betar 1130 to 1145 some audio on 19 January. 
1130 to 11205 subcontinental music, time pips, 1200 news? interference 
by Espanol dos hombres UTE from 1155 14 January [Wilkner]

5952.494 Bolivia Pio XII, Siglo Veinte 0010 cochannel interference, 
narrow filter yl, 19 January [Wilkner]


7275, R. Nigeria, Abuja. January, 13 0620-0630 male and female in 
English talks, outside talks, news program "progress of Nigeria; you're 
listening R. Nigeria; listening to the people". 35333, (lob-B).

7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. January, 13 0631-0639 male reciting 
Alkoran, male and female on Arabic music. Weak, 24432 (lob-B).

7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. January, 14 0820-0830 Pacific music, female 
talks in an uncertain language, outside talks, back Pop music. 23322, 

4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. January, 14 0830-0838 music 
selections. Brazilian 4985 was off, poor 25322 (lob-B).

Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec
Embu SP Brasil
SW40 - Dipoles and Longwire


3279.93 La Voz del Napo, 1020, would think this is the one, threshold, 
with Spanish man. Only partial copy in USB, to escape heavy splatter 
from Radio Southern Highlands (PNG) on 3275. 20 Jan. (David Sharp, NSW 

3810 LSB HD2IOA Guayaquil, 1015, fair with continuous H:M:S time checks 
by a man. 20 Jan. (David Sharp, NSW: NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony 7600GR, 
Drake R8, Timewave 599zx and others…)

3290 GBC, 0958, presumed, mostly weak carrier with occasional comments 
by a man, breaking through. Into presumed news, or similar, after 1000. 
Thought I heard a reference to "Georgetown", but again, very weak. All 
alone with Radio Central (PNG) off the air. 20 Jan. (David Sharp, NSW: 
NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony 7600GR, Drake R8, Timewave 599zx and others…)

6130 Lao National Radio, 1313, very good with nice local vocals and 
woman announcer. Perhaps this is on a more regular schedule, than I had 
previously thought. Sam Neua and the External Service remain untraced. 
20 Jan. (David Sharp, NSW: NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony 7600GR, Drake R8, 
Timewave 599zx and others…)

6297.19 R. Nacional de la RASD, 1952, Arabic, fair with talk by a man. 
In the clear today but
have heard jamming on prior attempts. Jan 8. (David Sharp, NSW: 
NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony

7600GR, Drake R8, Timewave 599zx and others…)

7216.67 Radio Nacional de Angola, 1940, actually heard with a hint of 
audio, and best in USB to
escape China on 7215. Parallel 4949.76, which had decent audio today. 
Jan 8. (David Sharp, NSW:

NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony 7600GR, Drake R8, Timewave 599zx and others…)

11710.65 RAE, 0720, tentative with Japanese program. Very difficult copy 
with presumed China lowside.
Causing a massive het. Jan 6. (David Sharp, NSW: NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony 
7600GR, Drake R8,

Timewave 599zx and others…)

4810 Public Radio of Armenia, 1925, in Arabic 'till 1929, brief music 
and into lang (Armenian?)
until plug pulled at 1940. Usually off at 1930. Jan 8. (David Sharp, 
NSW: NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony

7600GR, Drake R8, Timewave 599zx and others…)

3209.999 0942, ex-Pifo transmitter noted with pop music-- sounded like a 
CD changer or computer
automated-- instead of religious px’ing. An amazingly strong S9+50dB 
(measured on the NRD-535D
and FT-950). Measured the freq on the FT-950. Jan 6. (David Sharp, NSW: 
NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony

7600GR, Drake R8, Timewave 599zx and others…)

4699.94 R. San Miguel, 0958, presumed the one, weak, with news (or 
similar), then into local
"yip-yippie" music at 1010. Lots of QRN from distant t-storm. Jan 7. 
(David Sharp, NSW)

6134.87 Radio Santa Cruz, 0954, Spanish, fair with news by a man, many 
"Santa Cruz" references,
all alone on freq. Jan 6. (David Sharp, NSW: NRD-535D, FT-950, Sony 
7600GR, Drake R8, Timewave

599zx and others…)

6115 Radio-Congo, 1812, French, tune-in to news magazine (which is 
normally heard this hour),
with local and regional stories, presented by

[HCDX] Sat Morn DX

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Bolivia, 6134.801, Radio Santa Cruz, 1025-1035,  Noted
a male in Spanish
comments.  At about 1029 he mentions "Santa Cruz"
during his comments.
At 1031 heard canned promos or ADs.  Signal was poor
this morning.
(Chuck Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
Peru, 6019.236, Radio Victoria, 1035-1045,  Due to a
stronger station on 6020kHz
broadcasting, Radio Victoria is only threshold at this
time with Spanish comments
by a male.  The station on 6020 is Radio Australia in
Pidgin language.  (Chuck
Bolland, Janaury 22, 2011)
Brazil, 4865.031, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1050-1110,
Prior to 1000 signal was threshold,
but after 1000 noted a female in Portuguese language
comments between music.  Although
this frequency is usually activie with other Brazilian
stations, Verdes Florestas is the
only station heard here this morning and it was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2011)
WR G31ddc
26N 081W
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Sound bite mp3 for logging

2011-01-22 Thread Charles Bolland
Ecuador,  4814.974, Radio El Buen Pastor, Tent,
0001-0030,  Noted a male and
female in Spanish language comments which sound like
news items.  At 0004 
a second male joins with the couple. At 0011 promos
presented. If someone 
listens to the mp3 file attached, they will hear an ID
by a female at 03:05 minutes
into the recording. It didn't sound like "El Buen
Pastor".  I  couldn't copy it. 
My hearing is too old at this point in my life. After
some comments by a male,
music presented at 0024.  Signal was poor with QRM in
(Chuck Bolland, January 22, 2011)
26N 081W
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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at